IL - Krystal Tobias, 9, & Laura Hobbs, 8, found dead in Zion park, 8 May 2005 - #1

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mrs4point0 said:
Yes, I heard the same on FOX NEWS. It was most likely a Mother's Day rage killing.

I wish they'd go ahead and make an announcement.
Why would Mother's Day cause someone to go into a rage? :confused:
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Have no idea, KatherineQ. I'm following the story here.

The 'missing bike' makes me wonder if one of the two little girls tried to get away and the killer (not saying 'the dad' unless it's official :() chased after her, threw her bike and brought her back to her friend.

So young, so harmless ... beggars belief!

I haven't heard about a missing bike. I have read that one of the bikes was found near the girls. However, there has been no emphasis on the other bike or that it is missing in anything I've read in the media. Is it missing, or just not mentioned?
lady-eowyn said:
Your original post that I quoted said:

While I did quote you I wasn't correcting you, I was simply ADDING to the information that you posted that they DID search the Hobbs home...I'm sorry if you felt I was correcting you...not sure why you felt the need to get testy about it....maybe your having a bad day...if that's the case here, take this...


After all we are all in this together and we are all on the same side :)

I'm sitting less than 10 miles from where this occurred. I do apologize I am feeling very testy regarding this situation. I want this SOB found quickly and fed into the nearest woodchipper.
I haven't heard anything about the dad being charged, but on Fox someone said that everytime a family member finds the body a red flag goes up, he may have brought the FIL along to make it look like he is innocent.
SauerKraut said:
I have to wonder about the relationship with the mother and father. What is this about him "recently re-joining the family?" Sounds like there are a lot of family things going on. Maybe the mother was upset, got into an argument with the father about her maybe being disobedient. Then when they went out to look for her, he was enraged that she "caused" this fight with the mother and just lost it. I don't know. It's very sad. I hate to say it's better if they find it was the father, this being a random act is just all the more sicke. Do I want to bring kids into this world? :confused:

I think he had just recently been released from prison (aggravated assault).
Poor little babies........ :(
lady-eowyn said:
Why would Mother's Day cause someone to go into a rage? :confused:
maybe the mother was upset because her daughter wasn't spending any time with her on mother's day... those girls were out roaming around almost all day. Maybe the father took it to the extreme.

I am confused why he was called in one article the step father, yet Laura has his last name???
golfmom said:
I'm sitting less than 10 miles from where this occurred. I do apologize I am feeling very testy regarding this situation. I want this SOB found quickly and fed into the nearest woodchipper.
Hey, I understand...being in Florida I've been surrounded by this type of news for most of this does a certain something to the psyche...(((golfmom))) Hang in there...they will get him and he will get his :blowkiss:
golfmom said:
I'm sitting less than 10 miles from where this occurred. I do apologize I am feeling very testy regarding this situation. I want this SOB found quickly and fed into the nearest woodchipper.
((Squeezes)) I didn't know you were so close. I think they have their man but I doubt he goes straight to the woodchipper even though I hear what you're saying and agree with it. I can't get over all their little friends that now have to deal with this too.
lady-eowyn said:
Why would Mother's Day cause someone to go into a rage? :confused:

From what the interviewees have been saying all morning, this may have stemmed from family member's rage and aggression towards another. The interviewees included a Judge and a former DC investigator. Hence, the rage came out as a revenge type of thing on Mother's Day.

Because the father is still with police, as reported earlier, I am guessing that he is the suspect and the one that will be arrested.
Jeana (DP) said:
I think that its possible that he had possibly been sexually molesting them and was concerned that they were going to tell on him??????

I thought about that, Jeana. Or if this was somewhere in the woods where teenagers hang out, could he have been buying drugs there? Shooting up? And the kids saw him? That would be a motive, wouldn't it.

OMG - it makes me sick. My son is the same age as these little girls, and I know that kids of that age are so innocent and in their own little worlds. My son runs around like Christopher Robin most of the time, watching squirrels and playing Lord of the Rings with his sword. It's so very sad.

Here is the latest transcript I can find on CNN. It may answer some questions:

Standing by live in Zion, Illinois, CNN's Chris Lawrence.

What's going on, Chris?

CHRIS LAWRENCE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Wolf, here's what we know. We know that police initially said that they had absolutely no leads. This morning, we learned that police have questioned the father of Laura Hobbs, one of the girls who was the victim in this horrible killing. They have questioned the father of Laura Hobbs as a person of possible interest in the case.

Many parents kept their kids out of school today. The ones that did go to school, literally walked their children right up to you door and planned to pick them up from that same door when they get out of school later today. So they will be watching very closely to see if this indeed is the case and where this investigation goes from here in the next few hours -- Wolf.

BLITZER: Anything scheduled, Chris, in terms of formal news conferences, statements from local law enforcement?

LAWRENCE: Well, I talked to the chief investigator of the task force about 30 minutes ago. He was saying that his investigators were just coming back in from the field, that he hoped to have a debrief with them. And inside here at the police headquarters, they said between about 11:30 and noon Eastern Time, they expected to release a written statement.

We're already past that deadline, and we have not seen that written statement yet. But it seems like something is definitely in the works.

As we said, the father of Laura Hobbs has been questioned as a person of possible interest. And it seems to be that the investigation is progressing at this point.

. . . More at Link
kk's mom said:
I think he had just recently been released from prison (aggravated assault).
Poor little babies........ :(

He had been back with the family for 2 weeks.
SauerKraut said:
I have to wonder about the relationship with the mother and father. What is this about him "recently re-joining the family?" Sounds like there are a lot of family things going on. Maybe the mother was upset, got into an argument with the father about her maybe being disobedient. Then when they went out to look for her, he was enraged that she "caused" this fight with the mother and just lost it. I don't know. It's very sad. I hate to say it's better if they find it was the father, this being a random act is just all the more sicke. Do I want to bring kids into this world? :confused:

That's what I was getting at earlier, Sauerkraut. That maybe the father got into a rage b/c the girls 'made them report to LE and had everyone searching' for *any* reason. Maybe when the father (suspect) called their friends and heard they were going to this park, he went out there in a drugged rage, foul temper, drunk (who knows) and literally lashed into them when he found them?

Taking (or being in possession of) a knife at that stage is what is bothering me.

According to the timeline, it's been suggested ToD was around midnight. It's not exact a time that we've been given; but being stabbed in the neck is not necessarily instant death.

Google: "Abigail Witchals stabbed neck Surrey UK" and you'll see what happened to this young mother 2 or 3 weeks ago by some perverted of a lout with ONE blow. She was protecting her baby boy and is now paralysed from neck down in hospital ... the killer severed her nerves (as someone earlier mentioned could have been a possibility).
I have to take back some words in my previous post to this one. I'm *speculating* based on posts here that one the fathers did this. I was theorizing (or trying to figure) in my own head how on earth it could be.

Apologies for jumping the gun. I truly, truly hope it's not the father :(.
A court appearance in about a half an hour. Believe it to be a family member. They did not come out and say who.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
I have to take back some words in my previous post to this one. I'm *speculating* based on posts here that one the fathers did this. I was theorizing (or trying to figure) in my own head how on earth it could be.

Apologies for jumping the gun. I truly, truly hope it's not the father :(.

Same here. I'm sure we ALL hope it wasn't the father.
Jeana (DP) said:
ThoughtFox, please edit down your post due to our copyright infringment policies. :) :) :) :)

Oops - Sorry DP! I didn't realize I had copied so much! I fixed it. ;)
All news reports I am seeing are NOT naming names yet, but most are speculating about the Hobbs father. Dont look good for him. What in the world could possible be the motive.
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