GUILTY IL - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, in suitcase in Bali, 12 Aug 2014 *fnd guilty in Bali* #6

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"Upon her release, Mack can, under Indonesian law, be reunited with her daughter, who is now 6.
But her Indonesian attorney, Yulius Benyamin Seran, had said earlier that Mack, who has not seen the girl for about 20 months because authorities halted prison visits during the coronavirus pandemic, had asked Indonesian authorities to let the girl remain with her foster family to avoid media attention.
Under Indonesian law, a deported foreigner will be rejected entry to Indonesia up to a maximum of six months." Heather Mack, convicted in mom’s murder in Bali, to be freed from prison Oct. 29. She and boyfriend had stuffed body into suitcase during vacation.

So, she has this new Indo attorney. Sounds like she isn't bringing Stella back with her. Because she knows she is going to prision? Doubt it. You know she is scheming.
Well, we all know that the year that HM is asking to remain in Bali will be something to do with avoiding charges in the US and/or gaining custody of Stella. She won't let Stella stay in Bali without her (and will likely buy Stella back from the govt) because Stella is her financial security. imo

Schapelle Corby remained in Bali after her release from prison, but that was due to the fact that she was on 'parole' (before deportation).
Well, we all know that the year that HM is asking to remain in Bali will be something to do with avoiding charges in the US and/or gaining custody of Stella. She won't let Stella stay in Bali without her (and will likely buy Stella back from the govt) because Stella is her financial security. imo

Schapelle Corby remained in Bali after her release from prison, but that was due to the fact that she was on 'parole' (before deportation).

What year that she is asking to remain in Bali?
What year that she is asking to remain in Bali?

Sorry, it is only Stella that she is going to petition the court to stay in Bali for a year. (I thought it was her and Stella.) Though I still sense that she will try to stay, as well.

"Mack’s fear of being incarcerated in the US appears to be the reason she is petitioning the High Court in Bali to allow her and Shaeffer’s daughter Stella to remain in Bali for another year after she is deported."
‘Psychopath’ Bali suitcase killer to walk free

Mack is facing deportation back to the United States following her release, but she wants to stay in Indonesia to care for her six-year-old daughter, Stella, who was born shortly before she was sentenced.
'Suitcase killer' Heather Mack, 25, will be released from Bali prison on October 29 | Daily Mail Online

Mack said: 'I might get deported (back to America) on release but if that happens I hope it will only be for a maximum of six months. I'll return as quickly as I can.
'I feel like I'm more Indonesian than American now.
'I even speak the language much more than I do English. I hardly ever speak English in jail, only if someone needs translating help or I get a visitor.

'I never want to go back home to Chicago.'

Heather Mack says she will NOT return to the U.S. with daughter once she's released from Bali prison | Daily Mail Online
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It’s great to see so many familiar and new posters here to witness the travesty that is the complete lack of justice for Sheila Von Wiese Mack. Thanks to everyone who has been posting about HM’s imminent release after only 7 years for what would basically be first degree, premeditated murder in the US, punishable by life in prison at the least. I am concerned that Sheila’s family haven’t been vocal and angry enough about this and that she will not be arrested and charged appropriately for this crime when she is deported back to the US. Without the outrage and push from the victim’s family, why would the FBI even bother? How crazy is it that she will be free before Robert Bibbs, Tommy’s cousin?!

My understanding is that she will likely only have to stay in the US for 6 months and then, since her daughter will still be in Indonesia, she will easily reapply to return and live there, likely with Stella and her foster family. She will benefit from the funds that are being sent from the trust for Stella’s upkeep and then ultimately from all the funds once they are released to Stella. This whole case just makes me ill.
Kamile - I understand that perspective but disagree. I think the family is playing this smart by staying quiet. Heather thrives on attention. If things are quiet and no big hubbub created about her deportation to the US - perhaps her guard will be down. Meaning - she may not have a full & ready plan (lawyers, excuses, etc.). I think the FBI is aware of her pending deportation and hopefully there are agents in dark suits awaiting her arriving flight.

