Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #10 *Still Missing*

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I had said earlier that this jury wasn’t as dumb as a box of rocks. It is spelled out numerous times in the instructions, and read in court numerous times, that if they couldn’t reach a unanimous decision, that it was over, and the decision was life in prison.

I wish to revise and extend my remarks. This jury wasn’t as dumb as a box of rocks. The were *dumber* than a box of rocks. A very, very big box of rocks.

Words cannot describe how badly I feel for Yingying’s family right now. We failed them.
So what made them think they could add their own mitigating factors? I don't get that part. If the court didn't find those factors, Jurors cannot just make up their own.
My heart goes out to Yingying's family and fiance. IMO justice was not served today.

I know that this is not fiscally responsible, but if I were the owner of the Johnson Ross property I would let LE demolish the buildings and dig up the grounds.

BE is too lazy and not bright enough to travel far to dispose of the remains on his own.

Also, If the remains are not recoverable because of the method and/or location of disposal, then I believe he had a much brighter accomplice that we don't know about.

How can BC not be held accountable enough of his actions, due to drugs and alcohol, to warrent the DP, but be smart enough to dispose of the remains, in such a way as to not be recoverable, with drugs and alcohol factoring in also. Again, I believe he had help with the disposal.
I suspect that too.
So, we only need cadaver land dogs.... possibly some water dogs too..

If it is to be a thing that many emails make light work we could do begging emails but sometimes tht kin of a campaign annoys people we need on our side...
You will get a feel for when the time is right to make the call.. go for the biggest first.. they usually have more equipment and staff and would like the publicity arising from her discovery..

A big TV company could easily fund something like this but the prob with that is they would have their own agenda and would be searching as much for drama as altruism...
companies that have big business ties with China would be good to approach too...
markets are wobbling crazy right now.. HUweii has just got p|hillipines contract, they might b feeling flush...
Sorry, thinking aloud for sponsorship for a much larger search..
I'd be dead happy to get the 1- 11/2 mile radius..
after that, it's big game territory sponsors, the like...

Cadaver dogs dont have to be local... but would need local LE connections...
There are cadaver water dogs. However, the remains would have completely decomposed by now so I'm not sure it is still possible.
So what made them think they could add their own mitigating factors? I don't get that part. If the court didn't find those factors, Jurors cannot just make up their own.
They were actually given the option on a juror form to do just that. The form is linked already, yesterday, late last night.

It's a problem though because they spent far too little time debating...
Adding additional info is fine when a jury is out for weeks, but they spent exactly 8hrs and 47 minutes between the two days and quite a bit of that time was spent figuring out the complex forms.

They are not qualified to diagnose and to diagnose with such inaccuracy depicts both ignorance and prejudice....

Completely off the Richter scale in outrageousness. Ignoring his previous successful efforts to get phone credit from another prisoner's wife, and using prison phone to try to tamper with witnesses.. they stated 'he lacks the charisma to influence'

you can find 100 examples of how wrong this is just by reading the 2 statements and remembering what you know, without even having to go re-read other material.

But, all of it led to this... all of it... every single prosecution action, every single police action or inaction..
There are cadaver water dogs. However, the remains would have completely decomposed by now so I'm not sure it is still possible.
That depends upon the conditions under which they were stored.
It's quite possible they were preserved by him 'for future uses', he hadn't planned on getting caught at that stage. Bones wont decompose in 2 years under normal conditions.
They were actually given the option on a juror form to do just that. The form is linked already, yesterday, late last night.

It's a problem though because they spent far too little time debating...
Adding additional info is fine when a jury is out for weeks, but they spent exactly 8hrs and 47 minutes between the two days and quite a bit of that time was spent figuring out the complex forms.

