GUILTY IL - Benjamin Kingan, 16 mos, dies of head injury, Lincolnshire, 14 Jan 2009

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Lincolnshire police investigator Adam Hyde said after the incident, Benjamin picked up his blanket and his pacifier and went to his favorite bouncy chair, where he was found cuddled up and unresponsive less than half-an-hour later.


This statement has absolutely ripped my heart to shreds. The little guy just wanted some comfort.

What is wrong with our world.


Rest In Peace precious Benjamin
This trial is ongoing right now....Dr Jan Leetsma for the defense. I think he testified for the defense in both the British nanny case as well as Peterson East.
(entire library of articles on lower left panel)

So the defense is the little baby had a pre-existing "life threatening" medical condition in his skull. I say BS. But regardless, how is it even relevant? She threw the child to the floor, thus causing his death. It is disgusting what a medical "professional" will say on the witness stand when it comes to money.
Melissa Calusinski, a former worker at the day care center, was convicted last year of first-degree murder in Benjamin's death and was sentenced to 31 years in prison. Authorities said she confessed to slamming the child's head to the ground in frustration.
The owner of the day care, Judith Katz, was to begin her trial yesterday on obstructing justice, but she died the day before yesterday.,0,6930721.story
There will be a presser today at 3:45pm

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Supporters of Melissa Calusinski, the woman serving a 31-year prison sentence for her role in the 2009 death of 16-month-old Deerfield boy Benjamin Kingan at a Lincolnshire day care, are demanding she be released.
The current Lake County coroner stated recently that he has found new evidence from the boy's autopsy that may clear the Carpentersville woman of Benjamin's death.

At the rally, Calusinski's father, Paul, accused Lake County State's Attorney Michael Nerheim of disregarding evidence that could prove his daughter's innocence.

Family and supporters of Melissa Calusinski marched on July 16 through the streets of downtown Waukegan, calling for her release from prison. A jury convicted Calusinski in 2011 of murdering a Lincolnshire boy, but the new Lake County coroner says he has found previously unreleased X-days from the boy's autopsy that show the fatal injury could not have been caused by her.

"They framed my daughter," Paul Calusinski said. "Enough is enough. Let my daughter out."

John Minarcik, a retired pathologist whose certifications included the American Board of Pathology, said Rudd had shown him the previously unreleased X-rays.

"I am 100 point zero zero percent sure that Melissa is completely innocent," Minarcik said. "The hemorrhage that was in that baby's head was not an acute injury."
So the defense is the little baby had a pre-existing "life threatening" medical condition in his skull. I say BS. But regardless, how is it even relevant? She threw the child to the floor, thus causing his death. It is disgusting what a medical "professional" will say on the witness stand when it comes to money.

i watched both the original 48 hours episode on this case in february, and the one last saturday which had the game changing update...

It turned out the defense team was right.

It was the State medical witnesses that were lying. alot. about everything.

1) there was an old injury (the preivious coroner denied this at trial but admittted it in an affidavidt in 2013)
2) the new coroner says it was a signifigant innury.
3) there was no 'one to two story fall impact'. there was no new injury that day (january 14th 2009) at all. (per the newly discovered xrays.)

other points of intrest brought up in posts here and other places i've read.
1) 'how did no one hear her slam the baby down like that?" easy answer. it never happened.
2) 'why did the daycare owner make the other worker lie in her statement?'. the daycare owner was going on melissa's confession. she had no clue or care as to melissas' gullt/innocnece at that point. she was only intrested in covering her OWN behind.
3) the same witness who testifed that the daycare owner told her to lie, also testified that on the morning that benjamin died, he did one of his 'headbanging' incidents on the floor. this would explain how the old injury was reopened. she also testified melissa wasnt present in the room when this happened.
4 the 'old injury' occured before melissa even transferred to that daycare center.

now about that 'confession'. that melissa has a low 'verbal iq' is not really important actually. kevin fox presumably has a higher iq, was the father of the victim, and it had been 5 months since his daughter was murdered...........and yet it only took him 4 more hours then melissa to confess to killing his daughter (which he was exonerated of later and the real killer caught)
she is in a locked room. with police officers cornering her. literally. playing every mind game police know......first they yell at her. then the swear at her. then they play the 'we just want to help you' card. then the 'just say it was an accident. then they hit her wit what turns out to be completley bogus medical evidence.....and of course 'just say this and we can all go home'.......and, she really did believe they would let her out if you see that tape.......saying that she wants to go home and is worried about her parents and 'wants to see her puppy.....''most importantly, the confession does NOT match the evidence. in fact, the so called evidence doesnt match the was a complete fabrication.

