IL - Kenneka Jenkins, 19, found dead in hotel freezer, Rosemont, 10 Sept 2017 #1

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IMO, this is a horrible accident. It's obvious from the video released she wasn't walking straight. And no one else was around or following her. She was alone. She was in an area that was not in use and off limits to the public, yet she found her way there. This certainly isn't the hotels fault. It always seems when something bad happens, the first thing people want to do is place blame.

How many drunken teenagers don't return home? There have been several. Whether they get behind the wheel of a vehicle or get into one with an inebriated driver, they get a ride from a stranger, take a bus and get followed home, they pass out someplace and are never seen agai, they are all horrible circumstances, that end up costing your people their lives.

This was sounds like she had no clue where she was, where she was going, or how to get out when she got there. She may have passed out as soon as she got into the freezer.

I remember in my drinking days, wanting to be somewhere cold, so the room would stop spinning, so I could clear my head and breathe. She may have found the freezer, laid down, passed out and froze. Not everything is a conspiracy and not every death is murder. In my humble opinion.


^ Agree.
You could hear her slurring in Irene's early video. Have you seen the video of the party? There's a ton of people in that room and the music was very loud, along with everyone rapping/singing along. Security was at the door in the beginning and the music gets turned down for a few minutes. It wasn't just the four of those girls and a couple guys. I'm surprised that the security guard didn't toss them then. He gave them one more shot. You hear a girl in a white top say that she's "fittin to give this to that girl over there (has a cup of something as she's leaving the bathroom), someone asks, What girl, she points to KJ. At the very end of the vid, KJ is seen sitting down, drinking out of a Styrofoam cup.Her mom said she could not handle her alcohol. It could have been water. They may have been trying to sober her up.

Yes, I have watched it about 15 times. LOL. I just meant that the way she is walking down the hallway violently running into the wall in that one clip, does not look like just alcohol intoxication to me. She is actually banging her head against the wall. It looks like she is on some sort of psychoactive drug in addition to the alcohol. I don't know if she took it herself or if it was slipped to her, but it appears to me to be much more than alcohol. My opinion, of course.
I think she says them and they.

I won't argue the fact. It very well could be. Her accent is kinda heavy. I have to repeat things sometimes because I have kind of a drawl.and run words together.

"There’s a reason the public hasn’t seen surveillance video of Kenneka Jenkins walking into the hotel freezer where her body was found earlier this month.

It doesn’t exist, a spokesperson for the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel & Conference Center tells CBS 2’s Audrina Bigos.

More specifically, there is no video camera trained on the freezer."

Until ME releases cause and manner of death I don't think we will ever know. IMOO

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It also could have been lean, which is typically consumed in styrofoam cups.

Yeah, I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm leaning toward Lean/Sizzurp too. Honestly, not a good thing for someone used to drinking it, but if she'd never taken it before, it would hit her harder. I'm guessing LE is wanting to run down any person's they've yet to talk to, identify everyone who was at that party, and who paid for the room with the stolen credit card.
Why not both?
Criminal and accidental

Maybe someone slips something in her drink and rapes her. Maybe multiple people involved and it occurred in an adjacent room or another area. They got what they want and left her alone afterwards. She is still super f'd up and returned to her friends. Then their story kicks in, she was in the hallway by herself and they walked into room. She being severely disoriented and not understanding wonders off and walks into freezer.
I am sure that cool air/environment felt real good. So she sits down and soaks it up some, passes out. She looks real close to passing out on video. How many have been that messed and on the verge of being sick and that cool air helped you get your stuff together? This seems as plausible, actually more probable, than tape doctoring conspiracies. IMO

"There’s a reason the public hasn’t seen surveillance video of Kenneka Jenkins walking into the hotel freezer where her body was found earlier this month.

It doesn’t exist, a spokesperson for the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel & Conference Center tells CBS 2’s Audrina Bigos.

More specifically, there is no video camera trained on the freezer."

