Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #3 *Arrest*

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I think he is only anti social with men! I think hes very smoothe with women.
Maybe men intimidate him. If that was him in the video he was very cozey with the woman. Jmo
No... he was antisocial with everyone in general.

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I was thinking about what possibly BC's defense will be. To my mind, even if there is no video, the circumstantial evidence is very strong. He admits she was in his car, he admits he lied to the police by telling them he was only playing video games, he admits he changed his story, he admits she panicked in the car, and he probably has to admit that he was at the rally. Plus he would have to admit he knew she was missing, yet never called the cops and let them know - 'hey no need to look for the car. it's totally innocent.' On top of that, they also have some sort of confession on audio. Just with this evidence alone, it's a strong case. You don't even need to get to the Fetlife stuff - that info provides motive and rounds out the case but it is strong without it.

How could you defend that? Sure, his story -that he let her out - is possible. But is it reasonable? I don't think so. You would have to believe she encountered a second dangerous person within one half hour, which is just not a reasonable assumption to make. Or you would have to believe she was a runaway which again is not reasonable.

I am a bit disturbed that the attorney asks the public to keep an "open mind." Open mind about what? It would have to be about the fetlife stuff. I just hope he does not make a story about that world and argues a role playing gone bad angle. Again such an argument would not be reasonable. That may be an argument he could make but it's not reasonable.

I was always troubled by why she went in the car. Someone mentioned maybe she did not speak english well. I think that combined with the fact that she probably wanted to appear polite could have caused her problems. I found myself in a situation (I live in a major city) where I was hailing a taxi and some random guy asked me if I wanted a ride. I said no, i don't need a ride, but for a split second, I felt it was impolite of me to downright lie and stand there waving for a taxi. Sometimes women's wanting to be polite cannot be a good thing. This case reminds me how I need to be impolite sometimes.

Agree strongly: The circumstantial evidence is immense. Add to that what I feel sure is physical and/or digital evidence, and I think BC is done for.

On the ride, I know that YZ has been repeatedly characterized as cautious and careful, but I also wonder if Chinese culture and education made 'stranger danger' the child safety focus that it is here in USA. I am of an older generation than YZ but honestly I wouldn't even take a ride from (sorry for the implied sexism) a strange female, let alone a male.

The flip of that is that politeness/deference is much more highly emphasized in Chinese vs US culture, and I do agree that not wanting to be late for the lease-signing was truly distressing to her, especially as she had already called landlord with a new ETA. I have a hard time believing she was convinced to see his apartment as a possibly better rental as she had committed to one already.

I also think big surprises are to come. Most likely cooperation of some sort by a 3rd party.
Someone like BC who seems to enjoy being in control is probably having a harder time than most would in prison where he has absolutely no control.
Actually, I'd think the opposite. He's probably very comfortable there. Maybe a bit bored but it's probably a relief. He is "free" from all the responsibilities of adulthood.

And for everyone else quick to throw out sociopath and psychopath... look up dissociative disorder. It's like when life becomes too much. Depression and anxiety can become overwhelming. A person finds relief from the stress by losing themselves in a book or gaming. To some extent this is normal; the average person would be on one end of the spectrum. Possibly the distinction between reality and fantasy became too blurred for BC. Perhaps he'd be on the other end of the spectrum and would be considered to have dissociative disorder.

Note: Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality) is a different diagnosis completely and not what I'm suggesting.

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Drove by BC's apartment complex, the abandoned concrete plant, and the gym today. I'll upload video when I have time. There are a very unusual amount of cars at the plant - regular non-law enforcement cars, but compared to no one ever being there...

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Just a quick question: If BC is so antisocial then how could he have won so many awards as the students' favorite teaching assistant during the previous years? I can't find the article to link at the moment, but I do remember reading this a while back. Either he became antisocial just recently, or he may hide that fact. Just something I've been wondering about. IMO.
Big problem though...BC became inactive on Fetlife about 2 days before the kidnapping.
Right. Ok. But he could have been in boxing fet friends,? I'm not ready to let this thought slide. I can't inagine he was documenting. Jmo

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'Thanks for the link again .. I have been wracking my brain trying to remember where this was.

