IL - 4 in custody after man tortured on Facebook Live, Chicago, Jan 2017 *GRAPHIC*

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OMG! This is beyond a hate crime! This is kidnapping, torturing, and attempted murder of a special needs person! This is the lowest of the low! The lowlifes were too coward to attempt this on someone of equal strength. I'll meet them all in a dark alley....anytime, anyplace...they will have met their match. There is nothing to help this but a bullet to each one. They cannot be released into public EVER!

I didn't see the original posted here, but found this one.. <modsnip>

Seconds into it, full blown panic attack. I cannot imagine the panic this dear guy felt. While they mocked him, saying there's no one to help you, and it's just beyond what a NORMAL human mind could think of doing to another human.

DEATH PENALTY! Charge them under federal laws!! This is sickening!
I wonder how different these four individuals life's may be had they simply been raised anywhere but where they were. This normalization and glorifying of the street life that was displayed on the girls fb page is a huge part of the problem.

No, absolutely NO! The environment did NOT make these monsters become monsters! Somewhere in their DNA, they aren't like normal humans. NONE
Shouldn't this be a hate crime because the victim has a disability

EXACTLY!!! Could you imagine if the roles were reversed, 4 white people doing that to a disabled black boy...holy crap..riots, other people killed or injured, vandalism etc. etc..
I'm still shaking. My insides are shaking. I've seen lots of terrible cases on here, read about many tortures and kids that grew up in abusive environments. One book coming to mind is "A boy called IT", one of the worse cases of continous abuse I think I've read about.

And yet, when I think I can handle anything written....those videos....OMG! I just can't imagine! To see it, knowing he is OK now, as in not there to be tortured anymore, it didn't help me cope. I truly don't know why I wasn't mentally more prepared or if the brutality of this, in real action, is just more than my mind can handle. This has literally shaken my core. The evil among us is strong! Who in the heck thought it was a normal thing to torture him? Who thought it was normal to video it? To laugh about someone being tortured? Heck I've put my life in danger to protect an animal many times. There is no way I could or would have stood back and did NOTHING to help!

It would have only took ONE witness to step behind a door and call 911 and yet, nope...they all participated! I can't wrap my mind around that. WHY DIDN'T ANYONE CALL FOR HELP?? Why didn't anyone speak up and say "Come on gang! I think enough is enough. Leave him alone!" But no... COWARDS! UGH!
No, absolutely NO! The environment did NOT make these monsters become monsters! Somewhere in their DNA, they aren't like normal humans. NONE
I'm familiar with the area. I used to drive down Sacramento Ave to work. I once had a lady hit me at Harrison and Sacramento, LE was the next car in back of me. They didn't take a report at the scene, they made me go to Harrison and Kedzie to make a report and then to top it off~~park on the side street. When I was done with the report~~I told them I was not comfortable walking to my car and requested someone walk me to my car. A very nice desk Sargent walked me. We talked along the way and he told me to never ever go off Sacramento.

Another time, I was going to work and my husband accompanied me. At the intersection of Harrison/Sacramento, he said hey did you see that? I said what? He said he just witnessed a drug deal go down.

So that is the type of area this poor boy was taken too. The west side is pretty much the worst of the worst.

Here is a map that shows just how close they were to that station at Harrison and Kedzie. Literally 4-5 blocks from the police station.


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I'm just saying, young people in an area that's filled with violence and little to no supervision doesn't make for a good outcome most of the time. Sure, there are criminals all over, but I just don't see a very bright future for these young adults who are directly raised in a bad area with little guidance(and I'm only assuming little guidance bc my lord, the girl was putting it all out there on her fb the type of life she was living). I'm sure the youngest learned a lot of what she was doing from her big sister as well.

Edit: I'm not saying that should be mitigating in any sense to this heinous crime. They should face the harshest penalties there are. What they did was cruel and sick and the victim has all my sympathy.

You know what??? IF that's the case, that living in that area, and having no or little guidance makes monsters like this, well bomb the entire place! Is there no law and order at all?? THIS is what happens when the police take a back seat, and let the city go to hell because they don't have the backing to know they will go home alive at the end of their shift. You don't like the police? Fine, watch what happens without them. It's a disgrace!

If that type monster decides to leave that area, and continue their wrath in another part of the state, or country, then what? UGH!

I have no empathy, nor sympathy, for the perps in this case. NONE! They are all old enough to know right from wrong. They are all old enough to make a better life for themselves if they choose to! BUT instead, they chose the evil. Let 'em rot!
the man's parents dropped him off w one of the suspects to spend NYE w him :*( that breaks my heart.

Right?! There must be more to this. Are the parents drug users? How well do they know the perp?
Leaving a son with special needs in the care of another kid seems risky enough & obviously they didn't foresee this. Idk, so many questions.

When the story first broke and I didn't see he had special needs, I thought maybe the victim was an addict that got kidnapped while trying to score in the wrong neighborhood. Then the story took a turn for the worst..
Right?! There must be more to this. Are the parents drug users? How well do they know the perp?
Leaving a son with special needs in the care of another kid seems risky enough & obviously they didn't foresee this. Idk, so many questions.

