Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #6 *Arrest*

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I don't know if you meant it this way, but I think there is no way he would mix any of his clothes or belongings he used in commission of this crime in with her belongings. He wouldn't want anything to tie him to this if someone found it.....

Not necessarily. From what someone said here, waste from C-U goes to 3-4 different landfills. It may have taken them some time to corroborate the tip with other evidence in order to make the call to begin searching landfills. Then they would have to try and determine for each landfill what section(s) had waste from C-U during the period of June 9-16 dumped there, and quarantine them off, THEN start searching; they may be searching one landfill at a time, too.
The correct landfill would have been ascertained with one phonecall.
There is no way such a dizzy system exists that nobody knows where trash from certain pick up points goes..

every driver knows where he is going to be dropping in advance and they do it in one place, not bits here and there.
They may have quarantined a section of one landfill, not the entire state.

The alleged bag may or may not have contained YY.

The amber alert went out within hours, not days, not weeks.. he would never have expected that.

Fear /self preservation and caution should have been setting in bigtime in the days following the abduction.

I think he would have been very careful about a location for YY.

As far as I'm concerned the old cement building is just as likely her final resting place as a skip or a lake.

Its wide open..

Re clothes? We do not know.. Its possible he washed his own in the washing machine and still wears them.. for all we know..

If you read 'American Psycho'.. it gives the sharpest focus on the type of guy he is.. utterly without empathy, sympathy or the ability to maintain rapport, utterly without compassion, guilt or care for any animate being..

He liked it on Facebook in January 17, he liked it so much he also put it on at least one of his hook-up sites..
Why did he like it?

I think we should continue sleuthing..I think its vital we do.
The correct landfill would have been ascertained with one phonecall.
There is no way such a dizzy system exists that nobody knows where trash from certain pick up points goes..

every driver knows where he is going to be dropping in advance and they do it in one place, not bits here and there.
They may have quarantined a section of one landfill, not the entire state.

The alleged bag may or may not have contained YY.

The amber alert went out within hours, not days, not weeks.. he would never have expected that.

Fear /self preservation and caution should have been setting in bigtime in the days following the abduction.

I think he would have been very careful about a location for YY.

As far as I'm concerned the old cement building is just as likely her final resting place as a skip or a lake.

Its wide open..

Re clothes? We do not know.. Its possible he washed his own in the washing machine and still wears them.. for all we know..

If you read 'American Psycho'.. it gives the sharpest focus on the type of guy he is.. utterly without empathy, sympathy or the ability to maintain rapport, utterly without compassion, guilt or care for any animate being..

He liked it on Facebook in January 17, he liked it so much he also put it on at least one of his hook-up sites..
Why did he like it?

I think we should continue sleuthing..I think its vital we do.
I haven't read the novel, but in the movie American Psycho, the killer tells us that his victim is "dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen." If this guy wanted to emulate that character, maybe tried to get rid of YY the same way.
I haven't read the novel, but in the movie American Psycho, the killer tells us that his victim is "dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen." If this guy wanted to emulate that character, maybe tried to get rid of YY the same way.
Its the kind of thing he would enjoy, okay. however there does not appear to be any chemical combination that will dissolve a body quite so quickly.. his housemate was just away for the weekend..
Its quite awhile since I read that book..I did not remember that..
I gave the book to a friend along with some art books.. he was really freaked out by it and never again spoke to me...

I may re-read it...

But for past few days my mind has taken to wondering whether this was really a sexual crime.. it looks like it would have been because of his history but I've been wondering whether perhaps it was a crime of pure violence, depraved cruelty, for the sake of it.. the cruelty being an end in itself..
Torture being his game.. the ultimate power trip..
Thanks for your post, it brought that point home again..
if thats the case and he taped it, the market would likely be snuff movies rather than *advertiser censored* sites..
Its the kind of thing he would enjoy, okay. however there does not appear to be any chemical combination that will dissolve a body quite so quickly.. his housemate was just away for the weekend..

This. Plus, the chemicals you can use are toxic. They give off strong fumes that are dangerous. Very very hard to see him doing this in his home successfully

But for past few days my mind has taken to wondering whether this was really a sexual crime.. it looks like it would have been because of his history but I've been wondering whether perhaps it was a crime of pure violence, depraved cruelty, for the sake of it.. the cruelty being an end in itself..
Torture being his game.. the ultimate power trip..
Thanks for your post, it brought that point home again..
if thats the case and he taped it, the market would likely be snuff movies rather than *advertiser censored* sites..

Throughout this whole event, investigators have not mentioned rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse ever. Not even once. I have been very surprised by this. Only mention of anything remotely sexual is accessing Fetlife. My guess is that you may be right in that this was purely for the thrill of torture and murder.

