IL - Kenneka Jenkins, 19, found dead in hotel freezer, Rosemont, 10 Sept 2017 #1

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I don't disagree with you at all, and believe that is probably likely. But I'm having trouble getting my brain around why they would lie. Isn't it worse if they left her alone in the lobby? I would think that mom would be less upset about her wandering out of the room when nobody was looking. The fact that they said they were all leaving together and then separated makes them look way worse. Plus, this is so easy to verify or disprove by looking at security videos. So if they lied, they had to have a very strong reason. Any ideas?

MAYBE they didn't want to tell the mom she wandered away from the room, because they were afraid the mom would want to go TO the room and look for her, and they didn't want her to see all the partying that was going on there. BUT their plan didn't work, because mom wanted to go to the room anyway. So maybe they made up another lie and said the party was on the 11th floor instead of the 9th, because on the 911 call the mom said she went looking on the 11th floor.
I'm probably wrong about all of this, but I told a lot of dumb lies like that when I was their age too, and that's probably what I would do.
The family is trying to raise money for a second autopsy. This case will not be resolved for quite some time. And I'm betting they will find someone that will give them the results they want.

That is interesting. That tells me the first autopsy says that she died without any significant trauma to her body, without any evidence of sexual assault, and from heavy intoxication combined with rapid hypothermia. Just a guess, of course, but if they want to second autopsy, they do not like with the first one says.
I didn't mean to direct any attitude at you. I just feel strongly about it.

A far as them lying...

They are young, drunk, and guilty. They lost her. It's on them. And we don't know how long she'd been lost. Maybe they didn't pay attention all the way until 4am? We don't know. and maybe they last remembered her at like 2am. So they have to cover for that. Why don't you know where she is from 2am to 430am? Know what I mean?

I don't believe they realize that their story is bunk. but they have to have a reason that none of the 3 of them were with her but knew where she was. Maybe they thought it sounded better to say that than they didn't know what the hell happened to her. She just suddenly wasn't even there and they don't even know when she left.

Maybe they were doing something that made it so they didn't know and they don't want anyone to know what that activity was. I don't know, but I don't believe 3 people need to go upstairs but KJ doesn't go with them. Why?

Let's say she is drugged out of her mind. She needs air. One of them is with her on the elevator. They decide to go back up and get the others. KJ just gets off the elevator, saying she's going to get air. Maybe it happened like that. But 3 do not need to go back up without the 4th. At the most, I'd say two go up and two stay down.

The only way I can see that happening is if all 3 left their stuff up there, and while they are in the elevator, they decide not to get off, but KJ insists. But you don't even see them try to catch her or stop her from getting off.

ETA. The condition she is in is so serious that I can't see anyone leaving her by herself. It's more dangerous than leaving a toddler at that point. If she was that smashed--and it was on purpurse--maybe they were, too, and they lied to cover for it. Maybe that all did some drug, but KJ had the wrong reaction. I don't know.

Oh, I did not think you were giving me attitude at all! I was honestly just curious about your thoughts! [emoji8]
She got off the elevator at 324am. she walked through the kitchen at 332am.

I believe she left the room at probably 322am. walked off camera toward freezer at 332am and that's the end. maybe 12 minutes?

I don't believe she roamed all over that hotel. She was just in the elevator and on the conference level floor before going into the freezer. What if she thought she'd get some food once she realized she was in a kitchen? I don't know. She was drugged and could have been hungry. She left her house at 1130pm. Just brainstorming.

The more I look at the map and the timeline, the more convinced I am that she had to throw up. That would also explain her hair being all over the place like her sister said. I think she went down to that level looking for a bathroom, stumbled into the men's room, realized it was a men's room, stumbled back out to find the ladies room and wound up in the kitchen. I wonder if there is a big sink over by that freezer and if it had vomit in it. I bet she threw up, then thought she would just step inside the freezer for one second to cool down (you know how good cold air feels when you are nauseous?!) and either got stuck or passed out.

Worth noting there seems to be a door that isn't on the map right past the men's restroom where she goes off camera for a while. Don't know what's there or how much it matters if any, but maybe that's where she went when she left frame for a while.


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MAYBE they didn't want to tell the mom she wandered away from the room, because they were afraid the mom would want to go TO the room and look for her, and they didn't want her to see all the partying that was going on there. BUT their plan didn't work, because mom wanted to go to the room anyway. So maybe they made up another lie and said the party was on the 11th floor instead of the 9th, because on the 911 call the mom said she went looking on the 11th floor.
I'm probably wrong about all of this, but I told a lot of dumb lies like that when I was their age too, and that's probably what I would do.