Indonesia may mandate a minimum of 6 months outside of country, but I don't foresee anything from the US that would allow her back in that timeframe. Simply arresting and charging her - the process would not move fast enough that she'd be free in 6 months, even if found not guilty. I don't think she'd be granted bail and the courts do not move fast enough for a full trial.
Thanks for your response Lurker77. I wish I could be as optimistic as you that the FBI are just counting down the days until they apprehend HM at the airport and charge her appropriately for her crime but after following this case for the past 7 years, I’ve come to consider HM as Teflon, someone who always gets a break from any serious consequences for her actions. The courts both in the US and in Indonesia have been manipulated by her all along, not to mention her mother, her lawyers, Tommy and anyone else she comes into contact with. IMO, she will do her 6 months in the US, staying with someone whom she has likely already manipulated into taking her in (possibly VF, her US attorney) using her contraband cell phone and social media that she’s had all along in the prison, and will have no problem re-entering Indonesia considering the patriarch of the family who has Stella is a high ranking government official.

I hope I’m wrong, I really do.

Money there made Heather special. You've said it yourself. Money changes everything. I've been following this case right from the very beginning. I'll check out the link you posted, and thanks. It won't be the first time, I read and saw pics of the Kerobokan Prison... it looked absolutely scary and disgusting back then. I remember the firing squad for the drug traffickers, etc.,

I sure was hoping Heather would suffer some for killing her mother. What I saw was Heather living the good life in a prison. Take a look at some of the pics of her in prison. I know the men have it tougher, but I've also seen Tommy painting and getting some creative time in. So, it's not all that bad, especially if you have connections and some money. That's not much different than American prisons.

All I'm saying is don't put anything past Heather because she's nasty, knows how to work a system, and is very resourceful. Hopefully, she'll be apprehended and prosecuted when she arrives in the USA.
Heather served her sentence in Bali. Why would she be apprehended and prosecuted when arriving in U.S.? I guess I don't understand international law.
...I’ve come to consider HM as Teflon, someone who always gets a break from any serious consequences for her actions.
Teflon. Good one! I agree, It's like she has special coating, but part of that was the money.
...only 7 years for what would basically be first degree, premeditated murder in the US, punishable by life in prison at the least. I am concerned that Sheila’s family haven’t been vocal and angry enough about this and that she will not be arrested and charged appropriately for this crime when she is deported back to the US. Without the outrage and push from the victim’s family, why would the FBI even bother? How crazy is it that she will be free before Robert Bibbs, Tommy’s cousin?!
We've watched this entire thing evolve from a terrible crime punishable by firing squad to Heather getting off after 7 yrs. of prison party life. It is an outrage that she orchestrated and took charge, but the two men pay by longer sentences. I don't expect much fight from Sheila's family now. Do you? (All MOO of course.)
Heather served her sentence in Bali. Why would she be apprehended and prosecuted when arriving in U.S.? I guess I don't understand international law.
:oops: Believe me, I don't know much about international law. Hopefully others can fill in to answer your question.

There was a big investigation and trial for TS's cousin who is now going to be in a US prison longer, while HM is out chiseling money off the estate and moving on with her life. The US went through all that trouble to get the cousin, and it seems questionable why they wouldn't nab HM as soon as she hits US soil. (again, all MOO)

This is only how I vaguely see it-- This was a premeditated murder planned by HM, and TS went along in greed. His cousin, who never left the US, had a US trial and got convicted for being part of their criminal planning.

(Someone correct my thinking if I'm way off on this.) HM still hasn't faced the legal ramifications of her crime planned in the US of the murder of a US citizen on foreign soil. She may have satisfied her Indonesia sentencing, but she still needs to be prosecuted in the US. (JMO though.)
Heather Mack expected to return to US seven years after mother’s slaying — but will she walk free?

Jeffrey Cramer, a former federal prosecutor who is now senior managing director at Guidepost Solutions, said it’s unlikely Mack will face further criminal charges here.

“The decision in Bali and the sentence there is not binding on the [U.S.] Department of Justice or any prosecutor here … Having said that, it’s highly doubtful she’ll face additional charges here because she was prosecuted by a reputable court — it wasn’t a kangaroo court — and she was sentenced to a not unreasonable period of incarceration,” Cramer said. “So it’s doubtful that the U.S. authorities would go after her again for the exact same crime.”
The only thing I think that was discussed as a possibility that HM would be charged with in the US, is the conspiracy aspect of the murder that took place in the US before she went to Bali.

