Found Alive IL - KD, 13, & CD, 2 weeks, Madison County, 18 Sept 2016 *Arrest*

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Time to bring out the big guns and find this girl.

As if it wasn't bad enough to begin with. This poor child has been through so much. IMO he's filled her head with so many lies that she probably doesn't have the capacity to know what the truth is anymore.

His friends and family will have an inkling of where he has gone. Time to get some people talking.

I'm so disgusted and worried about KD.
The father is not her step-father. Someone else can not claim to be her father now. There is a legal difference between a step-father and father. He is her father by law, through adoption. They had to do a home study in order for him to adopt her. Step-fathers are not legal anything---they are not on the financial hook, they are not on a birth certificate. This man has legal decision making power over these children.

BBM. There were two men living in the home who could be the father of this baby. In my heart, I hope that this father did not father this baby. I hate that this girl was abused and impregnated. That said, I would like some hope that he had boundaries and was not an evil predator. (Probably not going to happen but I can hope.)

"Fairly certain...... they are out there." --That is one scary sentence!

"The original complaint stemmed from the fact that there was a 13-year-old that was pregnant and there were, at the time, two individuals living with her in the home
," Lorton tells PEOPLE. "We obviously don't know who the father of the child is, but that's what launched the investigation."

According to Lorton, detectives were working to determine the child's paternity before K. and her son were abducted.

"We are still investigating, and we are fairly certain K. and her stepfather are out there," Lorton says. -----From

Do we know if their is an older step brother in the home?
If the "other adult man" living in the home was the one who sexually abused this girl and got her pregnant, it's highly unlikely the adoptive father would be kidnapping her and the baby. Unless of course they were both abusing her and he (CD) couldn't be sure the baby wasn't his. A *real* father, a *real* man might just track this other adult man down himself and hand over what was left of him to the local PD.

I know this man legally adopted KD but I cannot bring myself to call him her "father".
Time to bring out the big guns and find this girl.

As if it wasn't bad enough to begin with. This poor child has been through so much. IMO he's filled her head with so many lies that she probably doesn't have the capacity to know what the truth is anymore.

His friends and family will have an inkling of where he has gone. Time to get some people talking.

I'm so disgusted and worried about KD.

Agreed! Bring out the big guns! I am so happy this is finally gaining some national attention. I hope it's plastered on every news channel in the country. Someone will see them. This man is obviously not right in the head so he will slip up sooner or later. As far as the speculation about whether or not he is the father, the longer he is gone, the worse off he is looking. I think if he truly wasn't the father, he would come forward with her to explain himself. I think he is basically showing his guilt by remaining in hiding with her.
Oh my. :(

There also was a case in 2015 involving KD but apparently there wasn't enough evidence for a full investigation.

My heart dropped to my feet reading the latest update. Thank you MsMarple for sharing it.

This link was cited within the article:

Mother begs for daughter via @@KSDKNEWS

The video mentioned the sunglassss specifically, so I thought I'd share the image (as much as his face makes me :sick: the public needs to know who/what to BOLO for:

I am beyond worried for KD and Little CD! May they :please: be found safe and soon!


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I know this man legally adopted KD but I cannot bring myself to call him her "father".

I agree I don't see him as a father in the way I picture it. I want people to understand that he had to be vetted in order to get this legal title.

I also agree that it is highly likely that he ran with her from a fear based position--- indicating that he might be the father. At this point we don't quite know. Regardless, he had a no contact order and broke it. All signs point in the paternity direction.
The sad thing is this sounds like a girl who has never known love and attention like every child deserves so along comes this manipulating sick man who shows a twisted form of it and she gets abused. I feel no pity for this mother, regardless of her issues, she has had her children in dangerous situations and not only not done her job as a parent but given this little girl a life that is so disturbed and will require so much work to even touch the issues she has. A child that doesnt know safety, care and protection and now as a child has her own to teach these things to with no support, no way i have anything near sympathy fir the mother. I may be harsh, but this woman is sick- and perpetrating exactly the same cycle. Ug
There are some pretty ugly rumors circulating on SM but just looking at the information we know from msm IMO tells a story:

A 2015 investigation involving KD was opened but insufficient evidence caused it to be dropped.

A 2016 investigation into KD's pregnancy led to her being removed from the household.

In August a no-contact order was issued against CD.

KD's baby is named CD.

LE believes the abduction was planned.

JMO but it looks like KD was groomed and used by CD. If she does have feelings for him that may help keep her and her baby safe. I hope. If CD begins to see them as a liability then I'm terrified of what he would do.
honestly.... if the baby is NOT his, the only reason I see him taking off w KD and baby is because an older son of his fathered the weeb. I don't see him sticking out his neck for anyone else like that.

Do we know if their is an older step brother in the home?
Do we know if their is an older step brother in the home?
He has 2 children with another woman both with last name of Derleth, but neither are grown. They are all friends on FB. Also cousins with Williams children.
She had a c-section? That poor girl. My first daughter was a c-section and recovering from that was horrible.
honestly.... if the baby is NOT his, the only reason I see him taking off w KD and baby is because an older son of his fathered the weeb. I don't see him sticking out his neck for anyone else like that.

That's what I was thinking. He could be "getting rid of evidence" that would destroy his son's life. I hope that's not the case though. I hope he thinks he loves her and is protecting her (no matter how twisted that is) so maybe he will keep her and the baby safe. I hope they are found soon. They must be hiding out someplace to not be found yet.

This says he
is an outdoorsmen and left the area equipped with tents, sleeping bags, and goods / merchandise that would commonly be gathered for a camping trip. He has talked with friends / family in recent months about free camp sites throughout the country and is likely staying in a campground, national forest, or a rural wooded area, that would allow for free or inexpensive primitive camping.

Not good. I hope all free campsites are checked.
Does anyone have a link to a one page poster we can print and distribute?
Oh no, she had a c-section too? That affects her recovery and how mobile she is. Not good, not good. :(
To only be 13, a c section, less than 100 pounds, a pacemaker all makes for a bad situation to get worse. Please bring them home safe
Stepfather and another man? Who is the other man?

I got all caught up earlier after losing the thread but KD and CD are all over SM so I came here to catch up. I was all ready to be angry at K's Mom until I saw her interview. Now idk, she seems so frail and sick, and maybe she got taken advantage of, or hoodwinked by this creep too, idk. I just felt sorry for her watching the interview, call me soft but unless/until we know more I'm gonna cut her some slack.

KD and the baby need to be found now! That poor young girl, I'm a fully grown adult and I'd be a total mess after what she has been through :(

I felt bad after seeing that too.

Even without seeing that, we should all be cognizant of passing judgement without knowing facts.

The important thing is finding these babies alive and getting them to safety.

Thank you for posting this.

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