IF They Did It

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The day after (I think) Madeleine went missing Gerry left the apartment with buckets & spades for the twins & a suitcase. Why would he need a suitcase & why hasn't he been asked why he had it?
& no harm to the twins but I would not have been making sandcastles the day after my daughter went missing or shortly after I need to check on the day that happened, if anyone else knows please chip in TIA!
I am sure he has been asked why he had a suitcase.

I guess I just believed this suitcase thing, is there a photo?
Maryam, as I first stated to you a few days ago, I think your English is fantastic and my post certainly was not meant to offend.


I definitely did not think your response was offensive, not at all. I just thought we needed to re-phrase Maryam's post because I too, thought "lies" was a word we could not substantiate. I was trying to be sweet to Maryam as I re-phrased her post.

I definitely did not think your response was offensive, not at all. I just thought we needed to re-phrase Maryam's post because I too, thought "lies" was a word we could not substantiate. I was trying to be sweet to Maryam as I re-phrased her post.

No worries, I guess my post looks 'blunt' but wanted to make sure in no uncertain terms she new I was not being unkind.....dang - her posts are more articulate than mine!
I am sure he has been asked why he had a suitcase.

I guess I just believed this suitcase thing, is there a photo?

I remember searching for that as well. The closest I could find was this:


That's a fairly large duffel bag/tennis bag, could be reported as "suitcase" due to translation from Portuguese to English.

I don't think this was the actual day/time when it was reported because I cannot see any shovel or bucket.

But, you get the idea.
I remember searching for that as well. The closest I could find was this:


That's a fairly large duffel bag/tennis bag, could be reported as "suitcase" due to translation from Portuguese to English.

I don't think this was the actual day/time when it was reported because I cannot see any shovel or bucket.

But, you get the idea.

Thanks for the link :)

I would probably call that a sports (gear) bag or a hold-all. Since it's the only thing either of them is carrying, it's quite possible that the bucket and shovel are in the bag along with diaper changing items.
Maybe that is it but it was reported as a suitcase, would be interesting to know. Thanks for link Colomon
I think Pinkhammer has the right idea...many, many places. The area surrounding the resort is barren, desolate and there are numerous old wells, viaducts, caves and acres of large scrublands. There has also been the thought that Maddie might have been taken to the church.

As far as keeping a low profile....it is believed that one of the worst cases of narcissism (and meglomania) of our time was Adolph Hitler. You know what Hitler said? "The Bigger the Lie, the Stronger the Belief"

"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed,
for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more
easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The
primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a
big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies,
but would be ashamed to tell big lies."

It makes sense to me that keeping the lie in the public eye would actually create less suspicion than if the liar tried to keep a low profile.

Case Example: Tania Head and 9/11.

She fabricated being a victim, took a high profile position as President of World Trade Center Survivors Network and led tours of the site. Incredible that no one questioned her.
The high profile activities came from the very beginning with an emphasis upon other missing children and preventing abductions. In fact, Gerry's four-day trip to the United States about 2 1/2 months after Madeleine disappeared, was entirely focused upon preventing abductions--not focusing upon the search for Maddie. I've quoted it before but here it is again:

"Mr. McCann has already met US attorney general Alberto Gonzales to discuss efforts to tackle child abduction.

The meetings are part of a visit to the US to learn about the work of specialist agencies in preventing child trafficking and sexual abuse."


I think that the McCanns made a bargain with themselves and God, that they would work diligently and passionately for the welfare of other children. Madeleine's accidental death could be given meaning and other children would be safer.

There are other quotes from the McCanns where Kate talks about the "bigger picture" of other children being missing. She does this so early on with Madeleine's disappearance that it is quite unique. Yes, we all grieve in different ways, etc, etc, blah blah blah. That's why parents who lose a child so often end up divorced. This isn't a different way of grieving--this is at a speed that is again, unique.

My brother and his wife lost a newborn infant. A year later, they donated some furniture to the neonatal ICU for parents to have a place to sleep or rest. My friend who lost her son suddenly at 2 years old said she spent four years going to Compassionate Friends support group meetings before she continued for another 6 years to help others. No one I know who has lost a child is thinking about other people's children in the first three months--even the people who lost children to terminal illnesses such as leukemia. Six months was the earliest for people who knew their child was dying. Four years for one family whose daughter was abducted and missing, to even begin to accept that she might be dead, let alone start talking about other people's children.

It is inconsistent to talk about focusing only on the search for Madeleine and then make concerted efforts also to prevent child abductions.

So to me, no, the high profile activities don't necessarily mean they couldn't have been involved.
The high profile activities came from the very beginning with an emphasis upon other missing children and preventing abductions. In fact, Gerry's four-day trip to the United States about 2 1/2 months after Madeleine disappeared, was entirely focused upon preventing abductions--not focusing upon the search for Maddie. I've quoted it before but here it is again:

"Mr. McCann has already met US attorney general Alberto Gonzales to discuss efforts to tackle child abduction.

The meetings are part of a visit to the US to learn about the work of specialist agencies in preventing child trafficking and sexual abuse."


