Found Deceased IL - Semaj Crosby, 16 mos, Joliet Township, 25 April 2017

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ts51, a late welcome to WS. :welcome:

I wasn't directing my post to you. Sorry if it appeared as if I did. Being somewhat local, I was trying to explain to non locals the difference.......... If we happen to follow some of the same cases, you'll see I'm kind of neurotic about details.
No..I didn't take that way..and I wasn't directing my post to yours..I knew what you meant..I just meant that cases fall through the cracks anywhere..and thanks for the welcome!!
ts51, a late welcome to WS. :welcome:

I wasn't directing my post to you. Sorry if it appeared as if I did. Being somewhat local, I was trying to explain to non locals the difference.......... If we happen to follow some of the same cases, you'll see I'm kind of neurotic about details.
I guess I did direct to yours, but I knew what you meant!
Ultimately, yes. And when that parent faces challenges such as having a diminished mental capacity (as it's been stated SG has), there are supposed to be social/community supports in place to assist that parent. The investigator in this case had to walk through that house to get to the bedroom where the bunk beds are to see that they were not assembled properly. Then they would have had to walk back through the house again, to exit. And they still left those kids there. In that roach infested rat's nest. They very same roach infested rat's nest they reported as not having any safety hazards or health concerns.
ITA with this. Sheri needed a support system in place. Does anyone know how long JC (Sheri's husband) was in jail--or can we sleuth him? I'm just wondering if people exploited Sheri while JC wasn't in the household, did he allow the squatters, or wasn't he able to control them, either?

Some of the relatives/squatters had been there a while, IIRC. My unwelcome guest was here 32 days. Someone told me that once a person has lived in a residence 30 days (in some states), he/she has the legal right to live there. Fortunately, my "guest" didn't seem familiar with those laws. I think it was called something other than "squatter's rights" and I know laws are different from state to state. "Squatter's Rights"/"Trespasser's Rights" in IL refers to adverse possession of a vacant property, in which the squatter actually makes improvements on the property. But, I think there are additional laws that address people squatting on inhabited property, such as the live-in nanny who wouldn't leave. Does anyone know what those laws are called?

In some states at least, a squatter/trespasser who has claimed the property and lived on it for an extended period through adverse possession can be evicted, but the process can be complicated. Because I rent, and my guest had already stayed past the 2 weeks we're allowed to have visitors, I was afraid I would be legally forced to add her onto my lease (which she asked me to do the day she was to move out). That is one reason I was reluctant to call the police--she may have been in the right by law. Didn't I read that Sheri rented that house? I wonder if she had complained about the squatters on any of the LE visits. If only the lawyer had helped her evict those squatters, even though it may be a lengthy process, it may have been in time to save Semaj. MOO

Aha! Here it is:

What about calling the cops and having the no-longer wanted tenant removed as a criminal trespasser? More often than not, a call to the local police will not result in the expulsion of a guest, roommate, or a family member from a property.

The process of evicting an unwanted house guest is both lengthy and costly!
RSBM. Like any city, Joliet has its good and bad area's. Respectively, what does that have to do with this case?

I mentioned it because they were commenting on the high number of police calls to that house. My friend said the area is by the speedway and it is high crime, therefore it's possible that a high number of calls to homes there is not uncommon.

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B&UBM I don't even know what to think/say about that.

So many missed opportunities to see that things were spiraling downward quickly in that household. :(

Wow, that's an average of about once a week for 14 months!!!

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ITA with this. Sheri needed a support system in place. Does anyone know how long JC (Sheri's husband) was in jail--or can we sleuth him? I'm just wondering if people exploited Sheri while JC wasn't in the household, did he allow the squatters, or wasn't he able to control them, either?

Some of the relatives/squatters had been there a while, IIRC. My unwelcome guest was here 32 days. Someone told me that once a person has lived in a residence 30 days (in some states), he/she has the legal right to live there. Fortunately, my "guest" didn't seem familiar with those laws. I think it was called something other than "squatter's rights" and I know laws are different from state to state. "Squatter's Rights"/"Trespasser's Rights" in IL refers to adverse possession of a vacant property, in which the squatter actually makes improvements on the property. But, I think there are additional laws that address people squatting on inhabited property, such as the live-in nanny who wouldn't leave. Does anyone know what those laws are called?


Sherri and JC were not married, nor did he reside at the Louis street property. IIRC, it was yesterday's msm that indicated at least one of those 59 calls were for domestic violence. IIRC, Sheri and her children lived in a motel with the squatters prior to her renting that house.

