Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #160

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RA did have one hell of a poker face, I think he might have even gotten a kick out of it. I do think we'll find out that RA spend an enormous amount of time on the internet and was a loner in most aspects of his daily life. He is one of those like Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson, John Wayne Gacy, Dennis Radar (the BTK Killer) that lived seemingly normal and happy lives on the outside.

That's what psychopaths do, they pretend to be something they're not and most can do it successfully unfortunately.

Agreed. And I think the internet makes it easier than ever before to have a secret depraved life only on your computer or phone while you play the family man in public. There's no physical trace, just electronic. It's so dangerous.
And I've always thought he was. Why else would a seemingly normal man with a family, home and job go off the deep end and murder 2 teenage girls? It was in his mind, he planned this, he executed it with quite a bit of precision except for Libby catching him on video.

I think it's something he's fantasized about for a long time, and I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't heavily into CSAM with or without the KK connection. Wonder if there are any other victims of RA, not murders per se, but S A victims or stalking, peeping charges that weren't reported? Maybe there will be other victims that come forward.

Just speculating, MOO
Well, like BTK, the killing itself could be what the suspect is secually attracted to -- as opposed to being a pedo
Am I alone in thinking he didn’t plan this?

I just can not wrap my head around this being planned when it’s such a moronic crime. Why would he drive his own car and do it on his own doorstep when he was worked locally?
It could be a happy medium -- there was a plan and the plan didn't go perfectly. They never do. As Mike Tyson said, everyone's got a plan until you get punched. In the military, they say plan, but to remember "the enemy gets a vote"
I clearly saw a gun in the video of BG on the bridge.. no doubt. For people who disbelieve the DM article what is it in particular that you think is false?
I clearly saw a gun in the pic, but I don't for one second believe the validity of the DM article. For starters, what would KK have to lose; why wouldn't he sing like a bird?!
But that’s the point he was a functioning member of society. He worked full time and had a good job. He was well liked in the community and married for over 30 years. He must have one hell of a poker face.

KK is different and I can completely understand somebody like him being that stupid. But RA doesn’t fit the type imo. He has to be more cold and calculated for all the reasons stated.

Pedophiles hang out on places like the dark web, where they learn from each other how to hide in plain sight. They share tips on how to choose and groom children. They consider it part of their life to hide who they are and blend in. Plenty of upstanding members of society have been caught in CSAM rings.
How in Gods name would the 3 stooges handle organizing a sex ring by kidnapping the girls? Can you picture it? An elderly man with a serious drinking problem, an obese home bound pedo, an the alcoholic CVS employee.

I think this rumor has been spilled to DM by that awful guy that is selling his book where he asserts that RL is BG. I’ll admit, I enjoy the DM because they get good pictures and often some real info comes from them first. I do however believe the cat hair could in fact be true.
Couldn't agree more IMO.
There are other things that don't seem to mesh with this kidnapping ring idea. Why did RA park in a visible, public parking spot, a mile away at the CPS lot, instead of at RL's house? Why didn't he pull his gun on them on the north end of the bridge and walk them east through the woods instead of across the bridge and creek? Who was RL calling at 2:09...surely LE knows and it must not have been KAK or RA, or we would have heard about it before now. KAK's phone was on CCR looking up inappropriate material during the time of the murders, so who was doing that if KAK was in Delphi?

Never say never, though...
Interesting to me about the call made at 2:09pm was the fact RL's PCA says (1) he was in the vicinity of his property/the bridge at the time that call was made, and (2) he had asked his cousin the next morning for an alibi (before the girls were found) and lie for him and tell LE that he drove RL to Lafayette between 2:00-2:30. That's just.... odd. Sorry but something is up with that IMO!