It might also be that they have been unable to verify any aspect of sexual abuse he may have mentioned on tape with other evidence. If they have pictures, they may only be of the aftermath of the torture/murder or taken during it, and not taken during any potentially described sexual abuse. If they have video, it may not be a full video; it may be segments of a video extracted from his hard disk after deletion -where some portions may have been overwritten- and may only show parts of the torture/murder, and again not show any part of sexual abuse he could have described. If they had her body early on, they could determine if his DNA was in any of the usual places of her body that would indicate a rape/sexual assault took place, and that would be enough to verify what he might claim about rape/sexual assault on tape. If they don't have this or pics/video showing any of it, it would be impossible to verify what he might say about sexual assault/rape on tape.

Really no way to know until they reveal all of what he said on the recordings during surveillance.

One thing I do need to do is go back and read the federal statute regarding kidnapping, and the statutes governing whether or not something qualifies for the death penalty. It may be that some aspects of sexual activity might qualify as torture or serious physical abuse. If I get a chance I will read the Special Findings sections of the superseding indictment tonight/tomorrow and then read the relevant parts of the US code it refers to.

Oh, also: I really, really wish I could disclose more about how I heard about the LF tip, where it was reported, and some of the details. I just *can't* do it....
This. Plus, the chemicals you can use are toxic. They give off strong fumes that are dangerous. Very very hard to see him doing this in his home successfully

Throughout this whole event, investigators have not mentioned rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse ever. Not even once. I have been very surprised by this. Only mention of anything remotely sexual is accessing Fetlife. My guess is that you may be right in that this was purely for the thrill of torture and murder.

It might also be that they have been unable to verify any aspect of sexual abuse he may have mentioned on tape with other evidence. If they have pictures, they may only be of the aftermath of the torture/murder or taken during it, and not taken during any potentially described sexual abuse. If they have video, it may not be a full video; it may be segments of a video extracted from his hard disk after deletion -where some portions may have been overwritten- and may only show parts of the torture/murder, and again not show any part of sexual abuse he could have described. If they had her body early on, they could determine if his DNA was in any of the usual places of her body that would indicate a rape/sexual assault took place, and that would be enough to verify what he might claim about rape/sexual assault on tape. If they don't have this or pics/video showing any of it, it would be impossible to verify what he might say about sexual assault/rape on tape.

Really no way to know until they reveal all of what he said on the recordings during surveillance.

One thing I do need to do is go back and read the federal statute regarding kidnapping, and the statutes governing whether or not something qualifies for the death penalty. It may be that some aspects of sexual activity might qualify as torture or serious physical abuse. If I get a chance I will read the Special Findings sections of the superseding indictment tonight/tomorrow and then read the relevant parts of the US code it refers to.

Oh, also: I really, really wish I could disclose more about how I heard about the LF tip, where it was reported, and some of the details. I just *can't* do it....
I did some research on the terms used and posted the link here in past few weeks..Its language used in death penalty cases.. He took pleasure in inflicting the pain .. its here on thread. a link to a significant death penalty cse

Again, its not so important, the tip re LF because nobody knows what was in the bag..

It was just a bag. Same as any other bag typically chucked in skips..
They may well have sent in cadaver dogs months ago.

But they never found her.
He was so depraved he could have buried her alive or carried out any number of far out depraved acts..
the sky is the limit..
I think he had a place pre arranged. I think it was very close to his apartment and he had easy access to it though not everybody knew about it..
I have a sense its underground, possibly with a centrifugal water force... I cannot imagine for the life of me where such a place could exist in an urban area..or even what it would look like from the outside..

If he used something like cement, it would set quite quickly..
its also possible he used something that would block any cadaver scents, so dogs would be useless.. could be a zinc container of some sort.. something metal, sealed..
yeah, I think he took great pains in this part of his act..this is possibly the meticulous detail referred by lE..Its also quite possible she was buried with materials that could dissolve her body slowly over time..

I wonder whether the fbi dogs got scents when his apt was raided?
The federal grand jury returned the four-page indictment with the special finding that Christensen committed the offense “in an especially heinous, cruel or depraved manner, in that it involved torture or serious physical abuse to the victim,” and that the crime occurred after “substantial planning and premeditation.”

Christensen could face the death penalty if convicted on the new kidnapping charge, although the decision whether to seek it will be made at a later date by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, according to a news release from the U.S. attorney’s office in Urbana. If the death penalty is not sought, a conviction on the kidnapping count would call for mandatory life without parole.

The U.S. Attorney's Office filed its response Thursday and said 28-year-old Brendt Christensen has no justifiable reasons to delay to the start of his trial from Feb. 27 to October. Prosecutors said there has already been one continuance in this case, as the trial was originally scheduled to start in September.

The final decision on whether the trial will get pushed back again is up to Judge Colin Bruce. It's unknown when he will rule on the latest motion.—-now.html
Originally Posted by Shiressleuth

If BC decided to plead guilty right now to the current charges, would that halt any death penalty procedures?