I wa wondering where the 11th floor information came from. That makes sense. I wonder if Iene was spending the night in the room.
We know what happened to Natalie?

OT: Yes! Aren't you watching the new miniseries with her dad? One of the co conspirators told the whole story and they have found some of her remains. Vandersloot roofied her, she had a seizure and died. He took her to his fathers house and they drove her to a deserted desert Park area and buried her. 5 years later, the guy who is featured in the new miniseries, moved the body. He was really good friends with Vandersloot & Vandersloot asked him to dig her up and take the remains to be cremated. This guy told Natalie's dad the whole story and they went and found bone fragments at the burial site! It is really good and well worth watching!
The more I look at the map and the timeline, the more convinced I am that she had to throw up. That would also explain her hair being all over the place like her sister said. I think she went down to that level looking for a bathroom, stumbled into the men's room, realized it was a men's room, stumbled back out to find the ladies room and wound up in the kitchen. I wonder if there is a big sink over by that freezer and if it had vomit in it. I bet she threw up, then thought she would just step inside the freezer for one second to cool down (you know how good cold air feels when you are nauseous?!) and either got stuck or passed out.

possibly. I know I got drugged a couple times while out, and I wanted air and I wanted coolness. One of the times, it led me to lay my head on someone's toilet and just lay there. The other time, I just went outside. I don't remember what time of year it was. But I was outside behind a walled patio and then I saw my two companions outside of the entire club and I thought they were leaving me. I flipped out, screaming at them in the street for leaving me in the club.

As it turns out, they were looking for me and started going to the car because they thought I might have gone there. I have no clue how long they had been looking for me. I had been on the dancefloor and someone asked me to light whatever they were smoking off my cigarette. I let them and I had to drag it to help it light. Whatever they were lighting got me bad and I just stumbled off the dancefloor and went outside. I can't even remember if my friends were dancing, too, or not, but they started looking for me.

So anything can happen, you know?
OT: Yes! Aren't you watching the new miniseries with her dad? One of the co conspirators told the whole story and they have found some of her remains. Vandersloot roofied her, she had a seizure and died. He took her to his fathers house and they drove her to a deserted desert Park area and buried her. 5 years later, the guy who is featured in the new miniseries, moved the body. He was really good friends with Vandersloot & Vandersloot asked him to dig her up and take the remains to be cremated. This guy told Natalie's dad the whole story and they went and found bone fragments at the burial site! It is really good and well worth watching!

whoa. I thought they were just doing another rehash when I started hearing her name on commericals! I ignored it. thanks. I'll have to check it out soon. Wow. You blew my mind, but seriously, I do remember thinking it was another BS rehash show and I ignored whatever the commerical said.

No, but I don't blame the hotel where she was staying, either.

You are confusing me. Someone else said we do know what happened to NH and I thought the original post was about blaming KJ for what happened to her, not the hotel.
Didn't her mom say the girls lie all the time? I thought I remember hearing her say something to that affect.

Do we ever know IF the three girls left her to go get her phone upstairs? Was this verified?

I would be surprised if she left her cell in the first place, and why would it still be there when they went back. Wasn't this an "open" party, so anyone could have taken her phone already either to hold for her or to keep?

Just curious? Going back to search but you all are so good you probably will know quicker.

Which could be a reason things are going a bit slow with LE, and, if Mom is correctly relating what she's telling LE, there was a male who was speaking to her from KJ's cell. We don't know who this is either.:

From 911 Call

O: You're welcome but it doesn't look like we had any run-ins with her last night at all. Uhm. Do you think it's possible she went to one of her friend's houses or she's

M: No actually because she had my car. She was driving my car. She knows I don't like nobody to drive my car because my insurance will not pay for nobody noone besides her and ughm her friends kept calling my phone.

