IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 *wife arrested* #7

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Wow -- and that $127k is just off of the crappy there is probably plenty more that has been raised. What a con game.

I can totally understand people wanting their money back, after learning about the antics of heroic GI Joe. I wonder how people will feel, down the road, if some of that haul is used for Mrs. G's legal bills, if she's prosecuted for being an accomplice/participant.

I can understand it too, however I have to say that the fundraising business that sold the shirts should not be responsible to refund THEIR portion to anyone. They make a nice cut of the sale, but still they ARE in it as a business and the shirts and shipping cost them money. Those fundraising companies can't be held responsible for these fraudsters. I'm sure that money has already been transferred to some paypal account to the family or something.

I do think that the money raised should go to a worthy cause. I feel like Mrs. G needs to be responsible for repaying the amount stolen from the Explorers IF she was involved (*cough, cough*), so I don't think she should get off the hook and have the fundraising money be used for that. There are many causes the money could go for. The Explorers account normally had a few thousand dollars in it apparently, so 127K is more than they would need to function, I would think.

Sad! There were a ton of other toys there that I'm sure children gave up period GI Joe figures, GI Joe comics, matchbox police cars, multiple stuffed animals, and lots of drawings from children...

It's late at night... When the anger about all this eases up a bit, I feel like crying for the sake of all those innocents who have now experienced a real life disillusionment. I hope they don't become permanently cynical.

That's harder to take than the anger...
Sad! There were a ton of other toys there that I'm sure children gave up period GI Joe figures, GI Joe comics, matchbox police cars, multiple stuffed animals, and lots of drawings from children...

All of those should be donated to the police and fire department. They can be used to give to children who are in emergency stations to comfort them. I.e. A fire or accident or if they need to be removed from home etc

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All of those should be donated to the police and fire department. They can be used to give to children who are in emergency stations to comfort them. I.e. A fire or accident or if they need to be removed from home

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's a great idea! Don't know if they're still there, I'd venture to say the memorial is long gone...
It's late at night... When the anger about all this eases up a bit, I feel like crying for the sake of all those innocents who have now experienced a real life disillusionment. I hope they don't become permanently cynical.

That's harder to take than the anger...

I agree...
Just doing a little math from the numbers in the Fox piece, the T-shirts, sold for $20, cost $5.42 to produce and ship. So, they made $14.58 per T-shirt -- 72.9% of the cost of each T-shirt was profit for Mrs. G.

Actually, the shirt was $20 plus $5.00 s/h. Thanks for the number breakdown...
I agree! I've also wondered if Behan's leaving was also a stressor that played into Joe's decision to commit suicide?

I agree. Joe knew with Behan gone, the interim or new chief would not be covering his patootie! Joe saw the handwriting on the wall and new his exposure day was near.

Also, I think Behan was hearing gossip from the inner circle as to what the inventory
was all about, and he too, was fearful of Joe. By retiring, he was no longer over Joe as Chief of the Department.

My opinions only.
We all must be totally wrong about G.I. Joe and his family. The excerpt below came directly from the mouth of his son in the days after his death.

As D.J. and I sat across from each other on a dreary Friday afternoon amid pictures and medals his father had earned, we talked about his dad, how his family is coping with his loss, the rumors surrounding his death and all that happened that horrible day.

Q: There have been a lot of fundraisers for you guys. How do you feel about them?

A: We have never been people to ask for something. We'd always give and never expect something in return. That's how we were growing up. You give and you give and you give. You never have to expect something in return. But the amount of fundraisers have been amazing. My mom has a job (with an Antioch pest control company) but my father's job was the main support of the household. The fundraisers will help out tremendously with being able to help us sustain our usual living style.
Interview with son, Part 1

In this article he doesn't say anything about using money from the Explorer post to fix his truck, nor does he say anything about an arranged marriage to his Dad's mistress, or the nervous texts shared back and forth after the audit came to light...........but does any of that really matter ? As long as they are able to sustain their usual lifestyle, then it's all good.
D.J. has read articles about the day his father was killed, and he's seen the comments posted by readers on those stories and in social media.

He is irritated by the comments, but also shows the maturity to let them roll off his back.

What follows is the rest of an edited version of a conversation I had with D.J. Gliniewicz on Friday.

Q: People are speculating about what happened to your father.

A: The people who are starting these rumors, and I know of the rumors we are speaking about, it was after (Lake County Coroner Dr. Thomas) Rudd released some information that shouldn't have been released, and a lot of the media and a lot of the people have taken that and construed it into their own story to fill in holes. So the people want to start rumors and they want to slander his name and our name. It's rude. It hurts us. I just can't believe it. They are attacking our family and our name. Let us have our time to remember my father. My father has never once had a suicidal thought in his life.
Interview with son, Part 2

Do you guys see that? Quit being rude..............