For some reason, the two broken arms incident/comment has bothered me, but ai cnsnot put a finger on why.

Both your comments are possible, but I have the impression she was a very cautious person. She had a purpose (to get to the lease signing) and in my opinion she would need a good reason to trust whoever the person in the car may have been. I think (JMO) he had a ruse such as an LE badge or used his time as a "professor at the university" and I see you there, are you OK?). Something made her feel he was a trustworthy stranger or someone she knew from seeing on campus. She did not seem hesitant or afraid getting in the car, from what little I can see in the abduction video.

I think the the reason she got in the car is a key component.

I agree 100% that he had some clever ruse such as an ID lanyard,etc. and no doubt after fantasizing/planning these scenarios extensively it was hellishly convincing.
My husband is on the antisocial side of life. He can be social if he absolutely has to but he doesn't really enjoy it. He prefers to keep himself to himself and many people irritate him. He sounds like such a catch lol! My point is, if the suspect is antisocial he might be able to put on a front to get what he wants.

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Just a quick question: If BC is so antisocial then how could he have won so many awards as the students' favorite teaching assistant during the previous years? I can't find the article to link at the moment, but I do remember reading this a while back. Either he became antisocial just recently, or he may hide that fact. Just something I've been wondering about. IMO.
That was on his LinkedIn account? Evidently, he's already lied on there once.

But also favorite ta doesn't necessarily have to equate to mr congenality.

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My husband is on the antisocial side of life. He can be social if he absolutely has to but he doesn't really enjoy it. He prefers to keep himself to himself and many people irritate him. He sounds like such a catch lol! My point is, if the suspect is antisocial he might be able to put on a front to get what he wants.
I've been reading a lot about this type of personality lately. Anti-social people can go in to short stints of "character mode" and seem very outgoing. But it's presumably very exhausting.
Photo 1: exterior of Stonegate Village this morning

Photo 2: concrete plant from Stonegate Village parking lot

Photo 3: leaving the Refinery gym driving towards Springfield Ave you can see the cars at the abandoned plant

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If you only gave YY a lift that day but found out your car was captured in the video and you are listed POI, what would you do? You would report to the LE asap to clear yourself. The chance of BC not knowing YY's disappearance and the saturn astra thing are extremely small and can be easily verified, for example by his browsing history or by his roommate. His not coming foreword in time shows he is guilty at least for abduction.

He was at the rally. He can't argue he did not know she was missing. His actions to LE and his initial lying to LE (saying he was probably at home watching video games) is very strong circumstantial evidence of guilt.
Video: Professor Lance Cooper, associate head for graduate programs in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, discusses former student Brendt Christensen on July 1, 2017. Reported he was "on the excellent teaching list, so he was reviewed well by students"

BC's recent teaching at U of I: (Not much there, but interesting anyway)
This is way out there but maybe it didn't happen like it seemed to happen. Maybe she was lured online.

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I think you can be extremely introverted (not the same as antisocial btw) and force yourself to be outgoing. I do it almost every day at work and yes, it's highly exhausting. What would you say makes him antisocial vs introverted? I don't go out of my way to talk to someone on an elevator, I don't like crowds of people, and I certainly wouldn't make small talk in a gym class. This makes me introverted, but not antisocial.
Are there any pressers scheduled for today?
It made no specific mention of Christensen, who on his LinkedIn page described himself as a Ph.D. candidate studying experimental condensed matter physics at the UI.

In the “awards” section of that page, Christensen touted the fact that he was “ranked excellent teaching assistant every single semester I taught — fall 2013, spring 2014, fall 2015.”

As I noted in a previous post, he is only listed as an excellent assistant in 2016/summer at least that I saw. . .

MY MISTAKE! you have to scroll down for a second set of alphabetical names.
He is listed on there for Spring 2014; summer 2016; as OUTSTANDING excellent assistant in Fall 2013; as OUTSTANDING for Fall 2015.

A University of Wisconsin physics professor who worked closely with Brendt Christensen when he was an undergraduate there was shocked to learn of his arrest on kidnapping charges, calling him a good student and "not unusual in any way.

Interestingly, this article states he was caught on "audiotape." Has it been worded that way before? Only furthers my belief that one of his acquaintances was wearing a wire.
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