Identified! IL - Chicago, Body parts of 2-3yo AA child, Sep'15 - Kyrian Knox

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Dep. Chief Georges:

Ongoing investigation, some things we won't release at this time.
Highly trained officers with good equipment, but lagoon environment makes equipment useless.
Weather... hot, searchers in rubber suits, can only be in lagoon for 30-45 minutes. Officers wouldn't leave, stayed out for 3-5 hours at a time.
We are not stopping, being able to pump gives us a 100% certainly that there is or is not more evidence.

John Escalante takes over:

The superintendent has allocated all available resources to this investigation.
DNA being examined.
Sketch artist working on composite.
Composite will be released to public once complete.
Hopeful that lagoon drainage will locate remainder of the child, and additional evidence.
Right now we believe someone out there has information that can help us.
Fliers has been distributed to the community earlier this morning.
Per ME, they believe it's a small AA child, between 2 and 4 years old.
Community: If you are aware of a small child that you haven't seen in the past couple of weeks, and you feel that's unusual... CALL US.
Tips can be texted.
Detectives manning phones around the clock, all tips will be followed up on.
We do believe we will be able to solve this crime.
Believe the body was not there too long, working with ME, 1-2 weeks but don't believe any longer
been given full weight of dept and resources have been made available.

crime is reprehensible - unimaginable

Msg is that there is someone out there who knows what happened to this child. Do the right thing. Turn yourself in or turn in the person responsible.

Steve Gorges - Special Functions CPD speaking now

acknowledge those working tirelessly on this case, water dept, etc all working together about the teamwork needed to work this case.

No words described what the officers are dealing with in order to bring resolution to the case.

two feet two hands found that first night.

subsequently discovered head and other evidence.

takes a toll, all fathers mothers, sisters uncles and hard for that reason

water stagnant and full of debris garbage branches rocks. searching on hands and knees by touch, SONAR WONT WORK. weather was hot this weekend. conditions difficult. the rubbers suits are hot. ofcrs stayed in them hours longer than advised as they would not give up.

next speaker thanking cooperative effort once more, park district, water dept.

DNA and forensic testing being done. working w Cook cnty Sheriff Dept artist to try to put together a sketch of child to release to community.

Continuing to search lagoon in hopes of finding rest of remains.

Want to ID child, ID parents and ID reasons this child was dismembered and left here in this lagoon.

We believe someone has information that would help us. Someone is aware of something unusual or suspicious. We are flyering the community asking for info. volunteers were distributing in are and neighborhood. flyer is limited right now. hoping we will have more info to add

between 2-4 years of age. Small AA child.

If you are aware of small child that you have not seen in neighborhood last few weeks and that is unusual please call us.

If someone has packed up and moved within past

tex tip to "crimes" or 274367

phones will be manned around the clock

We believe we can solve this crime. will follow every lead and tip.

We believe body was not there too long. Working with ME body there maybe a week to two weeks.

hoping that flyers will generate the tips we need. had a few so far but again we will follow up on anything and everything phoned in.

Started here w flyers because this is area body found, does not mean child is from area.

withholding specifics on state of remains for now, may release more if feel it will assist in IDing.

next speaker

We are all fathers parents, but ordinary people can and will do extraordinary things to ID this child.

water dept rep speaking - 4 pumps currently operating to drain lagoon. 3 are pumping into the sewer and the last is pumping out onto a street. created a dam, cutting off east from west side of lagoon, currently pumping the west side.

When dams removed the lagoon will self fill again.

news affairs ofc 312-745-6110 follow PD twitter handle.

Supt and mayors ofc - orders are to do what it takes to get this done. We will find who is responsible.

[paraphrased from live presser]

I can't hear the questions!

We believe the body was not there too long, a week to two weeks, but not longer.

Have you been getting tips already.... (can't hear the rest)
We are hoping the fliers will start generating the tips we need.

Everything is a possibility. We're starting here bc this is where the body was found. We'll work outward.

In order to protect the integrity of the investigation, I don't want to get too specific to how the body parts were recovered.

The child will be fingerprinted.

