IL - Kenneka Jenkins, 19, found dead in hotel freezer, Rosemont, 10 Sept 2017 #2

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I think at this point it's not people thinking someone followed her and killed her in the freezer, but that something happened to her beforehand that lead to her going down there and dying. Such as someone drugging her, maybe hurting her and then drugging her, etc. Just MOO.

Apparently she , as far as we know, did not suffer from seizures and certainly was not in loud room if she was migrating.

I suffered with migraines for about 15 (thank god they eased it is pure hell pure hell) so the notion that she is keeping seizure meds and migraine meds in her purse IMO is ludicrous.

I have some of high blood pressure meds ya wanna take some and we can party.

Someone imo put a seizure / migraine med
in what she was drinking .

Common sense would indicate that someone at the party threw the drug in her drink

why would she have the med and take it herself ??

What are the indicators that didn’t show up? I don’t know much about this stuff.

Its strange stuff anyone know why the Wischnevsky lesions occur a lot more in "accidental " deaths

Helps the accidental stuff a lot

It does not say how or if there are no different lesions if one is placed in a 34 degree or walks in and close the door

how would your stomach know this !! the body wouldn't freezing to death
be the same?

made no sense to me!!

A ME would know for some reason that is related to accidental I would think

It goes into temps like temp is 32 degrees

how would the stomach know if it got into 32 degrees either by being drugged or accidental ?

just strange
The fact that they mention the Wischnevsky lesions is consistent with hypothermia, however, there were other autopsy indicators for that that did not show up. However, their absence does not rule out hypothermia as ethanol intoxication is known to prevent the appearance of adaptation responses to cold. The bruising and abrasion could easily have occurred stumbling into walls or furnishings. Overall the autopsy results are pretty straightforward and the BAC is credible as with the body in a cold state, you’re not going to have the microbial contamination and fermentation that can increase BAC after death

Why was there no estimated time of dealth

Autopsy stated no vaginal tearing but nothing about testing for sperm or rape specifically

Although gay I would have assume hetero sex does not rip a vagina apart - so the fact that vagina was not ripped says nothing

Was there any testing for intercourse ??
We know the person in the kitchen had both shoes -- how could a body in an area 4 by 3 not have a shoe in such a small place .

WIth a intense investigation one would thin k a piece of evidence would be looked for and o found

Looking at the report itself it is the fastest autopsy know to mankind -- it appears they did it and dictated by the very next day .
I take Topamax. I have for years. Epilepsy. It's also great for migraine control (of which it also controls for me). Another thing that not many people know about this drug, as is stated above, but if you don't have to take it you may not know, is that when you first start taking it, a lot of people will drop weight. I mean a lot of weight. However, after you get adjusted to it, your weight will level off. So, if someone is wanting to drop some pounds, topamax can do that. Docs can't prescribe those little, miracle, weight loss pills anymore, that keep you so wide awake that you can drive from coast to coast w/o stopping to sleep, and make you super skinny...(they were a mix of speed and meth). So some folks may have discovered, through family with migraines, or epilepsy, that Topamax will help you to shed pounds if you take it for a couple months. Just a guess.

My notions are someone as a family member with either seizures or migraine

and it would seem by observation of someone taking it for correct reasons would appear to be knocked out .

So I would thing someone that observed that would just conclude that it knocks people out throw in some alcohol and it would do the same thing as a more common date rate drug

just speculating here tho
No, I'm quite serious. Someone gave me the number to the detective and told me to ask about the status of the case to put pressure on them. I wasn't going to, but now that I see this missing shoe, I think I will. They probably won't tell me because they dont know, and maybe my question will make them ask themselves where it is. And the socks, too.

jmo bring data to a media outlet that is not buying this -- they would have to respond to a media person more than you !! jmo
No, I'm quite serious. Someone gave me the number to the detective and told me to ask about the status of the case to put pressure on them. I wasn't going to, but now that I see this missing shoe, I think I will. They probably won't tell me because they dont know, and maybe my question will make them ask themselves where it is. And the socks, too.

Oh great did these folk lose more stuff>
I read the report and I have some questions. I want to know what happened to her other shoe. I want to know how her right leg got bruised in the back. I want to know how she had brain swelling when hypothermia reduces brain swelling.

I don't understand the whole "stairs" business unless there are stairs off camera in the kitchen.

We finally got some real freezer pics, though.

I wanted to see what was around that corner so bad. Just a dead end, literally.

View attachment 124291

There were a lot of different places/rooms she could have entered into to go and "pass out in" if she was intoxicated. i.e in the pic right there before going around the corner is a room! To me it's not making any sense why KJ would go into a freezer with not just 1 door to get into but 2 and she walks/staggers right into the very far little inside room of it? After that 1st part of freezer closed wouldn't it be dark in there? How did KJ know where to find the handle of the inner door? And why go farther and farther away?
Wondering about the box in the pic inside first freezer part hmmm. Also the mystery coffee cup in the kitchen, was there when KJ wandered into there and it was still there as they displayed her body for the mom and sister? Unprofessional JMO (the kitchen looks more like a morgue IMO)
Husband is a chef! He says that it takes several days to bring a walk in freezer down to food safety temperature. They're often left running to avoid that long delay when a kitchen is expected to return to operation.

