GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #1

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Someone on the 979XFM FB page posted a beautiful recent photo of Willow. Perhaps someone more computer savvy than I can post it here. It's on this page:

This one? Older, no glasses. Beautiful for sure.

Since no one saw Willow on the roads leading away from her home, I found it interesting how easy it would be to cut through the back yard areas of the homes on W Main St to get out to a Main Road. I also found that one of the homes is currently up for sale due to a foreclosure. It appears to be vacant. I hope this home and garage have been thoroughly searched.
Just MHO, but neither Hell nor high water could keep me from screaming out my baby's name on every outlet I could find. Scrutiny be darned.

I don't understand the whole not wanting to talk to the media because you'll be scrutinized. That seems to be putting one's feelings above their child's well-being. I think the most common reason to talk to the media would be to get more media coverage, so if one feels their child's case needs more attention, the one should be willing to talk to whoever will give them airtime.
Thanks, SheWho! She's a beautiful girl and I think that photo is great. I so hope she is found soon.
people pay good money to try to get hair like that! she's so pretty!!
I don't understand the whole not wanting to talk to the media because you'll be scrutinized. That seems to be putting one's feelings above their child's well-being. I think the most common reason to talk to the media would be to get more media coverage, so if one feels their child's case needs more attention, the one should be willing to talk to whoever will give them airtime.

We are pretty sure what we would do but look at Baby Lisa's mom, going on TV was the worst thing she could have done...
I just wanted to drop in quickly to let you know about the media in this part of the state. The TV networks are in St. Louis, Springfield, Champaign-Urbana, Decatur and Terre Haute. All of those places are 75-100 miles away. There are a few small, independent stations in the area, too. A few of those are connected to colleges or universities.

I've not read much of the Effingham paper, but I know some people who have worked there over the years. That paper is probably learning on the fly with this case. There are a few other papers in the area that might publish a few stories for a few days. I'm sure someone from AP is covering it. But I wouldn't expect any papers outside of the Effingham Daily News to publish more than a few stories during the first few days.

If police don't make progress soon, things may get really, really quiet.

I have a feeling there are some people who may have credible theories, and I think they may be in denial. But I think those people may begin to see the light when they realize how serious this is. Like I said, it's just a feeling. I can't support it with any facts.
Can you clarify this for me. Thanks!

Using the link to the map, i went looking for a store or gas station that a 7 year old may go to for a snack or something. It didnt appear to be anything near the home. Following the major street called Main SXtreet, it comes to an end. scan up and all of a sudden it looks like Disney World. Must be 1000 cars all over the place. Made me think of Pulp Fiction when bodies are hidden in trunks. Just an observation. By rereading my post and you asking for clarification, made me think i sounded like a wacko though :scared: Hope this post is more clear

Has there been any construction in Watson, IL in the last year? (yes, the entire year, please). Roadwork? Major renovations of a business?

I don't ask because of dangerous holes or things she could get lost in...I ask because many times there are construction crews (strangers) in towns where a lot of roadwork is taking place.

Anything gone on in Watson this year where a lot of strangers would be in town and have a chance to get a glimpse of Willow and take a liking to her?

Her mother went to a festival of some sort at the tail end of August...I'm mentioning this yet again. It was an all day event. Did Willow go with her to this event? Did she meet anyone new at that event with Willow?

Were the doors locked in the home at the time Willow went missing? IE: would someone have to knock and her grant access or could they just open the door?

Does the family have weekly trash pickup by a specific driver or company? What about their UPS or Fed-Ex deliverer? Mailman?

Ice cream trucks are a popular Sunday event here...are they in Watson?
Enough about mom's nap. I took a nap once in a while when I was sick or just overwhelmed when my twins were two! Mom isn't perfect and I'm sure she is kicking herself for taking a nap this time.

WS is victim friendly and Mom is considered a victim unless or until LE decides she's not.

Unless you are locking a child in a room, it's virtually impossible to be awake every moment that the child is awake. My kids have been known to wake up at the crack of dawn, and it's not like we set an alarm clock at 5:30 just in case they decide to get up and watch some cartoons. And everything indicates that she got up and fed them and gave them something to do. My guess is that she wasn't very far away from them the whole time. And, since people are mentioning things, I want to reiterate that cases where family involvement is suspected often involve the parents saying that the kids were simply gone when they woke up. In this case, mom's story has more meat to it, more description, a tighter window for when she disappeared. That leads me to believe her story is entirely believable. And I think it's best for all of us to operate under that theory until/unless we have some reason to doubt mom.
We are pretty sure what we would do but look at Baby Lisa's mom, going on TV was the worst thing she could have done...
There were reasons for that. Something with a box of wine and not being completely forthcoming/honest. Hopefully, this is far from Baby Lisa's circumstances. :moo:

I wouldn't give a rats @ss what people thought of me, my expressions, what I said, or how hard I cried or didn't cry. My face would be in the news! No doubt about it. But then, I would be 10000000% honest, like Mark Klaas was when Polly went missing.

