Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #1

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One other thing that makes no sense about JW's 'rumor' comment, is why would she not know the name of anyone Beth might have gone off with? She would know and tell LE Beth had plans with Joe Smith (made up name) and I covered for her. LE would be investigating that area, find Joe Smith, make contact with Beth, and Beth could tell LE she is fine but does not wish to be found and LE would respect that, as Beth has the right as an adult to leave willingly. -OR- LE would be investigating the alleged BF if he possibly harmed her, not focusing around the train station stating Beths trail is cold. I do not believe either of the above scenario's occured.

More thoughts. LE has found those on the train who can not place Beth at the platform or on the train. ~IF~ JW was really in Centralia near the train, wouldn't LE have found someone to place JW in that area to substantiate JW's story? Thus far no leads in that direction either. No concrete proof exists any of them were near that train station late Sunday afternoon as JW claims.

just was reading up on this case and agree with seemingly all of you that Beth was never at that train station in Centralia. Something is seriously up with the friend JW, and my question is what is LE doing to find Beth? Radiant, have you been in touch with Beth's husband over email or FB at all and had a chance to ask him what LE is telling him they are doing to find his wife? I can't believe LE would be so dense as to just take JW at her word; I hope they don't just think it's a coincidence that no passengers or conductor saw Beth on the train, no one saw her waiting for the train, and there is no record of her on the passenger manifest.

My other question is what in the world were Beth and JW actually doing in Mt. Vernon? Yes, I know RR was apparently renovating a house there (whose house? Did we ever find out this info?) but from what I've seen it's not like Mt Vernon is a thriving metropolis with a bustling nightlife and great restaurants or really has anything that would be a draw for two females to spend ten days there. What was the draw? What did Beth and JW do for ten days? Help RR renovate the house? I would like to know the real reason for this trip, and what really brought them to Mt Vernon. I doubt they were there just serve RR cold lemonade while he worked and give him support while he rehabbed the house. In addition, where did they stay when they were there? In a motel? In the house he was rehabbing? Just doesn't sound like a very fun getaway to me, and it doesn't sound like Beth would leave her husband and three sons to just hang out in some nowhere town for ten days, which is a long time.

One thing is for sure. JW is lying about bringing Beth to the Centralia train station, IMO. Either Beth is deceased through murder or accident and JW is covering it up and should be arrested, or Beth did indeed run off with another man or by herself, and in this case JW is lying for her friend and causing LE to waste resources in looking for her. Either way, it doesn't look good for JW, IMO. I really hope it is the latter, because in that case Beth would be alive, but from what I've read of her I just can't see her leaving her three sons behind. Her husband, ok, but not her three sons. Then again, people thought the same of Tiffany Tehan at first and we all remember that fiasco.

Ultimately I'd just really like to know what JW and Beth were doing in Mt Vernon for ten days, what they were really doing or said that they were doing. I believe discovery of this info will play a large part in locating Beth. Let her be safe, wherever she is.
BBM.... (ETA the second quote above)

I agree. Something stood out at me about JW's firsts comments I want my friend back rather than I need to find my friend. This is an odd analogy but my mind went right back to the shear panic in Cindy Anthony's voice with that first 911 call about Caylee. It was about needing to find her, not wanting her back. Wanting someone back is a comment more along the lines of someone who left, is gone and not coming back.


Great catch, Cubby! Yes, that is very telling. I think often the way people phrase things does give away more than they intend. Thanks for pointing this out.
I obviously can't direct quote it but I noticed in the controversial remarks everyone's buzzing about on JW's Facebook (her reply to someone on her own wall) she refers to Beth in present tense. This is minor, and may not mean a thing, but it does give me more hope than I had before.

I think the cover up theory definitely has merit. This is just me thinking out loud, but I suppose it's possible that JW really did drop Beth off to the train station early cause she knew Beth would be meeting someone there. But then again, that doesn't explain why no one else saw her there and why she wouldn't have called her husband to tell him the travel plans had changed.

Ugh. Just when I think we're getting somewhere one or two of the pieces just don't seem to fit.