According to the one off vid that MadMcGoo approved and posted a few days back from Chris of the Mob Crew/Monsters Under our Bed (linked below)... Libby takes a pic of the bridge @ 2:05 (6:33 in) and they reached the end of the bridge shortly before 2:13 (7:15 in). Just posting those notes here of what was going on with A & L when RL was making a call @ 2:09 from his property/bridge area, when he asked for an alibi for that time frame. Might mean nothing, then again it might. For the record... RMA wasn't on the bridge at that time. He was on his way back there after following witness #4. (6:49 in)

I always thought that when BG was after them crossing the creek and they scampered up the bank he might have reached up and grabbed Libby's sweatpants(and maybe undies too)to stop her and she wiggled out of them to escape. If she lost her shoe first then the sock would have probably come off also when her pants were pulled off.JMO

I could see this being possible. However, I think the RA PCA reads as if clothing from both girls was in the water. If I'm reading that right and if that's true, then it becomes less likely to me that the clothes came off just due to a struggle.

Also the RL search warrant allowed us the insight that some item(s) of clothing were completely missing from the crime scene and LE was still looking for them. So these aren't the same as the items from the creek. Again, if this is accurate, then it becomes less likely that clothes are missing due to some other kind of violence that isn't sexually motivated. My opinion only.
Respectfully, I think RA's actions the day of the crime are the very definition of the word 'planned'.

He went to that bridge, at that specific time, to meet one or both girls with evil intentions (gun and knife) all while trying to disguise himself as much as possible. As details emerge, I think it'll be a lot more planned than we ever thought. :(

This is why I agree that it was planned. Notes I took from the one-off vid MadMcGoo approved and posted upthread.

2:25 mark – Passed 3 juveniles ~1:30pm @ Freedom Bridge. Glared at them when one said Hi. One felt he was creepy.

- So he was giving off bad vibes, glared, and walked like he was in a hurry, walked past one of the juv witnesses in a rush.

What was the rush? Why the glare if you're out for what should be a leisurely hike? Most people don't walk in a rush when they are enjoying nature (you know, about to watch fish;)) and taking a short hike. And at least one definitely picked up on the bad vibes he was throwing off. Something was up and about to happen.


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Sorry if this is already been rehashed a million times, but is the area “down the hill” hidden from view and hard to reach because of the sketchy bridge? I wasn’t following closely in the beginning. I’m just wondering how the killer felt so brash as to do this horrendous act in broad daylight near hiking trails frequented by multitudes of people.
I've been wondering about this since I watched the one-time vid that MadMcGoo approved and posted upthread. RMA was coming from the east and driving west down W 300 N when he was seen on Hoosier Harvestore cam. Why would he come from that direction when the direct route from his house wouldn’t capture him traveling on W 300 N at ALL? (Deer Creek Township on the map is the approx. area of where the old CPA building was and where he parked).

What's east? Not a whole lot but RL lives east of Hoosier Harvestore cam. Coming from the east to where RMA parked isn't the direct route from RMA’s house to where he parked his car (unless he stopped by RL's house/property earlier in the day).

Yet he he was seen coming from the east. The only way to get to W 300 N from RMA’s house is to go pretty far east before you can go north on N 450 W since you can’t cross Deer Creek going north. I scrolled on the map and there’s not much east of town. However, RL’s house is east of the Hoosier Harvestore cam that RL was seen on at 1:27pm (1:47 mark in approved vid below) The red X marks where RL lived and the blue line shows you how far out of the way RMA would have had to drive to be seen traveling west on the cam if he had not taken the direct route to where he parked at the Old CPA. That’s pretty far out of the way when the direct route (above pic) makes more sense.

So, what I wonder is did LE check the cam for earlier in the day and see if they spotted RMA twice on the cam? Like traveling east down W 300 N on his way to RL’s by taking the direct route from his house there? Direct route to RL’s would have him traveling east on W 300 N past the cam. That would make sense to me why they saw him driving west on the cam @ 1:27. Hence me wondering did they check earlier in the day to see him traveling east, and then later on @ 1:27 west, or did they think they had seen enough when they saw him traveling west about the time just before things went down? If they didn't check earlier on the vid they missed out on an opportunity to potentially see RMA traveling east on his way to RLs.