Until ME releases cause and manner of death I don't think we will ever know. IMOO

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That's what I thought.
Why not both?
Criminal and accidental

Maybe someone slips something in her drink and rapes her. Maybe multiple people involved and it occurred in an adjacent room or another area. They got what they want and left her alone afterwards. She is still super f'd up and returned to her friends. Then their story kicks in, she was in the hallway by herself and they walked into room. She being severely disoriented and not understanding wonders off and walks into freezer.
I am sure that cool air/environment felt real good. So she sits down and soaks it up some, passes out. She looks real close to passing out on video. How many have been that messed and on the verge of being sick and that cool air helped you get your stuff together? This seems as plausible, actually more probable, than tape doctoring conspiracies. IMO

I agree, but in my opinion we don't even need the purposely drugging her and/or raping her part. Whoever served her the alcohol and/or drugs is in a heap of trouble. She is under age. If there was a 21-year-old in that room who provided alcohol for her and it led to her death, that person could go to jail. If somebody supplied her with illegal drugs, they too will go to prison.

THAT is the story. We don't need to add murder, rape, conspiracies with the hotel, conspiracies with the police, video editing, ghosts in the hallway behind her... etc.
Why not both?
Criminal and accidental

Maybe someone slips something in her drink and rapes her. Maybe multiple people involved and it occurred in an adjacent room or another area. They got what they want and left her alone afterwards. She is still super f'd up and returned to her friends. Then their story kicks in, she was in the hallway by herself and they walked into room. She being severely disoriented and not understanding wonders off and walks into freezer.
I am sure that cool air/environment felt real good. So she sits down and soaks it up some, passes out. She looks real close to passing out on video. How many have been that messed and on the verge of being sick and that cool air helped you get your stuff together? This seems as plausible, actually more probable, than tape doctoring conspiracies. IMO
This is my theory. Something nefarious in the room followed by her wandering while impaired after being left by her friends.
Why not both?
Criminal and accidental

Maybe someone slips something in her drink and rapes her. Maybe multiple people involved and it occurred in an adjacent room or another area. They got what they want and left her alone afterwards. She is still super f'd up and returned to her friends. Then their story kicks in, she was in the hallway by herself and they walked into room. She being severely disoriented and not understanding wonders off and walks into freezer.
I am sure that cool air/environment felt real good. So she sits down and soaks it up some, passes out. She looks real close to passing out on video. How many have been that messed and on the verge of being sick and that cool air helped you get your stuff together? This seems as plausible, actually more probable, than tape doctoring conspiracies. IMO

I could see that as a possibility. I'm not seeing the gang rape thing but possible mixed drunken signals, drunk guy takes something the wrong way, it goes too far, he hopes she won't remember and so does everyone else who realized what happened.. It's been shown that girl's friends have advised them not to turn in an assault in circumstances like this. I'm not sold on that theory but I'd not dismiss it either.
Yeah, I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm leaning toward Lean/Sizzurp too. Honestly, not a good thing for someone used to drinking it, but if she'd never taken it before, it would hit her harder. I'm guessing LE is wanting to run down any person's they've yet to talk to, identify everyone who was at that party, and who paid for the room with the stolen credit card.

I still can't say I agree with this one. I've been an eyewitness to it and I really don't see it at all. And as I said before it's really expensive....I'd agree to only alcohol or even DXM cough syrup (Robotripping) before Prometh+Codeine. Not that I think it's that either.
I agree, but in my opinion we don't even need the purposely drugging her and/or raping her part. Whoever served her the alcohol and/or drugs is in a heap of trouble. She is under age. If there was a 21-year-old in that room who provided alcohol for her and it led to her death, that person could go to jail. If somebody supplied her with illegal drugs, they too will go to prison.

THAT is the story. We don't need to add murder, rape, conspiracies with the hotel, conspiracies with the police, video editing, ghosts in the hallway behind her... etc.

Agree with everything you said, but, it is possible that something happened in the room to cause her to separate her from her friends. It could have been as small as her having an argument with a guy, or a girl, and she stalked off, or it could have been as horrible as an assault, or she might have just wanted to get some air and staggered off down a hall. I think she got back on the elevators and pushed LL by accident after she, initially, went up to get her keys (per the other girls).
In order for it to be murder involving partygoers, people there would have had to have it out for her, they would have had to put a plan together, they all would have had to be in on it. Why would she alone be targeted?

It's possible she was slipped something, especially if she was known as straight laced and not a drinker but to do her harm in a crowded private party, with her friends there? I dunno.