Anyway, regardless of what Beth my or may not have been involved in, there's absolutely no way I can buy that she left on her own. She may march to the beat of a different band than most women her age but it's very apparent she really loves her boys.
Mia- the trip was supposed to be from the 20th (Thursday evening) to the 23rd (Sunday) or 24th (Monday). I'm not sure where you picked up the idea it was 10 days but was only supposed to be a long weekend.

just was reading up on this case and agree with seemingly all of you that Beth was never at that train station in Centralia. Something is seriously up with the friend JW, and my question is what is LE doing to find Beth? Radiant, have you been in touch with Beth's husband over email or FB at all and had a chance to ask him what LE is telling him they are doing to find his wife? I can't believe LE would be so dense as to just take JW at her word; I hope they don't just think it's a coincidence that no passengers or conductor saw Beth on the train, no one saw her waiting for the train, and there is no record of her on the passenger manifest.

My other question is what in the world were Beth and JW actually doing in Mt. Vernon? Yes, I know RR was apparently renovating a house there (whose house? Did we ever find out this info?) but from what I've seen it's not like Mt Vernon is a thriving metropolis with a bustling nightlife and great restaurants or really has anything that would be a draw for two females to spend ten days there. What was the draw? What did Beth and JW do for ten days? Help RR renovate the house? I would like to know the real reason for this trip, and what really brought them to Mt Vernon. I doubt they were there just serve RR cold lemonade while he worked and give him support while he rehabbed the house. In addition, where did they stay when they were there? In a motel? In the house he was rehabbing? Just doesn't sound like a very fun getaway to me, and it doesn't sound like Beth would leave her husband and three sons to just hang out in some nowhere town for ten days, which is a long time.

One thing is for sure. JW is lying about bringing Beth to the Centralia train station, IMO. Either Beth is deceased through murder or accident and JW is covering it up and should be arrested, or Beth did indeed run off with another man or by herself, and in this case JW is lying for her friend and causing LE to waste resources in looking for her. Either way, it doesn't look good for JW, IMO. I really hope it is the latter, because in that case Beth would be alive, but from what I've read of her I just can't see her leaving her three sons behind. Her husband, ok, but not her three sons. Then again, people thought the same of Tiffany Tehan at first and we all remember that fiasco.

Ultimately I'd just really like to know what JW and Beth were doing in Mt Vernon for ten days, what they were really doing or said that they were doing. I believe discovery of this info will play a large part in locating Beth. Let her be safe, wherever she is.

Mia - they weren't there for ten days, they left Woodstock on 5/20 and they was to come back the 23 or 24th - original plans, and Beth supposedly got dropped at the train on the 23. So 3 days.

I don't know, I could see being there for that time - visiting the boyfriend, maybe partying, etc. I have a friend in a small town in another part of IL that we spend 3 - 5 days with every year, and on the surface this is a dead town (smaller than Mt. Vernon) and we enjoy ourselves. A lot towns have summer stuff going on, that time of May town wide yard sales are big in the Midwest, so it might be cooler than it would first appear. Having said that, I don't know what Mt. Vernon had going on, if anything that weekend, or what they did.
Respectfully snipped:

I have a friend in a small town in another part of IL that we spend 3 - 5 days with every year, and on the surface this is a dead town (smaller than Mt. Vernon) and we enjoy ourselves. A lot towns have summer stuff going on, that time of May town wide yard sales are big in the Midwest, so it might be cooler than it would first appear.

Boy do I hear you on this one. Living in central IL bores me to tears (one reason we're looking to move in the next year or so) but some good times can definitely be had. Some of my best summers were spent hanging out with my BFF who lived in a little hick town of 2,500 people. Give me ElPaso (IL) over Chicago any day!!

