If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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And don't forget Dr. Spitz, who couldn't remember an interview he did 3 or 4 days earlier and did 60,000 autopsies in his career which someone did the math on and found the number a bit excessive.

Dr. Spitz has been investigating death for 45 years
IIRC, didn't Cindy state she heard of Zanny at least a year and a half prior to this whole thing happening? And, before that Casey had one of her friends watching Caylee, I want to say Christina but I could be wrong on the name.

Yes, Casey had been using the nanny for over a yr and a half. Lauren I think was the sitter, then the Grunds, then she used the Nanny excuse but she just took Caylee with her. Wonder why she wanted to take Caylee with her instead of leaving her with GA?
I think it was Lauren, but she was only a very sporadic babysitter. I have yet to pour through CA's depo, but I myself am convinced that GA was alone with Caylee quite a few times. GA depo top pg. 107

Something else to consider about the molestation charges ... why did FCA permit GA to be in the delivery room at the hospital when Caylee was born ? Certainly, you wouldn't the man who supposedly
molested you in the delivery room ?

I'd say Cindy controlled that. She pretty much controlled everything. And we wonder why Casey lies lol.
I see what you are saying but the same can be said if it was a murder. None of it makes sense, the truth was going to come out either way. Did she think she wouldn't have to ever divulge the truth about Caylee's whereabouts even if she was murdered? Either way she was covering it up.

KC said Caylee had been kidnapped, not murdered.

With a kidnapping theory, had Caylee's remains not been found, there never would have been a trial and LE would still be on the hunt for the so-called nanny.

Had Caylee not been found, the lies would have just continued and the truth never told.

Thank you for your tenacity Mr. RK!!!

I see there are some posts asking for links. Please remember that links can be requested when someone states something as a fact, so be ready to provide links when asked.

If it is just conjecture on your part or you are coming to a conclusion on your own or if you aren't sure about the information, please make that clear in your post.


Carry on peeps!
Yes, Casey had been using the nanny for over a yr and a half. Lauren I think was the sitter, then the Grunds, then she used the Nanny excuse but she just took Caylee with her. Wonder why she wanted to take Caylee with her instead of leaving her with GA?

George was employed.
KC said Caylee had been kidnapped, not murdered.

With a kidnapping theory, had Caylee's remains not been found, there never would have been a trial and LE would still be on the hunt for the so-called nanny.

Had Caylee not been found, the lies would have just continued and the truth never told.

Thank you for your tenacity Mr. RK!!!


I actually think that the SA might have had a better chance at getting a guilty verdict if Caylee was never found. If the DT would have stuck with the Zanny story she would have been found guilty. Whether or not we like it or if it's true, the accident theory was a brilliant move on the DT part. It provided an alternative to how Caylee died which was something that the SA couldn't prove.
I've never heard of that.. interesting!

I assumed she had some sort of dissociation disorder, not to the point of multiple personalities, much minor then that.

You would be best off assuming she is a psychopath/sociopath, and then her actions might make more sense. :twocents:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hon3AzMO6vs"]‪What is a psychopath?‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Respectfully, IMO your position is contradictory.

Yes she knew she did not work in Universal Studios. She was in control of the situation and at the same time was not grounded?

No she was NOT in control of the situation. She had been trying to get away with her lies, and as she usually did changed her lies when confronted with evidence to the contrary. She was backed into a corner, first metaphorically and then literally, which led LE to Universal Studios.

I truly don't understand how you can explain away her lies by arguing that she wasn't "grounded."

What I meant by "in control of the situation" is that they were there because she asked them to be there (I know they were there previously to look at her work records).

I have never, in my life, met someone or imagined I'd hear about someone who is that far gone that she/he would invite LE into their tangled web and lie in their face when the truth is all around them. I just can't fathom someone doing that, inviting them to Universal to take them to her "office", I mean.. did she think they'd tell her they were too busy to go?

That is what I mean about not in touch with reality. How could she not have known that they were going to find out real quick she worked there? Why would she even invite that onto herself? IMO, she did so because she didn't realize what was going to happen.
She most certainly did. The duct tape was found at the home. The duct tape was also found wound around Caylee's head 3 times.

First of all, the tape was NOT wound around her head. Not even once, let alone 3 times. Second, I was quoting a previous post that stated Casey had access to the tape because she broke into the shed. However, she didn't break into the shed until after Caylee's demise. Someone after did post that the tape was stored in the garage not the shed. I asked for a link. Haven't seen it yet.
Regarding the sexual abuse allegations at this trial - they were used in the OS statements only and no evidence was ever offered.

Jose brought one thing from his bikini company days - Sex sells! All marketing and PR firms know it. Baez used it and with out a shred of evidence and if fact the Judge told Baez he could not use his OS statement as actual fact in the trial without supporting evidence, here we are post trial with people out believing this is true? He set the bait, he trolled the line and bingo - it stuck!

IMO the sexual abuse OS was a sucker punch because Baez knew people love to talk and whisper about sex. And that's all it was - a sucker punch.

And the jury bought it. Pure sleaze and an insult to anyone who has actually suffered such abuse. People should be outraged rather than supporting this rubbish disgusting statement with maybe's and what ifs!!! All IMO of course.

Well, as I've stated several times on this thread, I believed Casey was abused from early on. Her behaviour reeks of incest. I didn't just take that stance after JB's OS. However, the molestation is in the trial record. GA was questioned by JA about the molestation. Regardless of what was said during trial, I've always thought she was abused. Of course, JMO.
To add, several expert witnesses testified following that testimony that trauma to the skull showing with suffocation is pure bunk. The skull is compromised of bone and is not affected by suffocation.

The testimony wasn't that there would be trauma to the skull, the testimony was that there would be discoloration to the skull near the ear area.
Dr. Drew, lady in green gave me goose bumps. Any doubt now what happened? I like her theory about bag (tearing) or leaking in trunk also Casey talking about chloroform? Yikes No doubt in my mind what happened.
No 911 call equals no drowning ... and no one sits in jail for 3 years facing the death penalty for a drowning, especially someone like FCA who wanted her freedom so bad. And there is no compromise either in my opinion ... I challenge you to find me one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder.

Actually, there was a post on the thread before this of a similar situation happening in Ohio.
No 911 call equals no drowning ... and no one sits in jail for 3 years facing the death penalty for a drowning, especially someone like FCA who wanted her freedom so bad. And there is no compromise either in my opinion ... I challenge you to find me one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder.

“It is not simply that it is a toddler’s death,” said Franklin E. Zimring, a criminologist and law professor at the University of California, Berkeley. “It is that it’s a toddler’s unreported death. Whether it is accidental, intentional or something in between, when the death of somebody that young goes unreported to the authorities, the lack of reporting suggests that this is intimately linked to events involving the custodial parent. Sometimes it’s abuse. Sometimes it’s neglect. Sometimes it’s an accident.”
She recalled an Ohio case where a child died of a fever because the mother and stepfather did not take the child to a hospital. The mother agreed not to report the death, but wanted the body nearby, so they hid it in a crawlspace of the house.


Not exactly a drowning, but an instance of parents hiding their child's death.
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