Found Deceased IL - Semaj Crosby, 16 mos, Joliet Township, 25 April 2017

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Judge in Will County wants all Will Co DCFS cases in her courtroom for closer look at all .....

:thud: wow. Her honor is fired up and I can't say I am disappointed by that. Go Judge Paula Gomora!
I believe that mom knew at least a couple of them. The way their entry into the home as residents has been described during phone interview with an unidentified friend of Ms. Gordon that was livestreamed by Anita Padila (local reporter) from her newsroom: They showed up one or two at a time.

Conjecture - Mom has a couple of unsavory types who she knows or becomes acquainted with. She allows a couple to stay there "just for a week or so" while they look for a place. Next thing you know its been months and they haven't left and now they have invited several others to come live there too.
In response to your conjecture, could the Grandmother and Aunt actually have been the ones cycling these people through the house?
In response to your conjecture, could the Grandmother and Aunt actually have been the ones cycling these people through the house?

I have seen that suggested but cannot recall if it was in MSM article or in a livestream by Ms. Padilla or elsewhere so yes, I do think that is a very real possibility but calling it speculation since I have no ready link.
From your link chckmate:

"An attorney for the agency Wednesday told Gomora the investigator noticed the poor conditions inside of the home that day and instructed the mother to clean up and put the bunk beds the agency provided for the children back together. The caseworker promised to return in three days to check in, attorney Susan Barker said. County officials declared the home uninhabitable after an inspection following the child's death."
From your link chckmate:

"An attorney for the agency Wednesday told Gomora the investigator noticed the poor conditions inside of the home that day and instructed the mother to clean up and put the bunk beds the agency provided for the children back together. The caseworker promised to return in three days to check in, attorney Susan Barker said. County officials declared the home uninhabitable after an inspection following the child's death."
I wonder why the bunk beds were separated. I bet the squatters took over the kids' beds. 😠

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It appears they took over the entire house! and made it uninhabitable..why would people do this? And one a grandmother!!Definitely do not understand the family dynamics here..soooo sad!
I wonder why the bunk beds were separated. I bet the squatters took over the kids' beds. 

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It appears they took over the entire house! and made it uninhabitable..why would people do this? And one a grandmother!!Definitely do not understand the family dynamics here..soooo sad!
I think I understand the dynamics here... Unfortunately, I think I'd be banned if I wrote what I think of someone taking over a child's bed! FFS!

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It appears they took over the entire house! and made it uninhabitable..why would people do this? And one a grandmother!!Definitely do not understand the family dynamics here..soooo sad!

Drugs. Throws family dynamics out of the window.
Yeah, I'm sure..lots of issues probably going on here..drugs, poverty, lack of education, etc..It is just frustrating to say the least, when children die because of them..and heartbreaking...imoo
Drugs. Throws family dynamics out of the window.

An autopsy was conducted Thursday morning but will “require further study” to determine the cause of death, according to the coroner’s office.

[Will County Sheriff’s Deputy Chief Rick Ackerson]
Including Gordon, her two sons and Semaj, five to 15 people were regularly living in the house as “squatters,” Ackerson said.“We aren’t sure if they’re all friends or relatives. But there were different people there off and on,” Ackerson said.

- - -
[autopsy reports were inconclusive]
No signs signs of blunt force trauma or physical injuries were discovered that would indicate cause of death. Once toxicology reports come back, the Will County coroner should be able to determine cause and manner of death.

The home was condemned because of deplorable living conditions – it was full of cockroaches and garbage. Deputy Chief Rick Ackerson, of the Will County Sheriff’s Department, said Thursday as many as 15 people lived in the 864-square-foot home at any given time. He said a family attorney described some of those people as Semaj’s relatives and some as “squatters.”

my guess is that they just wanted the mattresses on the floor so they didn't have to fit on them.

I wonder why the bunk beds were separated. I bet the squatters took over the kids' beds. ��

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I wonder why the bunk beds were separated. I bet the squatters took over the kids' beds. ��

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Bunk beds, from this article

It appears the lower bunk's mattress is still in the frame but the upper bunk *doesn't even have the board for the mattress to sit on. Considering there was a 16 month old, 2 year old and 2 other older kids (one in the hospital for unknown reasons) you really have to wonder where these poor kids slept in this 3 bedroom house.