2 jurors felt it was relevant that Christensen was taking alcohol and anti-depressants which could result in serious side effects" 5 others said he is not charismatic and is unlikely to recruit others to commit violence on his behalf


3:37 PM - 18 Jul 2019

RSBM I thought they should only consider the mitigating factors the court had already proved. I have C/P the form from earlier and it does say for them to write in additional factors, I see that now. So, whatever was the point of the court coming up with the mitigating and aggravating factors in the first place?
We have to accept it if it was a valid option for them, as it clearly was.
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RSBM I thought they should only consider the mitigating factors the court had already proved. Otherwise, what was the point of the court coming up with the mitigating and aggravating factors in the first place.
I reckon there was never any serious intention from any party to put him to death. Never.
It was just thrown out there in order to get him to confess because the investigators obviously lacked the skills to interrogate him successfully.
dP threat did not do it, but it delayed proceedings for 2 years causing untold further damage to YY's family.
Her mother is destroyed, could barely stand yesterday, seems to be medicated but th medication is not helping her anguish, only her expression of it.
It was a free for all, largely uncontested by judge or prosecution who are desperate to hide the contents of the plea negotiations.
wonder if A FOI request could pull them?
Why should they be kept secret?
elaborate cat and mouse game.
Future dangerousness all round!
Here's the verdict form if anybody has the heart left to read it.
You will see that the jury found him guilty of all 3 charges that qualified for DP.
But they found a way around imposing the sentence for which they were selected.
Mind boggling!

Jury Verdict – #481 in United States v. Christensen (C.D. Ill., 2:17-cr-20037) –

You will find that the only NO is future dangerousness--- their makey uppy diagnosis and character analysis!
ok that's a bit clearer, they couldn't even come to agreement on the LWOP penalty by the looks of it and chose the option that they couldn't come up with a unanimous verdict. (page 19)
on the wcia3 tv special, linked yesterday, Shahid said the request would be handled by the director of prisons or some such title...
He will probably get his request, he got everything else.
He'll probably get to walk the streets again too...