I've read many cases though where young people party, have too much to drink, get separated from their friends and end up dead. All those college boys who disappeared around water and was found drowned later. Girls who just wandered off and never seen again.

I pray her family finds the answers they need and that they find peace with this. I'm hoping LE knows exactly what happened, has proof of what happened, not theories, and take the appropriate measures to see anyone guilty of wrongdoing brought to justice. IMO
Anyone else feel like we keep going around and around in circles here?

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I still can't say I agree with this one. I've been an eyewitness to it and I really don't see it at all. And as I said before it's really expensive....I'd agree to only alcohol or even DXM cough syrup (Robotripping) before Prometh+Codeine. Not that I think it's that either.

I've never seen anyone on Lean. I would imagine it would be expensive. Don't they use scrip syrup?

Yes, one would definitely need a prescription to have liquid codeine. If you're caught with the medication without a legit legal prescription well...that's no good lol as it is a Control Substance.

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I thought that's what they used. I had a sick spell back up in the spring and I asked for that kind. I'd tried everything. It was the only thing that helped. The oxy in it is a cough suppressant. This Lean has been around for awhile but it's been gaining popularity so pretty soon I'll probably have to give up my first born get cough syrup.
I thought that's what they used. I had a sick spell back up in the spring and I asked for that kind. I'd tried everything. It was the only thing that helped. The oxy in it is a cough suppressant. This Lean has been around for awhile but it's been gaining popularity so pretty soon I'll probably have to give up my first born get cough syrup.

There's no oxy in it. It's the promethazine that acts as the cough suppressant which is almost in the Benadryl family.

Never even heard of Lean until this case

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I thought that's what they used. I had a sick spell back up in the spring and I asked for that kind. I'd tried everything. It was the only thing that helped. The oxy in it is a cough suppressant. This Lean has been around for awhile but it's been gaining popularity so pretty soon I'll probably have to give up my first born get cough syrup.

It doesn't have oxycodone. Its codeine. Prometh is an opiate potentiator. You do need a prescription but they sell it on the street. Rare someone gets a script for it now a days. Small bottles + high price ( Like hundreds ) + hard to come by = unlikely for a party of 30. But I would call it unlikely for a party at all.

Opiates make you nodd off if anything.

What made you lean towards lean if you never seen anyone on it? :thinking:
You could hear her slurring in Irene's early video. Have you seen the video of the party? There's a ton of people in that room and the music was very loud, along with everyone rapping/singing along. Security was at the door in the beginning and the music gets turned down for a few minutes. It wasn't just the four of those girls and a couple guys. I'm surprised that the security guard didn't toss them then. He gave them one more shot. You hear a girl in a white top say that she's "fittin to give this to that girl over there (has a cup of something as she's leaving the bathroom), someone asks, What girl, she points to KJ. At the very end of the vid, KJ is seen sitting down, drinking out of a Styrofoam cup.Her mom said she could not handle her alcohol. It could have been water. They may have been trying to sober her up.

When do you ever see or hear KJ talking in the video?

Did you not see the girl in the white tank top walk right passed KJ and hand that drink to a woman on the other side of the room by the window? That video was supposedly at about 230am, too. So she wasn't sobering up if she's taking an elevator at 330am in the condition she was in. People keep saying that gir is giving KJ a drink, but KJ was just over there in the bathroom Why did she leave if waiting on a drink? Why is woman in white walking passed her. After she does so, JH has no drink.

In the snap chat footage, I thought KJ had her phone lighting up in her hand, but it could be a red bull can. I don't know. It really doesn't take a long time to get messed up and that roo was gray with weed, too. Secondhand smoke.

Has anyone but her mother said she was "straight laced" and couldn't handle liquor? Cause her mom might not really know the truth about that. I don't think anyone secretly slipped her something. If someone did that, it's likey a man for sex and no man followed her around the conference level. I'm not blaming her but sometimes, you just have bad reactions when you do something, drink something or smoke something -- even if you haven't had that reaction before. Maybe she just wanted to try something new and tried a new drug. Maybe someone didn't tell her something was in a drink, but not because they wanted to hurt her. They just didn't think about it or throught everyone knew it was in there. who knows.

I am just saying it doesn't always have to be another person tricking and deceiving.
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