Has there been any construction in Watson, IL in the last year? (yes, the entire year, please). Roadwork? Major renovations of a business?

I don't ask because of dangerous holes or things she could get lost in...I ask because many times there are construction crews (strangers) in towns where a lot of roadwork is taking place.

Anything gone on in Watson this year where a lot of strangers would be in town and have a chance to get a glimpse of Willow and take a liking to her?

Her mother went to a festival of some sort at the tail end of August...I'm mentioning this yet again. It was an all day event. Did Willow go with her to this event? Did she meet anyone new at that event with Willow?

Were the doors locked in the home at the time Willow went missing? IE: would someone have to knock and her grant access or could they just open the door?

Does the family have weekly trash pickup by a specific driver or company? What about their UPS or Fed-Ex deliverer? Mailman?

Ice cream trucks are a popular Sunday event here...are they in Watson?

The only festival I saw referenced by her mom that she went to was in July of 2012. Didn't see anything for this year.
Using the link to the map, i went looking for a store or gas station that a 7 year old may go to for a snack or something. It didnt appear to be anything near the home. Following the major street called Main SXtreet, it comes to an end. scan up and all of a sudden it looks like Disney World. Must be 1000 cars all over the place. Made me think of Pulp Fiction when bodies are hidden in trunks. Just an observation. By rereading my post and you asking for clarification, made me think i sounded like a wacko though :scared: Hope this post is more clear

LOL. Not wacko. I was just wondering what the heck I missed or if you were posting on your phone and posted a text to someone by accident or something...LOL. :) Thanks for clarifying!
I just wanted to drop in quickly to let you know about the media in this part of the state. The TV networks are in St. Louis, Springfield, Champaign-Urbana, Decatur and Terre Haute. All of those places are 75-100 miles away. There are a few small, independent stations in the area, too. A few of those are connected to colleges or universities.

I've not read much of the Effingham paper, but I know some people who have worked there over the years. That paper is probably learning on the fly with this case. There are a few other papers in the area that might publish a few stories for a few days. I'm sure someone from AP is covering it. But I wouldn't expect any papers outside of the Effingham Daily News to publish more than a few stories during the first few days.

If police don't make progress soon, things may get really, really quiet.

I have a feeling there are some people who may have credible theories, and I think they may be in denial. But I think those people may begin to see the light when they realize how serious this is. Like I said, it's just a feeling. I can't support it with any facts.

I grew up in this area and you are correct the LE need to move fast. I think they are taking this at a very slow pace.

Has there been any construction in Watson, IL in the last year? (yes, the entire year, please). Roadwork? Major renovations of a business?

I don't ask because of dangerous holes or things she could get lost in...I ask because many times there are construction crews (strangers) in towns where a lot of roadwork is taking place.

Anything gone on in Watson this year where a lot of strangers would be in town and have a chance to get a glimpse of Willow and take a liking to her?

Her mother went to a festival of some sort at the tail end of August...I'm mentioning this yet again. It was an all day event. Did Willow go with her to this event? Did she meet anyone new at that event with Willow?

Were the doors locked in the home at the time Willow went missing? IE: would someone have to knock and her grant access or could they just open the door?

Does the family have weekly trash pickup by a specific driver or company? What about their UPS or Fed-Ex deliverer? Mailman?

Ice cream trucks are a popular Sunday event here...are they in Watson?

BBM. I have thought about this as well. Temp workers bringing in crops, construction workers, etc. Right by the church on Sunday, a car may not have been noticed with church traffic. There was also construction when Lyric and Elizabeth went missing as well. I don't know why this reminds me of those girls so much. No leads, everyone scrutinizing the parents, the 15 minute o' fame aunt, etc. IDK.
In order to rule out any accidents they would have to check every drain, mining area, corn silo, pond, and cliff type area. I'm assuming they have already done that.

I'm wondering if anyone actually SAW her at all on Sunday morning wondering around town or if she's ever been seen on one of her walks that it's reported she frequently does. Have they checked with train engineers that went up or down that track on Sunday as they could easily see a 7 year old with bright red hair walking near the tracks. I'm really bothered that there don't seem to be any clues or evidence that anyone saw her at all.
It also states she lives with mother, uncle, and grandparents. The grandfather thinks foul play is involved. It's not like Willow to wander away :(
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