Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #3

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WHAT??!!! So NOW she traveled by TRAIN to southern Il?! No rental car at all in this version? Wonder who is putting this info out there? I am having a real hard time with this whole rental car thing. Why would JW drive it back? I just can't come up with any logical explanations. IF BB hooked up with a "mystery man" and he had his own vehicle, why wouldn't she just turn the car in to the local enterprise facility or whatever rental place she used? Why leave it for JW to put more miles on it? Isn't that how they determine your charges? By days and miles used? JW could have taken the train back if RR wasn't ready to go back north. Particularly if she didn't like to drive or even have a license.

The flier you quoted was put out by a legitimate missing persons non for profit. It is clearly a mistake stating she was taking the train to rather than from as was reported. I will send the organization an email letting them know the info on the flier is inaccurate.
If you rent with, I think, Avis? you get unlimited miles. We just rented a van to drive 1800 miles and back, it was cheap. Does anyone know the specific car company the rental came from?
the flier you quoted was put out by a legitimate missing persons non for profit. It is clearly a mistake stating she was taking the train to rather than from as was reported. I will send the organization an email letting them know the info on the flier is inaccurate.

Im just wondering cub.. you said you were sending an email saying its inaccurate. Are you gonna tell them what is accurate? Then will you tell me????? Im so confused.
Im just wondering cub.. you said you were sending an email saying its inaccurate. Are you gonna tell them what is accurate? Then will you tell me????? Im so confused.

I wish it were that easy. I sent a message saying they rented a 2009 Nissan Ultima and drove to Southern IL and the friend said she dropped Beth off to take the train but LE could not find anyone that could place Beth at the train station or on the train. Nothing we didn't already know.
Thank you for such a fantastic post Schwabie. I agree with you. First, I hope no one has to feel defensive for sharing they have used or any other online dating service. I think your find is an excellent one and I see someone else added a link.

I also think, for those of you who can see the cached photo's - I can not via the link because I do not have an account, I am particularly concerned about the one in which it appears JW's hair is much longer. IMO, I think if recent, lends some credibility to the 'jealosy theory'. That one picture shows JW's hair much longer than other pictures.... I know some WS'rs are good at finding the date stamps on photos, I am not one of them.

I also think it is possible JW has other dating site profiles out there and I do think it is very possible they both met dates via JW's profile.

Obviously if JW's profile was recently active it shows she is NOT in a committed
relationship with RR.

Cubby- JW hair is a bit longer then shoulder length, she still has blond hair but has a bright red low lite color under her hair. This was as of last Friday. IMHO, it looked like it was just colored.
WHAT??!!! So NOW she traveled by TRAIN to southern Il?! No rental car at all in this version? Wonder who is putting this info out there? I am having a real hard time with this whole rental car thing. Why would JW drive it back? I just can't come up with any logical explanations. IF BB hooked up with a "mystery man" and he had his own vehicle, why wouldn't she just turn the car in to the local enterprise facility or whatever rental place she used? Why leave it for JW to put more miles on it? Isn't that how they determine your charges? By days and miles used? JW could have taken the train back if RR wasn't ready to go back north. Particularly if she didn't like to drive or even have a license.

I meant to send a message to Lavanda Dolce about this last night, and got sidetracked.
Going back to JW's 'story' about taking the train.

Why did JW initially tell LE that Beth was going to take the train back to Chicago. I mean, she TOLD LE this. LE spent money and man hours investigating this 'story', a story JW now admits is untrue. Clearly this is some kind of crime knowingly providing LE with false information regarding an open investigation.

I'm having a hard time digesting why JW would provide false information to police to cover up for her friend. She has stated she was trying to protect her friend and protect her friends family from embarrasment. I can understand trying to cover for Beth to her family, but when it became apparent this was serious and a missing persons report was filed why did she provide false info to police?

When did she finally tell LE the the story she initially gave them about making plans for Beth to take a train was untrue? and why hasn't she been charged for providing LE with that false information considering the amount of time and costs?

