GUILTY IL - Kimberly Vaughn, 34, & 3 children slain, Channahon Twp, 14 June 2007

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Seriously, I have no words for this. Not only did he buy a gun, take it to a shooting range the night before the crime, he also had a magazine article on how to stage crime scenes. Now this!

I'm speechless. Why don't they just try the guy already and throw away the key!?


Accused Family Killer Christopher Vaughn Read Articles About Staging Crime Scenes: Prosecutors
Updated: Monday, 27 Jun 2011,

The documents show the Vaughn family’s trip to Knight’s Water Park in Springfield also was planned the night before the murders, reached after Vaughn’s wife accused him of spending too little time with their kids. Meanwhile, an exotic dancer told police Vaughn had written her a poem about “ancient souls” and bad timing, and Vaughn might have explored the possibility of faking his death.

Finally, it appears the Oswego man wrote an ominous blog entry just weeks before the shooting about “wrapping up a few last things” before disappearing into the remote wilderness.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Fran, thank you so much for the updates!!! This has gone on so long. I pray that something will happen soon to move this along!
Only a moron would visit a shooting range the night before a murder and then leave "how to" manuals in the car. Sheesh.

What other (implausible) scenarios could there be (other than him): 1. wife kills all kids and self; 2. random killer. Oh please.

And of course, why am I not surprised an exotic dancer is in the mix?
Interesting to note from the article above (posted by BrownRice):

Rozak appointed the public defender's office to the case. George Lenard, a Joliet attorney with a private practice who also works as a part-time public defender, landed the lead role in Vaughn's defense.

Among the more notable clients Lenard has represented are Craig Stebic and Drew Peterson. Stebic's wife, Lisa Stebic, vanished in April 2007. Stebic has not been charged with harming his missing wife.

Peterson's fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, went missing six months after Lisa Stebic. The state police believe Stacy Peterson may have been slain and named Drew Peterson the sole suspect in their investigation but have yet to charge him in connection with her disappearance.

The state police did arrest Peterson two years ago on charges he murdered his third wife, Kathleen Savio, who was found drowned in a dry bathtub in March 2004. Peterson has yet to go to trial. He has been held at the county jail on a $20 million bond since his arrest in May 2009.

Lenard quit the Peterson case after a dispute with attorney Joel Brodsky, whose involvement drove two other lawyers away from the Peterson camp as well.
Lenard's latest client, Vaughn, has been locked up in the same jail for nearly twice as long.
Humph..... as far as I'm concerned those are three keys they could lose track of and never find and it would make me quite happy (the keys to Vaughn, Peterson and Stebic's cells, that is).
Some interesting comments on this blog from some people who knew the accused. Definitely dated, but interesting, none the less.


Thanks, Fran, for the link. It was very interesting reading the comments, especially the longtime Oswegoan. I too, grew up in Oswego, when it was mostly cornfields and a much smaller town. We didn't lock our doors and played outside all day long only coming in for meals. And I now would probably be considered as one of those newbies that come in and buy a new house and become a soccer mom, although in a different town.

What is most interesting to me is that I now live about 2 miles from where both Peterson and Stebic live (and a mere 10 miles from Vaughn's house). Makes me wonder if these types of crimes can be almost copycats. One guy does it and sees him get away with it so the next guy thinks, what the heck, I can do it too.
More than four years and this case still has not come to trial.

Thanks, Fran, for the link. It was very interesting reading the comments, especially the longtime Oswegoan. I too, grew up in Oswego, when it was mostly cornfields and a much smaller town. We didn't lock our doors and played outside all day long only coming in for meals. And I now would probably be considered as one of those newbies that come in and buy a new house and become a soccer mom, although in a different town.

What is most interesting to me is that I now live about 2 miles from where both Peterson and Stebic live (and a mere 10 miles from Vaughn's house). Makes me wonder if these types of crimes can be almost copycats. One guy does it and sees him get away with it so the next guy thinks, what the heck, I can do it too.

I believe some of these types of things are copycats. Like the Stacey Peterson case. I believe that's one of those where the perp KNEW he could get away with it, NO BODY, NO CRIME, the Stebic case.

