IL IL - Valerie Percy, 21, Kenilworth, 18 September 1966

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I don't think they were identical. Everyone I've talked to who knew them knew which one was which a mile away. Valerie wasn't blonde, thought that was reported. By the time she was a teen she had dark hair. Sharon was the blonde.

It's so weird, I did some reading, and it turns out that Valerie's sister Sharon says that they were identical twins,and so did the girls' parents...
I know. I've heard family members say they were identical as well but also say they were not raised as such. I have seen a Christmas card from when they were early teens and it reveals different hair styles (one long, one pixie) and hair colors. One former employee told me he thought Sharon was the beautiful one. A somewhat younger male neighbor told me he thought Valerie was the beautiful one. It is confusing. They don't look identical here, which wasn't long before the murder:

Sharon supposedly came in the room and put a coat she borrowed from Valerie on the other bed in the room. Valerie said for her to hang it up so it wouldn't wrinkle. Sharon did that, wished her good night and that was the last anyone in the family spoke with her.
I am wondering, Mrs. Percy rose from her bed after hearing a moaning (and we know it must have been a terrible type of moaning.)

So she makes her way down the hallway at five a.m., minutes before one of her neighbors comments on what a dark morning it was. She then arrives to see this guy, holding the only light source on in the house over what had to be an incredibly gruesome sight, one Mrs. Percy's kids.

So when did Mrs. Percy scream? Right then and there, when the killer shone his flashlight in her eyes? Or as she turned and ran? Or after she made her way back to her and her husband's bedroom?
Who is it here whose house was broken into in Winnetka the morning before the Percy murder? JBean? Just wondering what police agency had jurisdiction over your area. i believe that was and remains unincorporated Winnetka. So I'm just wondering if it is patrolled by Winnetka police or the Cook County sheriff. Anyone know?
Some random thoughts:

1. This article here: The detective believes a glass cutter was used, hole was too small, then glass broken after scoring it with an X. Ok, why not use the cutter to make hole bigger? Why break glass when 5 and potentially 7(1 son at sleepover the other at college) people were in the house? Would your average person think to score a window before breaking?

2. I'm not completely convinced a glass cutter was used. Maybe he broke the window with the butt end of the flashlight and through a freak occurence it left part of the opening jagged(as described by Nehf) and another portion showing part of an almost perfect circle.

3. Valerie apparently had defensive wounds on arms, knee, and left foot. This would indicate killer didn't mount victim on bed.

4. It's interesting that the step mom didn't check out the sound of breaking glass, especially since this was so close in time to the Speck murders. When her screaming awoke the Senator, he said the first thing he thought of was Speck.

5. Also interesting to me is that the breaking glass didn't set the dog off.

6. According to Dr. Nehf it was a very bloody scene. Killer leaves with weapon and presumably blood on clothes. Although if he was leaning by bed, he might could have avoided quite a bit. Anyway, he's caught in act then flees. You'd think there'd be a blood trail to the beach at the very least. It would be interesting to see that blood trace evidence.

7. 4:30-5:00am seems a strange time to plan a crime. Maybe the senator woke every morning at 5 or 5:30. That wouldn't be all that unusual. It certainly doesn't leave much time to commit crime and get out.

8. What's with all the tools? Flashlight, glass cutter(if), snips, weapon. Where did he carry all these things? Then, he enters room, puts hand over Valerie's mouth with flashlight in other hand. So, where's murder weapon? I guess he could put flashlight down commence murder, then pick it back up. When step mom entered he had flashlight in hand apparently. Maybe he attacked Valerie then removed hand from mouth which allowed her moans to be heard.

9. In the accounts I read, no quote from the step mom mentions glasses. Yet they appear in the sketch.

10. It's possible seeing Sharon return from "date" is what set the killer off. She was wearing Valeries coat, from a distance it would be easy to mistake the two, I'm sure.

11. The accounts I've read mentioned blows to head and stabbing to chest. For some reason I've got the notion that it was two separate weapons. That would be helpful to know.


1. Burglary: This is the one I discount the most. No pro targets a home with a dog, an alarm, and 7 potential witnesses. It's also unlikely that a glass cutter would have been used. Much more efficient ways of gaining entry. Killer apparently went to Valeries room. Any real valuables would most likely have been in parents room. Plus, nothing of value was reported as missing. The only thing that leads in this direction are the snips to cut screen and potential glass cutter. Burlary using supposed same method previous summer is interesting. But anyone with knowledge of that could have used same method because he thought it worked.

2. Rape: I don't really buy this one either. Again, you've got a house full of people. Not the target for a rapist, certainly not an experinced one. Glass cutter(if one), snips, flashlight, these don't seem items that are part of typical rape kit. There's also no indication of rape, other than nightgown being pushed up, which Dr. Nehf could have done when examing or could have happened during struggle. Police would have given this to press. Rape gone bad suspect is going to be a little different than one solely interested in murder.