If we amateurs feel JW has discredited herself I am pretty certain LE feels the same way. Thus far there has been zero proof to back up ANY of JW's story of events which occured that weekend.

I hope LE knows much more than they are sharing.

Bottom line here is JW not only provided false info to the family and friends of Beth, she also admittedly provided false information to police. I think that speaks volumes about JW's involvement in this case.

I'd really like to believe Beth left willingly with someone, but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around why JW would not have initially provided that info to LE and only shared that possibility AFTER it was proven no one could place Beth at or on the train.

Hi CrystalGenie, In all due respect, there are lots of us still waiting to hear how, when and why we can't read this trust agreement. It has been promised numerous times, but hasn't been provided. We have been told it basically isn't any of our business & to quit asking about it! So, we've quit asking, or we'll get deleted in roaring flames. I have personally gone to this bank, made a contribution to the fund, and talked to the person that supposedly opened the account in his office, yet he couldn't find the account in his office computer after waiting over 10-15 minutes to accept my deposit properly. He didn't even know how I should make out the check and who to pay it to the order of. I left my numbers & asked him to call me when he figured it out to tell me what I contributed to. Instead he filled out the rest of my check himself & deposited it. I had to call the next day to find out & hear this from a teller. This is a personal blog and sometimes advocacy is necessary to obtain what is promised or deserved by people that want to help out of the goodness of their hearts, but need the facts to be sure their dollars will be used as intended. Originally the account was going to be set up to increase the reward fund- very few missing persons have as low as a $5000 reward to bait the info & tips needed to arrest and/or convict and/or locate the missing loved ones- most are much higher. Then the account earmarking included costs for searches which never transpired, then costs for missing newspaper printing and expenses, etc, then leftover funds not spent will be used for the boys college or returned.

Schwabie, all I do is post what I can find on Beth. This blog by this Gus gentleman has been the only thing that has been mentioning Beth.

Please do not get the feeling that I am advocating to contribute or not to contribute.

I too have been reading the facebook wall.
WHAT??!!! So NOW she traveled by TRAIN to southern Il?! No rental car at all in this version? Wonder who is putting this info out there? I am having a real hard time with this whole rental car thing. Why would JW drive it back? I just can't come up with any logical explanations. IF BB hooked up with a "mystery man" and he had his own vehicle, why wouldn't she just turn the car in to the local enterprise facility or whatever rental place she used? Why leave it for JW to put more miles on it? Isn't that how they determine your charges? By days and miles used? JW could have taken the train back if RR wasn't ready to go back north. Particularly if she didn't like to drive or even have a license.

That missing poster was from a long time ago when BB first went missing on the website linked below it.
The car rental is now a moot point.
Car Rentals are one way OR round trip, instate unlimited miles or incredibly cheap weekend packages. With competition, coupons & business discounts the deals are incredible. Especially if someone else is paying for it & its a write off at the same time.
If I (for a sick example) was leaving last minute tomorrow with my best friend forever, happily married, to visit my/her boyfriend that was working down there, on an in state roadtrip (5 hour/300 +/- miles) and didn't want to drive my very best friends $8000 car (that I bought) or my $8000+ car for whatever strange reasons that might be, I would pull out the yellow pages or my iphone (if I had one) or simply google local car rentals (only if I didn't ALREADY know there was an Enterprise 1/2 mile down the main road in 60098). I've probably used this business before when my car was in the body shop or if I had an upside down over milage lease or at the very least driven past it every day- 1670 S Eastwood/60098). IF I had the license, that is. Then I would call them up, talk to William like I just did, they'd come get me (they do do that) & I'd rent a car in about 10 minutes, go home & pack. I'd already know that there's a franchise also in MtV @ 500 S 34th St/62864. If I planned on driving it back I wouldn't have to pay the additional drop fee for one way, but they're pretty flexible, they understand plans change, stuff happens. If someone else was paying for it like EVERYTHING else in my life, I might not care about additional charges on their credit/debit card. I could even leave it at any Enterprise location with the keys in the drop box at night & they would "get it". They would process the rental & charge the card on file just like a hotel does & contact you if a seat or couch was missing, if there were any accidents or damage, etc.
However, if my BFF rented the car & she very mysteriously somehow vanished into thin air I'd have to do a little thinking- which is remotely possible being a legal aide/secretary- I am one. If I needed the wheels to make a FEW STOPS or didn't want to drive with my dear boyfriend leaving the same day for some reason, even if I didn't have a license, I'd probably humbly on auto pilot get something to eat, take a shower, pack, make a few calls, pick up some munchies, set up my tunes & hit the road to get back to my loving children that being divorced I have full custody of (they might be sick) & my job that just left a busy professional office clerically unattended for 2-3 business days.
Going back to JW's 'story' about taking the train.

