GUILTY IL - Kimberly Vaughn, 34, & 3 children slain, Channahon Twp, 14 June 2007

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Chris Regis is doing rebuttal for state BTW

CV's account for the immediate aftermath of the shootings is "absolutely ridiculous!"

More concerned about laying out his Backstory of second honeymoons, Kim's being sick, gun range, but no questions about kids.

Feeding his lines to cops, "he's in control!"
Think about the worst movie you've ever seen, how bad the acting was. That's nothing compared to the acting job Vaughn put on for police, how distraught he was for his dead family. Immediately talked about them in the past tense. Kim nags like everyone else's wife. His reaction when told they were all dead? There was no reaction. And I mean NO reaction whatsoever. Vaughn's acting worse than a first-grader's Christmas play. Story about trip to water park is laughable! Why did he need to print out a map to Springfield when he could drive there in his sleep.
When asked by police if he shot his kids, Vaughn replied, "mah gun's at home."

Kept trying to redirect police's attention from him by talking about Kim and all of her meds.

Leading police where he wants them to go.

"people get shot all the time..." that's your response when they're talking about your three dead children & wife?

Downplays his experience & familiarity with guns during initial police interview. Evidence shows that's not true at all.

Didn't want to talk about what happened in SUV until he knew what police had learned from the evidence.
Less than an hour after learning of wife's death, CV asked if seeing anyone else, "Kim's more than enough trouble." that's how he's going to talk about his dead wife.

Whenever the conversation goes off script, he gives very bizarre answers.

What book did you read? Response: I read a book in my den, then checked my email...don't know what time I went upstairs. Took off my shirt & boots and crawled in bed for awhile

don't know what time water park opened.
Never asks, never asks, NEVER ASKS how they were killed. Ask yourself, how would you react in that situation.

Never shows any emotion when speaking of his kids, even just after he learns they are dead. "I know."

No pictures of his kids in his wallet, remember how many pictures kim had? Tells police doesn't know kids' birthdays or his own phone number because he's not detail-oriented.

Won't even look at kids' pictures, no reaction when they're put before him.
Detective tells him, "if those were my kids, I'd be crying." Vaughn looks him straight in the eye, "Good for you."

Vaughn's reaction to family's deaths just gets more unbelievable as we go on.

Playing tapes of police asking CV if he was happy his family was dead walking away from SUV, CV crumpling his kids' photos.

Having to look at those dead kids, what he did to those kids, THAT's what p--ed him off!

Police left him alone with picture of Blake, first time he's seen him since he put a bullet in his head, and he has no idea how to react. Regis calls the picture "tell-tale heart" A picture tells 1000 words, right. Nothing screams "I'M GUILTY!" like that reaction.

When asked by paramedics about any complaints. "yes, the room is small and the chairs are uncomfortable."
Changed his tone completely for 2nd day of questioning. Tried to come across as more caring for wife & kids. Also contradicted parts of his story he originally told investigators. Everything he's saying is like a bad movie script. He's completely vague on the details.

It's like dialogue you'd see in a Chuck Norris film from 1986.
Reading emails from Vaughn to Willett, "I am done spending what's left of my half-wasted life living up to obligations."

Thats an amazing look inside this guy's head. "it's all about ME, ME, ME, ME!"

I am done.

Kimberly Vaughn and those kids' days are numbered and they don't even know it yet. The clock was ticking. The exit strategy had been forming for months.

Vaughn hated his suburban life. He was miserable and wanted a way out - any way. Regis mocks Vaughn's idea of faking death. "faking your own death is difficult. Ask Elvis."

CV wanted to take that walk, but he wasn't ready for it. Why? Because he was held back by four major obstacles in his life Those obstacles were eliminated June 14, 2007.
(oh boy, wrap it up!)

KV loved CV. Did she ever say a cross word about her wayward husband? No, she loved that guy, idolized him. She loved her family. Her frustrations were about her children, quality of life, neighborhood. Were they abnormal?

For defense to say KV was suicidal is sheer conjecture and speculation. To say KV killed her children is not only offensive! It's ludicrous, unthinkable, and most importantly, not supported by the evidence.
Wow, it's still not wrapped up? I left to pick my son up from school and thought it would be wrapped up by now.
Sure, mistakes were made in investigation, but your verdict has to go with what the evidence says, not possibilities or speculation. The evidence does not support Defense's arguments.

Everybody in the world makes mistakes. Chris Vaughn made a huge mistake; he dripped his blood all over his dead wife.

The evidence is overwhelming. Just the defendants statement alone, but with everything else we have presented.

Christopher Vaughn was the only person with a reason to kill Kimberly Vaughn and the children. Every piece of evidence points to one person, and one person only, Christopher Vaughn, and he's sitting right there.

Regis yelling, "no other person on earth wanted those people dead!"
After seeing all the evidence, the washed towel does not seem like that much of a big deal, imo. At least not enough to make or break the case either way.

The jury has to be getting ansy now. It's been a long week with this case. Lots of time off. Get the instructions to them and let them deliberate for crying out loud!
Shame on them for not feeding the jurors lunch.

I hope a verdict is back soon! Wouldn't it be amazing if they came back today?
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