Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #6 *Arrest*

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I have done the unenviable task of putting myself in BC's place. whew, here's my take , I think he believes he's untouchable. If he were to disclose her body just to defray the DP, he's still looking at life in prison which equals life over. If he admits to current charges, life in prison. He has nothing to lose by not rolling the dice and hope to beat the charges.
And in other news , there was nothing on the search of Lake Decatur today. As much as I don't want to hear that YY is dead , I'm waiting on every newscast expecting to hear they found her body. I did some looking at the park that's beside the lake they're searching, and it is a small secluded type setting off the busy roads and lots of tree cover. So, in essence, a perfect dump site. Altho it does still leave the liability of driving for an hour with a dead body in the car. And of course no sane person would do that, but,,,?

I don't think he would have any issue driving with a dead body in the car for 2-3 hours. He drives normally and doesn't go over the speed limit tolerance, he never gets pulled over. And if by some chance he IS pulled over? if he has her wrapped up and in a large duffle bag in the hatch, no cop would likely even notice it. Done immediately that night after her death, she would not have yet begun to give off odor of decay. No cop or anyone else would think it was anything other than a large duffle bag packed with his clothes and belongings that he was taking on a trip.

Still might be delayed if the government decides to seek the death penalty. The US attorneys agreed with his defense team that a delay would be reasonable if the DOJ decides to seek death. No idea how long that delay would be, but my guess would be at least a few months.

I actually do hope it is delayed some. As rough as it is for the family, at least they would have more time to find her, and take away any bargaining chip he has to hold off death. I saw a Chinese news article today where the dad was interviewed after arriving in China. They still want the death penalty.
Whenever the death sentence is in play I feel a case shouldn't be rushed. A man's life is at stake and there have been PLENTY of trials where someone who was innocent was convicted or at least not given a fair trial.

This is very true. No reason not to give this guy a fair, just trial before his execution.
Don't know how to post links to this site but the local news here just said that the FBI found whatever they were looking for in Lake Decatur. Just said it was related to an August murder there in Decatur.
Still might be delayed if the government decides to seek the death penalty. The US attorneys agreed with his defense team that a delay would be reasonable if the DOJ decides to seek death. No idea how long that delay would be, but my guess would be at least a few months.

I actually do hope it is delayed some. As rough as it is for the family, at least they would have more time to find her, and take away any bargaining chip he has to hold off death. I saw a Chinese news article today where the dad was interviewed after arriving in China. They still want the death penalty.
They will only find her if they continue searching for her, to date I have seen no evidence that a search is ongoing.
Don't know how to post links to this site but the local news here just said that the FBI found whatever they were looking for in Lake Decatur. Just said it was related to an August murder there in Decatur.
good. That leaves them free to search for YingYing..
Whenever the death sentence is in play I feel a case shouldn't be rushed. A man's life is at stake and there have been PLENTY of trials where someone who was innocent was convicted or at least not given a fair trial.
There is no death penalty in play ATM. The judge has explained it is not rocket science and is a fairly simple case. Did he kidnap her resulting in her death and did he lie about it? He gives a date of Dec 15 as the date when prosecutors must provide forensic evidence to the defence to give them time to get their own experts and that's that. Feb 1 is still the date when prosecutors will announce whether they will seek the death penalty. This is all really good news it will not drag on too long.
There is no death penalty in play ATM. The judge has explained it is not rocket science and is a fairly simple case. Did he kidnap her resulting in her death and did he lie about it? He gives a date of Dec 15 as the date when prosecutors must provide forensic evidence to the defence to give them time to get their own experts and that's that. Feb 1 is still the date when prosecutors will announce whether they will seek the death penalty. This is all really good news it will not drag on too long.

Bruce’s decision was made on the premise that the Department of Justice isn’t seeking the death penalty. If it does, Bruce said, “the court would welcome a renewed motion to continue the trial from Defendant (or the Government) in order for appropriate dates to be established under those circumstances.”

the court finds that this is not a complex case requiring more than the five and a half months for Defendant to prepare.”
The State has until Feb. 1st to decide whether this will be a death penalty case. Actually, I'm hoping they don't go for death, and get this show on the road!!

The State has until Feb. 1st to decide whether this will be a death penalty case. Actually, I'm hoping they don't go for death, and get this show on the road!!

The thing about getting the show on the road is that it has different meanings for many people.

He has not disclosed the location of her body.
There is a possibility that with the death penalty on the table, he may choose to trade life in prison for death with information leading to her location.
Without dP, he has nothing to gain by disclosing.

Her parents NEED to bring her remains home..

In saying that a trade off like this would mean he gains by continuing to hide her location..

I doubt the fact that the world will be a safer place without him is reason enough to annihilate his existence..
No doubt he has friends and supporters too.

The Brunos' departure gained time for him, to the detriment of YY's mother's health.. she is facing hospital soon..

Delays are detrimental.
The thing about getting the show on the road is that it has different meanings for many people.