Why did JW initially tell LE that Beth was going to take the train back to Chicago. I mean, she TOLD LE this. LE spent money and man hours investigating this 'story', a story JW now admits is untrue. Clearly this is some kind of crime knowingly providing LE with false information regarding an open investigation.

I'm having a hard time digesting why JW would provide false information to police to cover up for her friend. She has stated she was trying to protect her friend and protect her friends family from embarrasment. I can understand trying to cover for Beth to her family, but when it became apparent this was serious and a missing persons report was filed why did she provide false info to police?

When did she finally tell LE the the story she initially gave them about making plans for Beth to take a train was untrue? and why hasn't she been charged for providing LE with that false information considering the amount of time and costs?

If we amateurs feel JW has discredited herself I am pretty certain LE feels the same way. Thus far there has been zero proof to back up ANY of JW's story of events which occured that weekend.

I hope LE knows much more than they are sharing.

Bottom line here is JW not only provided false info to the family and friends of Beth, she also admittedly provided false information to police. I think that speaks volumes about JW's involvement in this case.

I'd really like to believe Beth left willingly with someone, but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around why JW would not have initially provided that info to LE and only shared that possibility AFTER it was proven no one could place Beth at or on the train.


I am trying to keep hope alive that maybe, just maybe, JW didn't stab her friend in the back. (Just a turn of phrase.)

I hope she told the police the truth. I could see, if I was sneaking around, telling my friend to just pick me up at the train station. Especially if I wanted to spend sometime with another man.

Hopefully, she told them pretty soon after it all came out. I would love to know when JW told all the stories.

I have a friend that is married. My friend and one of her other female friends became involved on this Adult "friend" website. It was easy for them to blatantly look for hook-ups on. When I found out they were involved in that I told them they were going to a. catch something or b. get killed by a predator. They met some pretty scary men, according to them, off of the website in person.

I do not want to offend anyone who uses the dating websites to DATE. What I am referring to is one particular hook-up/booty call website.
Schwabie, all I do is post what I can find on Beth. This blog by this Gus gentleman has been the only thing that has been mentioning Beth.

Please do not get the feeling that I am advocating to contribute or not to contribute.

I too have been reading the facebook wall.

Respectfully, I didn't get any feelings, crystalgenie, just expressed my opinion & experience with the very same trust unanswered questions that many others have, wanting to help & contribute, and concerns legally knowing how a trust is set up & funded with assets to be valid and accessible. Contributing if you know or don't know BB is a very personal decision. There haven't been many mentions of BB in the media formats lately but I bet there will be when she comes home, calls or is found wherever she is.
Cubby- JW hair is a bit longer then shoulder length, she still has blond hair but has a bright red low lite color under her hair. This was as of last Friday. IMHO, it looked like it was just colored.

Thank you. I am not 100% certain but I think the picture with the longer hair may be an older photo.

Do we know if JW has visited her family in CA recently?
Thank you. I am not 100% certain but I think the picture with the longer hair may be an older photo.