I think that the McCanns made a bargain with themselves and God, that they would work diligently and passionately for the welfare of other children. Madeleine's accidental death could be given meaning and other children would be safer.

There are other quotes from the McCanns where Kate talks about the "bigger picture" of other children being missing. She does this so early on with Madeleine's disappearance that it is quite unique. Yes, we all grieve in different ways, etc, etc, blah blah blah. That's why parents who lose a child so often end up divorced. This isn't a different way of grieving--this is at a speed that is again, unique.

My brother and his wife lost a newborn infant. A year later, they donated some furniture to the neonatal ICU for parents to have a place to sleep or rest. My friend who lost her son suddenly at 2 years old said she spent four years going to Compassionate Friends support group meetings before she continued for another 6 years to help others. No one I know who has lost a child is thinking about other people's children in the first three months--even the people who lost children to terminal illnesses such as leukemia. Six months was the earliest for people who knew their child was dying. Four years for one family whose daughter was abducted and missing, to even begin to accept that she might be dead, let alone start talking about other people's children.

It is inconsistent to talk about focusing only on the search for Madeleine and then make concerted efforts also to prevent child abductions.

So to me, no, the high profile activities don't necessarily mean they couldn't have been involved.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Makes ALOT of sense to me Texana! Good post!
Case Example: Tania Head and 9/11.

She fabricated being a victim, took a high profile position as President of World Trade Center Survivors Network and led tours of the site. Incredible that no one questioned her.

Sometimes human beings just make me shake my head in disbelief.

The high profile activities came from the very beginning with an emphasis upon other missing children and preventing abductions. In fact, Gerry's four-day trip to the United States about 2 1/2 months after Madeleine disappeared, was entirely focused upon preventing abductions--not focusing upon the search for Maddie. I've quoted it before but here it is again:

"Mr. McCann has already met US attorney general Alberto Gonzales to discuss efforts to tackle child abduction.

The meetings are part of a visit to the US to learn about the work of specialist agencies in preventing child trafficking and sexual abuse."


I think that the McCanns made a bargain with themselves and God, that they would work diligently and passionately for the welfare of other children. Madeleine's accidental death could be given meaning and other children would be safer.

There are other quotes from the McCanns where Kate talks about the "bigger picture" of other children being missing. She does this so early on with Madeleine's disappearance that it is quite unique. Yes, we all grieve in different ways, etc, etc, blah blah blah. That's why parents who lose a child so often end up divorced. This isn't a different way of grieving--this is at a speed that is again, unique.

My brother and his wife lost a newborn infant. A year later, they donated some furniture to the neonatal ICU for parents to have a place to sleep or rest. My friend who lost her son suddenly at 2 years old said she spent four years going to Compassionate Friends support group meetings before she continued for another 6 years to help others. No one I know who has lost a child is thinking about other people's children in the first three months--even the people who lost children to terminal illnesses such as leukemia. Six months was the earliest for people who knew their child was dying. Four years for one family whose daughter was abducted and missing, to even begin to accept that she might be dead, let alone start talking about other people's children.

It is inconsistent to talk about focusing only on the search for Madeleine and then make concerted efforts also to prevent child abductions.

So to me, no, the high profile activities don't necessarily mean they couldn't have been involved.

I so agree with you on this one. If God forbid I lost a child I would be way too grief stricken to even think about anyones elses loss.
The "bigger picture" hit me also & Gerry heading off to USA, it just did not make any sense for recently "bereaved" parents!
Sometimes human beings just make me shake my head in disbelief.


I agree, colomom. I've been doing a lot of that lately. This case has been a real lesson in the good, the bad, and the ugly of human nature.
I agree, colomom. I've been doing a lot of that lately. This case has been a real lesson in the good, the bad, and the ugly of human nature.

This one and especially one other that is in the news right now make me want to find a cave.....

How's it goin' AM...good weekend?
No-one knows they are bereaved and I hope they are NOT.

We all hope not as in: bereaved (n) - a person who has suffered the death of someone they loved.


They may well be: bereaved (adj) - sorrowful through loss or deprivation.

The adjective would make sense.
I so agree with you on this one. If God forbid I lost a child I would be way too grief stricken to even think about anyones elses loss.
The "bigger picture" hit me also & Gerry heading off to USA, it just did not make any sense for recently "bereaved" parents!

I agree. I would be extremely focused on my own loss - and I certainly wouldn't be out jogging. I'm sure my entire time would be spent searching for my child.
I agree. I would be extremely focused on my own loss - and I certainly wouldn't be out jogging. I'm sure my entire time would be spent searching for my child.

Why can't you search while you're out jogging?​
They could have kept the body in a number of places at the resort. Since her disappearance was reported as an abduction, the police failed to search the compound as thoroughly as they might have.

1. In the boot of a car rented by another member of the Tapas group.

If they kept the body in the car, it would have stunk to high heavens. They were at a beach resort, It was hot. I just don't think they could have hidden the body in the boot of the car....not for long anyway.

OR are you saying you think the body was kept there for storage during transportion only.
A friend of a friend lost her son at sea while on vacation. Within 2 months, she organized two different fund raisers in his name. All proceeds went to the children's hospital in our area.

People channel their feelings in different ways.
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