Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #10 *Still Missing*

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This woman is bold. Didn't she scrub his online profiles and accounts at his request? Were these not attempts to conceal potentially incriminatory evidence for hubby?

Is like she taunts the police to charge her as an accessory after the fact.

look who is making an appearance tomorrow

Tomorrow, the defense plans on calling Christensen’s ex-wife and UI Counselors. Judge said he expects to wrap up by Tuesday or Wednesday after both sides rest their cases.
This woman is bold. Didn't she scrub his online profiles and accounts at his request? Were these not attempts to conceal potentially incriminatory evidence for hubby?

Is like she taunts the police to charge her as an accessory after the fact.

I'm going to just *love* to hear what she says when prosecutors ask her just why she is so angry with Terra Bullis.....
Has anyone, like MZ, TEB, BC’s dad, jail informant, simply been asked on the stand ‘do you know what BC did with the body/remains?’ Even if lawyers know the answer is ‘no, I don’t know’ seems like they would want to get that on record in front of the jury, but I don’t recall it even being asked? (though we haven’t seen full transcripts)
Has anyone, like MZ, TEB, BC’s dad, jail informant, simply been asked on the stand ‘do you know what BC did with the body/remains?’ Even if lawyers know the answer is ‘no, I don’t know’ seems like they would want to get that on record in front of the jury, but I don’t recall it even being asked? (though we haven’t seen full transcripts)
I dont think so.
But, I reckon the police have questioned all and sundry on the subject and came up empty.

Good point re wanting it on record for the jury.
Should also have his testimony of lies regarding her location on the record,it's part of the charges against him after all...
From my perspective, I am not surprised that he has people who said he was a good guy. I can see that being the truth. Unfortunately, he is not a good guy now. He is a stone cold killer who refuses to give his victim the decency of a burial. If they could ask each defense witness how they feel about this behavior, I think all, so far, would say it is heinous.

As to his ex talking smack about TB, I think she is an awful human being. Why join him in his hideousness? I don't think they can ask her about the recorded conversation. But, we all know it and so do all of her family and friends. She can be innocent of helping him murder. But, she can't take back her recent behavior. I hope she suffers consequences but I don't know what they could be. She needs help, for sure.

I’ll continue where I left off — Menacho says she saw B.C. at the vigil for Zhang and that it was “weird” to her that he attended. But she says that also may have been because she hadn’t seen him in a month.

A third witness — David Belk — is called to the stand. He was B.C.’s accelerated algebra teacher and his track coach, both in jr. high at Stevens Point School District. @WCIA3

Belk describes BC as a “hard-working” and “quiet” student. He said BC was a “very good athlete” and that he was one of their “top” triple-jumpers

In cross-examination by the government, Belk is asked if he was aware of the type of person BC became after Belk’s time teaching him. Belk says no. @

th witness — UI Physics and Astronomy Professor Telemachus Mouschovias — called to the stand. He recalls BC once saying he couldn’t make a meeting because of his wife’s vehicle having transmission issues. @

o clarify, BC was a TA under Mouschovias, who says it was unacceptable for BC to miss as many meetings as he was missing, adding that BC didn’t make attempts to make up for those missed meetings.

Prosecution cross-examines Mouschovias and asks him if he told BC in an email that his lack of availability was hurting his students. He confirms sending the email. @WCIA3

Next witness — Elaine Schultz — a Sr. Lecturer in the UI Dept. of Physics testifies that she had some “disciplinary difficulties” surrounding some TA’s not attending meetings, BC included. She says BC never responded to an email about missing those meetings. @WCIA
6th witness — Nadya Mason, a UI Physics professor, describes BC as “enthusiastic” about research. She says he seemed to do okay for a while, but eventually became less reliable and she stopped seeing progress on his projects. @WCIA3

Mason says she reached out to BC about his future in the PhD program, and the two agreed it wasn’t working out and that he would pursue his masters in physics instead. @WCIA3

Defense asks if Mason and BC talked about BC’s personal life. Mason says BC told her he was depressed, gaining weight, and was seeking counseling. @

Mason says BC had a “flat effect”, meaning she never felt like she understood him fully. She says she remembers saying he seemed like he “was wearing a mask”. @WCIA3

7th witness is Steven Cooper, a UI physics professor. Cooper reads part of BC’s application for admittance into the PhD program. It reads, “I must continue my search for understanding.

During a court recess, a UI spokesperson and the defense discussed the motion by the defense asking UI to show cause for why they should NOT be held in contempt of court for not providing all documents pertaining to BC’s treatment at the UI Counseling Center.