When the story first broke and I didn't see he had special needs, I thought maybe the victim was an addict that got kidnapped while trying to score in the wrong neighborhood. Then the story took a turn for the worst..
Please remember the parents are victims too. :(
EXACTLY!!! Could you imagine if the roles were reversed, 4 white people doing that to a disabled black boy...holy crap..riots, other people killed or injured, vandalism etc. etc..
Absolutely! Yet you don't see that happening here! It just makes no sense! I don't even care what color skin any of them are. The brutality of the abuse is sickening. Their motive is sickening. And THIS is precisely why I don't ever post on FB or state in real life who I am voting for, or supporting. No. Though NONE of us should live in fear of our beliefs, America has changed, and not for the better! It's become just awful! I am afraid a civil war is going to end up and the media and our government is to blame!!!!
Please remember the parents are victims too. :(

I'm really just asking questions, not blaming the parents unless more info comes out pointing to them. Like I said, obviously they didn't think anything like this would occur. Yet, you don't leave your child with anyone unless you know them very well and trust them...especially a child that has special needs.
During presser Q & A we (I) cannot hear reporters speaking, but ~ 10:00 min in vid*, man in suit responded, "I can't understand why anybody puts anything on Facebook."

Well, glad these #$%^&s did post, so evidence of their crimes is readily observed. JM2cts.


Yes. Thank heavens they did so everyone can see their true colors and perhaps put a pin in the "white can't experience racism" hat that I see stated so many times. Hatred is not something exclusive to any group. It's really out there and comes from many places.
OMG! This is beyond a hate crime! This is kidnapping, torturing, and attempted murder of a special needs person! This is the lowest of the low! The lowlifes were too coward to attempt this on someone of equal strength. I'll meet them all in a dark alley....anytime, anyplace...they will have met their match. There is nothing to help this but a bullet to each one. They cannot be released into public EVER!

I didn't see the original posted here, but found this one.. <modsnip>

Seconds into it, full blown panic attack. I cannot imagine the panic this dear guy felt. While they mocked him, saying there's no one to help you, and it's just beyond what a NORMAL human mind could think of doing to another human.

DEATH PENALTY! Charge them under federal laws!! This is sickening!

I can't even watch it..I will puke. As a mother of a disabled 10 year old girl, an aunt to an 18 year old nephew with autism and as a human being, I pray these kids endure full punishment of the law. Hands down it should be attempted murder..absolutely! !!
Absolutely! Yet you don't see that happening here! It just makes no sense! I don't even care what color skin any of them are. The brutality of the abuse is sickening. Their motive is sickening. And THIS is precisely why I don't ever post on FB or state in real life who I am voting for, or supporting. No. Though NONE of us should live in fear of our beliefs, America has changed, and not for the better! It's become just awful! I am afraid a civil war is going to end up and the media and our government is to blame!!!!

Fully agree..I personally don't care what race they are, they are monsters..this mentality has to stop!!!
The daily mail has several photos where the victim's face isn't blurred out - he's a very handsome young man. I'm not sure "disability" played any part at all in the motive.

I do believe it was a part of it. It made him a very easy target to take their hate out on. I just read an article written by a lawyer and he said these four have double trouble for the Prosecutor has two aggravating factors to use to prove this meets the burden of a hate crime. 1.race and 2. he was a young man with disabilities.
I'm really just asking questions, not blaming the parents unless more info comes out pointing to them. Like I said, obviously they didn't think anything like this would occur. Yet, you don't leave your child with anyone unless you know them very well and trust them...especially a child that has special needs.

.Well, as a mother of a child with special needs, not too far from where this boy lived, I'd have to say I agree. My child is younger however. 15 years old is a hard age with a child with special needs. Just like other child, they are wanting independence and friendship. My understanding is that the boy went to school with one of the little monsters. I'm guessing a special needs student as well. So, I can understand if they had made friends and were happy to see he had made friends with someone. (Its not easy for special needs children to do) I can see these two boys hanging out without incident before this happened, thus the parents trusting the little creep. I don't blame the parents one bit. I've been known to trust no one~~so I don't think I would have allowed it without being a helicopter parent, but I understand those parents who are trying to give their special needs children some independence.
I can't even watch it..I will puke. As a mother of a disabled 10 year old girl, an aunt to an 18 year old nephew with autism and as a human being, I pray these kids endure full punishment of the law. Hands down it should be attempted murder..absolutely! !!
I'm not sure what the technicalities are...but I would think that starving this poor child for more than 2 days along with the torture, could trigger that, no?
.Well, as a mother of a child with special needs, not too far from where this boy lived, I'd have to say I agree. My child is younger however. 15 years old is a hard age with a child with special needs. Just like other child, they are wanting independence and friendship. My understanding is that the boy went to school with one of the little monsters. I'm guessing a special needs student as well. So, I can understand if they had made friends and were happy to see he had made friends with someone. (Its not easy for special needs children to do) I can see these two boys hanging out without incident before this happened, thus the parents trusting the little creep. I don't blame the parents one bit. I've been known to trust no one~~so I don't think I would have allowed it without being a helicopter parent, but I understand those parents who are trying to give their special needs children some independence.

I totally understand. I did behavior therapy for over a decade with children and adults that have developmental disabilities. Building friendships is very difficult for them and it's a beautiful thing when it happens. I actually hope Jordan has a disability to help better understand how an act like this can happen...tho I could never see any of my former clients doing something like this. But then there were at least 3 others, surely not all were disabled so that excuse goes out the window...

It's just a sick, deeply disturbing act that my brain is desperately trying to understand how these people's lives lead to this.
The Chicago Sun-Times reported Tanishia Covington is the only one of the four with an adult criminal record. She was convicted of shoplifting in 2015. Charges of assault and battery filed in 2009, 2012 and 2014 were later dismissed. Shoplifting charges were filed against Brittany Covington in October but were dismissed.

Police were summoned by a downstairs neighbor complaining about the noise. Police said two of the suspects, upset officers were called, barged into the neighbor&#8217;s apartment and committed burglary as the victim escaped.
Go Fund Me Page Started for the Victim.

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