IL - Krystal Tobias, 9, & Laura Hobbs, 8, found dead in Zion park, 8 May 2005 - #1

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golfmom said:
I made a mistake initially, they said he was to have 10 years probation. The only reason why he served anything was because he didn't follow his probation including ANGER MANAGEMENT. What jerk would rather go to prison than check in with a probation officer and take a couple of classes?

Good question, but we're talking about a "man" whose capable of murdering brutally two little girls. I don't think that anything he does has a lot of thought behind it.
KatherineQ said:
Sorry Cypros, I don't mean to be offensive, (and this isn't class related, it's character related) but yes, trash. I stand by the statement that her mother is trash.

Any woman who would lay down with a man like that, and create a baby and welcome him back in the house, is trash. After he chased her around, and others, with a chain saw and had to be subdued by a neighbor with a shovel, she took him back. She put her own desire to have a man (any man, even a monster man) over her daughter's need for safety.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

When women don't stick up for their children, the children are helpless. God help the motherless child, which that dear Laura Hobbs was. Motherless. And now, Krystal, her best friend, is dead also.

Katherine, you are out of line. You dropped out of the Sarah Lunde forum when people were putting Sarah's mother down for staying out at all hours and leaving her children home alone. You said it wasn't fair to do that and you didn't want to post with people who did it. And here you are calling Laura's mother trash? That doesn't make sense.
lisalou said:
I think FAS takes away those "grooves" under your nose (so that area appears "flat")...he has the grooves, as far as I can see.

Doesn't mean he's not suffering from some other malady, though.

His nose does look like it has been broken.
Regarding FAS:

golfmom said:
...What jerk would rather go to prison than check in with a probation officer and take a couple of classes?
My guess:

*A guy whose brain chemistry has been altered by drugs and alcohol.
*A guy who sees himself as the victim and has no intent on changing.
*A guy who has little to no impulse control.
*A guy who has an explosive personality where the mother and daughter walked on eggshells when he was around.

I can imagine the father asked where Laura was. When the mother said that she let her go outside and play, he was enraged. He went looking for the girl, already angry. When he found her and called her name, she ran from him because she was scared to death. This only enraged him more. He caught up with them and killed them.

If I were the parent of the other little girl, I would want to kill this guy myself. Any man who picks on women and children is a coward. I wonder if he ever picked on someone his own size. I think not.
nanandjim said:
My guess:

I can imagine the father asked where Laura was. When the mother said that he let her go outside and play, he was enraged. He went looking for the girl, already angry. When he found her and called her name, she ran from him because she was scared to death. This only enraged him more. He caught up with them and killed them.

What we're hearing here is that he didn't view Krystal as an innocent victim. She and Laura together spent the money that was stolen from the mother.
Hobbs initially got probation for the chainsaw assault, but violated that probation and was sent to prison for 2 years. He was released from prison just a month ago and went immediately to Zion for what Associated Press calls a "prearranged" reunion with Hollanbaugh and their children.

Judging by the information in this article, it sounds as if the time the children lived with their grandparents in Zion might have been the only stable times in their lives:

He received only probation for the 2001 rampage, but after violating its terms landed in prison for two years. He got out last month and promptly headed to Zion, Ill., bound for a prearranged reunion with Hollabaugh and their children, including 8-year-old Laura.

Hobbs, 34, was charged Tuesday with murdering Laura and her best friend, Krystal Tobias, 9. It's a shocking turn in a life of petty but persistent crime.


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Some women just don't get it....they really don't. I wonder if her mother was abused by her father in any way - emotionally, physically, verbally....seems her father wanted to take Hobbs side in this...maybe he could relate to him as a person because they were alike?:waitasec:
lady-eowyn said:
Why would Mother's Day cause someone to go into a rage? :confused:

I haven't read this whole thread and perhaps someone else has already responded - but I got to thinking about this and have some thoughts. ;)

My guess is the father was harboring some major anger toward Laura's mother for having him arrested for assault. The assault started with her and then escalated to him chasing neighbors around with a chainsaw. :doh: He was given a 10 year sentence but was reduced to probation and anger management classes. When he decided not to go to those court-ordered things, he was arrested and sent to prison. I'm guessing he had two years to contemplate just how to "get back at" Laura's mom for him being where he was. I'd be interested to know if he "sweet-talked" her into taking him back or what that situation was. I'm guessing that he chose Mother's Day specifically as the ultimate revenge. How very sick and sad.
lisalou said:
I think FAS takes away those "grooves" under your nose (so that area appears "flat")...he has the grooves, as far as I can see.

Trivia bit! -- that's called a philtrum.


But, Lake County authorities said, even before Laura and Krystal were reported missing, Hobbs had stabbed and beaten them to death. He had gone out looking for Laura and Krystal and erupted when he encountered the girls in the park near their homes, authorities said.

So the searchers, dogs etc. were useless and the coroner's estimate of midnight was far off. What you wonder is -- he had to come home with blood on him, you would think. Did no one see this?

Prayer groups gathered outside the girls' homes Tuesday night. In front of Laura's house, her mother emerged to pray for about 15 minutes, clutching a white teddy bear. After joining the group in singing "Amazing Grace," she told the group, "Thank you, thank you, all of you,'' and returned inside.

The mothers of both murder victims shared their anguish at a vigil held Tuesday night, exchanging a tearful hug after the prayer service officiated by the Tobias family's pastor.

This is not even his own son yet he spouts the Peterson parent party line.

Laura Hobbs' grandfather told ABC 7 that authorities are "railroading" Hobbs and using him as a scapegoat.
Some women just don't get it, and some women just don't take responsibility for the welfare of their children, either. Hollabaugh continued to allow this man around herself and her children, regardless of his violence and continuous run-ins with the law.