the new coroner has changed benjamin's cause of death from 'murder' to 'undetermined'. kathleen zellner (she who worked to free kevin fox and ryan fergerson) has filed for a new trial. the states attorney is still playing games....i hope someone does the right thing and drops these charges without a trial.

i cannot say if benjamin was murdered. but i can fully say that melissa is innocent, 100 percent.

that is all JMO.
Seems like if her defense team was not given these x-rays at trial, she has to be granted a new trial.
i watched both the original 48 hours episode on this case in february, and the one last saturday which had the game changing update...

It turned out the defense team was right.

It was the State medical witnesses that were lying. alot. about everything.

1) there was an old injury (the preivious coroner denied this at trial but admittted it in an affidavidt in 2013)
2) the new coroner says it was a signifigant innury.
3) there was no 'one to two story fall impact'. there was no new injury that day (january 14th 2009) at all. (per the newly discovered xrays.)

other points of intrest brought up in posts here and other places i've read.
1) 'how did no one hear her slam the baby down like that?" easy answer. it never happened.
2) 'why did the daycare owner make the other worker lie in her statement?'. the daycare owner was going on melissa's confession. she had no clue or care as to melissas' gullt/innocnece at that point. she was only intrested in covering her OWN behind.
3) the same witness who testifed that the daycare owner told her to lie, also testified that on the morning that benjamin died, he did one of his 'headbanging' incidents on the floor. this would explain how the old injury was reopened. she also testified melissa wasnt present in the room when this happened.
4 the 'old injury' occured before melissa even transferred to that daycare center.

now about that 'confession'. that melissa has a low 'verbal iq' is not really important actually. kevin fox presumably has a higher iq, was the father of the victim, and it had been 5 months since his daughter was murdered...........and yet it only took him 4 more hours then melissa to confess to killing his daughter (which he was exonerated of later and the real killer caught)
she is in a locked room. with police officers cornering her. literally. playing every mind game police know......first they yell at her. then the swear at her. then they play the 'we just want to help you' card. then the 'just say it was an accident. then they hit her wit what turns out to be completley bogus medical evidence.....and of course 'just say this and we can all go home'.......and, she really did believe they would let her out if you see that tape.......saying that she wants to go home and is worried about her parents and 'wants to see her puppy.....''most importantly, the confession does NOT match the evidence. in fact, the so called evidence doesnt match the was a complete fabrication.

the new coroner has changed benjamin's cause of death from 'murder' to 'undetermined'. kathleen zellner (she who worked to free kevin fox and ryan fergerson) has filed for a new trial. the states attorney is still playing games....i hope someone does the right thing and drops these charges without a trial.

i cannot say if benjamin was murdered. but i can fully say that melissa is innocent, 100 percent.

that is all JMO.
I was just going to point out that new 48 hours show. I watched it and hadn't been previously aware of this case. Although it will be unpopular on this thread, I think you're right. :truce:This was a tragic accident by a boy who had a history of banging his head on the floor, (and I've seen children do that) and an incompetent coroner who didn't spot the old injury, and a false confession, which weird, but they do occur- that's why Melissa's low I.Q. is relevant. She thought if she finally told them what they wanted to hear, they would let her go home to her parents and puppy.
It should be pretty clear that she told those officers what they wanted to hear in the interview ("confession") when all she did was repeat back what they said/asked happened. The previous DA that withheld those xrays needs to be punished. All cases the previous coroner did need to be looked at again. Hopefully this young lady gets a new trial very soon, although truthfully she should be released without the worry of going to trial again. Pretty clear once the truth is told that she had nothing at all to do with Ben's death.

I was just going to point out that new 48 hours show. I watched it and hadn't been previously aware of this case. Although it will be unpopular on this thread, I think you're right. :truce:This was a tragic accident by a boy who had a history of banging his head on the floor, (and I've seen children do that) and an incompetent coroner who didn't spot the old injury, and a false confession, which weird, but they do occur- that's why Melissa's low I.Q. is relevant. She thought if she finally told them what they wanted to hear, they would let her go home to her parents and puppy.

sorry i didnt mean to imply her Coerced confession wasnt ielevent lol i mean that anybody could confess (whatever their intelligence level or life status) given the consistant amount of pressure she was under. that is something a lot of people still dont understand, imo, and that along with the (fabricated) 'medical evidence' made it 'easy' for the jury, and i assume many posters in the back pages of this thread, to believe she was guilty.

i hadnt heard of this case before the 48 hours episode in february myself. i had no preconcieved notions going in. i think in january 2009 right up till the trial there was another case somewhere in florida that got 90 percent of the attention....i wonder how most of those posters feel now about melissa's case?