I understand what your husband is saying but this isn't an active/working kitchen right now. It was my understanding that this particular kitchen area was under renovation for the new "CaddyShack Restaurant." The new restaurant is scheduled to open in January of 2018. Why would the cooler/freezer be operating now? Seems much to early to have it on if the restaurant is expected to open 3 months from now. Would they be making refrigerated or frozen food deliveries this soon for the new restaurant? Seems strange to me. JMO
I understand what your husband is saying but this isn't an active/working kitchen right now. It was my understanding that this particular kitchen area was under renovation for the new "CaddyShack Restaurant." The new restaurant is scheduled to open in January of 2018. Why would the cooler/freezer be operating now? Seems much to early to have it on if the restaurant is expected to open 3 months from now. Would they be making refrigerated or frozen food deliveries this soon for the new restaurant? Seems strange to me. JMO

Did I read somewhere on the thread that the walk in freezer was being tested to check that it worked.
The yellow wall with the fire extinguisher seems to be on the left side in both pictures. One picture is taken far away and the other is taken closer. Then again, maybe I'm seeing it wrong. My eyes ain't what they used to be.

youre right, I noticed on the kitchen video the police were taking photos, more than two were taken from that side of kitchen.
For what purpose would somebody give her a drug to treat epilepsy/migraine? Maybe she took it because she had a headache? It's concentration was in a "therapeutic dose" so not too high.There was no date rape drugs found. I thinks its clearly accidental.

My notions are someone as a family member with either seizures or migraine

and it would seem by observation of someone taking it for correct reasons would appear to be knocked out .

So I would thing someone that observed that would just conclude that it knocks people out throw in some alcohol and it would do the same thing as a more common date rate drug

just speculating here tho

Topamax PREVENTS migraine and epilepsy, it doesn't treat it when it is happening.

Big difference!!!!!
Did I read somewhere on the thread that the walk in freezer was being tested to check that it worked.

The medical examiner checked the temperature of the freezer when he did a walk around with the Rosemont police. He wanted to see if the freezer was working properly. The freezer temperature was recorded as -10 degrees which is normal for a walk-in freezer. But that still doesn't explain why the freezer was running in a very old kitchen that hadn't been used in a long time.
My notions are someone as a family member with either seizures or migraine

and it would seem by observation of someone taking it for correct reasons would appear to be knocked out .

So I would thing someone that observed that would just conclude that it knocks people out throw in some alcohol and it would do the same thing as a more common date rate drug

just speculating here tho

Maybe not even a family member of hers. Someone at the party had it, maybe, thinking it did something it didn't? Some kids are naive about medications and like you said if they saw someone have some side effects of drowsiness or loopiness might think you take the drug to feel that way.

I don't think Topomax could get to an extreme date rape level though. It would just be like being extra drunk I think.

“You should avoid drinking alcohol while taking [topiramate]. Alcohol with [topiramate] can make side effects such as sleepiness and dizziness worse.

I'm not sure if therapeutic level means they can tell she's been taking it for awhile or if it means she'd just taken a regular dose that night though.
Sleepiness and drowsiness and having to avoid alcohol are side effects of many, many meds. It certainly doesn't appear that it would "knock someone out" or it would be expected to "knock someone out."
According to the Tox report the therapeutic level found would be for an average patient on a dosage of 200 - 300 mg daily.That would be the lower end of the dosage used for seizures (200 - 400mg in 2 divided doses not to exceed 400 mg daily.). Maintenance dosage for migraines is lower than that (25 - 100mg) and weigh loss (23 - 92mg) .

A reasonable inference would be that she took at least 200 mg or more depending upon how long it had been since she ingested it. This med comes in 2 possible forms, tablets (which are extremely bitter and should not be broken in half) and “sprinkle” a capsule filled with small white beads that can be sprinkled on food for persons with difficulty swallowing tablets. The beads are slow to dissolve in order to reach the proper location in the digestive tract for maximum efficiency. There were no undigested tables or capsules in her digestive tract so they had most probably been infested 2 or more hours before death.

Let’s try to think like a teenager for a moment. If you know that someone takes a med to prevent headaches and you want to drink at a party there are a couple of things you know.

1) you don’t want a DUI(DWI) - give the designated driver the keys
3) you want to have fun - party hard
3) you don’t want a hangover.- someone you know takes a med to prevent headaches hmmm one of the worst part of hangovers is the headache, therefore taking that med might keep away the hangover. Never realizing migraines and hangovers have very different causes after all they are teenagers.

The immature brain utilizes a lot of faulty or circular reasoning. My best example of circular reasoning is that used by a lot of patients with mental health issues, diabetes, high blood pressure and other conditions requiring long or lifetime medication for maintenance.
I was sick, I took medicine, I feel better, I no longer need the medicine.
great logic for a short term illness such as an infection or injury but not for chronic or long term issues.

That said aid it could also be as simple as, “here try this it will really increase your buzz.”
I don't think it's even the type of meds one would use to increase the buzz. It might make you sleepy and drowsy if taken with alcohol, but how does it increase the buzz?
Sleepy and drowsy seems opposite of buzz.

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