IL IL - Paul Fronczak, newborn, Chicago, 1964 + UID Male, 1, NJ, 1965

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
It may be much the same information as before at the moment but here are another couple of recent reports about the case.

First report:

Boy kidnapped in 1964 found through ancestry sites | WGIL 93.7 FM & 1400 AM

Second report:

Boy kidnapped in 1964 found through ancestry sites

Here is part of the above report:

They finally got a notification last year through one of the sites that there was a match, Moore said. The notification included identifiers and ways to communicate with those who submitted the matched DNA.

Citing concerns about infringing on the privacy of the man and the Fronczak family, Moore declined to offer several key details, including the man’s name and where he lives in Michigan.

Dora Fronczak was 28 when her newborn son was abducted. She’s now in her 80s and still lives in the Chicago area.

“The most important thing is that he and his mother have a reunion,” Moore told the AP. “Our greatest wish is for that to happen.”

Moore couldn't say why a reunion hasn't yet happened.
This is all reminding me of a case, the name of which has slipped my mind... the lady who shot herself on the driveway and her husband subsequently found out she was t who he thought. Lori? Kennedy? I feel terrible that I’ve forgotten.

We spent years on it and just as we thought we’d never hear the end result it all came out in the press.
This is all reminding me of a case, the name of which has slipped my mind... the lady who shot herself on the driveway and her husband subsequently found out she was t who he thought. Lori? Kennedy? I feel terrible that I’ve forgotten.

We spent years on it and just as we thought we’d never hear the end result it all came out in the press.

Yes, the name she chose is Lori Erica Kennedy.

May her daughter & family have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, since they live in Texas I'll say Feliz Navidad, Prospero Ano; all the best for both grown-up mystery boys!
BBM. No, he has not met Dora and sounds like he doesn't plan to meet her. According to this article:
"Earlier this week, a team from Chicago’s WGN TV followed the trail of breadcrumbs to a rural Michigan town, found the man, and spoke to him. He confirmed that he knew about the Fronczak mystery and that he’d been in touch with the FBI. But he said he is not ready to come forward. Nor has he made plans to reunite with the birth mother, Dora Fronczak, whose husband Chester died in 2017."
I-Team: Stolen baby case leaves pain, some closure for Paul Fronczak

How sad. :( MOO.
I guess not everybody reacts the same to a situation like this. The "fake" Paul Fronczak really wanted to find/know his biological roots/family, and the actual Paul Fronczak apparently doesn't.
I guess not everybody reacts the same to a situation like this. The "fake" Paul Fronczak really wanted to find/know his biological roots/family, and the actual Paul Fronczak apparently doesn't.

we don't know his experience growing up, his experience with the media.

Perhaps he doesn't want curious information hounds like us poking into his life!

To find out that you're a crime victim! Must be a shocker.
I guess not everybody reacts the same to a situation like this. The "fake" Paul Fronczak really wanted to find/know his biological roots/family, and the actual Paul Fronczak apparently doesn't.

we don't know his experience growing up, his experience with the media.

Perhaps he doesn't want curious information hounds like us poking into his life!

To find out that you're a crime victim! Must be a shocker.

I totally understand the wanting to be private and not have his name all over the press. I also understand it was a shock -- I can't imagine what a shock that would be to find out you were kidnapped as an infant. I don't understand not wanting to meet the woman that lovingly gave birth to you in a situation like this... It's not as if Dora abandoned him as a child or was abusive and had him removed-- he was a wanted child and was stolen from her-- literally taken from her arms after she nursed him! I would be so curious to at least meet her and see if she looked like me. I would want to see pictures of my other biological family members and to meet my full blood brother too. I can't imagine turning down the opportunity to meet her. And she probably won't be alive much longer due to her age. Will he regret it if he never meets her and she dies?

Perhaps he is still in denial just as Dora and Chester seemed to be in denial about Jack not being their biological son Paul. They seemed to prefer to live as if the kidnapping had never happened. Perhaps it is a genetic trait that real Paul shares with Dora and Chester-- to not want to know these types of things? IDK. I feel so bad for all the victims involved... but if I were real Paul I can't imagine not at least visiting Dora (in private not in front of the press) and sharing a cup of coffee. If not for my own curiosity, then I would meet her for her sake. No one is asking him to call her mom or reject the people he currently calls his family. Maybe it's too hard for him, but I hope he changes his mind in the future and agrees to meet her. MOO.
I totally understand the wanting to be private and not have his name all over the press. I also understand it was a shock -- I can't imagine what a shock that would be to find out you were kidnapped as an infant. I don't understand not wanting to meet the woman that lovingly gave birth to you in a situation like this... It's not as if Dora abandoned him as a child or was abusive and had him removed-- he was a wanted child and was stolen from her-- literally taken from her arms after she nursed him! I would be so curious to at least meet her and see if she looked like me. I would want to see pictures of my other biological family members and to meet my full blood brother too. I can't imagine turning down the opportunity to meet her. And she probably won't be alive much longer due to her age. Will he regret it if he never meets her and she dies?