We've seen that happen over and over and over. There's active cases where the spouse has never returned and almost everything points to one person. But the one piece of evidence that sometimes is needed, if there is NOTHING to indicate foul play at all, the body. :(...the body is the evidence of a crime. Although there are a number of cases that have been prosecuted successfully without the body, that's more the exception than the rule.

Now this case, this guy, IMHO, was just too full of himself and thought he's smarter than everyone else. The problem is, there is NO school on how to do away with your wife and kids. He made way too many mistakes. I don't care how long they delay it and how many emails they're going to try to use against the deceased wife. I doubt it will work and the jury will see right through it.

Lawyers Still Duking It Out Over Slain Vaughn Wife's Emails

A prosecutor and a defense lawyer went toe-to-toe for a third long day in an epic battle over whether a dead wife's emails can be used at Christopher Vaughn's murder trial.


"This is highly prejudicial to Mr. Vaughn," Lenard told Will County Judge Daniel Rozak, who has yet to rule on the email issue.

Court calendar has a hearing scheduled for 12/29 for a decision. A decision of what I'm not sure but hopefully something to get this trial going. go through hoops to find his case.
I will never never never begin to understand how evidence can be too prejudical against a suspect. I always thought the reason to have a trial was to bring forward any evidence that supports their guilt. And how often do we hear of evidence not being allowed because it proved too prejudical.

I'm sorry, but you can't present that evidence, it makes my client look too guilty?

I'm a firm believer in Victims rights, and to me, anything the victim (who happens to be no longer living due to the actions of the accused) has left in the way of proving their guilt should be allowed. Am I just thick, cause I don't get it.
It all begins with the basic premise in our legal system that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. With so many recent cases of innocent men spending decades in jail until DNA clears them, it is more important than ever to have a fair and balanced legal system. That type of system would include a judge weighing "the probative value" of evidence against the "potential prejudice" to the defendant. An easy example would be overly gory or gruesome photos--some could be so ugly that they could, just by their nature, prejudice the jury against the defendant and since the same evidence can be shown in a less gory manner, a judge may deem them over the top.

It's hard to be patient with our legal system, but it's like the quote about democracy--it's the worst form of government...except for every other. I would rather our slow wheels of justice than find myself accused of something in 99% of the worlds jurisdictions.

(and yes I'm an attorney but not in the field of criminal law)

(and I do believe he is guilty)

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Anticipating a “very rare” suicide defense from accused family killer Christopher Vaughn, a Will County judge ruled Thursday jurors may see several online chat messages and emails written by his late wife.

Judge Rules to Allow Jury to See Slain Wife's Email Messages in Vaughn Trial

Will County Judge Daniel Rozak cleared the way Thursday morning for a jury to see at least 50 of Kimberly Vaughn's emails, along with what the judge called "hundreds and hundreds and hundreds" of computer chats the dead woman carried on with friends and family, including the husband charged with killing her.
Also from the Patch link in my previous post:

Rozak has yet to decide whether to green-light another 16 messages. He also put off ruling on how much to redact in one particular email exchange. The redaction concerns email conversations about the criminal justice system Kimberly Vaughn engaged in with her classmates from the University of Phoenix.

"I have a lot of trouble with her talking about defense attorneys and public defenders," the judge said, noting the discussions involve civil lawsuits following acquittals in murder trials and specifically mention O.J. Simpson.

"I really don't want to give that to the jury," he said
August trial date for alleged family killer Christopher Vaughn

The trial of accused family killer Christopher Vaughn could begin late this summer and last nearly two months.

Will County Judge Daniel Rozak agreed to an Aug. 13 trial date <snip>

Prosecutors said they might need up to five weeks to prove Vaughn pulled the trigger, while Vaughn&#8217;s attorney said he might need another two weeks &#8220;ballpark&#8221; to put on a defense. They&#8217;d both likely follow a longer-than-normal jury selection process.

I pray there are no more delays. More than 5 years is long enough.
finally a date has been set that hopefully sticks, seems like this will be a long trial,
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