IL - Krystal Tobias, 9, & Laura Hobbs, 8, found dead in Zion park, 8 May 2005 - #1

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golfmom said:
I watched the local news and they showed materials being removed from Krystal's house NOT Laura's house.

A car in Krystal's driveway was covered in powder for fingerprinting.
I'm not saying they didn't remove stuff from Krystals home...just that they also removed stuff from the Hobbs home, also...I've seen it mentioned in several articles.
lady-eowyn said:
I'm not saying they didn't remove stuff from Krystals home...just that they also removed stuff from the Hobbs home, also...I've seen it mentioned in several articles.

And more than likely I'm the one that linked them here.
Mabel said:
Fox news has not yet announced an arrest. I have to wonder, since it appears there was no evidence of the girls being bound, how the killer managed to restrain the second girl while killing the first. What an awful, terrible thing for these sweet little best friends to suffer through.
That reminds me a lot of Holly & Jessica in Soham. Huntley managed to kill them both without restraining them. But that was done in a house, not outside. You'd have thought that one of them would have run away.

I still think that Krystal's 15 year old brother knows more than he is saying.
Looking at the pictures of these two little darlings and hearing their teachers speak on the radio this morning was heartbreaking. What adorable little ones they were.

When I see unaccompanied kids in my neighborhood and I'm with my kids, I'll ask if they know them. Usually, we pull over and ask them where they're headed. There are two families who have children that my kids know who allow their children to play outside alone. My kids are not allowed over to their houses, but they're always welcome at mine.

if anyone learns anything from this or can take anything away from his brutality these two girls suffered is this: they grow up very quickly. It may not seem like it while they're complaining that they wanna do this or do that, but the fact is that if parents communicate with their friends' parents, they CAN come up with a system where some adult is outside with the kids at all times. They can certainly take turns, etc.
packerdog said:
PolkSaladAnnie, I haven't seen you around in awhile. Yes, this is just horrible, all these children being killed.

I guess the dad saw the bike first, then he went looking for the girls and entered the woods and found them. Odd that the father found them before LE though.

Hi packerdog; never stopped reading here despite posting elsewhere for a few months! Like everyone here, I'm a true crime fanatic, always following media stories and even tho I'm 1000's k's away, I read the 'Net all the time.

Yes, it is odd. Haven't read rest of page 6 or 7, so I might be behind already (typical :doh: ). I realise what KatherineQ is saying holds water: that the grandfather was with the dad when they were looking that morning (or so it's reported here).

But, that was 6 am. There may not have been anyone with the father at MIDNIGHT ... this is the supposed ToD, isn't it?

I do find it odd that the father managed to find the girls in all the overgrown terrain, at that time of the morning, when LE had to use 4X4 vehicles to access the area.

Maybe the grandfather was an innocent searcher??? If (if if ~ and I find it a truly diabolical thought that one of these girls' father could have done this; hope it's not the case) he did, he could have flung the knife *anywhere* in that bush.

Agreed: any killer could have thrown the knife, not just the daddy.

What makes me go "oooh, er..." about that thought is that I doubt the father WENT LOOKING for the girls, (after being reported missing) with a knife in his hand. As I say ... unless the girls stumbled across something they shouldn't have...

Best I catch up before I make a total clutz of myself ... :)
Barbara2 said:
It was also almost the same date. The West Memphis boys were reported missing on May 5 and were found on May 6.

Please feel free to start a thread for the West Memphis Three, but I'd like for us to try and stay on track. :blowkiss: ;)
lady-eowyn said:
I'm not saying they didn't remove stuff from Krystals home...just that they also removed stuff from the Hobbs home, also...I've seen it mentioned in several articles.
I saw that too... they took clothes and a computer from Laura's house... to see if she was chatting online with anyone. So you are correct. :)
lady-eowyn said: daughter and I were just talking about the same thing this morning...very similar...even down to riding the bikes when they were last seen and the wooded area with a ravine that they were found it. I've followed the WM3 case closely for years...incredibly botched case...IMO they had NO evidence whatsoever to convict.
It is similar also because of the anger involved. Beaten and stabbed. Made me wonder if these little girls were being raised by a step father??
And can anyone tell me if the persons garage they had to wash was one the girls parents or was it a neighbor girls house?
Good work of this police dept. if they do have forensic evidence to indicate a suspect so quickly.
lady-eowyn said:
What's that got to do with it? :waitasec: ;)

