GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #2

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Not open for further replies. posts are wonky and the site is very laggy and not updating for me so I'll say it again.

Grandfather states the pile of sticks and other yard debris is the family yard. Willow was running around, playing with uncle Saturday evening. She tripped and fell on a stick. The entry point was the underside of her chin and it allegedly traveled through her head and into her brain according to her grandfather who is getting this account from his son, Willow's uncle.

the video can be seen here:

Is anyone else's Websleuths page all laggy and constipated?
"Officials from the Effingham school district, where Willow was a second grader, say counselors are already in all buildings, including the South Side School, which she attended. Superintendent Mark Doan says they are trying to provide a sense of normalcy for the kids trying to cope with the loss.
Attached is the release the school system sent out, along with copies of a letter sent home to parents that includes tips on helping young children cope with a death."

ugh, so awful for these kids :(
The quote is, "A stick went through her and through her head."

Sounds like it the entry point was not her traveled through the inside from another entry point.

The stick entered through her throat and up through her head according to her grandfather's statement ...obtained from speaking to his son.

From the link: He said she was 'twitching and dying'. If she was twitching, she was alive. How the heck would he know for sure she was dying? Why not run and get Willow's mother? Or why not call 911? Instead he transports the body to another location and dumps it. Makes no sense if it was an accident---that's probably why he's charged with murder.
I have all I can handle with this one case. I'm not going to spend the time going over those other 5. If you know what the motivation for family to cover just say it if you don't then you can simply say I have no clue why a family member would cover for a murderer.
I have all I can handle with this one case. I'm not going to spend the time going over those other 5. If you know what the motivation for family to cover just say it if you don't then you can simply say I have no clue why a family member would cover for a murderer.

imo... they figure the child is already dead and gone, no sense losing another family member.
From the link: He said she was 'twitching and dying'. If she was twitching, she was alive. How the heck would he know for sure she was dying? Why not run and get Willow's mother? Or why not call 911? Instead he transports the body to another location and dumps it. Makes no sense if it was an accident---that's probably why he's charged with murder.

You do realize the Grandpa is just relaying the story from his son right? Why would he not call 911? Maybe because it didn't happen like the murder suspect said it did. Maybe because he freaked out and no one knows how they will react in a situation like that unless they have been in it. Why ask the hard questions to someone who is only the messenger.
i spent the time linking so maybe you could read up and elighten me -- if we know, we could prevent it, don't you think? It not about absolute answers here, it's about doing what we can. I don't know why family member do, and I said that upthread, I simply was pointing out that this would not be the first time, nor imo the last. Maybe you should read up on those cases, they need love and support also. As well as needed to be found.
or maybe the words down and downstairs were never in play. In the Sheriff's interview I linked above he was pretty specific about what they "knew" (for the general public anyway) at the time. I didn't hear anything from him saying she said down or downstairs. She said back to bed. I don't know...just an observation from a noob :)

I had to ask my kids what a noob was. They tell me it's someone 'who camps in the corner' while playing multi-player video games..a bad video game player, lets someone else do all the work. I wonder how often they are noobs while playing :floorlaugh:

Thankfully Wikipedia gave me the correct definition for what you meant

Have to agree with you with your comment that no LE has mentioned down/stairs in an interview :twocents:
updated on: 07:26pm, September 10, 2013

Dale DeRyke says Justin was babysitting the little girl on Saturday night. He says the two were playing, chasing one another around the house, when Willow ran outside. He says there is a pile of sticks he keeps in the back and the girl fell into them.

“A stick went through her and through her head,” he said Tuesday night. “She was laying there twitching and dying. My son is 22 years old. He’s not….he’s never had experiences like this. He was scared. He hid her body.”

:facepalm::banghead: How many different ways can one describe what happened?

My daughter is 17, she's been hunting, lived on the farm, and she knows the dying process. YET, if there is ANY chance of the animal surviving without suffering a lifetime, then either the vet is called here, or we take the animal too the vet. Two animals in one week recently due to dog attacks. The sheep died on the operating table. YES the sheep she raised for slaughter. But when you see something injured, you do what needs to be done. And you know what else??? That sheep wasn't eaten, wasn't thrown onto the side of the road, wasn't left at the vet's, it was brought home, buried and flowers planted in it's memory!

Don't tell me a 22yr old didn't know what to do! COME ON! We're talking about a CHILD! I bet I could ask a 5yr old what you do when someone is hurt, and they would say "go to the doctor" or "go get help", etc.

Going to put my fingers back in ice so they'll be numb and I can't type! :blushing:
I really hate those red words "found deceased". I much preferred the "Active Search". This is so sad. I don't have any kids, but I do have a pile of twigs, sticks, tree limbs in the backyard from general lawn maintenance. I will be having those removed this week for sure...stepped outside for a smoke and saw them there, puked right where I stood.
i spent the time linking so maybe you could read up and elighten me -- if we know, we could prevent it, don't you think? It not about absolute answers here, it's about doing what we can. I don't know why family member do, and I said that upthread, I simply was pointing out that this would not be the first time, nor imo the last. Maybe you should read up on those cases, they need love and support also. As well as needed to be found.

I agree, Long. If we knew the whys, we wouldn't come to WS. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense and it will never make sense why people do what they do.
The way I see this is that either the mom is a terrible monster like the brother and has involvement or the story does not add up.

There is no way in hell I would ever cover for my brother about my OWN CHILD if he told me my child was missing or he hurt my child I would straight up tell the cops exactly what happened. I wouldn't make up a story about eating cereal in the morning, feeling ill... etc... no way in hell. If I knew she was hurt I would force him to take me to the body. I don't get this... If you knew your child was hurt or dead you would instantly want to know where wouldn't you??

UGH this makes me so angry and sick. I feel so bad for the family and friends who have to go through this. I can't even imagine how horrible. I'm so sorry poor Willow.

He only has one tweet though.

ETA: Just noticed it says he's from Indianapolis. Eeek, I've lived right outside of Indianapolis my whole life. Have we heard anything about him being from Indy? If we have, I must have missed it somewhere. TIA!

While I was slumming around FB this weekend/week, I noticed one of the other family members has a picture of someone's back, with the word SCARS tattooed on the back. Don't know who's back it is. Maybe that word means something to the family. JMO
i spent the time linking so maybe you could read up and elighten me -- if we know, we could prevent it, don't you think? It not about absolute answers here, it's about doing what we can. I don't know why family member do, and I said that upthread, I simply was pointing out that this would not be the first time, nor imo the last. Maybe you should read up on those cases, they need love and support also. As well as needed to be found.

And I'm saying it's not very likely an innocent man gives himself up to save his sister if he thinks that she murdered her daughter. I can see a case where someone with a terminal illness admits to something to save their son/daugther from going to jail. It just doesn't make much sense at all in this case unless the Uncle was suicidal which it doesn't seem like he was.
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