Perhaps he is still in denial just as Dora and Chester seemed to be in denial about Jack not being their biological son Paul. They seemed to prefer to live as if the kidnapping had never happened. Perhaps it is a genetic trait that real Paul shares with Dora and Chester-- to not want to know these types of things? IDK. I feel so bad for all the victims involved... but if I were real Paul I can't imagine not at least visiting Dora (in private not in front of the press) and sharing a cup of coffee. If not for my own curiosity, then I would meet her for her sake. No one is asking him to call her mom or reject the people he currently calls his family. Maybe it's too hard for him, but I hope he changes his mind in the future and agrees to meet her. MOO.
From what has been reported, the real Paul is battling a serious disease (cancer). Maybe that's why he is not up for the meeting.
Here is another report about the developments in this case:

Man, 55, who was revealed to be newborn that was kidnapped in 1964 was found using ancestry sites:

Curious about who his biological parents were, Paul hired a genetic genealogist Cece Moore to track them down. In 2015, he learned that his given name at birth was Jack Rosenthal.

Paul said he reached out to the Rosenthal family and learned some dark secrets about his biological parents.

According to Paul, his biological mother was an alcoholic and his biological father was ‘a disturbed veteran’. Both are now dead.

Paul said family members told him that he had a twin sister, named Jill, who went missing after allegedly being neglected by his biological parents. The Rosenthal family never learned what happened to Jill, and she remains missing.

Paul said one cousin told him that his biological parents would keep him and Jill ‘in a cage’ when they were babies. Other family members told Paul that he and his sister were constantly crying.
Here is another report about the developments in this case:

Man, 55, who was revealed to be newborn that was kidnapped in 1964 was found using ancestry sites:

Curious about who his biological parents were, Paul hired a genetic genealogist Cece Moore to track them down. In 2015, he learned that his given name at birth was Jack Rosenthal.

Paul said he reached out to the Rosenthal family and learned some dark secrets about his biological parents.

According to Paul, his biological mother was an alcoholic and his biological father was ‘a disturbed veteran’. Both are now dead.

Paul said family members told him that he had a twin sister, named Jill, who went missing after allegedly being neglected by his biological parents. The Rosenthal family never learned what happened to Jill, and she remains missing.

Paul said one cousin told him that his biological parents would keep him and Jill ‘in a cage’ when they were babies. Other family members told Paul that he and his sister were constantly crying.

So Paul-Jack went looking for his roots possibly suspecting that he might not have been his parents kidnapped bio son. I think I read that the family had suspicions but when presented with paul-jack they had to make a choice. It sounds like Fronczaks were good parents and gave paul-jack a good life. His bio family sounds scary and there is a missing sister.
I understand original Paul wanting to keep his privacy. He was kidnapped when he was 2 days old. If he had a decent family or even a bad one he might have his own family with kids and not want his life disrupted publically. His kidnapping should be investigated and so should Jill's disappearance.
There are no winners in this situation, IMO.

My heart goes out to Dora that her son has been found and he is not interested in meeting her. What a heartbreak!

The real Paul may have severe health problems but he is denying his mom a lifetime dream. Dora will love him. Who knows, maybe meeting his real mother will fill a void in his heart that he never knew was there.

His life, however good or bad, is no fault of his. He has been a victim of his kidnapping all his life!
I would hope it was a good life, but my intuition tells me otherwise due to the way it started out.

Perhaps the real Paul will change his mind, agree to meet Dora privately, and give her a chance to hug and see her son’s face.
There are no winners in this situation, IMO.

My heart goes out to Dora that her son has been found and he is not interested in meeting her. What a heartbreak!

The real Paul may have severe health problems but he is denying his mom a lifetime dream. Dora will love him. Who knows, maybe meeting his real mother will fill a void in his heart that he never knew was there.

His life, however good or bad, is no fault of his. He has been a victim of his kidnapping all his life!
I would hope it was a good life, but my intuition tells me otherwise due to the way it started out.

Perhaps the real Paul will change his mind, agree to meet Dora privately, and give her a chance to hug and see her son’s face.

It might be one of those things that he will change his mind about but he'll do it without publicity. We don't know who kidnapped him or what happened afterwards. Was he raised by them? Or was he adopted from his kidnapper? If that stuff is being investigated and he is ill that could be a lot of stress.
Here is another report about this case:

Michigan man abducted as baby, Newborn in 1964 Found - Thet Canada:

It was decades before DNA testing, and law enforcement thought the boy they found had ears similar in shape to the Fronczak baby. Newspaper accounts at the time quote Dora Fronczak as saying “that’s my baby, it’s Paul!” The Fronczaks raised the baby as their own.

