GUILTY IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime, Jan 2019 #6 *GUILTY*

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Michael Tarm


Update: #JussieSmollett’s lawyer suggested Thursday that a state witness and his brother committed an anti-gay, racist attack against #Smollett because they didn’t like him, then tried to get him to pay them each $1 million not to testify he staged the assault.
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Michael Tarm
· 2h
Update: #JussieSmollett’s lawyer in cross suggests state witness was trying to make money off his relationship with #Smollett, suggesting they were dating and that he wanted a high-paid job as Smollett’s security. By Don Babwin and Sara Burnett.
Megan Crepeau

After they spotted Smollett, Ola said his attention was distracted by a nearby car, but when he looked back over he saw his brother and Smollett on the ground. "That’s when I ran with the rope, put it around his face
and (brought) out the bleach and put it on his sweater."

Prosecutor Mendenhall: "You intentionally poured it on his clothing and not his face ... so as not to injure him?" Ola: "Exactly."
Megan Crepeau

Ola testifying that he is here voluntarily and didn't make any kind of deal with prosecutors. He's testifying "simply just to get the truth out of what really happened that night," he says.

"Jurors now seeing a photo of a shirtless Ola at a 2015 gay pride parade, dressed up as a Trojan warrior. He strenuously denies being homophobic. "I have no hate for anybody," he said. "

"Prosecutor Mendenhall: You went through the whole route of the Gay Pride parade? "Throwing out condoms and flexing, yes," he responds. "

"Ola testifies he also worked as a bouncer in Boystown for three or four years. "So for 1,905 days you worked in a gay community ... and did you treat all the people with respect?" "I did," he responds. "

[URL='']Charlie De Mar

Special prosecutor establishing that Ola is not homophobic as defense suggests. Jury shown a picture of Ola on a Trojan Condom Pride parade float from years back He explained that he was, "throwing out condoms and flexing."

I don't think that ^^^defense--->>>the bros were *advertiser censored*-phobic---is going to work on the jury. There is a video of the run-through, where all 3 were in the Mercedes, driving around that same block where the incident took place. I don't see any reasonable explanation for that anytime soon.
Megan Crepeau

Cross-examination now, by defense attorney Tamara Walker. She's presenting with his grand jury testimony from 2019, during which he said he believed the $3500 check was payment for the meal/training plan, and he split the money between him and his brother.

"Prosecutor Mendenhall rises and asks that the context of those quotes be read out to the jury as well. Linn says basically he can do that on re-direct later, if he wants."

"At the grand jury, Ola testified that he switched the plan from gasoline to bleach so that he wouldn't be captured on surveillance cameras pouring gas into a container. At trial he said he wanted to swap those out for safety reasons."

"we're going through basic grand-jury impeachment stuff here, attorneys trying to point out inconsistencies between what Ola said then and now. Walker: "Would reading the transcript jog your memory (of the testimony)?" Ola: "You can go ahead and try."

"Is it fair to say that when he talked to police his memory of the incident was fresher than it is now? "No," Ola testifies."
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Megan Crepeau

Walker asking Ola about a Tweet in which he asked someone "why you following Frank Ocean, you know that n---a gay, right?" Jurors viewing the tweet now. "You never told (Smollett) 'I may have said some problematic things about gays' ...?"

"Ola says he didn't consider the tweet "problematic," it was just a joke between friends. Walker hammering that it was a public exchange that could have been private if he'd wanted to make an inside joke. "

"Ola also claims he doesn't know whether or not Frank Ocean is gay. "

"Jurors now seeing the text exchange in which Ola refers to someone as "a fruit" and "gaylord."
Walker: "Was it a compliment to say 'dude *advertiser censored* a fruit'?"
Ola: "I wasn’t trying to compliment him at that moment, no … I was upset."

"Jurors seeing a text exchange between the brothers, in which Ola referred to someone who might have been gay as a "sicko" "

"Judge Linn tries to hustle things along, saying Walker is getting into something "collateral" She asks for a sidebar, the jury is sent out of the room, and she asks for a mistrial -- in part because of the "collateral" comment "

"Walker is also saying that Linn lunged at her during a sidebar: "You did physically lunge at me." Linn seems furious and is denying it outright. "
Megan Crepeau


(BBM )

"Lots of cross-talk and people interrupting each other and high emotions. But essentially: Linn is denying the motion for a mistrial, is denying he lunged at anyone."

"Defense saying that demonstrating Ola's homophobia is central to their case and Linn shouldn't have called it "collateral" in front of jurors -- they repeatedly asked for mistrial "

"Defense attorney also says on the record that Linn is pulling nasty faces on the bench "anytime objections from the opposing counsel are sustained." "I noticed snarls multiple times," she says. "

ETA: additional tweets detailing 'chaos'

ETA 2: ^ the above was from attorney Heather Widell, not Walker, for the record
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Megan Crepeau


(BBM )

"Lots of cross-talk and people interrupting each other and high emotions. But essentially: Linn is denying the motion for a mistrial, is denying he lunged at anyone."

