IL - Krystal Tobias, 9, & Laura Hobbs, 8, found dead in Zion park, 8 May 2005 - #1

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LovelyPigeon said:
What I just don't understand is why a family thinks a person like Hobbs will or even can just make a "fresh start" just by being given another chance. Does it not occur to them that he should make that fresh start FIRST, then possibly be allowed back into the family? First, get a job, keep it, make child support, stay out of trouble, THEN and only then be considered to be turning over that new leaf.

That would be the logical way to approach the situation.
He probably put Laura's mom & family on a *huge* guilt trip. Probably spent 2 years writing them saying he's sorry, will never do 'it' again; wants his home, children and family back. Probably promised to do the 'proper' thing and sort his life out, pay support, etc.

These types are total cowards. Anywhere else they'd have been kicked out once their record came to light. An animal goes by instinct and scent. He smelt out his comfort zones and held this family to ransome for his own misguided and misspent life.

Useless piece of @*&$£ that he is, he will now be behind bars forever, or given the DP ~ where he will never ever be given the opportunity to batter and kill women and/or innocent children ever again!

Sadly, this time it was too late. :(
nanandjim said:
You are right. This guy is a poor excuse for a human, much less a father. He probably didn't even have a job. As another poster pointed out, this guy never supported his kids. Who is he to set up rules for that family?

He was probably pissed that Laura took $40 that he intended to use for drugs or alcohol, if the truth be known. :rolleyes:

my thoughts also!

With all this talk of where to place the blame...I have to say there is plenty to go around. However, We women are the one's with the power to choose who we bed with and/or marry and have children with. We are not sold into marriage!
Having said that....a person doesn't "fall" into love and therefore have no control over who they choose to be with. Love is grown with respect and trust. Trust that the man we choose will be a good father and provider and not kill his offspring like an animal. Even animals choose the father of their offspring for those very qualities. We as women have to accept the responsibilty of the people we choose to be with and make children with. It seems some women don't know that! They are desperate to be "loved" and do not realize their power and responsibilty so they take the first creep that pays any attention to them. That directly comes from a woman attempting to feel valuable through the attention of any man that comes along instead of building self-asteem through achievments and accomplishments. I have no idea how to reach every young girl growing into a woman and teach her about her power and responsibilty but perhaps a class for teen girls would help, because obviously their parents are not teaching them.
Waller has said that speculation regarding discipline issue is does not appear to be the motive. He will explain further during conference.
richandfamous said:
...We as women have to accept the responsibilty of the people we choose to be with and make children with. It seems some women don't know that! They are desperate to be "loved" and do not realize their power and responsibilty so they take the first creep that pays any attention to them. That directly comes from a woman attempting to feel valuable through the attention of any man that comes along instead of building self-asteem through achievments and accomplishments. I have no idea how to reach every young girl growing into a woman and teach her about her power and responsibilty but perhaps a class for teen girls would help, because obviously their parents are not teaching them.

Words of wisdom, richandfamous. We as a nation are failing at one of the most important elements of a society -- raising our children to be responsible, respectful, caring adults. We need to teach our children -- male and female -- to have self-respect and to always be considerate of others (including animals and nature in general). Without such concepts, an individual is likely to make terrible and unhealthy life decisions that have the potential of harming themselves and others. We are failing miserably at this.
golfmom said:
Waller has said that speculation regarding discipline issue is does not appear to be the motive. He will explain further during conference.

Thanks for keeping us informed!
OT: White House being evacuated. Small air craft violating no fly zone.
Hope this doesn't block our press conference. :razz:
stabbed in the eyes.

bail denied

JH went to find girls and demand that Laura return home. She refused and he hit her. Krystal took out the knife and JH took the knife away from her.

JH kept his head down and nodded while prosecutors layed out info against him.
brodsky: Public Defender . appointed to represent JH. Capitol qualified laywers (2) just appointed. Can't comment doesn't know enough at this time. Intense media interest. Crime shocked community & lake county. Agree with Waller decisions should not be made in heat of moment. Heart goes out ....
What was a child of that age doing with a knife? Of course I know I use to carry a small pocket knife when I was a kid because I wanted to be just like dad and brother...but these days, with zero tolerance in schools and such I find it odd that a child would be carrying a knife. It's just not as common as it use to be
Waller: field 2 counts 1st degree defendant w/o bond
court date June 9th Hearing ... prelim before then

more detail: Jeff (?) to answer questions . . .

Jeffrey Pavletse . . . Narrative .... JH went to park looking for Laura. She had been discipline problem ... grounded ... He thought she had too much latitude. He went to look for Laura to bring her home. Wooded area and saw her with Krystal. He said come home she said no. Punched her twice. Krystal came to her resuce. He punched her
Krystal pulled out knife. Repeated stabbed both girls
RAGE exhibited. 20 stabs Laura ... neck, eyes, abs stiking spinal cord as well
Krystal 11 times, neck & abs

potato knife 4-6" in length. slang for small knife

Why Krystal had knife? They don't believe Krystal brought the knife.
Authorities said Tuesday additional charges could still be filed in the girls' slayings but did not specify what those might be.

Arthur Hollabaugh, Laura Hobbs' grandfather who has said he doesn't believe Hobbs killed the girls, said the family wouldn't be able to afford an attorney.

"No Trespassing" and "Keep Out" signs printed in black and orange had been posted on a fence in front of the family's house Tuesday afternoon.,2933,156170,00.html
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