(guy from water dept. taking questions)
How much water is being pumped?
350 gallons a minute... 4 pumps operating... 3 pumping into sewer, one into east end of lagoon.
We don't know how long we'll be at it, when the police tell us we're done, we're done.
They built a dam to separate the east from west side of lagoon, pumping west side.
Once dam is removed, lagoon will refill itself.

Final housekeeping:
This is a media staging area, stick to it.

Follow CPD twitter handle, for media briefings and such.

Met with Super this morning, he said 'Do whatever it takes to get it done'

Full weight of the city is behind the investigation. We will find you. This child has suffered enough.

Unfortunately I came in part way through the live update but here's what I've got. Initially it was the guy from the water pumping company talking.

4 pumps operating
will stop pumping when police say
sewer & east end of lagoon - where water is being pumped to
made a dam along Central Park Ave to cut off east side of lagoon from west side
once finished dam will be removed & lagoon will refill
don't know how deep lagoon is

this is a media staging area
our news affairs office is open 24*7 - tel 312 745 6110
Follow Chicago Police Twitter handle to know when updates will be
Superintendent has said "do whatever it takes to get it done"
Mayor's office helpful in getting teams of people/resources together
full weight of city is behind this investigation
we will find who is responsible
for anyone who knows anything - do the right thing - this child has suffered enough
This more than breaks my heart. It cuts deep within my soul. RIP precious child :rose:
I can't wrap my head around the idea that someone is walking around my city that possesses the ability to dismember a toddler.
Chicago has been having a horrible escalation in violence as of late, I know, but seriously. A toddler.
How can anyone actually let themselves go through with that?
I want to tear my hair out!
i lost my two year old for a couple minutes when he slipped away from me at his brother's football game.... full blown panic.

he was found standing at the counter of the snack bar. lol

I know, me too. My niece is going to be three in a couple of weeks, she lives a hop skip and jump from this park, and I can't stop thinking of her because of it. She's darling, hilarious, so curious and precocious. Those chubby little wrists! So many people would literally lose it if something...ANYTHING bad were to happen to her. If she were missing for an hour she would have people coming in from across the country to find her. It's so sad.

I'm going to babysit her tomorrow night while my sister has open house, and I swear I'm going to hug her so tight she poops.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
i lost my two year old for a couple minutes when he slipped away from me at his brother's football game.... full blown panic.

he was found standing at the counter of the snack bar. lol

I think most parents have had this experience. My daughter decided to leave the porch and go into a neighbors apt. to look at her cats. Neither of them thought to let me know (the neighbor got an earful). It was all of five minutes, but I was on the stoop shrieking her name. I can remember exactly how it felt even now, 17 years later. You never forget that feeling.
Statistics aren't easy to find on this type of case, but after reading a bit, I think perhaps it is a woman who recently had a baby. The toddler was from a different father/relationship/marriage than the new baby. I think it would be difficult, but do-able to search recent hospital births and cross check that with a toddler in the home.
This more than breaks my heart. It cuts deep within my soul. RIP precious child :rose:
I know how you feel. I have three small children and I love them dearly. I cant understand how anyone could do something like this. I wonder if they know whether the child is male or female. That would narrow the search down on NamUs and other missing persons data bases.
I know how you feel. I have three small children and I love them dearly. I cant understand how anyone could do something like this. I wonder if they know whether the child is male or female. That would narrow the search down on NamUs and other missing persons data bases.

BBM: I can't either. Another poster mentioned that above too...who does this to a toddler?!? The only answer I could find through research was psychosis, and most likely the postpartum derivative. Statistics show that men usually don't do that to tots (shaken baby, blunt force trauma is more common). Only mothers use knives and other icky methods during psychosis.

I'm sorry to be so clinical. I just want this child to have a name and the person responsible held accountable to the letter of the law.

:rose: and rest easy little one
Statistics aren't easy to find on this type of case, but after reading a bit, I think perhaps it is a woman who recently had a baby. The toddler was from a different father/relationship/marriage than the new baby. I think it would be difficult, but do-able to search recent hospital births and cross check that with a toddler in the home.