3. Murder: Seems most likely to me. Targeting either Valerie, Sharon or the Senator. I would guess this is a spur of the moment type of crime. Meaning something decided that night or maybe a few days earlier. This way, the Unsub doesn't have much time to think things through. Again, alarm, dog, 5 maybe 7 people in house, breaking glass, etc.


1. Family member in house. I could give you some good motives. It's the massive and well thought out cover up that I find hard to believe.

2. Jay and Sharon were dating since at least Jan. 1966(photo in Life magazine). Married 7 months after murder. 2 prominent families, 1960's, you're looking at an engagement lasting at least 6 months, couldn't find a when that occured. So, who was Sharon on a "date" with? If it was Jay, I'm sure that would have been mentioned. Maybe she rejected the guys advances or told him she was marrying Jay. He sees her go into house, makes note of room, mistakenly seeing her return coat to Valerie. Goes home, stews about it, drinks, gets angrier, grabs some items and goes to Percy house.

3. House worker: Possible, but then you'd be talking about rape gone bad in my opinion. I don't think that's the case.

4. Someone from Valeries college, Cornell I think. You'd be talking plane again, which seems unlikely.

5. Vietnam vet or someone who lost relative in 'Nam recently. This would at least give motive if Senator was target. They'd show him how pain felt. Even if he was against war, not sure, your avg person doesn't know what their Senator stands for.

6. Friend or acquaintance of Valeries. I tend to like the theory mentioned above with the campain worker who lived nearby. Gut feeling tells me it was someone within walking distance. If he ate at house, something could have set him off when he got back home. This would tie in with the rash nature of crime.

7. Burglary pros. I give very little credence to this. One of Malchow's relatives said he always had to talk him down from rapes during their burglary spree. Still, he also talks about much more professional entries than this. In the picture I saw of Malchow he wasn't wearing glasses.
re: #9 The sketch isn't from the Percy attack, but from an earlier assault on a young woman named Sharon Bubes. Mrs. Percy simply said it resembled the killer when shown it.
What would seem to also eliminate Malchow and his ilk is they all look like middle aged men with receding hairlines. We now know from the doctor's account that it was dark as midnight, on an overcast night, at the time of the murder. At least one investigator thought the killer shined the light in Mrs. Percy's eyes because he thought if she got a good enough look at him she would have recognized him.

Valerie's room was down the hall, past most of all the other bedroom doors. One thing to consider is Valerie was around more that summer. Sharon had been abroad, and then she was home recovering from Malaria. Valerie was in contact with a lot of people because she was managing a large staff of young people.
Oops, I meant to say that Malchow and Co. all looked very much like middle aged men whereas I believe Mrs. Percy said somewhere that the guy looked to be in his 20s. Part of the trouble with this case is that so much pure fiction has been written about it. The Doctor's account surfacing this year proved it.
I still can't wrap my head around the idea that the killer chose a time when 5 other people were in the house. I can't recall anything like it. I've heard of abductions of small children in similar circumstances, but that's about it.

If police had fingerprints they certainly could have eliminated Malchow and others. If they had DNA this would surely have been looked into once that came into prominence in years following murder. Frankly, barring a confession (unlikely), I don't see a resolution.

Personally if I was police I would release at least parts of case file, if not the whole thing. 45 years on, with no resolution in sight, it couldn't hurt. It's possible, with case file public, that an author would be interested which could lead to renewed interest.

Since they didn't have a quality description from Ms. Percy, I would have considered not releasing that information. Kept it hidden that she didn't get a good glimpse of the suspect. If it was someone the family knew, maybe this would have caused him to squirm a little bit more.
Tmax I have stated this before but I think the killer followed Sharon home that night and stood out back behind the house and waited until a light went on in a bedroom. Unfortunately, it was Valerie's when she returned the raincoat. So I feel the killer thought that was Sharon's (the girl he followed home) room. He left and returned early AM and broke in then found his way to the room where the lights went on. Thinking it was the same girl he followed home that night he killed her. So being Sharon's bedroom was on the other side of the house from where the killer waited outside he never saw her bedroom light go one after she returned from Valerie's to return the coat.

I have always felt this was random but that he stalked his victims and not for a long time. There were alot of of unsolved murders before and after Valerie's that were also random in nature. Along with the home break-ins with alot of the same MO in the area.

Unfortunately, we all know this murder will never be solved at least in our lifetime.
23 years or so after this murder, a mile or so north of Percy's old place, a killer cut a screen in a window and then used a glass cutter to gain entry to a home. When the 20 something year old couple returned home, he shot and killed both of them. The woman was pregnant. A large amount of cash was strewn in one of the rooms of the house.

It took six months to catch the killer, who I believe was 17 at the time. The only reason they caught him was because he was bragging to kids that he did it because he was a bad *advertiser censored*.