Just so wrong, on every level.

*I know this because I once owned bunk beds almost identical this one. You can see the upper bunk's foundation board is missing.
Judge in Will County wants all Will Co DCFS cases in her courtroom for closer look at all .....

This is impressive. Sadly I think she's going to find more horror stories. But bless her heart for NOT passing the buck.
This is impressive. Sadly I think she's going to find more horror stories. But bless her heart for NOT passing the buck.
Yes, she's going to have her hands full! I'm so glad she's doing this!!

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Ugh - why oh why do I keep gravitating to this thread? It hurts my heart to read about & see the pit these kids were living in! Roaches on the wall....bed bugs....crap everywhere. Sickening. These kids were the furthest thing from a priority in this so-called 'home'.

I'm almost afraid to find out the reason for the one boy's current hospitalization.

It just gets worse and worse.....
"If it deserves state intervention, doesn't it also deserve court intervention?" she said.


Judge in Will County wants all Will Co DCFS cases in her courtroom for closer look at all .....
You're missing my whole point.... I'm talking about the first hours of your child missing. How could you think of anything besides your baby???

I am not missing your whole point and this is the last time I am commenting on this issue. In this case the police were called and the police were allowed in the home however based on witness statements they did not believe Semaj was in the house so there was not an in depth search. After they wanted back in the house the mother again consented to being questioned but with one of the likely abusive "squatters" screeching at her and banging on the door she shut down, requested a lawyer and denied an additional search. I will not judge that woman for this even if I believe wholeheartedly that she 100% failed her children. I will not judge ANYONE ever for any reason for requesting a lawyer because defense attorneys play an important role in assuring our criminal justice system works. I will not assume that not having the typical behavior equals guilt either because over and over again we have seen parents who sob and scream all over the TV and to the police and they are guilty as hell. What I will focus on is the legitimate evidence that this woman failed her children miserably and that failure led to Semaj's death. I don't need to take into account when she got a lawyer or how much she cried on TV to know that this baby was betrayed by the people who should have taken care of her.
This article is the first mention of a third brother of Semaj's, to my knowledge? He has been hospitalized since before her death? Anybody know why? The article states that he is still hospitalized and also that he is in DCFS custody, so not sure which is which, but I am curious as to why he has been in the hospital this whole time. Poor kids!!

Isn't that this child?
Paternal Aunt said her nephew got beaten badly in "that house" 2 months ago. She is angry and rightly so. DCF was called by the hospital and that was the reason for one of the visits to the house.

IIRC Sheri had 3 kids. Semaj and a male toddler with James Crosby. That toddler is now in DCFS custody. Then there was the 8 yr old who is now with his father and Sheri has supervised visitation. So that hospitalized child belongs to James Crosby but not Sheri. I hope it is the same child because if not on top of Semaj we will have two kids hospitalized thanks to whatever nightmare was going on in that house. No wonder the judge is enraged.
So it was a sofa-couch, with no legs. Just sat flush to the floor.
The squatters moved in one by one and SG didn't want to feel like the "bad guy" by telling them to leave.
Once they moved in, the conditions of the house started going down the drain.
She does believe that the DCFS worker dropped the ball.
The holes in the walls were from people fighting in the house.
Friend tried to get her to get the people out of there.

Pretty much along the same lines with what many of us here have been thinking.

I finally just watched this and wanted to add a few bits of interesting info.

- Prior to moving into the house nearly a year ago Sheri and the kids were living in a hotel with many of the same squatters who later ended up in the house. Once Sheri moved in the squatters slowly started to trickle from the hotel to her new house.
-The squatters would steal money and food from Sheri and the kids.
-The squatters physically abused Sheri and "jumped" her as well.
- The eldest child (who is now in his father's custody) said that people in the house (not his mother) physically and verbally abused him. After he had visitation with his dad and dad's family he would cry and beg not to go home because he hated the people Sheri let live there. At least unlike the other sibling he has a decent father and paternal grandparents and isn't in the system.

Ugh. Just ugh.
Ultimately, a parent is responsible for the welfare of their child/children.

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