Just bumping my question. Any ideas?

not necessarily (at least not automatically), it would have to be part of a plea bargain… he could also admit guilt but plead insanity to try to avoid death penalty.

anyway, continuing with speculation…
1) I still opt for the simplest, quickest, easiest explanation: he placed the body in a dumpster, it ended up in a landfill, and LE now has a quarantined section to search (but it could require months). Another option might be a hog lagoon, but I’m sticking with LF for now. I don’t believe he could’ve gained easy access to the fenced-in “abandoned” factory nearby, though I might be mistaken).
2) 2nd option: A lot of farm, medical, and industrial waste, as well as University research waste, goes to incinerators. IF he really planned this all out methodically, long-in-advance I believe there are ways he could package up a body and leave it at a dock or storage area for pick-up and delivery to an incinerator (it would be a bit complicated, but I can imagine how, with enough planning, it could be done).
3) IF (huge IF), the Lake Decatur search has any connection (and I DON’T think it does), I suspect BC blabbed to some Gov’t. “snitch” in prison about his crime and bragged that he deposited all the physical evidence (clothes, accessories, weapons etc.) in Lake Decatur never to be found, but I’ve found no indication he was familiar with Decatur.
Just bumping my question. Any ideas?
I thinking about that too.. no shouldn't but it could.. I hope not.
Life in prison would afford him an opportunity to influence very many minds..
the amount of drugs he is on would probably allow him to receive death without as much as a flinch..(unless he gets one of the dodgy death drugs)

Very hard call for her parents to have to make..
I wish they would cease medicating him.
Originally Posted by Shiressleuth

If BC decided to plead guilty right now to the current charges, would that halt any death penalty procedures?

not necessarily (at least not automatically), it would have to be part of a plea bargain… he could also admit guilt but plead insanity to try to avoid death penalty.

anyway, continuing with speculation…
1) I still opt for the simplest, quickest, easiest explanation: he placed the body in a dumpster, it ended up in a landfill, and LE now has a quarantined section to search (but it could require months). Another option might be a hog lagoon, but I’m sticking with LF for now. I don’t believe he could’ve gained easy access to the fenced-in “abandoned” factory nearby, though I might be mistaken).
2) 2nd option: A lot of farm, medical, and industrial waste, as well as University research waste, goes to incinerators. IF he really planned this all out methodically, long-in-advance I believe there are ways he could package up a body and leave it at a dock or storage area for pick-up and delivery to an incinerator (it would be a bit complicated, but I can imagine how, with enough planning, it could be done).
3) IF (huge IF), the Lake Decatur search has any connection (and I DON’T think it does), I suspect BC blabbed to some Gov’t. “snitch” in prison about his crime and bragged that he deposited all the physical evidence (clothes, accessories, weapons etc.) in Lake Decatur never to be found, but I’ve found no indication he was familiar with Decatur.
Say more about hog lagoons, somebody. PLEASE????
Unless they actually have proof that they are not releasing, I fear this will go similar ways to Gilberto Valle
Slurry pits..
Gosh sometimes the language we use is worlds apart..

I was getting this image of giant hogs as in a type of a pig that lived in a pool..lagoon.. of some description..and couldn't see how it worked for the life of me..
Lots of deaths in slurry pits every year..
would be the perfect place to hide a body..
I pictured a swimming pool for pigs. :smile:
I pictured a swimming pool for pigs. [emoji2]
I wish. The slurry is put in vats and then put on trucks. Liquid hog crap is then hauled in semis and pumped into fields for fertilizer. Burns the nostrils, gives headaches, and makes it unbearable to go outside your home for 1-2 weeks. They love to do it over a holiday weekend by my house, which means I can never have company for the long weekend in the spring. I can barely stand to live in my house.

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I wish. The slurry is put in vats and then put on trucks. Liquid hog crap is then hauled in semis and pumped into fields for fertilizer. Burns the nostrils, gives headaches, and makes it unbearable to go outside your home for 1-2 weeks. They love to do it over a holiday weekend by my house, which means I can never have company for the long weekend in the spring. I can barely stand to live in my house.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Sorry to hear you have to live near that going on.

I believe this type of fertilizer method may explain why we have seen outbreaks of Ecoli on vegetables and fruits. Remember not too long ago the Ecoli outbreak on spinach and I think peppers too and those ready made salads that come in plastic bags.

Could be a perfect way to transmit the disease directly to the fruits and vegetables we end up eating. The below link seems to suggest this.
Is there a link for either the tip or the LF search as at the moment noone has posted one so it is rumour.

Also, if BC decided to plead guilty right now to the current charges, would that halt any death penalty procedures?

I have done the unenviable task of putting myself in BC's place. whew, here's my take , I think he believes he's untouchable. If he were to disclose her body just to defray the DP, he's still looking at life in prison which equals life over. If he admits to current charges, life in prison. He has nothing to lose by not rolling the dice and hope to beat the charges.
And in other news , there was nothing on the search of Lake Decatur today. As much as I don't want to hear that YY is dead , I'm waiting on every newscast expecting to hear they found her body. I did some looking at the park that's beside the lake they're searching, and it is a small secluded type setting off the busy roads and lots of tree cover. So, in essence, a perfect dump site. Altho it does still leave the liability of driving for an hour with a dead body in the car. And of course no sane person would do that, but,,,?
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