IMO the new cornerer had two other independent experts examine all the evidence and they came to the same conclusions as him. In a perfect world this wouldnt even need another trial. her conviction would be vacated and the charges dismissed. i think its been proven without doubt that melissa didnt kill benjamin, either intentionally, accidentally or colatterly (someone else did it and she saw it and did nothing about it) it might be proven he wasnt murdered period. i mean how can you try someone for a case that isnt even listed as a murder now? how can her conviction stand?

The problem is we dont have a simple 'mistake' here. we have massive criminal misconduct going on. from the police, from the original medical examiner and his assistants, and if is proved they totally hid the x-rays from the defense at trial, from the prosecutors themselves.

i pray to god someone in the DA's office has some shred of integrity and this case is dismissed.

then i hope melissa sues them all

I was just going to point out that new 48 hours show. I watched it and hadn't been previously aware of this case. Although it will be unpopular on this thread, I think you're right. :truce:This was a tragic accident by a boy who had a history of banging his head on the floor, (and I've seen children do that) and an incompetent coroner who didn't spot the old injury, and a false confession, which weird, but they do occur- that's why Melissa's low I.Q. is relevant. She thought if she finally told them what they wanted to hear, they would let her go home to her parents and puppy.

Why would it be unpopular? From the x-ray, it's very clear child had abnromally shaped head, presumably caused by the old injury. Sounds like child re-injured it by banging his head, and died as a result. With this woman then bullied into confession.
Why would it be unpopular? From the x-ray, it's very clear child had abnromally shaped head, presumably caused by the old injury. Sounds like child re-injured it by banging his head, and died as a result. With this woman then bullied into confession.

to be fair the opinions on pages 1 thru most of 6 of this thread are all against her. the case just sorta dissapeared after she was sentenced to 31 years and the daycare owner died.

ironically i think if it had been her sister in that room being last with benjamin, she would be in prison and melissa would be fighting for her.

i also think if he had died in his parents care the parents would probably be in prison.

i dont think they cared who went down for it, as long as someone did.
I wonder who (what) caused the original (old) injury to his head? His head clearly was very abnormal at the time of his death. He was born with a normal (average) size head, but it wasn't the case at the time of death. Sounds like fluids were building up in his head for a while, causing the abnormally large size and round shape.
Why would it be unpopular? From the x-ray, it's very clear child had abnromally shaped head, presumably caused by the old injury. Sounds like child re-injured it by banging his head, and died as a result. With this woman then bullied into confession.

Because the 90 posts prior to yours labeled her a monster, which if she really had done it would be true. These posters didn't see that it was a false confession, or the medical evidence of prior head injury, which she couldn't have caused, and it was never pointed out that the baby was a head banger. We've had nieces and nephews who have done this kind of behavior when having a tantrum and we've had to stop them, or at least cushion the floor!!!
I wonder who (what) caused the original (old) injury to his head? His head clearly was very abnormal at the time of his death. He was born with a normal (average) size head, but it wasn't the case at the time of death. Sounds like fluids were building up in his head for a while, causing the abnormally large size and round shape.

Apparently, they were self-inflicted because the child was a head banger. As I pointed out in another post, we've had niece and nephews do this when they were tantruming. It can get violent.
Apparently, they were self-inflicted because the child was a head banger. As I pointed out in another post, we've had niece and nephews do this when they were tantruming. It can get violent.
Possibly, a case for negliglence could be made against someone/the facility for not monitoring him more closely and stopping this behavior or cushioning the flooring.
Apparently, they were self-inflicted because the child was a head banger. As I pointed out in another post, we've had niece and nephews do this when they were tantruming. It can get violent.

I don't believe they are suggesting the original injury was self-inflicted.
Something caused the injury before this woman even started working there. He then banged his head on the day in question, reopening the old injury and resulting in his demise.

"He said previous research of the case and new pathologic slides helped determine Benjamin was suffering from the old injury, then suffered a minor head injury the day he died. The additional head trauma led Benjamin to "re-bleed" and resulted in his death, Rudd said."

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