What makes you think that? I think a mother would be very unlikely to dismember a toddler simply because she'd had a new baby with a new man... Post-natal psychosis, on the other hand, has led women to dismember their babies - but I think they are usually caught right away as they don't try to hide what they've done.
BBM: I can't either. Another poster mentioned that above too...who does this to a toddler?!? The only answer I could find through research was psychosis, and most likely the postpartum derivative. Statistics show that men usually don't do that to tots (shaken baby, blunt force trauma is more common). Only mothers use knives and other icky methods during psychosis.

I'm sorry to be so clinical. I just want this child to have a name and the person responsible held accountable to the letter of the law.

:rose: and rest easy little one

BBM: I can't either. Another poster mentioned that above too...who does this to a toddler?!? The only answer I could find through research was psychosis, and most likely the postpartum derivative. Statistics show that men usually don't do that to tots (shaken baby, blunt force trauma is more common). Only mothers use knives and other icky methods during psychosis.

I'm sorry to be so clinical. I just want this child to have a name and the person responsible held accountable to the letter of the law.

:rose: and rest easy little one

I don't think it's postpartum psychosis, or really psychosis of any kind. If you look at cases where somebody had a psychotic break and killed someone, the crimes are almost always very disorganised and the killer doesn't try to cover up the crime (because they have no understanding of what they're doing at the time). To see what that looks like, check out Andrea Yates, Dena Schlosser, Tammy Evans (all postpartum psychosis), or even the case in Manitoba where Vince Li randomly started stabbing - and then beheaded - the poor guy sitting in front of him on a Greyhound bus. All very disorganised and random crimes, all caught very soon after the crime, and none made any attempt to hide the murder.

In this case, the killer obviously tried to hide the child's body, because they went through the trouble of dismembering the body, placing it in a bag, fastening it to a 20-pound weight, and disposing of it in an area where they thought it wouldn't be found. That sounds like someone with a clear mind, not someone who had a psychotic break.
BBM: I can't either. Another poster mentioned that above too...who does this to a toddler?!? The only answer I could find through research was psychosis, and most likely the postpartum derivative. Statistics show that men usually don't do that to tots (shaken baby, blunt force trauma is more common). Only mothers use knives and other icky methods during psychosis.

I'm sorry to be so clinical. I just want this child to have a name and the person responsible held accountable to the letter of the law.

:rose: and rest easy little one

I thought the dismemberment occurred post-mortem? I think it was done for the purpose of disposing the body and not getting caught, so imo not during psychosis. It would take some clear thinking to do that, and then put the body in a bag, attach a weight, and then dump it into the lagoon.
I don't think it's postpartum psychosis, or really psychosis of any kind. If you look at cases where somebody had a psychotic break and killed someone, the crimes are almost always very disorganised and the killer doesn't try to cover up the crime (because they have no understanding of what they're doing at the time). To see what that looks like, check out Andrea Yates, Dena Schlosser, Tammy Evans (all postpartum psychosis), or even the case in Manitoba where Vince Li randomly started stabbing - and then beheaded - the poor guy sitting in front of him on a Greyhound bus. All very disorganised and random crimes, all caught very soon after the crime, and none made any attempt to hide the murder.

In this case, the killer obviously tried to hide the child's body, because they went through the trouble of dismembering the body, placing it in a bag, fastening it to a 20-pound weight, and disposing of it in an area where they thought it wouldn't be found. That sounds like someone with a clear mind, not someone who had a psychotic break.

Get out of my head Migmuu!!
I was thinking the exact same thing. The only work around I could think of for that is that the father comes home, sees what has happened and organizes the disposal in order to protect the mother.
but what father does that? shoot, my husband would come after me with a knife!

Get out of my head Migmuu!!
I was thinking the exact same thing. The only work around I could think of for that is that the father comes home, sees what has happened and organizes the disposal in order to protect the mother.
but what father does that? shoot, my husband would come after me with a knife!

I know, I'm reaching pretty hard.
Then again... A lot of people are lacking in any sort of humanity, so who knows?
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