I told them to stay out here they stayed out here they called me like about three times in the morning. I was laying in the bed I'd just had breast surgery at first I thought it was false but (unknown) so uhm you know sedated off medication early and they're tellin me she out here so once I reguvenated strength enough myself enough to get up and drive out here to look for once they brought me my car I came out right out here and I came to the hotel and I come to the hotel and I showed them a picture of her and I asked if they had seen her and there was a lady in the lobbey and she heard me asking the front desk and she said "it was music she did hear music she called to <?> downstairs to report the room and kind of find out what the people next door and when we knocked on the door that uhm that person said that she did see my daughter downstairs which it was like four of them and it was four of them and she said my daughter she uh she was with three of her friends but her three friends her three friends said which you know these kids won't tell the truth they said that she uh they said she went upstairs to get her cell phone and when they went to get their cell phone she was standing in the lobby in the front lobby and when they came back down she wasn't there anymore.
M: And I'm like one cup is too much for her. You know and like I asked him and then he end up with her cell phone. I pay her cell phone bill every month to make sure my daughter has a phone. How did she lover her phone I don't understand how why would she leave her cell phone with you all and just go disappear and
__________________________________________________ __

Worth noting there seems to be a door that isn't on the map right past the men's restroom where she goes off camera for a while. Don't know what's there or how much it matters if any, but maybe that's where she went when she left frame for a while.

If these are the stairs that are in the center of the hotel map, then there is an escalator on the other side of them. I guess there are walls and a door between those. That is weird. Unless, is that other side the airport?
Do we have a picture of the freezer?

Her friends left her alone to go back up to the room to get phones?

Watching the videos it does seem like she is following something.

Were the friends messed up too? Did they go back to the hotel with the mom?
IF the friends are telling the truth, there has to be video of all of them in the lobby and them leaving her there alone. The only video they show of her walking with her friends is time stamped at 1:30am and they were all walking fine. It appears she had keys and phone in her hands.

In the recorded call of the officer first seeing her body he said they were in the kitchen in the back. "near the dock, by the garbage". If there's a dock outside I wonder if there is a camera toward the back of the kitchen where she disappears from view or even outside the back door.
If these are the stairs that are in the center of the hotel map, then there is an escalator on the other side of them. I guess there are walls and a door between those. That is weird. Unless, is that other side the airport?

If you are standing in front of the men's room facing the stairs, I think this door is to the right. The escalator is to the left, the other way down this corridor.
First off I have worked the overnight shift in several hotels for over 20 years.Hotel room parties,underaged drinking intoxicated guests roaming around in employee areas are very familiar situations to me.A hotel that size has security monitoring the cameras.There is no way Kenneka should have wandered around for over an hour without being detected especially since the staff was alerted to the party and it should have been shut down Security was not doing their job if they would have no matter the outcome Kenneka would still be alive.Second the mom was treated horribly by staff and also the 911 operator.There is simply no denying if her daughters name was not Kenneka and had she been a white suburban mom she would have been treated a lot differently IMO
As a White Suburbon Mother, Grandmother and Step Mother who acquired 3 children pre teen and two teenagers, whose Mother had them living in homeless shelters and digging in dumpster for food across the Country, by time we got Custody and brought them back to our State, the oldest was addicted to drugs, and all three had been sexually abused so we got them into counciling immediately. The oldest was 15 and by the time he turned 17 he wanted to move in with his friends and party. I had been working for our local District Attorney and a Senator for many years so I spoke to both of them. That age of 17 is such a gray area, and I found out we could not legally force him to come home, and believe me my bosses were willing to help us but the law had their hands tied. This young girl was considered an adult at 19 yet too young to drink. Just like KJ's Mother, there was just so much we could do legally. This hotel certainly did not want nor need this kind of activity on their premises. The credit card used for this room had been stolen and their was identity fraud committed. The last thing this hotel wanted was a group of underage kids drinking and partying, and most likely bringing illegal drugs into their business and now THEY are liable? This poor girl should never have been left alone. Poor judgement and a very freak accident. But I am sure LE is still trying to put the pieces all together. And let me tell you, raising teenagers is like trying to nail jello to a tree. I feel terrible for that poor Mother, but this was all so unnecessary, a very tragic death.
If you are standing in front of the men's room facing the stairs, I think this door is to the right. The escalator is to the left, the other way down this corridor.

Yes it is!! But this latest video is posted from YouTube. It's still SM and we've been warned twice now about posting/talking about ANY SM.


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Yes it is!! But this latest video is posted from YouTube. It's still SM and we've been warned twice now about posting/talking about ANY SM.


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I didn't post it! [emoji23][emoji23] And a few pages back I did ask the mods if was OK if we discuss that one because it is purely informational and doesn't contain anything sensational or any opinions. It just gives us the layout. Hopefully they will let that one stand.
Why would we not be able to put up youtube videos?We do that all the time. I've even seen threads full of music videos. All it is in the video is a tour of the hotel. It's not commentary. If you don't like it, report me. Mods will deal with me for posting it.
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