Right, but judges can request, perhaps even order, BOP to grant the defendant’s request. He declined to do so. BOP is part of DOJ, IIRC. He’s not getting his request granted.
So what made them think they could add their own mitigating factors? I don't get that part. If the court didn't find those factors, Jurors cannot just make up their own.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, they ARE allowed to do this......
Will BC be sentenced to a supermax prison because he received a life sentence for a murder he showed absolutely no remorse for, and for which he did not disclose the disposal and location of the remains?
i don't know, i very much doubt it. He'll lob in a psych diagnosis that will get him extra special treatment, an easy life.
I just want to thank all of you awesome people who have discussed this horrible tragedy from the beginning. I’ve followed along since the beginning and am amazed by all of you and your knowledge and ability to deal with all this in such a rational way. I live in Springfield and except for news coverage, there are really not many people talking about it around here. In fact, there are many people that are unaware of it until I’ve mentioned it. That in itself is very sad. Everyone should be outraged and be demanding more be done to find her. Maybe people feel powerless or maybe there’s so much violence in the world people are becoming desensitized to it. I can only speak for me and I am forever changed by this tragedy. I have a young adult Filipino niece who is now out in the world on her own. She moved to San Francisco about the time this happened. I think that’s partly why it got my full attention when it happened. Also though, it made me so ashamed of this state and country that she wasn’t protected better. The entire supposed search, investigation, assumption of her death, the unbelievably horrible quality of those recordings with TB, the trial and prosecution has all been a huge fiasco and is a real eye opener to how truly inadequate and out of date or legal system truly is. I haven’t spoke on here since the beginning, once I realized you all really know what your talking about on here and it wasn’t just another place to express your feelings and anger. Physically I’m not able to search, but I can spread awareness and have and will continue to until Yingying is found and her wonderful family can have atleast that amount of peace and closure. I watched the news conference yesterday on WCIA and like you all I’m extremely concerned for her mother. I honestly feel this is going to destroy her permanently if something isn’t done immediately. I don’t know how you all feel about this idea, but I’ve written twice now to Dr. Phil. I haven’t heard anything back and don’t expect to, but he hasn’t talked about it on his show yet either. Maybe if everyone pleads with him he will pay attention and jump in. He has endless resources possibly and I feel it’s worth a try. Anything is to save Yingying’s mother’s mind and quite possibly her life. Again, thank you to all of you for all that you do and I’m grateful for getting to atleast follow along.
I just want to thank all of you awesome people who have discussed this horrible tragedy from the beginning. I’ve followed along since the beginning and am amazed by all of you and your knowledge and ability to deal with all this in such a rational way. I live in Springfield and except for news coverage, there are really not many people talking about it around here. In fact, there are many people that are unaware of it until I’ve mentioned it. That in itself is very sad. Everyone should be outraged and be demanding more be done to find her. Maybe people feel powerless or maybe there’s so much violence in the world people are becoming desensitized to it. I can only speak for me and I am forever changed by this tragedy. I have a young adult Filipino niece who is now out in the world on her own. She moved to San Francisco about the time this happened. I think that’s partly why it got my full attention when it happened. Also though, it made me so ashamed of this state and country that she wasn’t protected better. The entire supposed search, investigation, assumption of her death, the unbelievably horrible quality of those recordings with TB, the trial and prosecution has all been a huge fiasco and is a real eye opener to how truly inadequate and out of date or legal system truly is. I haven’t spoke on here since the beginning, once I realized you all really know what your talking about on here and it wasn’t just another place to express your feelings and anger. Physically I’m not able to search, but I can spread awareness and have and will continue to until Yingying is found and her wonderful family can have atleast that amount of peace and closure. I watched the news conference yesterday on WCIA and like you all I’m extremely concerned for her mother. I honestly feel this is going to destroy her permanently if something isn’t done immediately. I don’t know how you all feel about this idea, but I’ve written twice now to Dr. Phil. I haven’t heard anything back and don’t expect to, but he hasn’t talked about it on his show yet either. Maybe if everyone pleads with him he will pay attention and jump in. He has endless resources possibly and I feel it’s worth a try. Anything is to save Yingying’s mother’s mind and quite possibly her life. Again, thank you to all of you for all that you do and I’m grateful for getting to atleast follow along.
What an utterly brilliant post!
I've seen your name ticking off posts as you read them all along.
You are really welcome and thanks for giving us a lesson on humanity.
Well done you writing Doc Phil...
It is a positive action, better than apathy....
This is a really difficult time for everyone following the case, it ended with too many unanswered questions and an unsatisfactory outcome..
I'm thinking to move away now, there is little to be done... I feel empty drained and cheated by the entire case which has left more victims- the Zhang family.
I'm not great on post trial post mortems..
I feel like screaming. Railing against the injustice of it all.
He has no incentive now to disclose the location of her remains.
Mrs Zhang cannot move forward, I fear for her survival.
Thanks again for writing such a thoughtful post, you are more than welcome.
I don't know whether we can continue to keep open with the case closed... the only point would be to try to locate her remains and only a few people are interested in making that effort...
Doc Phil would certainly have the resources and I think everything published is referenced here on these threads... I think we got it all...
I went into Steve Beckets office this afternoon. He wasn't in but the secretary typed out a message about our/my wish that they search J Ross again. I then went to BC's apt complex and took a few short ( about a minute) videos of the route he would walk to get to the gym. I then went in and talked to the person in the proprty mngmt office that is currently using the JR plant. No luck there. Grr=r
Ok now, how do I send or post these videos? Whenever I try. It says...file too large. Really? A one minute video? Grr
I went into Steve Beckets office this afternoon. He wasn't in but the secretary typed out a message about our/my wish that they search J Ross again. I then went to BC's apt complex and took a few short ( about a minute) videos of the route he would walk to get to the gym. I then went in and talked to the person in the proprty mngmt office that is currently using the JR plant. No luck there. Grr=r
Ok now, how do I send or post these videos? Whenever I try. It says...file too large. Really? A one minute video? Grr
WOW! Nice work, you.
Have no clue re tech, but lots of people here will know.
Sometimes if I'm stuck |I press the report button on my own post to ask for help with something?
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