(Sorry for the derail.)
While I think it is crude of JW to post what she did on FB, there could be some truth mixed in and maybe she has told LE what she knows...she says she did, I think, in another post. But maybe she did not know the name of the person she is saying Beth went to meet, which would not help LE make contact with Beth. Even if any or all of this happened, I think Beth is not okay now...something went wrong or she would have been in touch with family or friends at some point.
BBM.... (ETA the second quote above)

I agree. Something stood out at me about JW's firsts comments I want my friend back rather than I need to find my friend. This is an odd analogy but my mind went right back to the shear panic in Cindy Anthony's voice with that first 911 call about Caylee. It was about needing to find her, not wanting her back. Wanting someone back is a comment more along the lines of someone who left, is gone and not coming back.


That was the first time she mentioned her "friend" being missing yet there were prior comments that very day without a word about Beth Bentley or her "friend" as she made a point of calling her.
While I think it is crude of JW to post what she did on FB, there could be some truth mixed in and maybe she has told LE what she knows...she says she did, I think, in another post. But maybe she did not know the name of the person she is saying Beth went to meet, which would not help LE make contact with Beth. Even if any or all of this happened, I think Beth is not okay now...something went wrong or she would have been in touch with family or friends at some point.

You know it is odd that JW puked about Beth on her own stuff and then went to Beth's Missing Group to say how she doesn't think everyone should know what her best "friend" was doing in her life?!?!?!?


OK I'm done contemplating.

IMO Stevie Wonder can see what's going on here....(sorry stevie, yes you're a musical genious but i also do appreciate your insight!)

from the above link:

The husband of a missing Northern Illinois woman is pleading for information from anyone who may have seen his Beth Bentley, who reportedly vanished from Centralia last month.


Wyatt declined to comment Monday and told a reporter she was asked not to talk about the case. (apparently this doesn't apply to JW's FB page).


Woodstock Police Chief Robert W. Lowen said police are following every possible lead. He said police have investigated reported sightings of Bentley at a Mount Vernon grocery store and at a hotel. Video surveillance disproved the sightings, he said.

Full article at above link.
You know it is odd that JW puked about Beth on her own stuff and then went to Beth's Missing Group to say how she doesn't think everyone should know what her best "friend" was doing in her life?!?!?!?.

Oh I KNOW! She's flat out stating that Beth was doing this and that, then immediately following it with how she (JW) is NOT talking about it? WTH? You just talked about what you claim you're not talking about!! :banghead:
Just my opinion... but it looks like JW is moving on to plan B.

I'm not going to jump to that conclusion quite yet, because while the FB comments were a low blow as someone previously posted, we don't know that JW didn't give that info to LE initially. However, LE knows how much of JW's statements are conflicting or not.....

IMO, disparaging comments on FB about her missing friend aren't the way to go. Go to LE and demand a polygraph if she is concerned the speculation regarding her involvement in Beths disappearance is unfair or unwarranted.

From the above link I posted.

Woodstock Police Chief Robert W. Lowen said police are following every possible lead. He said police have investigated reported sightings of Bentley at a Mount Vernon grocery store and at a hotel. Video surveillance disproved the sightings, he said.

With LE and the family asking for the publics help, it is highly likely LE has already ruled out any 'alleged boyfriend' that Beth may have ran off with. After all, surely LE has Beths phone records - there would be some evidence of a male 'friend' on her cell records either via phone call or text in the days or weeks leading up to her disappearance.

Oh I KNOW! She's flat out stating that Beth was doing this and that, then immediately following it with how she (JW) is NOT talking about it? WTH? You just talked about what you claim you're not talking about!! :banghead:

Maybe the meds are wearing off.

If my friend was missing and I was the last known person to have been in her company, I know I'd be heavily sedated...
I don't know about heavily sedated, but nothing would keep me from shouting to the world to help find my best friend. Heck, we're shouting to the world about missing persons and most of them complete strangers to the majority of us.

I was also a bit -perplexed- about the statement that JW was asked not to talk about the case. It could be the reporting, but I would have tried to get the who asked she not to talk about the case.

LE has not come out and said that JW is or is not cooperating IIRC. Do we have a confirmed statement from LE that JW or RR are not cooperating with LE? I would like to seperate fact from fiction where possible.