For argument’s sake... let's say he didn't stop at RLs first. That still begs the question... why was he seen driving west down W 300 N when there’s not much east of town, and why didn't he take the direct route to the Old CPA lot from his house? Things that make ya go Hmmmm.....

Can someone explain why an unspent bullet would have traction marks from the weapon on it?
To unload a round that is loaded in the firing chamber of a SA pistol, without firing that bullet, one would pull back and release the slide, without pulling the trigger. This causes the ejector to send the intact unspent round through the same ejection path that a fired casing would take, leaving characteristic ejector and chamber marks on the unfired round, albeit without the extra oomph, heat, fanfare, and noise of firing it.
Sorry if this is already been rehashed a million times, but is the area “down the hill” hidden from view and hard to reach because of the sketchy bridge? I wasn’t following closely in the beginning. I’m just wondering how the killer felt so brash as to do this horrendous act in broad daylight near hiking trails frequented by multitudes of people.
There is a big bend in Deer Creek before it goes under the MHB.
The makes the area very hard to see from the bridge.
You bring up very good points here. The little info we have doesn't suggest this crime was ever intended to move past where the bodies were found.
Agree. MOO There is a kind of killer that is a trail killer, this looks like a trail killing to me. Planned or unplanned catching victims who are away from other people and vulnerable.
To unload a round that is loaded in the firing chamber of a SA pistol, without firing that bullet, one would pull back and release the slide, without pulling the trigger. This causes the ejector to send the intact unspent round through the same ejection path that a fired casing would take, leaving characteristic ejector and chamber marks on the unfired round, albeit without the extra oomph, heat, fanfare, and noise of firing it.
Great description. Also the gun mechanisms are very positive in their contact with the brass.

The brass of a round is held firmly by a steel hook called an extractor, because the bullet is going to explode out of the casing.
After shooting, or after advancing the rounds without firing the extractor releases it’s clamping action and the ejector pin hits the casing to pop it out the gun.
Brass is soft and the mechanisms are steel - MOO they are going to leave unique tool marks at a microscopic level.
Just catching up with the thread; there's a lot to go at, and reading the Daily Mail article for the first time. In some ways it sounds plausible enough as a scenario,though it doesn't explain some things, like the parking spot of RA if he intended to kidnap someone. I do deplore the DM's obsession with RL, and always posting him in his orange prison outift, never explaining that he lied to cover up the fact he had driven while banned. So what if KAK and RA knew RL? So did Abby's mum according to a Grey Hughes interview a while back. It's a small place.
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Agreed. And I think the internet makes it easier than ever before to have a secret depraved life only on your computer or phone while you play the family man in public. There's no physical trace, just electronic. It's so dangerous.
I do agree. There have been a few cases in the UK where a perp has gone directly from CSAM to assault and murder without the usual escalation process usually seen. Mark Bridger, who abducted and killed April Jones for one.
On a personal level I have a relative who is in prison for sexually assaulting a teenage girl. His mother always said it was the internet which had fed his natural inclinations leading him to the assault. I find it really hard to correlate the smart, polite, clever young man I know with the abuser he has been. No excuses for his behaviour, but it does make me understand how family and friends do not see someone's hidden depravity.
You would know a child if it was your friends son and your child attended the same school. No 34?year old is friends with a twelve year old normally, but as an adult, I’d you know like minded adults, age gaps don’t really factor I . Moo
Except "friends with KK's dad" isn't what this "source" said.
Whoever this source is, clearly stated they knew each other, and the "men" met when they both lived in Peru.

Since this source appears to be quite liberal with info, you'd think he/she would have spilled all the beans if it were KK's dad that RA knew, right?

I don't know how many years ago RA lived in Peru but it was at least 16 years ago, which would have made KK, at the oldest, 12 years old. In what scenario would a (then) 34 year old man working retail (so, not a teacher or common profession where kids would be around) know a 12 year old kid?

So now I'm curious, someone here must have the info on when & where RA lived in Peru, yes?
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