GUILTY IL - Mya Lyons, 9, stabbed to death, Chicago, 15 July 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It appears that Little Company of Mary Hospital is only 4 minutes away which would be much closer than Jackson Park. However, perhaps the nurse in back recommended Jackson Park.
I don't know that I suspect the dad so much as I am frustrated by the timeline. That doesn't necessarily mean it is him - it could mean that all of the various news sources are getting their stories from different people and they are each printing a different version. Kind of like the Telephone game - no one has it quite right, but that doesn't mean Dad has told it 10 different ways.

I believe it was Mya's great-aunt who was quoted as saying she didn't know why he drove her himself. What she said was something along the lines of, "That hospital isn't just around the corner." Not that it wasn't the closest one. But she also said she didn't think he would hurt Mya.

And ITA that if his uncle (or whoever it was) who is a nurse was with him trying to do CPR or whatever told him to drive to a certain hospital, maybe it was b/c he knew what hospital was close AND had a trauma center that could handle a stabbing. As much as I love having a children's hospital near me, I don't know if I'd go there if I had a gunshot or knife wound, even in a small child. I'd head for Grady!

Supposedly dad has taken a polygraph, submitted to questioning, and given DNA. I am praying that he didn't do this and is just wracked with grief and maybe guilt for not being able to save her. That would be very normal. I don't want to believe that he did this.

But they have to get these stories straight and figure out what was actually reported to LE and what was just said by a neighbor to a reporter. That is critical.
Even though we still don't know if he's totally innocent or not, I feel bad about suspecting him, and am definitely giving the father the benefit of the doubt.

I would find it hard to forgive anyone that harmed my child but maybe he's just a better person (or Christian) than I am and he's able to do that.

Like someone else said maybe they towed the van to see if they could get more forensic evidence since the dad did disturb the scene by picking up his daughter. I can't blame him for that. I would have probably done the same thing. He's willingly giving DNA, polygraph, etc. so that says something for him there.

Like the Meghan Landowski case I feel like if the person who murdered her stabbed her to death then it shows anger. Or at least it seems that way to me. Who could be angry at this little girl? Maybe something happened while she was out and she said she was going home to tell her daddy. Maybe that angered the person.

I don't know. Just like Meghan's case there isn't much to go on.
I've been going back and rereading the links. Another reason dad might have driven her himself is that he might not have believed an ambulance would have gotten there very quickly.

Did you see the video of the city quickly cutting back the overgrown brush in the alley and fixing the streetlight that they had been complaining was broken for months? Even though these homes look new and pretty nice, it doesn't sound like they were getting a whole lot of response from Metra (who technically owns the alley property) or the city.

I wonder if there is a history of ambulances taking their sweet time to that area. That would explain a lot.
With the reports of an abundance of evidence having been left behind at this crime scene, I am saddened that there hasn't been an arrest. Maybe today.....
It appears that Little Company of Mary Hospital is only 4 minutes away which would be much closer than Jackson Park. However, perhaps the nurse in back recommended Jackson Park.

while this Little Co. of Mary is close by, it does not appear to have a trauma center, so would not be the first choice to take a stabbing victim.

I am certain that Mya's father, as a local resident, would have known the best place to go...just as I, in my neck of the woods, am familiar with what hospitals are the best....Surely he had heard of friends or neighbors who had gone to Jackson Park ER.....
Good job!! That puts that rumor to rest.. about it not being the closest, or best hospital. I edited it out of my post..

And I agree, Salem, very well written email.

Thanks PSUfan - We must have been posting at the same time :). I completely missed your post.

And New Yorker - please stay close to this thread :) With all the disinformation out there, it will invaluable to have a local on board here to help us figure out what is going on.

The info about the hospital is just what we needed. I agree there are several reasons why dad might have driven Mya himself, especially if he had medical help (the nurse) with him and able to take care of Mya while he drove.

With the reports of an abundance of evidence having been left behind at this crime scene, I am saddened that there hasn't been an arrest. Maybe today.....

I agree.

It could cut both ways. If she was not sexually assaulted and it is dad's hair, fibers, etc. then that would be hard to rule out - is it from his rescue attempt or the assault?

If it is a stranger, then they have to find him.

The only thing it helps is to rule out known RSOs and others in the database plus anyone who has volunteered DNA but was not known to have helped try to save her.

Still leaves dad hanging in limbo. If he is innocent I feel horrible for him. It must be awful to have even a few people thinking you could have done such a thing.
Not lovin how this is shaping up, and I thank those of you who are keeping it alive!!!
From Fox News Chicago , article on 7/26/2008

"Richard Lyons found his daughter Mya Lyons -- bloody and near death -- the night of July 14 in an alley near his home in the 8400 block of South Gilbert Court.

He said following the incident that he picked Mya up while she was still breathing and put her in his van. He then drove to Jackson Park Hospital as his uncle, a nurse, tended to her in the back.

"I put her in that van," Lyons said. "I do not remember how she looked. I do remember grabbing her and hearing her and putting her in and just driving off."

Mya’s great-aunt Karen Brown said Saturday the family has “so many unanswered questions” about Mya’s death.

“I like Richard and I don’t think Richard personally did anything to Mya,” Brown said Saturday after learning about the van being towed. “Evidently [police] suspect that something doesn’t add up.”

Brown also said family members are wondering why Richard Lyons took Mya to the hospital in the van instead of calling 911, stating that Jackson Park Hospital is not “just around the corner” from where she was found."

Yes, I will be staying close to this case!
Hi, I live in Chicago and I believe the reason they are so hard on the father now is that his story just does not add up. There may have been flaws in his first recollection of events and why he was given a polygraph which didn't add up, so on to his van and then his house. There is also a lot of information the detectives are not revealing to the public yet.