The drunken chainsaw attack happened right in front of 2 of the 3 children! And the incident was set off over a drunken argument about the mother's newest boyfriend. Yet here's this felon "father" who hasn't bothered with child-support during the course of the childrens' lives moving back with Hollabaugh.

Yes, some women just don't get it. And I think a lot of those same women don't "have it" in order to be able to "get it" in the first place.
I can't help also feeling a bit of anger towards Laura's mother. Not only did she bring this guy into her home and put herself and kids in danger, but she brought him into this community.

Yes he does have quite a record, but it is more important to look at it and realize how many times he went off on someone and the police were not involved. This had to pretty much be a regular occurance and the police were only called in when other people intervened or the family thought he had gone over the top. This was not just a guy suddenly blowing up and killing these kids, everything he did was leading up to this and I really just do not understand how the mother could let it continue. Hell, my sister threw her no good ex-husband out for cheating on her! If he had ever hit her, excuse me tried to hit her, I would have been attending his funeral! She made a go of it on her own with a 18 month old and did just fine. Women - kick these violent SOB's out, if not for you then for your kids! :mad: They are better off without them around.
Just remember who actually wielded the knife. The mother, for all her rotten decisions, has paid a horrible price. She has some poor counsel as well, IMO, as it appears her own father is the jerk's biggest advocate. That boggles my mind.

That article is full of the child's grandfather saying nice things about the jerk.

From an article posted above:

Though he and Hollabaugh never married, Hollabaugh's family said that the couple dated intermittently for 12 years and that Hobbs was the father of three of her four children.

After a breakup, Hollabaugh and the kids moved into a small, dilapidated ranch house with a man named Kyle Morris. But Kyle's mother said Hobbs was a frequent and unwelcome visitor.

"At one point he would come around and he and my son would fight," said Rena Morris. "We would try to keep them calm."

The scraps later ebbed, but Rena Morris said her son always resented Hobbs for allegedly failing to pay child support.

"I think Kyle felt like he shouldn't be around as much as (Hollabaugh) was letting him come around," she said. "When you're trying to help someone raise kids, he felt it wasn't right (Hobbs) never paid child support."

The house Hollabaugh and Kyle Morris occupied was a magnet for trouble. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services was summoned there several times, though spokesman Darrell Azar said he could not reveal what prompted the visits.

Hollabaugh's children were often unkempt and unsupervised, and would throw a scare into neighbors by climbing on the roof. But Linda Balser, who lives nearby, remembered them as polite. She said they would sometimes come over to borrow water after service was cut off at their house.

"We felt so sorry for the kids," she said.

Looks like another family with a history of problems...again, I wonder if Sheila Hollabaugh grew up in a family where abuse was the norm, this is often the case with women who "put up" with such behavior from BF's and husbands
golfmom said:
What we're hearing here is that he didn't view Krystal as an innocent victim. She and Laura together spent the money that was stolen from the mother.
I still can't help but think the kids ran from him, and this is what really set him off. Or, perhaps, Laura was told that she was not allowed to hang around with Krystal, and he caught them together.

In any case, this guy was a ticking timebomb. I feel certain the mother, who probably has her own set of problems, knew that this guy was very violent.

And, for the mother's father to defend this guy, says a lot about the dysfunction of this entire family--especially since it was his granddaughter who was viciously murdered.
nanandjim said:
I still can't help but think the kids ran from him, and this is what really set him off. Or, perhaps, Laura was told that she was not allowed to hang around with Krystal, and he caught them together.

In any case, this guy was a ticking timebomb. I feel certain the mother, who probably has her own set of problems, knew that this guy was very violent.

And, for the mother's father to defend this guy, says a lot about the dysfunction of this entire family--especially since it was his granddaughter who was viciously murdered.

I'm not sure if the girls decided to run from him or if they decided to stand up to him. I can kind of visualize Laura say, "but, mom said . . ." and Krystal trying to stand up for Laura never imagining their lives were in danger.

As for the grandfather, I'm withholding judgment until I hear more. They had never met him until last month and I think that this was totally unimaginable to him that a father would murder his own daughter and her best friend.
However Sheila Hollabaugh grew up, she's an adult now and must be responsible for herself and what she does and doesn't do --that is, if she's has sufficient mental capacity.

Alcohol and marijuana have been longtime problems for Hobbs, and might also have been for Hollabaugh.
KK's mom - I don't think I'm "out of line" at all in holding the mother responsible for looking after the safety of her children, and I don't see Sarah Lunde's mother and Laura Hobb's mother as being in the same situation.

Sarah Lunde's mother dated her daughter's killer for what seems like . .. a few weeks. Then, they broke up for whatever reason, maybe because he's scum, who knows, and he was out of there. Sarah's mom went away for the weekend while her daughter was at a church retreat, and her daughter came home unexpectedly and the guy her mom dated for a few weeks returned months later and killed Sarah.

Laura Hobb's mother has 4 kids, has never been married, and as far as I can tell doesn't receive any kind of support in raising her kids. She lived with a felon for several years, got a restraining order on him after he attempted murder, and he was sent off to prison. Her parents took mercy on her and allowed her AND her four innocent kids to come live with them, and be supported by them. Then Laura's mother invites the *advertiser censored* back after he's released from prison, even though she's seen countless episodes of uncontrollable rage from him, and then her daughter is killed by him in a rage.

I don't see the two as equal at all. What does it take for her to give up her abusive raging boyfriend? Prayers for her children, and for her parents who were dragged into this horror.
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