GUILTY IL - Katrina Smith, 30, beaten to death, Machesney Park, 23 Oct 2012 - #2

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Praying for an arrest.

I haven't watched the funeral video but have heard that Todd didn't speak.

If that's the truth, I find it bizarre.

I think a lot of the frustration in this case, at least for me, is that LE has not even made the mildest sort of statement "clearing" the husband in any way. Sometimes they at least indicate the high level of cooperation, something like that, even if they don't come right out and say the person is cleared. I have heard nothing like that here, unless I missed it?
I think a lot of the frustration in this case, at least for me, is that LE has not even made the mildest sort of statement "clearing" the husband in any way. Sometimes they at least indicate the high level of cooperation, something like that, even if they don't come right out and say the person is cleared. I have heard nothing like that here, unless I missed it?

nope, you havent missed anything clu...tight as clam they thing im wondering about is the **RUMOR ALERT** concerning the bf that has yet to be named in msm. im wondering if there are more people to confirm where abouts...jmho...
I agree and disagree. Yes, why leave a perfectly good vehicle, when you could use it to get away, at least for the first 24 hours. It makes sense, however if you really did want to get away, you do have to leave the car and the cell phone as they can both be used to find/track you down if you are using them. The cell phone is like a tracking device if being monitored and the car has plates that identify it and could be picked up by LE or plate capture cameras that automatically run them through databases and alert the operator of a "hit" on a vehicle plate.

So if one truly wanted to disappear, it would be wise to ditch the vehicle and the phone somewhere and then be far from it, via public transportation until your picture goes up on the news, or via a very trusted friend or relative.

Obviously this was not the case in this situation, but people have been known to do similar things to get away, or fake their death to start a new life.

But really why would she want to just dissappear? She lived in a seperate residence she could have just stayed there and not seen Todd. She also has a brother who is Special Forces, she could have called him up to ask him to come stay with her for protection. Chad did mention that he regretted he didn't pick up the last call from her.

If she really wanted to just get away from Todd she could have started driving and kept driving. He would have had no recourse what so ever.
If this is obviously not the case in this situation, then why even bring up an alternate theory that maybe Katrina disappeared herself? You are starting to sound like a criminal defense attorney, such that Drew Peterson and Scott Peterson had, setting up a defense for trial. It's the first line of defense when a man murders his wife, to say that she ran away and abandoned her entire life and family.

Except in this case, there is a body, and her death has been ruled a homicide. Let's not forget Katrina was beaten and thrown into the river and is a victim of homicide. Even mentioning that sometimes people run away on their own accord and fake their own death, distracts from this case.

To be fair LMS wasn't saying that. We were discussing the Sherrif's statement on the 24th. That statement was essentially we don't know if she left on her own or if there was foul play. I said that it seems obvious if there is an abandoned car that based on the facts at the time that she didn't leave on her own. LMS said that was still possible at that time.
I agree and disagree. Yes, why leave a perfectly good vehicle, when you could use it to get away, at least for the first 24 hours. It makes sense, however if you really did want to get away, you do have to leave the car and the cell phone as they can both be used to find/track you down if you are using them. The cell phone is like a tracking device if being monitored and the car has plates that identify it and could be picked up by LE or plate capture cameras that automatically run them through databases and alert the operator of a "hit" on a vehicle plate.

So if one truly wanted to disappear, it would be wise to ditch the vehicle and the phone somewhere and then be far from it, via public transportation until your picture goes up on the news, or via a very trusted friend or relative.

Obviously this was not the case in this situation, but people have been known to do similar things to get away, or fake their death to start a new life

Above BBM for emphasis..

In response to the issue of anyone here possibly doing a disservice or in any way being insensitive to the victim, Katrina Smith and what horrors she endured.. it should be heavily emphasized what I above bolded in the quoted post by LMStyle.

LMStyle clearly stated that Katrina did not run away or "disappear" herself. LMStyle never at any point alluded to or implied that the victim, Katrina had left her car, family, and life behind..

This is important for the simple fact to point out that at no time has LMStyle been insensitive, disrespectful, or any other negative statement, attitude, or opinion about Katrina, her life, or her horrendous death.. Its also important in pointing out in negating the claim that LMStyle had stated or insinuated the possibility of Katrina having left of her own free will .. LMStyle never stated or insinuated such.

WS is a place where thorough discussion takes place revolving around all elements of these horrendous crimes. Many theories and possibilities are discussed. Some/many/all may agree or disagree about any one, or even numerous of the theories and possibilities that are discussed WRT the case and victim. That is each of our rights to agree or disagree just as its each of our rights to post a reply RESPECTFULLY explaining what/why we disagree with the points of the post.

LMStyle has not at any point made any statements whatsoever that are in any way insensitive to Katrina and the horrors of which she endured in her brutal death. And just as is clearly stated in the BBM portion of LM's above quoted post at no point did she state or insinuate Katrina was in any way was responsible for her disappearance(LMStyle has never stated this BEFORE her body was found, NOR after her body was found).

IMO there is a huge, discernible difference in merely disagreeing with someone's opinion and/or statement..that is way different than claiming someone's opinion/statement is disrespectful, insensitive, or doing a disservice to the victim who in this case is Katrina Smith.


One other clarification the claim that LMStyle brought up the notion of Katrina diappearing of her own free will is false.. The only reason that there is any discussion about that option is due to the fact that on 10/24 LE PRESS RELEASED A STATEMENT THAT THEY WERE UNCERTAIN IF KATRINA HAD LEFT OF HER OWN FREE WILL or had met with foul play..