First, I wondered, if she was getting section 8 housing or not and if so, how that home passed section 8 inspection. IDK how frequently section 8 inspects homes, but I think it occurs with renewal of the lease.

I think in IL after 30 days someone has tenency which makes it more difficult to get them to leave. However, I found the following in which someone can be evicted in three days under the Safe Home laws in IL. I glimpsed through it, but it looks like Sherri could have utilized this law to evict the squatters much more easily due to the safety issues in the home. Why didnt those providing services to Sherri mention the safe home law? Especially with the kids there.

Safe Home:
I'm traveling and iPad sucks. An article just came out from cbs Chicago- I can't link but google Semaj Crosby and it should come up. Basically it says pastor (who is also a relative) says mom "may be responsible" for Semaj's death. No explanation but holy moly what a statement! If I can figure out how to copy the link I'll post it.
Just an FYI. Warren Dorris is on Darlene's FB friend list but not Sheri's.
I'm traveling and iPad sucks. An article just came out from cbs Chicago- I can't link but google Semaj Crosby and it should come up. Basically it says pastor (who is also a relative) says mom "may be responsible" for Semaj's death. No explanation but holy moly what a statement! If I can figure out how to copy the link I'll post it.

That was a misleading get headline, imo. It wasn't the full statement and was taken out of context, imo, for its shock value. Shame on CBS. They just dropped to the bottom of my local msm list.
I haven't read through the thread today, but I recall from a previous article posted that he is in jail for charges of stealing and domestic battery, so there's a chance that the grandma and aunt aren't the only abusers on that side of the family.

ITA with this. Sheri needed a support system in place. Does anyone know how long JC (Sheri's husband) was in jail--or can we sleuth him? I'm just wondering if people exploited Sheri while JC wasn't in the household, did he allow the squatters, or wasn't he able to control them, either?

Some of the relatives/squatters had been there a while, IIRC. My unwelcome guest was here 32 days. Someone told me that once a person has lived in a residence 30 days (in some states), he/she has the legal right to live there. Fortunately, my "guest" didn't seem familiar with those laws. I think it was called something other than "squatter's rights" and I know laws are different from state to state. "Squatter's Rights"/"Trespasser's Rights" in IL refers to adverse possession of a vacant property, in which the squatter actually makes improvements on the property. But, I think there are additional laws that address people squatting on inhabited property, such as the live-in nanny who wouldn't leave. Does anyone know what those laws are called?

In some states at least, a squatter/trespasser who has claimed the property and lived on it for an extended period through adverse possession can be evicted, but the process can be complicated. Because I rent, and my guest had already stayed past the 2 weeks we're allowed to have visitors, I was afraid I would be legally forced to add her onto my lease (which she asked me to do the day she was to move out). That is one reason I was reluctant to call the police--she may have been in the right by law. Didn't I read that Sheri rented that house? I wonder if she had complained about the squatters on any of the LE visits. If only the lawyer had helped her evict those squatters, even though it may be a lengthy process, it may have been in time to save Semaj. MOO

Aha! Here it is:


The process of evicting an unwanted house guest is both lengthy and costly!
That was a misleading get headline, imo. It wasn't the full statement and was taken out of context, imo, for its shock value. Shame on CBS. They just dropped to the bottom of my local msm list.

I dunno - the direct quotes are pretty clear. Do you have a link to his full statement? If CBS cut out something that would change the meaning then yes I agree that's stinky reporting!
"I believe that this community failed this child and we don't want to see this happen again," said Pastor Warren Dorris, who is a cousin of the girl's mother.


"Whatever happened to this child, whoever is responsible for this ... needs to be held accountable," he told reporters moments before visitation began. "If someone knew that this child was in that home, they need to be held accountable."


We're going to challenge ourselves, we're going to use this incident to challenge ourselves and the community to do better," he said.

Pastor Warren Dorris, a relative of Semaj&#8217;s mother, Sheri Gordon, said she is &#8220;not doing well&#8221; after her daughter&#8217;s death.

&#8220;She does not know what to expect after the service. This is now a criminal investigation officially, and she&#8217;s really worried,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Let me tell you something. Let me make this very clear. Whatever happened to this child, whoever was responsible for this needs to be held accountable.&#8221;


&#8220;You&#8217;ve got to remember, you&#8217;ve got a mother &#8211; regardless &#8211; has lost a child. Even though she may be responsible, she&#8217;s lost a child,&#8221; Dorris said.


&#8220;It&#8217;s very tragic that we&#8217;re here today. We have a child that has gone away, and we really don&#8217;t know why, and one thing we do want is justice for this child,&#8221; he added.


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