Hun, you quoted me and corrected me. Sorry if I got testy, but I do read my own posts. I just found it odd that last night the local news featured what they identified as Krystal's house being searched. I never once mentioned that they didn't search or take anything from Laura's house, but the footage they showed was of Krystal's home.
Ernie Rizzo PI on Dayside FNC.....he's on the scene and his opinion is that one of the little girls was the target and the other at the wrong place at the wrong time. He went on to say that Mothers' Day may have had something to do with it.

Anyone else hear this?? I haven't kept up so this take was different than what I heard yesterday...
Has that story been dropped? It's not on their website or anyone elses, and I watched CNN for about 20 minutes just now, and it's not there anymore.

Is that story of the dad being charged still being carried anywhere?
PrayersForMaura said:
I definitely wonder if the autopsies had shown prior abuse, but it appeared that they weren't assaulted according to the coroner's report info that the media reported...
I wonder if they witnessed something? Maybe did an "I'm gonna tell mom" thing?
And he snapped?

I have to wonder about the relationship with the mother and father. What is this about him "recently re-joining the family?" Sounds like there are a lot of family things going on. Maybe the mother was upset, got into an argument with the father about her maybe being disobedient. Then when they went out to look for her, he was enraged that she "caused" this fight with the mother and just lost it. I don't know. It's very sad. I hate to say it's better if they find it was the father, this being a random act is just all the more sicke. Do I want to bring kids into this world? :confused:
chicoliving said:
Ernie Rizzo PI on Dayside FNC.....he's on the scene and his opinion is that one of the little girls was the target and the other at the wrong place at the wrong time. He went on to say that Mothers' Day may have had something to do with it.

Anyone else hear this?? I haven't kept up so this take was different than what I heard yesterday...

Yes, I heard the same on FOX NEWS. It was most likely a Mother's Day rage killing.

I wish they'd go ahead and make an announcement.
KatherineQ said:
Has that story been dropped? It's not on their website or anyone elses, and I watched CNN for about 20 minutes just now, and it's not there anymore.

Is that story of the dad being charged still being carried anywhere?
I was wondering the same thing? I wonder if the talking heads jumped the gun?? I didn't see anything on or and they usually post their breaking news stories right away.
Have no idea, KatherineQ. I'm following the story here.

The 'missing bike' makes me wonder if one of the two little girls tried to get away and the killer (not saying 'the dad' unless it's official :() chased after her, threw her bike and brought her back to her friend.

So young, so harmless ... beggars belief!
golfmom said:
Hun, you quoted me and corrected me. Sorry if I got testy, but I do read my own posts. I just found it odd that last night the local news featured what they identified as Krystal's house being searched. I never once mentioned that they didn't search or take anything from Laura's house, but the footage they showed was of Krystal's home.
Your original post that I quoted said:
Another ODD thing was reporters showed Krystal's house being searched, fingerprinted and swabs going in and out ... NOT Laura's house.
While I did quote you I wasn't correcting you, I was simply ADDING to the information that you posted that they DID search the Hobbs home...I'm sorry if you felt I was correcting you...not sure why you felt the need to get testy about it....maybe your having a bad day...if that's the case here, take this...


After all we are all in this together and we are all on the same side :) (I hope!! LOL)
SauerKraut said:
I have to wonder about the relationship with the mother and father. What is this about him "recently re-joining the family?" Sounds like there are a lot of family things going on. Maybe the mother was upset, got into an argument with the father about her maybe being disobedient. Then when they went out to look for her, he was enraged that she "caused" this fight with the mother and just lost it. I don't know. It's very sad. I hate to say it's better if they find it was the father, this being a random act is just all the more sicke. Do I want to bring kids into this world? :confused:
I hear ya... I am worried about all this violence amongst women and children, and it's always been here, just more media coverage these days.

Maybe the father was angry because the kids were out all day and didn't spend time with the mother on mother's day? Seem awfully extreme way to handle his displaced anger if that's the case.
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