IL - Jason Harmon, 34, killed in fight with brother, Pekin, 21 June 2007

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My computer at home let me sign the petition this morning. I don't know why the work one didn't. Anyway, I hope sometime today to forward this to some email buddies so you can get more signatures.

God bless you and your boys.
I signed your petition.

I hope that you and your family receive justice. God Bless You!!!
I just can't imagine anyone hurting someone they supposedly loved and then walked away instead of seeking medical care. I too will sign the petition. I'm afraid if this person get's away with it,it will happen again! God bless you and your boy's and all the other victims of this man..
I've added my name to your petition - I hope it helps. It must be horribly hard for your poor children knowing their Uncle killed their Dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. My stepson was murdered 10 years ago. We are working to keep his murderers in prison the whole duration of their sentence. I am always willing to help keep cold hearted criminals off the streets. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.

I am so sorry for your loss and your children's. I hope they lock him up for good. I admire the stance you are taking.

I signed your petition and if you need anything let me know.

My thoughts and prayers are with you always

Bless you


Thank you for signing Catmammy and Gozgals:blowkiss: Also thank you for offering help!
My computer at home let me sign the petition this morning. I don't know why the work one didn't. Anyway, I hope sometime today to forward this to some email buddies so you can get more signatures.

God bless you and your boys.

Thank you lizzybeth for signing and offering to forward it on!!:blowkiss: That would be great!
I just can't imagine anyone hurting someone they supposedly loved and then walked away instead of seeking medical care. I too will sign the petition. I'm afraid if this person get's away with it,it will happen again! God bless you and your boy's and all the other victims of this man..

Thank you nanny1:blowkiss: We dont understand how he could do what he did either!

As far as it happening again....He IS a cross country truck driver, that is why I wanted to share with people other than the ones who are local to me.
Thank you! It IS an injustice, youll get no arguement from me there. I know what happened to the insurance policy....Jasons dad was made benificiary because in his parents eyes I am a horible terrible person and would have squandered his money away. If you call raising my children and buying them things to make them feel better on the days they miss their dad a lil more is squandering....well then yeah I guess I wouldve.

Funny thing is, their dad had to mortgage his house to bail Robert out and has supposedly been paying his lawyer bills...their dad is retired! Now wonder with me where Jasons life insurance went.....
There is such a thing as Karmic justice..however sometimes it takes too d*#n long to arrive..
What H@)) is wrong with The grandparents that they dont see that the money should go to the boys? That that would have been theirs if their dad were here.. the incredible gaul of some folks to take the money for a murder victim and give it to suporting the defense of the accused.. and oh so guilty. I am speechless .. but even beyond that to have not only robbed the boys of their dad but of all of his financial support ( which i am sure they would gladly give up just to have their dad back).. I cant bbeleive there arent more outraged individuals picking that DA's office and the gradnparents home..

again I am so sorry for your boys loss and for all your heartache.
I signed the petition, may justice come. Bless this family.
I signed... the plea deal is just a slap on the wrist, IMO. I am sorry that your children are having to grow up without their dad... it's unfair... and it is unfair that they are having to live a nightmare of knowing that one day the family member that robbed them of their father, will be able to walk the streets a free man, again. :( This has to be very scary and upsetting to them... :(
Okay signed now let's hope it works! :blowkiss:
I signed also. so sick of hearing people get off with a slap on the wrist. This guy killed his own brother. That's worse than killing a complete stranger. Hope he gets the max. wish the judge could give him more.

I signed it too and I also am sick of people getting away with murder due to a good ole plea bargain. Fourteen years is nothing because he will end up serving a little over 4 years...and that is it! One third of his sentence :mad:

I believe the reason plea bargains are so popular with the Pros is because it is a win for the Pros and he saves the state a whole lot of money by not having a trail. I really hate plea bargains and I hope that somehow this plea is stopped and this brother has to go to trial for murder. I don't know how the brother who is the killer can even look at himself in his mirror.
There is such a thing as Karmic justice..however sometimes it takes too d*#n long to arrive..
What H@)) is wrong with The grandparents that they dont see that the money should go to the boys? That that would have been theirs if their dad were here.. the incredible gaul of some folks to take the money for a murder victim and give it to suporting the defense of the accused.. and oh so guilty. I am speechless .. but even beyond that to have not only robbed the boys of their dad but of all of his financial support ( which i am sure they would gladly give up just to have their dad back).. I cant bbeleive there arent more outraged individuals picking that DA's office and the gradnparents home..

again I am so sorry for your boys loss and for all your heartache.

Thank you for your kind words:blowkiss:

I dont know for a fact that the money was spend for Roberts defense. I am just a very suspicious person by nature, my hinky went up even more when my 18 year old asked his grandpa last week for money to buy a different car (his is starting to get in bad shape) and grandpa danced around the question. I heard it with my own ears as my son had his phone on speaker....I know this really hasnt much to do with the petition, but it does have to do with Im just saying....u be the judge........
I signed... the plea deal is just a slap on the wrist, IMO. I am sorry that your children are having to grow up without their dad... it's unfair... and it is unfair that they are having to live a nightmare of knowing that one day the family member that robbed them of their father, will be able to walk the streets a free man, again. :( This has to be very scary and upsetting to them... :(

Thank you Elphaba!!!!:blowkiss:

It IS very upsetting to the kids, I dont know how they will react is he does get to just walk out.....

(BTW...I couldnt believe they let him just walk out after pleading guilty last week either!:furious:)
I signed it too and I also am sick of people getting away with murder due to a good ole plea bargain. Fourteen years is nothing because he will end up serving a little over 4 years...and that is it! One third of his sentence :mad:

I believe the reason plea bargains are so popular with the Pros is because it is a win for the Pros and he saves the state a whole lot of money by not having a trail. I really hate plea bargains and I hope that somehow this plea is stopped and this brother has to go to trial for murder. I don't know how the brother who is the killer can even look at himself in his mirror.

Thank you Bobbisangel!!!:blowkiss:

4 years??? really? and I was led to believe he would serve at least half...WOW!:eek:

As far as I know there is nothing myself or my family an do to stop the plea deal. I sure wish there was because I'd do it in a heartbeat!!!

About him looking at himself in the mirror....I dont know how he does either because IMO Robert and Jason looked EXACTLY alike (Robert is about 10 years older than Jason though) freaks me out to see him in court thats how much they look alike!!!
At 8:23 my time we are at 380 signatures!!!!!!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!!!!
I signed yesterday, illinoismom. I have faith that it will work. There was a killer in our area that was up for parole and they had a petition online. His parole was denied. (His name is Brian McCarthy). Spread the word far and wide. Bless you and your family. Let's pray that justice is served.
I signed and I really hope this does something. I'm sorry for what happened and what you are going through right now. With this petition you are giving a voice to someone who cannot and that is inspiring. David defeated Goliath and I pray you find some kind of closure.

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