UI spokesperson says they have already shared all documentation they have which fits the defense’s specific request. A back-and-forth goes on for some time, ending with the judge ruling that the defense’s motion for the UI to show cause is denied. @WCIA3

Another witness reads the letter of recommendation he wrote for BC. He also describes BC as someone who took a “leading role” during his undergraduate studies. @WC

After the jury leaves, the defense and prosecution argue about whether or not the person who diagnosed BC with Persistent Depressive Disorder should be allowed to testify. @

  1. court will resume at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Christensen’s ex-wife and UI counselors are expected to testify. I will be in court tomorrow morning, so I will be updating when possible. @WCIA3

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  2. Courtney Bunting‏ @cbuntingWCIA3 12m12 minutes ago
    The judge ultimately bars the witness, saying it would basically be the defense using a mental health defense, which they already withdrew their request to do, and limiting what the witness could talk about would be “misleading” to the jury
Wow. He had bad dreams as a child. He was" quiet ". Hard worker. Even a flippin excellent triple jumper??!#
Who gives a flyin flick?? Bsstard killed and mutilated an innocent small girl.
And doesn't even have the decency to let her parents have her remains.
Know what is the most disheartening, saddest part of all of this ?
Many of us have wondered and searched and quetioned...where could she be?
I'm just kinda realizing that having her the Zhangs family's best case scenario.
Omg. I mean..yeah BC is gonna be way or the other...but does that really help them heal?
Wow. He had bad dreams as a child. He was" quiet ". Hard worker. Even a flippin excellent triple jumper??!#
Who gives a flyin flick?? Bsstard killed and mutilated an innocent small girl.
And doesn't even have the decency to let her parents have her remains.
Know what is the most disheartening, saddest part of all of this ?
Many of us have wondered and searched and quetioned...where could she be?
I'm just kinda realizing that having her the Zhangs family's best case scenario.
Omg. I mean..yeah BC is gonna be way or the other...but does that really help them heal?
not in the slightest Trunk, which is why we have been pushing the search buttons all along...

I see no catharsis coming out of this trial.. even if he gets the DP, it will not happen for 10-15 years. That's an awful life sentence for the Zhangs and her fiance.
They have support now, emotional support, legal support and good friends around them.

But yesterday it was reported that Mrs Zhang's mental health is worsening, her house is no longer well kept, she cries all the time...

They will return to China, her husband must return to his factory job, she will be alone again with the 4 walls paralysing her, tortured by all the new information she has been given, the deadly method her child's killer used. The fact that she has had to share air-space if not direct eye contact with him on a daily basis...for a month. She will never forget his face. She cannot possibly understand this defense trial, people , Americans and Europeans who are familiar with US justice systems are going awol nuts raging on social media, attacking the journos who are reporting the case, attacking the tv stations, blaming them....

...and Brendt smiles on.... nothing to do with his doped up world, uncaring, unrepentant and deadly.

It's a dead end.
A cul-de-sac.
A massive abuse, no more, no less.
This is just IMHO.

My childhood, family life and upbringing was not picture perfect. Yet along my way in life I have been able to discern right from wrong.

I am probably one of the last people on Earth who would take a life or sanction the taking of a life. But, if I were on the jury of this trial I would have to seriously think about the mitigating factor that BC has shown no remorse for his actions.

IMHO BC has no regard for life, including his own, so why spare him the DP. He is playing the blame game when all along he has been too lazy to take responsibility for his life and actions.

The defense can present 101 character witnesses for BC, but the one most important character witness (BC himself) has absolutely no balls in showing remorse for his actions.

If I were a juror, and BC showed remorse and were to tell what he did with Yingying's remains, I would consider voting for LWOP.

Until then, my vote would be for the DP.
Poor poor Brendt. *not!*

They should post baby pics of YingYing & pics of YingYing's family when they were smiling and happy.

I just don't understand all of this blah blah blah about Brendt.

We need more about YingYing and her Mom & Dad. Much less about patting her murderer on the back.
Poor poor Brendt. *not!*

They should post baby pics of YingYing & pics of YingYing's family when they were smiling and happy.

I just don't understand all of this blah blah blah about Brendt.

We need more about YingYing and her Mom & Dad. Much less about patting her murderer on the back.
not over yet. they just filed again, 5 minnutes ago. Not open.
They also lined up 40 witnesses to attest to his loveliness.
It's absolutely brutal but there are apparently no limits to the numbers of people they can invite in a federal death penalty sentencing phase. They can have 100 testifying, if they so choose.
Most of the people who have testified already barely knew him or had not seen him for years and years...
There's gonna be at least 2-3 more days of this before jury are sent out to vote.
I cannot begin to imagine the depth of the damage this process will do to her family and close friends and her fiance.
"The Brendt Christensen Show" is nauseating. Where is YY you smug, cocky little puke?!

He doesn't want to say, because the answer won't help him. The answer will basically make it clear that she will be very difficult, perhaps impossible to find, -and given how badly the Zhangs want to find her and take her home, and how badly everyone feels about them not being able to, it will just drive more nails into his coffin.......

This is why I haven't attended any of the punishment phase. I was unable to go to the prosecution presentation because of work, and now that I do have some time, the last thing I wanted to see was BC propaganda.

I DO feel bad for BC's dad. It has to be a miserable spot to be in. He loves his son, but he is distraught over what his son has done to her family. Of course he doesn't want to see his son executed, and who would expect him to be ok with this, but there was one thing I noticed: He said that he could accept a death sentence. That's pretty telling that one's own dad can understand and accept if a jury thinks you deserve to die....
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