He lived about four blocks from the couple's home; not Kenilworth, but the same area, highly wealthy. His family was very well to do. The murder happened in the late afternoon I believe. The killer's family knew the murder victims but there was really no motive whatsoever outside of killing just to kill. The murderer, David Biro, had previously tried to poison his family. He was simply a psychopathic misanthrope whose sickness was hidden by his family and overlooked in a place where many people think such people could never be living among them.

Would they have ever caught Biro had he not blabbed? They had no prints. They didn't have DNA. They may not have it in the Percy case, either as her killer was wearing gloves. Biro broke into a home the same way as Valerie's killer. Maybe her killer did it just to do it, too. That might explain how the local cops, FBI, State, Chicago and County cops, and State's Attorney investigators failed to nab him.
Personally if I was police I would release at least parts of case file, if not the whole thing. 45 years on, with no resolution in sight, it couldn't hurt. It's possible, with case file public, that an author would be interested which could lead to renewed interest.

I've written three stories on this case that have been published in the area where the crime occurred in the past year and a half. I asked the current investigator this question. He maintains they have to keep the info secret as a number of people have confessed to this crime already (some 17 I believe it was at one point.)

As he said, older cases than this do get solved when people come forward with new information. We had one here in Northern IL from '57 lead to an arrest this summer. That's 9 years before the Percy murder and the guy's gonna stand trial. It is interesting, pondering what kind of evidence they actually have besides the murder weapon and glove.
I think the KEY to solving the Percy case is looking at two other horrorific home invasion attacks when a family was in the home, both happening within weeks of the Percy case. There were the Bricca case of 9/25-27/66 and the Sims case of 10/22/66. Also of key importance is the first Zodiac attack on 10/30/66. And also looking at another home invasion attack, which like Percy was on Lake Michigan, the Robison case.

And the fact that Zodiac suspect Ted Kaczynski looks very similar to the sketch that was released in the Bubes and Percy case.

Very interesting that posing occurs in only 1% of murders, yet we have posing of bodies stacked atop each other in the possible Zodiac crime of Santa Barbara 1963 Domingos and Edwards, the Robsion murders and the Bricca case.

And the timing - Domingos-Edwards 6/4/63, Percy 9/18/66, Bricca 9/25-27/66, Sims 10/22/66, Bates 10/30/66, Robison 6/25/68.

Picture of Percy suspect and Ted Kaczynski, glasses added by Traveller1st.

23 years or so after this murder, a mile or so north of Percy's old place, a killer cut a screen in a window and then used a glass cutter to gain entry to a home. When the 20 something year old couple returned home, he shot and killed both of them. The woman was pregnant. A large amount of cash was strewn in one of the rooms of the house.

It took six months to catch the killer, who I believe was 17 at the time. The only reason they caught him was because he was bragging to kids that he did it because he was a bad *advertiser censored*.

He lived about four blocks from the couple's home; not Kenilworth, but the same area, highly wealthy. His family was very well to do. The murder happened in the late afternoon I believe. The killer's family knew the murder victims but there was really no motive whatsoever outside of killing just to kill. The murderer, David Biro, had previously tried to poison his family. He was simply a psychopathic misanthrope whose sickness was hidden by his family and overlooked in a place where many people think such people could never be living among them.

Would they have ever caught Biro had he not blabbed? They had no prints. They didn't have DNA. They may not have it in the Percy case, either as her killer was wearing gloves. Biro broke into a home the same way as Valerie's killer. Maybe her killer did it just to do it, too. That might explain how the local cops, FBI, State, Chicago and County cops, and State's Attorney investigators failed to nab him.

Richard and Nancy Langert, the victims of David Biro:


Biro was 16 at the time of the murders and has refused to give a reason why he did it. The jury deliberated for two hours before finding him guilty and he was sentenced to life without parole.
Thanks, Joe. He reportedly tried to poison his family prior to the murders, as well. Sounds like your basic psychopath.
This was based on research by AK Wilks and AweShucks, with graphic design by AweShucks.

I think this timeline is great to look at because it really brings home how CLUSTERED these attacks were, and some of the similarities with victim type, MO and weapons.

And the clustering in time, with the Fall of 1966 being a time for many of these attacks, and all happening within 3 years, from 1966 to 1969.

One other one I may include is the Boles Family Murder near Riverside, CA, on 8/14/65. Entire family killed in their cabin. Father worked for Hughes Aircraft in the space program. Weapon was .22 LR. I am definitely going to dig in to the Boles case over the next week. There is a high tech connection as with Percy, Bricca, Sims and Robison, and the MO and weapon matches Robison, also the cabin in the woods aspect. Robison was trying to do a deal with Howard Hughes as well.