This interview was done prior to him and his mother "Lawyering up".
I would think so, just as he had that same responsibility and obligation to not overlook Joe's other wrong doings. Perhaps he did say something to Joe, but we'll never know. I think his retirement was a way of getting out before all hell broke loose, although I don't think he could have foreseen the way Joe would end it. The two of them being good friends for 30 years, I can't imagine how he feels now....

So the Chief looked the other way, for free, while he knew, IMO, many things the criminal was doing for all these yrs? ripping off the city, letting a dirty cop continue:thinking:$$$$$$$ Not in my opinion.
Any suggestions for uses for the hundreds of t-shirts that no one will wear?

Ship them to a third world country where no one understands English?

Use them for cleaning toilets?

Make rogue cops wear them while they are on administrative leave....JMO
That's a great idea! Don't know if they're still there, I'd venture to say the memorial is long gone...
IIRC the FL PD memorial quickly and quietly disappeared right around a month after. I wonder if it was "just time" or if there began to be knowledge of what was to come....
Interview with son, Part 1

A: We have never been people to ask for something. We'd always give and never expect something in return. That's how we were growing up. You give and you give and you give. You never have to expect something in return. But the amount of fundraisers have been amazing. My mom has a job (with an Antioch pest control company) but my father's job was the main support of the household. The fundraisers will help out tremendously with being able to help us sustain our usual living style.

BBM Earlier, someone here inquired as to MG's employment having been mentioned as "self-employed". This implies something more employee-based, although could have been contracting in nature.
Volo Bog was supposed to have a "monster" living in it. I heard the story in the 70s.
Having ridden along on a number of school field trips, my kids and I were just reminiscing about the naturalist staff's mentions of the "bogey man" in the bog. Made for great grade-schooler impressions. :freakedout:
BBM Earlier, someone here inquired as to MG's employment having been mentioned as "self-employed". This implies something more employee-based, although could have been contracting in nature.
The business has been in the Resetar family for years. It is located in Antioch.
I searched and I did find this amazing story that happened in Volo Bog around 1991.
It is quite a story that happened back then. Other than that one, I didn't find any other strange disappearances. This true story that happened there in 1991 is probably enough to give the place quite a reputation.

This is an amazing and true narrated account of what happened there.
R.I.P. Dennis Bruce Jones.

Fascinating story of the events, with some eerie (BBM) parallels to this one. Thanks for posting.

By the 20th, the body had been ID'd. His name was Dennis Bruce Jones, age 38, approximately six foot five, approximately 180 pounds, and in the words of Lake County sheriff's detective Lieutenant Chester Iwan, "somewhat of a drifter." The results of the autopsy, performed a day after his discovery, were the big news. Jones had died of two gunshot wounds, one to the head, the other to the chest. When asked if a man could shoot himself twice while taking his life, Lake County coroner Barbara Richardson said, "It is not an impossibility." But to us it seemed like quite a trick. A .22 is a pop gun, a purse gun, and you could conceivably make a second go if the first shot weren't immediately fatal. Still, we felt much less sure that we'd been visiting a suicide.
But chances are it was. Jones likely went for the heart, missed, then sealed the deal with the second shot. The unmolested crime scene was utterly convincing, and the offbeat pathos of the note seemed beyond Forrest, who wasn't exactly a man of letters. If it was a homicide, some supercriminal had fabricated the scene, and Forrest had stumbled into it. But while we waited for the official verdict, we feverishly built our case against him, savoring the thrilling possibility that we'd hung out with a murderer and squirming with a belated sense of responsibility. If we'd helped cover up a slaying, even inadvertently, we were all guilty.

In August, the coroner's jury of six--the same as our number, better qualified but working with less--reported that they'd failed to determine the cause of death
Rudd speaks.

Right Away, Coroner Was Suspicious About Supposed Murder Of Fox Lake Cop

(CBS) – From the start, Lake County Coroner Thomas Rudd says, there were red flags in the death investigation of Fox Lake Police Lt. Charles Gliniewicz.
“What I noticed was two striking things,” Rudd tells CBS 2’s Brad Edwards in his first interview since last week’s bombshell about a bad cop who staged his own suicide to look like murder.
“There was absolutely no defensive wound whatsoever,” Rudd says of the officer’s body.

The other suspicious factor: “His uniform was in roll-call order, which is rare in a struggle. There was only a little mud on his knees.”

Right away, things did not sit right with Rudd.
“The fatal shot to the left chest was 2 inches under the upper collar of the bullet proof vest, and that made no sense whatsoever,” the coroner says. “So, how does someone get that close to him and shoot him? And he being a trained Army reservist didn’t fight it off.”
Pest control?Is that what GI Joe was going to do when he planned a hit on the village administrator?

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