I hope he didn't do it.
Maybe the step mom did it and he is trying to cover for her.
This case is going to be solved. I guess I am preparing myself for another case of "business as usual" when it comes to children being murdered by someone whom they should have been able to trust as their protector. Life is upside and inside out. Reading the news today is like being down the rabbitt hole.
Back to the POI who was released. After his release they interviewed him on TV. He said that a drunk in his neighborhood told the police that he killed Mya thinking he could get the reward money. He works on cars, and he said nothing about picking up scrap metal. He said they interrogated him for days and even clipped his fingernails for DNA. He was left handed and showed the scratch on his hand which they insinuated were teeth marks from Mya, but that proved to be wrong. He said he got the scratch from fixing cars. He also said "I didn't even know the girl". He was really upset for being sent through something like that, knowing he was totally innocent.

Also, I was in church Sunday before last, the day after Mya's funeral, and the cousin to the mother was showing us the obiturary, and she said that they all believed that someone in that house killed Mya.
Back to the POI who was released. After his release they interviewed him on TV. He said that a drunk in his neighborhood told the police that he killed Mya thinking he could get the reward money. He works on cars, and he said nothing about picking up scrap metal. He said they interrogated him for days and even clipped his fingernails for DNA. He was left handed and showed the scratch on his hand which they insinuated were teeth marks from Mya, but that proved to be wrong. He said he got the scratch from fixing cars. He also said "I didn't even know the girl". He was really upset for being sent through something like that, knowing he was totally innocent.

Also, I was in church Sunday before last, the day after Mya's funeral, and the cousin to the mother was showing us the obiturary, and she said that they all believed that someone in that house killed Mya.

Welcome to WS and thanks for the neighborhood info.
Back to the POI who was released. After his release they interviewed him on TV. He said that a drunk in his neighborhood told the police that he killed Mya thinking he could get the reward money. He works on cars, and he said nothing about picking up scrap metal. He said they interrogated him for days and even clipped his fingernails for DNA. He was left handed and showed the scratch on his hand which they insinuated were teeth marks from Mya, but that proved to be wrong. He said he got the scratch from fixing cars. He also said "I didn't even know the girl". He was really upset for being sent through something like that, knowing he was totally innocent.

Also, I was in church Sunday before last, the day after Mya's funeral, and the cousin to the mother was showing us the obiturary, and she said that they all believed that someone in that house killed Mya.

Thank you, and a hearty welcome!!! What is the motivation for someone in the house killing this darling precious child???
Belseeta - welcome to websleuths! Thanks for the information. So you attend the same church as some of the family members?

To All - I have heard back from one of the reporters. I have asked for his permission to post his response here. If he gives it, I will post, if not, suffice it to say there is frustration all around on the details of this case.

The father submitted dna, took a lie detector test, and fully cooperated with LE. What does he get in return? His van seized, his house searched and threatened by detectives during the search. Can you blame him for hiring a lawyer. Sounds like this is turning into the African-American version of Kevin Fox/Riley Fox. Richard Lyons appeared sincerely grief-stricken and distraught in all of the interviews I saw. I don't see how anyone could suspect he did this.

I am a native Chicagoan. Ambulances and police are notorious for not reponding promptly to calls on the south and west sides of the city. Ambulances will not come without a police escort in certain areas of the city - Auburn/Gresham being one of them. Two years ago, a south side child died from an asthma attack because an ambulance did not come for 30 minutes after 911 was called, and the fire station was right down the street. Little Company of Mary Hospital DOES NOT have a trauma center. Many trauma centers in the city have been closed down in recent years due to hospital mergers, etc. Jackson Park Hospital is the nearest with a trauma center. They are well-equipped and experienced in handling stabbings and gunshot wounds.

Jody Weis, the hotshot FBI agent recently appointed Chicago Police Superintendent vowed to clean up the department and eliminate police misconduct, wrongful arrests, and other incidents which have led to large civil suit settlement payouts by the city over the past several years. This is his case. It happened on his watch. He did not inherit a botched investigation from someone else. He better tread carefully here and get the right person. Otherwise, he might as well resign and leave town voluntarily. The last thing he needs in this case is a wrongful arrest, a false confession or a case imploding before the public.

I think all of your hinky meters are on overcharge. You ought to turn them down and lower the estrogen dosage so that all of the misinformation you are collecting doesn't take on a life of its own.
Respectfully snipped
I think all of your hinky meters are on overcharge. You ought to turn them down and lower the estrogen dosage so that all of the misinformation you are collecting doesn't take on a life of its own.

I take offense at this portion of your post. I think most of us that are posting here are on the father's side and we are all hoping he was not involved. We also acknowledge the DNA and polygraph. I don't know what "misinformation we are collecting" you are talking about. If you are referring to the media reports - they are what they are. We read them and do our best to decipher them. We do not believe every word written and in this case especially, we know how misleading the media reports have been.

What is happening to Mr. Lyons at this point in time is not that unusual. Law Enforcement always looks at the family and then works out into the community. We know that. It is sad to see that LE is spending this much time but my thought is that the standard procedures were interrupted when LE thought they had the perp a couple of weeks ago.

No one on this thread has accused Mr. Lyons of anything. We have noted personal "readings" on the father's behavior and that sort of thing, but those were personal opinions.

Here at websleuths we are ALL allowed to state our opinions and point out anything we think is important or pertinent to the case.

I acknowledge your defense of Mr. Lyons and respect you for it. However, you should note that if discussion of this case, and I mean ALL elements of the case, will offend or hurt you, maybe you should not read here. On the other hand, your input would be welcome and any corrections you can make to misinformation that might be received is also welcome.


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