Tho, as I've repeatedly said this particular statement IMO is strictly SOP stated by LE to the public via the media.. Nonetheless IT IS LE that brought up the option OF KATRINA HAVING LEFT OF HER OWN FREE WILL..

Clearly she did not leave of her own free will and my personal opinion is LE has know she didn't all along...however it is their press released statemsnt that introduced and brought forth the discussion of this option.LE STATED IT NOT LMSTYLE.
To be fair I think they knew most likely it wasn't A. Her brand new vehicle was seen abandoned on the road and shortly after they found some of her personal effects near by in the grassy area. Logic says if she's going to disappear herself she will simply take her vehicle and drive somewhere rather than abandon it.

Quite obviously they know and have known all along a whole helluva lot more than what they publicly release..THEY ALWAYS DO IN ALL CASES!

This is S.tandard O.perating P.rocedure of LE in handling abduction/murder investigations, especially cases that are in the media spotlight.

And in that media spotlight one of the more commonly press released statements by the LE agency heading up the investigation is identical to the one THIS LE agency released IN KATRINA'S CASE on 10/24.

This LE agency knows and has known exactly what the Hell is going on in this case and IMO they know and have known exactly who is responsible. But until the SA/DA affirms to LE that there is sufficient evidence for a successful prosecution of those is only then when we will see the arrest warrant issued and executed for those involved and responsible for Katrina's murder.
I agree despite disagreeing with LMS on about every statement they have made they surely haven't been insensitive in any way.
All this hair splitting and explaining what other posters mean is really confusing the hell out of me.
My continued prayers for Katrina's many loved ones and that justice will be served firmly and swiftly on those responsible.
All this hair splitting and explaining what other posters mean is really confusing the hell out of me.

I would just like to see posters be able to post without being interrogated for having an opinion or pondering out loud... I dont think every opinion should have to be explained. jmho
I would just like to see posters be able to post without being interrogated for having an opinion or pondering out loud... I dont think every opinion should have to be explained. jmho

I read it all but the lines got blurred and I no longer could figure out who was saying what or what the issue was. Just that I was seeing a lot of semantics and hair splitting.
I read it all but the lines got blurred and I no longer could figure out who was saying what or what the issue was. Just that I was seeing a lot of semantics and hair splitting.

there just hasnt been any info coming out from le to talk about...hopefully something will break soon. le did say that they had 8 detectives working on katrinas sure they are working as hard as they can even tho we cant see all the action im sure there is plenty going on...jmo
there just hasnt been any info coming out from le to talk about...hopefully something will break soon. le did say that they had 8 detectives working on katrinas sure they are working as hard as they can even tho we cant see all the action im sure there is plenty going on...jmo

Let's hope so. It seems like they are doing a great job right now of getting all the evidence and information they need.

As I said, I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't know who murdered Katrina, but whoever it is, I hope they are caught and brought to trial, and convicted.

And if it's Todd, it doesn't matter who has known him personally, for how long or whether they think he is capable of it or not.

I've studied many cases just like this, where it was the spouse who committed the murder. In cases like this, you have to ask who would want her dead? If she had enemies, then it would be harder to figure out. If she didn't, that narrows it down quite a bit.

It doesn't have to be premediated, it could have been a crime of passion. There have been many times where a husband had a spotless criminal record but murdered his wife in the heat of the moment.

You know the saying: Before you start looking for the outlaws, look at the in laws.

The obvious is the husband. Yet I've also known of cases where the husband looked good for the crime, until forensics came back, or DNA showed it couldn't have been the husband, it was an acquaintance or co-worker or a neighbor, like in Whitney Heichel's case. Her husband was the first suspect, but not the last.
I watched the funeral video... WOW this woman was a wonderful friend and sibling, daughter, community member, etc. She was so loved in her life.

Particularly interesting is Miraynda's talk about Katrina. She expresses her pride in Katrina "especially lately when she decided to seek her own happiness finally... paraphrased. It is near the very beginning, Miryanda was the first speaker.

Also touching was the song by Katrina's friend Rosa, and Chad gave a powerful eulogy... he is truly a man to admire.

I added quite a few stills from the vid, as well as some from the tribute video... where there are hundreds of pics of Katrina's life.

Here is the Case Archive: Smith -IL-/
Knowing how difficult it is for me waiting for some movement in this case, I can't imagine how it must seem that time is standing still for her family and friends. It has to be exhaustive to them.

I check here multiple times a day hoping for some word. Keeping the faith that soon there will be some forward movement.
Knowing how difficult it is for me waiting for some movement in this case, I can't imagine how it must seem that time is standing still for her family and friends. It has to be exhaustive to them.

I check here multiple times a day hoping for some word. Keeping the faith that soon there will be some forward movement.

It has been hard to focus on much else the past month until we know justice is served for our close friend. She was a wonderful caring selfless individual that did not deserve anything less than the best in life. RIP Kat
It has been hard to focus on much else the past month until we know justice is served for our close friend. She was a wonderful caring selfless individual that did not deserve anything less than the best in life. RIP Kat

One thing the pastor did say that rings loud to me is that when we get angry even though we want justice right now... we are not hurting the perp, we are hurting ourselves. Hence, I remain patient awaiting the LE to solve this case ASAP!
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