Do we know if JW has visited her family in CA recently?

How recent is recently?

Since Beth has been missing? I don't think so.
I am trying to keep hope alive that maybe, just maybe, JW didn't stab her friend in the back. (Just a turn of phrase.)

I hope she told the police the truth. I could see, if I was sneaking around, telling my friend to just pick me up at the train station. Especially if I wanted to spend sometime with another man.

Hopefully, she told them pretty soon after it all came out. I would love to know when JW told all the stories.

I have a friend that is married. My friend and one of her other female friends became involved on this Adult "friend" website. It was easy for them to blatantly look for hook-ups on. When I found out they were involved in that I told them they were going to a. catch something or b. get killed by a predator. They met some pretty scary men, according to them, off of the website in person.

I do not want to offend anyone who uses the dating websites to DATE. What I am referring to is one particular hook-up/booty call website.

there are plenty of those kind of 'hook up' websites. We have not uncovered any evidence as of yet that JW or BB utilized this type of site.

FWIW, No where did it say JW stated Beth asked JW to pick her up at the train. JW initially stated that Beth had made arrangements to take the train home from southern IL, that is what JW has later changed her story and stated Beth asked to be dropped off near the train to meet someone. Why not tell that to LE in the beginning? Why the train story?

IMO, JW's choice to no longer answer questions publically - again - speaks volumes. She has to know whether she has been named a POI or Suspect or not - she is still the last known person to see Beth alive.

How recent is recently?

Since Beth has been missing? I don't think so.

One of the 4 photos on the site shows JW with longer hair than most pictures we have seen. I wondered how recent that photo is because it appears JW may be in that photo with her sister - who lives in California. I'm trying to determine if the longer hair photo is older and I think it is, but am unsure.
One of the 4 photos on the site shows JW with longer hair than most pictures we have seen. I wondered how recent that photo is because it appears JW may be in that photo with her sister - who lives in California. I'm trying to determine if the longer hair photo is older and I think it is, but am unsure.

Is it against TOS to post the photo's on WS?

If you look at Beth's personal fb page there are lots of photo's. Some even with a guy sitting on a toilet and standing on a bed over top of someone (my computer album) in a motel room. There are dates when they were added to fb. Do you see the same photo anywhere there?!/profile.php?id=1478677016&v=photos&ref=sgm
Come to think of it I have not read anywhere where JW stated what the plans where with her meeting back up with Beth after dropping her off. Why wouldn't she say I dropped her off and she was supposed to call me to arrange a pick up time, or call me Monday when I was to pick her up.

Are we supposed to believe JW dropped her friend off with ZERO knowledge of when JW was going to see Beth again? How was Beth going to get the car SHE rented back? Where were they supposed to meet back up?

It just seems JW would be more forthcoming with this info if it were true.
Is it against TOS to post the photo's on WS?

If you look at Beth's personal fb page there are lots of photo's. Some even with a guy sitting on a toilet in a motel room. There are dates when they were added to fb. Do you see the same photo anywhere there?!/profile.php?id=1478677016&v=photos&ref=sgm

I think those photos are only available to friends of Beth's. I don't see an area for viewing her photo's to non friends. :waitasec: or are the photo's on her wall?
Come to think of it I have not read anywhere where JW stated what the plans where with her meeting back up with Beth after dropping her off. Why wouldn't she say I dropped her off and she was supposed to call me to arrange a pick up time, or call me Monday when I was to pick her up.

Are we supposed to believe JW dropped her friend off with ZERO knowledge of when JW was going to see Beth again? How was Beth going to get the car SHE rented back? Where were they supposed to meet back up?

It just seems JW would be more forthcoming with this info if it were true.

EXACTLY! Why would JW drive the car back with no plans on meeting Beth along the way somewhere? What kind of stories where they going to tell when they got back home if they didnt' arrive together? She hasn't said a word about what was going to or suppose to happen after the "drop off".
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