He has not disclosed the location of her body.
There is a possibility that with the death penalty on the table, he may choose to trade life in prison for death with information leading to her location.
Without dP, he has nothing to gain by disclosing.

Her parents NEED to bring her remains home..

In saying that a trade off like this would mean he gains by continuing to hide her location..

I doubt the fact that the world will be a safer place without him is reason enough to annihilate his existence..
No doubt he has friends and supporters too.

The Brunos' departure gained time for him, to the detriment of YY's mother's health.. she is facing hospital soon..

Delays are detrimental.

Or he may be thinking death penalty cases have more room for reasonable doubt. A jury might convict him easier to life than death,

Just an opinion of thought of why they might not pursue death
The thing about getting the show on the road is that it has different meanings for many people.

He has not disclosed the location of her body.
There is a possibility that with the death penalty on the table, he may choose to trade life in prison for death with information leading to her location.
Without dP, he has nothing to gain by disclosing.

Her parents NEED to bring her remains home..

Delays are detrimental.

Not seeking death will likely lead to delays in finding her as well. As you say, not seeking death will mean he has no motive to reveal her location before the trial. Moreover, if he is found guilty, he would STILL have no motivation to reveal her location at that time, because he would likely appeal. No way he reveals her location while any and all appeals are ongoing. He could keep the information to himself for years.

Also, there is another issue. The state of Illinois ALSO has jurisdiction here, and could charge him eventually for kidnapping, AND/OR murder. They are deferring to the Feds at the moment because this is also a federal crime, and the federal penalty is higher. If he is convicted and sentenced to death or life imprisonment, Illinois would be unlikely to prosecute him, as there would be no need; he would be paying a high price for his crime, and Illinois would not need to waste the time or resources to do what would essentially provide no added punishment or benefit to the community or Zhang family. If he beats the federal rap, or gets a conviction thrown out on appeal, he would never, ever, EVER tell where she is, because doing so would only make it easier for Illinois to convict him.

He will never disclose her location until it is beneficial for him to do so.
Not seeking death will likely lead to delays in finding her as well. As you say, not seeking death will mean he has no motive to reveal her location before the trial. Moreover, if he is found guilty, he would STILL have no motivation to reveal her location at that time, because he would likely appeal. No way he reveals her location while any and all appeals are ongoing. He could keep the information to himself for years.

He will never disclose her location until it is beneficial for him to do so
I really wonder why , with all the resources available to them, the FBI have not located her or even come close.

I have been trying to figure the circumstances under which the FBI will deign a victim to be dead, without a body.. I found this Profiling/Criminal Profiling Part 2 of 7
I really wonder why , with all the resources available to them, the FBI have not located her or even come close.

I have been trying to figure the circumstances under which the FBI will deign a victim to be dead, without a body.. I found this Profiling/Criminal Profiling Part 2 of 7

IF the body has been completely destroyed (any number of means, though some more plausible than others) there is simply no body to be found -- and yet FBI may have very strong evidence of exactly what happened to it. On-the-other-hand if the previous-reported rumor is correct and it is being searched for in a quarantined section of a landfill than I believe some remnant will eventually be found and documented but it may take more months.
One other thing I find interesting -- usually in such cases there are family members/spouse/friends/colleagues etc. who are vocal in defense of the charged person -- here, their silence is deafening, as if they too know he is guilty.
IF the body has been completely destroyed (any number of means, though some more plausible than others) there is simply no body to be found -- and yet FBI may have very strong evidence of exactly what happened to it. On-the-other-hand if the previous-reported rumor is correct and it is being searched for in a quarantined section of a landfill than I believe some remnant will eventually be found and documented but it may take more months.
One other thing I find interesting -- usually in such cases there are family members/spouse/friends/colleagues etc. who are vocal in defense of the charged person -- here, their silence is deafening, as if they too know he is guilty.

You just hit on what I've been thinking every since BC was arrested. Altho, to me, it's BC's silence that screams it even worse. If I was arrested and didn;t do it, I;d be screaming it out loud all day , everyday. Yet here this robot man sits with his tuff guy face on.
IF the body has been completely destroyed (any number of means, though some more plausible than others) there is simply no body to be found -- and yet FBI may have very strong evidence of exactly what happened to it. On-the-other-hand if the previous-reported rumor is correct and it is being searched for in a quarantined section of a landfill than I believe some remnant will eventually be found and documented but it may take more months.
One other thing I find interesting -- usually in such cases there are family members/spouse/friends/colleagues etc. who are vocal in defense of the charged person -- here, their silence is deafening, as if they too know he is guilty.

That's a very good observation, and it really makes you think. Although, it is also possible that his attorneys have advised his family to avoid the press and stay silent. They may also be staying out of the limelight so as to avoid harassment. Lots of people were lashing out at his family on social media right after he was arrested.

One obvious tell would be if his wife has filed for divorce. If she has, that would be a bad, bad sign for him. However, she also may have been advised by attorneys to wait until after the trial to do so for reasons I have not thought of.

I have no idea how to search for divorce records, otherwise I would take a look.......
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