I think one mind, one person, is behind most or all of these attacks. At the very least, there may be connections between some of these cases, and they should be studied, and this tool of the timeline is a first step.

Backed up at work so can't do too much research until next week. But I read one report that the Boles family were found in one room, and that BODIES WERE STACKED ATOP EACH OTHER, as in possible Zodiac 6/4/63, Bricca 9/27/66 and Robison 6/25/68. Amazing. Maybe someone else can confirm?

And the Boles murder weapon was a .22 LR, same as Zodiac 12/20/68 and Robison 6/25/68. Also, police in the Boles case said the weapon was likely a HIGH STANDARD, and in Zodiac 12/20/68 and Robsion 6/25/68 police said the weapon was likely a HIGH STANDARD or JC HIGGINS.

NOTE: While the Percy murder fits the lone female college girl attacks, it should also IMO be considered a family attack, BEACAUSE THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS HOME AT THE TIME OF THE ATTACK AND MAY HAVE BEEN THE TARGET, BUT FOR THE INTERRUPTION OF THE STEPMOTHER AND THE BURGLAR ALARM.


Also, in a THREE YEAR PERIOD from 8/14/65 to 6/25/68, we have four families eliminated - Bricca, Sims, Boles, Robison. All have a high tech connection. In Bricca, Boles and Robison bodies are stacked atop each other.

Boles Family murder scene in CRESTLINE CA is just 27 miles from Bates murder scene in RIVERSIDE CA:


I read one report that the Boles family were found in one room, and that BODIES WERE STACKED ATOP EACH OTHER, as in possible Zodiac 6/4/63, Bricca 9/27/66 and Robison 6/25/68. Amazing. Maybe someone else can confirm?

And the Boles murder weapon was a .22 LR, same as Zodiac 12/20/68 and Robison 6/25/68. Also, police in the Boles case said the weapon was likely a HIGH STANDARD, and in Zodiac 12/20/68 and Robsion 6/25/68 police said the weapon was likely a HIGH STANDARD or JC HIGGINS.

NOTE: While the Percy murder fits the lone female college girl attacks, it should also IMO be considered a family attack, BEACAUSE THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS HOME AT THE TIME OF THE ATTACK AND MAY HAVE BEEN THE TARGET, BUT FOR THE INTERRUPTION OF THE STEPMOTHER AND THE BURGLAR ALARM.


Also, in a THREE YEAR PERIOD from 8/14/65 to 6/25/68, we have five families attacked in their homes- Percy, Bricca, Sims, Boles, Robison. All have a high tech connection. In Bricca, Boles and Robison bodies are stacked atop each other. And a .22 LR, knife and a hammer is a frequent weapon.



Very interesting that posing occurs in only 1% of murders, yet we have posing of bodies stacked atop each other in Santa Barbara 1963, the Robsion murders and the Bricca case.

And the timing - Domingos-Edwards 6/4/63, Percy 9/18/66, Bricca 9/25-27/66, Sims 10/22/66, Bates 10/30/66, Robison 6/25/68.

Kaczynski family home was 15 minutes from the Percy home in Kenilworth, IL.

Picture of Bubes/Percy suspect and Ted Kaczynski, glasses added by Traveller1st.

THe Kaczynski family home was in Evergreen Park, which is not 15 minutes from Percy's former home. It's more like 35 minutes.
Right. It is 30 miles from Evergreen Park to Kenilworth, so probably about 35 to 40 minutes, though it is a straight shot up I-90/94, maybe at 4am you could do it on the freeway in 15 to 20 minutes.

The point is that in early September 1966 Ted Kaczynski wrote he was now ready to "REALLY kill everyone I hate", and he included "big shots", "big businessmen" and "politicians" in those he hated, with Charles Percy fitting all three categories - and given being CEO of high tech Bell & Howell, somewhat in the category of scientists as well. Ted also wrote about hating "promiscuous" college girls. And hating women in general.

So that point is you have a known serial killer with a family home within a 30 mile radius of the Percy home.

Also, 2 weeks prior to the Percy murder, a bomb went off in Elmwood Park at the home of the Mayor, and that is just 15 miles from Kenilworth.

Ted also looks very much like the Bubes/Percy suspect sketch. Amazingly similar, and he had just wrote that he wanted to target big businessmen.
Who is it here whose house was broken into in Winnetka the morning before the Percy murder? JBean? Just wondering what police agency had jurisdiction over your area. i believe that was and remains unincorporated Winnetka. So I'm just wondering if it is patrolled by Winnetka police or the Cook County sheriff. Anyone know?
Just seeing this post- sorry Winward. Yes it was my house. You are also correct that we were unincorporated bordering Winnetka and Kenilworth. We did have a private company North Shore Patrol, patrolling our home and area on a daily and nightly basis. I need to check with my mom but I think it was the Sheriff that had to handle issues in our area. I'll ask her tonight.
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