Friendly reminder. Let's keep the discussion regarding JW and/or RR relevent to the known facts surrounding the case. No one has been named a POI here, and while it is ok to speculate or present reasonable theories, WS does not permit name calling/bashing of any friends or family of the victim.

Please let me know via pm if you have any questions.
Radiant, have you been in touch with Beth's husband over email or FB at all and had a chance to ask him what LE is telling him they are doing to find his wife? I can't believe LE would be so dense as to just take JW at her word; I hope they don't just think it's a coincidence that no passengers or conductor saw Beth on the train, no one saw her waiting for the train, and there is no record of her on the passenger manifest.

My other question is what in the world were Beth and JW actually doing in Mt. Vernon? Yes, I know RR was apparently renovating a house there (whose house? Did we ever find out this info?) but from what I've seen it's not like Mt Vernon is a thriving metropolis with a bustling nightlife and great restaurants or really has anything that would be a draw for two females to spend ten days there. What was the draw? What did Beth and JW do for ten days? Help RR renovate the house? I would like to know the real reason for this trip, and what really brought them to Mt Vernon. I doubt they were there just serve RR cold lemonade while he worked and give him support while he rehabbed the house. In addition, where did they stay when they were there? In a motel? In the house he was rehabbing? Just doesn't sound like a very fun getaway to me, and it doesn't sound like Beth would leave her husband and three sons to just hang out in some nowhere town for ten days, which is a long time.

One thing is for sure. JW is lying about bringing Beth to the Centralia train station, IMO. Either Beth is deceased through murder or accident and JW is covering it up and should be arrested, or Beth did indeed run off with another man or by herself, and in this case JW is lying for her friend and causing LE to waste resources in looking for her. Either way, it doesn't look good for JW, IMO. I really hope it is the latter, because in that case Beth would be alive, but from what I've read of her I just can't see her leaving her three sons behind. Her husband, ok, but not her three sons. Then again, people thought the same of Tiffany Tehan at first and we all remember that fiasco.

Ultimately I'd just really like to know what JW and Beth were doing in Mt Vernon for ten days, what they were really doing or said that they were doing. I believe discovery of this info will play a large part in locating Beth. Let her be safe, wherever she is.

Beth's husband Scott is not really into using the computer. I have his number and can call anytime, but I don't. I don't know Scott personally, just Beth. I feel to call him at this time would only amplify his distress and have no desire to do that. Since Scott is an attorney, I am of the belief that he is doing exactly what needs to be done despite his pain. My list of questions grows only longer as a few here and there are answered along the way, but that's how you put the puzzle together and so am patiently waiting for the full picture to crystallize here. I have faith that in time the truth will be known. JW is well on her way to eradicating any credibilty she may have once had. Why Mt. Vernon? An RR family home is there. Was this the actual house being rehabbed? I don't believe this is currently known. I don't know if they stayed at that house, or another place. I find myself wondering if the house was being rehabbed. RR has roots down there, he must have lived there for awhile based on the record in Jefferson County. Beth and JW drive down, oddly, in a rental car. RR lives here with JW, but he is down there supposedly rehabbing the house and JW and Beth go for an long weekend visit (as you know now it was supposed to be from May 20-23/4). Something doesn't set right with me about the story of the house being rehabbed. There's something else there. RR and brother are supposedly both down there when JW and Beth come down. RR (and brother, if indeed also present) know that place, the people. He is more ingrained in the area and the culture there, I feel like this is important somehow...he would know the "scene." It's something with partying. I know Beth parties, but I am very reclusive. I don't know anyone in her circle of friends, and I am glad because wow, what an uncomfortable place to be right now. I am glad in that regard to be isolated in this. I do not know of Beth being not faithful to Scott, I just don't know, I realize I don't know everything about Beth because there are some gaps in time with our friendship, but I feel I know the core essence of Beth and she is a good person and only means the best. I can't imagine her leaving her boys especially. Someone on here says they heard Beth ran away from her husband before. From Scott? Or from her previous husband?? Because I think that matters.

I do not think Beth is safe at all. I think Beth just wants to be found. :(
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