Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #158

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So will the defence be RA is bridge guy but BG isn’t the killer?
Nah I doubt it, The withheld video and audio probably make it impossible for the killer to be anyone else but the guy who approached them on the bridge.
The time line of when the video and audio was taken as well is probably way too tight to try and say some other person just happened to come along.
Why would the Prosecutor announce there may be other potential suspects?

I‘d guess it’s because LE mentioned they were still actively receiving tips. To totally ignore and not thoroughly investigate new tips now that the name of RA was out there, the Prosecutor and LE would be accused of tunnel vision by the defence during trial. So this statement by the Prosecutor gives the impression they’re open-minded to the possibility, even if he really believes RA acted alone. JMO
Hi All

I was following along with the case and then ended up missing a few days/threads. I have 2 basic questions:
- What made them go back to their notes and look at RA? Did a new detective take over the case to give it "fresh eyes"?
- Any idea when this would go to trial?
I had to step away from this thread for a while so I'm not all caught up. Did LE ever plainly state that they believe RA is BG?
Yes, according to the probable cause affidavit, investigators believe the male observed by witnesses is the same male depicted in the video from Libby’s phone due to the descriptions of the male by the witnesses matching the male in the video.
Did LE have enough evidence in 2017 for a search warrant of RA home and vehicle if they had:

* 2017 Sig Sauer ejected shell casing close to victims' bodies
* 2017 interview of RA stating he was on the bridge & clothing description of g,
* 2017 Witnesses on bridge described man wearing clothing like RA.
Would judge have approved search warrant in 2017?

Yes, but I don’t think they had that in 2017.

I think they had this (edited by me below)

* 2017 Sig Sauer ejected shell casing close to victims' bodies
* 2017 interview of RA stating he was on the bridge & clothing description of g,
* 2017 Witnesses on bridge described man wearing clothing like RA. BG

Once they rediscovered the 2017 narrative (second bullet above), they had probable cause for the RA search warrant.

When they had all three original bullets above, they arrested him.

He said he was on the trail, using his phone. He was seen on the trail, minutes before Abby and Libby got to the bridge he was seen on the first platform.

The defense will try to sow doubt and superfluous facts will be their game.
Honestly, the most suspicious thing to me in the entire PC was the fact that he said he was looking at a stock ticker on his phone while walking, yet his phone didn't show up as being there in the data dump. Doesn't that pretty much prove he lied about having his phone there?
I think they had information but didn't know "who" it fit.

When they learned who, they didn't have anything concrete to charge him.

Now, we are seeing those pieces come together, like a puzzle.
Yep. LE said they were needing that one piece to the puzzle. We might now know what that piece is, but I'm not certain that we do. It might not have been in the PCA.

FEBRUARY 2020- Police believe they are one puzzle piece away from making an arrest at the three year anniversary of the murders.

I have edited to respond just to the first paragraph. I am sure RA knew. How LE didn't though? RA called it the farm bureau building. So not *exactly* the same thing, but not hard to figure out. I am thinking this article really should be taken at face value. Like literally face value. It would explain a lot about the PCA. "Allen’s statement was forgotten until recently when Indiana State Police became frustrated with the status of the Delphi investigation..."


I think there will be lots more to come now that RA is in custody and DNA testing of relevant items is happening. I also don't doubt there is more known than the PCA alludes to. But it is hard to figure out how this didn't happen a long time ago with the information the public has!
I did not follow this case until recently and am still learning.
When I read RL's warrant from March, though, I thought, this really does sound like a likely fit given that witnesses assumed that the person in the photo was RL. Given that at the time LE would've been fairly sure they were on the right track, I think that even good LEOs at that point would've let up on rigorously following up alternative leads even if that would be bad practice. Once RL was alibi'd, Allen's statement might have been in the forgotten pile, when the disappointed officers resumed other leads. Unfortunate, but possible, when looking at it in context of that time.
JMO, on how it may possibly have happened.
Looking up stocks is an interesting thing. Why be so specific? I could see checking social media or texts. But stocks? Pretty specific. Lol.
Yeah, it is pretty specific. lol I'm not on SM but I own and check stocks and such oftenish. So.... I'm thinking it's possible. Although I admit that most people aren't like me. lol :)
Plus he said he noticed the three juveniles and the three in turn gave statements to LE regarding the sighting of him therefore it verifies his presence. That and another witness‘s collaboration of what he admitted about standing on the first platform.