What is going on in this court room? It seems the judge hasn't taken charge of his courtroom.
Megan Crepeau

Jurors are back in the box. Linn addresses them: sometimes "words come out like 'focus' or 'collateral' ... don’t want you to consider it one way or another … it’s just me talking to lawyers."

"Walker ( Widell ) continuing cross, pressing Ola on words like "fruity *advertiser censored*" and "gaylord" in his texts. Ola saying he was denigrating someone's actions, not the person, and he's never used those words to refer to a gay person. He claims not to know they were derogatory. "

"Walker ( Widell) : "So that's reserved for straight men who you think might be gay?"

"Walker ( Widell) asking about whether Ola ever told Smollett he'd sent these kinds of texts. "You didn’t want to say 'you know I had these thoughts in the past' when he asks if he could trust you?"

"Did Ola feel offended when asked to stage a hoax?
"At first I was kind of taken aback … when I thought about it, it’s Hollywood, I was like, it’s probably what they do out there," he says. "

"Jurors seeing pictures from the search warrant of the Osundairos' residence, including photos of rifles found in the same room where Ola's driver's license was located.
Walker ( Widell): "And you're a convicted felon?"
Ola: "Yes, I have a felony."

"Again, a consistent theme of the defense has been that the brothers framed Smollett so as to avoid charges (including gun possession charges) themselves. Prosecution has brought out that brother Abimbola was the legal owner of the guns, so Ola wouldn't have feared being charged. "

"Walker (Widell ) asks Ola if he's aware that $3500 is exactly what Smollett had paid his previous trainer. He says he did not know that. "
Megan Crepeau

Q: You knew there was a risk you could be caught and possibly arrested.
A: No.
Q: You had no idea you could be caught and possibly arrested?
A: For what charge? Helping somebody out?

Q: "When Jussie told you that he wanted you to have a noose you didn’t say anything to him? That didn’t bother you, as a Black man?"
A: "No ... I just don’t let things like that bother me."
Q: "You don't let racism bother you?"
Judge: "Ask a different question, please."
Megan Crepeau

Jurors seeing video of Ola's interview with police, during which he said neither of them ever really hit Smollett. Today he testified that he didn't see the first part of the attack but when he looked over, Abimbola and Smollett were pretending to tussle on the ground.

"Ola testifying he did not contact police after news of Smollett's attack broke. Nobody was supposed to call the cops, he said, the goal was just for the fake attack to get traction on social media."

Q: Did you contact police to clear your name?
A: We were never suspects.
Q: You were taken into custody off the plane when you got back!
A: how were we supposed to know that?

"Walker ( Widell) establishing that Ola had a chance to talk with his brother while the two were in police custody. (The implication here being, they had a chance to get their stories straight.)"

"Walker bringing out another repeated defense point: The brothers cooperated with police after nearly two days in custody and were released shortly after they told cops it was a hoax. "
Megan Crepeau

On re-direct questioning from prosecutors, Ola saying he never had any kind of custody or control of the guns found in the Osundairos' apartment, since they belonged to his brother.

"A very quick recross and now Ola is off the stand."

"Jurors were sent out for a dinner break, and Special Prosecutor Dan Webb has rested the state's case."

"Defense makes a motion for directed finding (a very common request for the to judge acquit a defendant before the defense starts their case). Linn denies it. "
Megan Crepeau

On re-direct questioning from prosecutors, Ola saying he never had any kind of custody or control of the guns found in the Osundairos' apartment, since they belonged to his brother.

"A very quick recross and now Ola is off the stand."

"Jurors were sent out for a dinner break, and Special Prosecutor Dan Webb has rested the state's case."

"Defense makes a motion for directed finding (a very common request for the to judge acquit a defendant before the defense starts their case). Linn denies it. "

Thank you for the play-by-play Shotgun. Really appreciate it.
Megan Crepeau

Defense's first witness is Brendan Moore, who was Smollett's music manager.
Moore was on the phone with Smollett in the early hours of Jan. 29 2019, he testifies. He overheard someone on Jussie's end of the conversation yell "f----t" and "MAGA country." "I proceeded to hear the phone drop and stuff ... it started to sound kind of intense," he said.

"Jussie got on the phone and said 'I just got jumped' … he sounded panicked. Sounded out of breath," he said.

Prosecutors on cross-examination trying to get him to admit that he and Smollett were close friends (presumably to try and hint that he's biased). Moore is adamant that their relationship was "total business ... cordial, but it's business."

A long line of questioning about how Moore's career was tied to Smollett's success, about how much money Moore got in commission from Smollett, etc. Presumably trying to show that Moore had skin in the game here.

The day word spread that Smollett had been attacked Moore posted a picture of the two of them on IG with the caption "We standing with you and riding for you." Jurors looking at the post now.

Correction, this witness is Brandon Moore, not Brendan. (He didn't spell it for the record so I just saw it on the Instagram post.) "
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