Then, in 2014, our sister station KLAS-TV reported the person who thought he was Paul Fronczak had taken a DNA test that proved he wasn’t.

“I’d like to know who I am, my birthday, how old I am? But more important: Is the real baby alive and still out there,” Fronczak said in a 2014 interview. “And if it is can we find it? Can we reunite it with my mom and dad?”
MOO. I also wondering if there is some kind of criminal investigation of the kidnapping even if it is 55 years ago, if so maybe bio Paul has been told to lay low. I will believe he is a nice guy until MSM tells me otherwise and believe he is going to speak to Dora eventually. MOO
This is a very sad and interesting case in terms of ethics as well and makes you wonder why so many people are deal such a bad hand of cards in life. Of course the initial act of kidnapping a child from a mother was a terrible crime and it is the responsibility of LE to investigate crimes like this and it is the responsibility of LE to still investigate this case. So to me the FBI should be taking the lead and in charge now the actual Paul Fronczak has been identified. This may be another Radio One style unpopular opinion but it is not for the other Paul Fronczak to take the lead in the case now however sad his experiences are because he is not biologically related to the other Paul Fronczak. The mother of course deserves nothing but compassion and the chance to see her child. If people are interested here is a documentary relating to the case:

This is a very sad and interesting case in terms of ethics as well and makes you wonder why so many people are deal such a bad hand of cards in life. Of course the initial act of kidnapping a child from a mother was a terrible crime and it is the responsibility of LE to investigate crimes like this and it is the responsibility of LE to still investigate this case. So to me the FBI should be taking the lead and in charge now the actual Paul Fronczak has been identified. This may be another Radio One style unpopular opinion but it is not for the other Paul Fronczak to take the lead in the case now however sad his experiences are because he is not biologically related to the other Paul Fronczak. The mother of course deserves nothing but compassion and the chance to see her child. If people are interested here is a documentary relating to the case:

There could be two crimes. Paul-Jack has a sister that is missing. The original Paul was kidnapped. Paul-Jack hopefully has taken a step back since the interview. He has a good like with a family and parents who really loved him no matter his DNA. Bio families can disappoint and tracing your roots is fine but hopefully he appreciates the life he had. The interview made him seem ungrateful. moo
I can't even imagine what the Fronczak parents went through from the time their child was abducted, then supposedly found, and then revealed to not be their son. For the first two years after their son was kidnapped they must have imagined every scenario. The best would be that he was taken by a person that wanted a child, the worst would be death. It had to be a roller coaster of emotions, as they got used to accepting something, it changed and did that several times.
There could be two crimes. Paul-Jack has a sister that is missing. The original Paul was kidnapped. Paul-Jack hopefully has taken a step back since the interview. He has a good like with a family and parents who really loved him no matter his DNA. Bio families can disappoint and tracing your roots is fine but hopefully he appreciates the life he had. The interview made him seem ungrateful. moo
I can't even imagine what the Fronczak parents went through from the time their child was abducted, then supposedly found, and then revealed to not be their son. For the first two years after their son was kidnapped they must have imagined every scenario. The best would be that he was taken by a person that wanted a child, the worst would be death. It had to be a roller coaster of emotions, as they got used to accepting something, it changed and did that several times.

Totally agree that it is terrible for the mother in this case with all the twists and turns involving such a sensitive and emotional thing as the bond with your own child. I find it interesting that in the years before DNA LE appeared to just give her any child as a replacement based on the look of the ears. I do not really think Paul-Jack sounds ungrateful as it is a difficult situation for him of course and if you were in his position you might well want to do the same and find out your roots many people do. Therefore you can have nothing but sympathy for him. I am fairly lucky that I feel happy about my own DNA and family position and do not feel the need to check it but no family is perfect and their are different connections and imperfect things in all families. Merry Christmas.
Totally agree that it is terrible for the mother in this case with all the twists and turns involving such a sensitive and emotional thing as the bond with your own child. I find it interesting that in the years before DNA LE appeared to just give her any child as a replacement based on the look of the ears. I do not really think Paul-Jack sounds ungrateful as it is a difficult situation for him of course and if you were in his position you might well want to do the same and find out your roots many people do. Therefore you can have nothing but sympathy for him. I am fairly lucky that I feel happy about my own DNA and family position and do not feel the need to check it but no family is perfect and their are different connections and imperfect things in all families. Merry Christmas.

The point I was making about ethics is there is not necessarily a direct connection between CeCe Moore's duty as a genealogist to help Paul-Jack find his roots and his desire to find who the actual Paul was for his stepmother as this in a criminal case involving a child and this is why the FBI were involved and it is their responsibility to do it for the mother of the child who has been subjected to the crime not for a step child to know the answers because of his unfortunate life experiences when it turned out he was not biologically related after CeCe Moore's initial investigation. Very sad situation all round but it is good there now appears to be some definite answers. Cheers.

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