Why tell LE that? It possibly all began when he told the conservation officer after the murders that he was at the bridge that day and hadn’t saw the girls, not realizing a photo was about to be released, maybe to appear eagerly helpful, concerned, cooperative, and most importantly innocent while inflating his own self-importance. But after that not much he could do to erase that early statement, it locked him in. JMO
Yeah, I think he overplayed the playing it cool, hiding in plain sight. Maybe thought if he admitted being there etc they would think surely it couldn't be him.

Yes, but I don’t think they had that in 2017.

I think they had this (edited by me below)

* 2017 Sig Sauer ejected shell casing close to victims' bodies
* 2017 interview of RA stating he was on the bridge & clothing description of g,
* 2017 Witnesses on bridge described man wearing clothing like RA. BG

Once they rediscovered the 2017 narrative (second bullet above), they had probable cause for the RA search warrant.

When they had all three original bullets above, they arrested him.

Just a note: it was an intact bullet not a an empty shell casing which is the brass left behind after a bullet is fired.
They fround an intact bullet that had been cycled through the gun without firing.

Cycling the bullet or shell casing involves the casing to be extracted and ejected from the gun.
This is done in sequence by a small retaining hook and then a push pin. Both leave distinctive marks on the brass casing.
One thing about this really drives home for me how united the witnesses were, in keeping details secret in order to preserve the integrity of the investigation and try to receive justice for these girls. How tempting might it have been for some of these witnesses or their relatives to tell other people or post on social media "that could have been me" or "if only I had....." or "my daughter was the last person to see...". The human need for attention being what it is, amazing that these witnesses stayed so quiet. You think of witnesses in some other cases, and they would have been coming out of the woodwork to appear on Nancy Grace or Dr. Phil. No doubt another reason the Delphi witnesses stayed quiet is that they also still feared for their lives. But even so... how remarkable.
Looking up stocks is an interesting thing. Why be so specific? I could see checking social media or texts. But stocks? Pretty specific. Lol.
I am no investor so I am not one to talk but living in a $100k house and day-trading stocks doesn't make sense either. I think we may find he lives in his own little world.
An unfired bullet cycled through the firearm could have been cycled/ejected anywhere....whether actually ejected at the scene remains to be seen, unless I've missed something.

There were no shell casings spoken of that I can was an unfired bullet that had been chambered, then ejected from the firearm.
RBBM above and JMO below.

I would not be surprised if the entirety of the 2017 report is contained at the bottom of page 4 of the PC Affadavit. (The “potential follow up” being the end of the 2017 narrative)

Note the interesting language (RBBM):
Investigators reviewing prior tips encountered a tip narrative from an officer who interviewed Richard M. Allen in 2017. That narrative stated:
What format was this “narrative?” Was there a lag in time between the 2017 narrative being taken and the narrative being filed?

My hypothesis is that the 2017 narrative did not include information on what RA was wearing because it was a Missing Persons investigation, not a murder investigation when the 2017 narrative was recorded. Then the 2017 narrative was “lost” (which I think simply means it wasn’t properly recorded / transferred to the murder investigation until the “investigators reviewing prior tips” likely trundled over and painstakingly reviewed original hard copies and files (or even recordings). EUREKA!

How and why the 2017 narrative got buried obviously needs to be thoroughly reviewed and there should be accountability. It took too long to catch, but they WERE on the right track (perhaps inadvertently) in 2019 — they strongly suspected Bridge Guy was local and the pool of potential suspects was small enough that it seemed unlikely that Bridge Guy hadn’t been interviewed.

Not an excuse, but perhaps part of a speculated explanation. IMHO, some commentary runs all of RA’s interview information together as if it were all on file and known in 2017, which clearly wasn’t the case. Once they found the 2017 narrative, things seem to have moved fairly quickly.


Very good point! While it’s not been released when RA allegedly told a Conservation Officer that he had been on the bridge, if that occurred before the bodies were found the statement would’ve been part of a missing persons investigation.

Not excusing LE but perhaps none of the information obtained Feb 13th was seen to be crucial to what later became a murder investigation because at that time foul play was not suspected. The fact that foul play wasn’t considered a possibility suggests no one reported anything considered crime related prior to the girls bodies were recovered, such as screaming, yelling, gunshots, nor a sighting of a muddy, bloody man walking along W300N.

Hi All

I was following along with the case and then ended up missing a few days/threads. I have 2 basic questions:
- What made them go back to their notes and look at RA? Did a new detective take over the case to give it "fresh eyes"?
- Any idea when this would go to trial?
-We don't know who or why they decided to go through their old tips. We also don't know if they did this before now.
-If it goes to trial, it probably will be at the very least a year but will likely be longer than that.
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