Tommy’s cousin got 9 years in the US for his part in the planning, via text, on the actual day of the murder. I believe he’s still in prison.

It appears via social media, that HM will be taking Stella from her foster family and bringing her back to the US I guess? Perhaps she was denied the opportunity to leave her there? That’s one way to ensure HM gets a steady payout from the trust I suppose. OS does not seem to be okay about this but it’s hard to say what the long term plan is.
...Having said that, it’s highly doubtful she’ll face additional charges here because she was prosecuted by a reputable court — it wasn’t a kangaroo court — and she was sentenced to a not unreasonable period of incarceration,” Cramer said.
Heather Mack expected to return to US seven years after mother’s slaying — but will she walk free? - Chicago Sun-Times (

MOO, with all due respect... well I think it did "seem" like kangaroo court, at least to me. I know the man speaking is a former federal prosecutor and that he has a business to promote now, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with what he says that it is fair or right. Apparently, the victim's brother, Wm. Wiese, also feels HM got off easy.

“For a brutal murder, I feel that type of light sentence was a travesty of justice,” William Wiese said.

Also MOO, I do note, I probably do have an emotional investment in following this case for so long. Mrs. Weise was murdered and ended up in a suitcase, so I think it was an unreasonable, ridiculously light sentence, especially compared to what HM would've gotten in the US. It does not explain why there was such scrutiny towards TS's cousin, and a much stricter sentence to him in the US, when Heather was the one orchestrating the whole thing starting it on US soil.

Also, I'm sorry to hear HM may now be taking her child back to the US with her. That will probably set her up with a steady income off what is now Stella's estate. Stella will leave the security of her life with her foster family to come to the US for HM's benefit. It's All MOO though.
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'Suitcase killer' Heather Mack is released from Bali prison three years early | Daily Mail Online

EXCLUSIVE: 'Suitcase killer' Heather Mack, 25, bursts into tears and almost faints from shock before she is released from Bali prison three years early after 2014 murder of her Chicago socialite mother

Chicago-born Heather Mack, who murdered her socialite mother before stuffing her body into a suitcase in 2014, has been released from a Bali prison

The 25-year-old burst into tears and almost fainted on being told she was being released, according to the prison warden

Mack walked free three years early on Friday and is expected to be deported back to Chicago

In 2015, Mack, then aged 19, was sentenced to 10 years in prison while her then-boyfriend, Tommy Schaefer, got 18 years

They were accused of murdering Mack's mother, Chicago socialite Sheila von Wiese-Mack, on the Indonesian resort island

Mack is facing deportation back to the United States, but she wants to stay in Indonesia to care for her six-year-old daughter, Stella
The NYP also says her request to leave Stella there has been denied. Judging by postings on SM I suspect this to be the case.

“Mack’s attorney, Yulius Benyamin Seran, said earlier that the young mom had asked for the girl to remain with her foster family to avoid media attention.

But the head of Bali’s immigration office told the Associated Press that “minors must be accompanied by their mothers when their mothers are deported.”

“There is no policy that allows a mother to leave her underage child here,” he said.“

'Suitcase killer' Heather Mack released early from prison for good behavior
Lili said Mack was entitled to the sentence reduction under Indonesian law for good behavior and Mack also got involved in activities arranged by correctional officers, such as organizing fashion shows featuring designs by inmates, and teaching them to dance.

BBM. This is the part that disgusts me the most! She gets a sentence reduction for participating in fun activities for prisoners???
Well she’s free. Well at least free from Kerobokan. According to this article, she’ll now stay at an immigration center until she is deported.

U.S. woman in Bali 'suitcase murder' freed from jail
I suspect we will learn soon enough if Stella will travel to the U.S. with Heather or reman in Bali with her foster parents. It's difficult to fathom that the Bali government would force Heather to take her child immediately to the U.S. if that's not in Stella's best interests. My thinking has been: Heather would return to U.S., spend her required six months getting settled, then return to Bali to collect Stella and return to the States. But, I haven't a clue what will happen.

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