Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #162

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It probably doesn't have much bearing on the case, but I don't think RA saw the woman who saw him on the bridge platform. He didn't tell the CO he saw her back in 2017, even though he did admit to seeing the three girls by Freedom Bridge. In fact, he didn't even admit to going out on the high bridge to the CO then. He said he walked to it, then back, and didn't see anyone else but the three girls.

If he talked to the CO to try to cover for himself, because he'd been seen or whatever, then why would he not tell them he'd seen the woman by the bridge, if he had? Surely he would assume she had seen him, too.

In Oct. 2022, during his second interview, he did say he had gone out on the bridge platform to look at fish, so I think LE likely told him a witness had seen him there, which is why he finally admitted to it. JMO.
Whenever I want to visualize how this all took place and the deviancy of RA's planning, I watch the Hughes reconstruction video on YT.

To me, it's obvious he has walked thru this scenario before, and this may have just been the perfect situation where the stars lined up as far as he was concerned.

1) A week day when few people would be on the trail.
2) A "school off" day when teens/children would be off school and possibly on the trail.
3) Two girls passed him and were the only ones between him and the end of the trail.
4) A look back over his shoulder proved the woman that was at the bridge was headed back in the opposite direction and not going to see him.
5) Two innocent young and defenseless girls out on the end of the bridge trapped at the end of the trail with only one direction they could possibly go.
6) He had all the weapons he needed: His commanding voice, a gun to scare and corral them and a knife to eventually kill them.
7) I think he intended to kill them from the start because he was local all the way and so were they. If he had just raped them, they could identify him.

What a despicable human being.
You may be right, but, I find it difficult to comprehend how a man--married only once, to his high school sweetheart, a father, gainfully employed--how this seemingly normal man carefully planned the rape and murder of two young teenage girls as his first crime. It doesn't ring true to me, IMO. Of course I may be wrong, and I am hoping for more evidence and a motive being disclosed at the trial.
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You may be right, but, I find it difficult to comprehend how a man--married only once, to his high school sweetheart, a father, gainfully employed--how this seemingly normal man carefully planned the rape and murder of two young teenage girls as his first crime. It doesn't ring true to me, IMO. Of course I may be wrong, and I am hoping for more evidence and a motive being disclosed at the trial.
I'm in general agreement, Trebor; I think we can be reasonably certain it wasn't his first crime. *IF* RA is guilty, *IF*, I'd be fairly certain he has had other incidents of crime in his history--probably not murder, on the odds, but probably other instances of hurtful or inappropriate behaviors, likely involving adolescent girls.

I also thought Justice's summary opinion was well reasoned and logical, overall, and generally agreed with it.

I think Justice sounds right in that IMOthe guilty person had probably been waiting for a good opportunity; work day for most, off day for kids, nice enough day to encourage outside activities; I find it very easy to believe the murderer had been to the park watching and evaluating "customers" on many previous occasions. On this particular day, I easily can believe, he checked the south side carefully, then took up a place or places, watching and waiting. And then L&A came strolling by and went over the bridge; BG knew they were now in a place from which it would be difficult for them to be heard and from which they could not easily escape him. And he decided to act--possibly something he'd been fantasizing about for a long time--despite having two targets to have to control..

To me personally, this "hunter waiting for opportunity" scene sounds more likely than the idea that BG had been stalking one or both of the girls on some personal level, for whatever reason. Though I don't rule that out, either. I've had a lot of opinions on who/what/why/when/where/breed of jacket puppy over the years, and I've changed my mind on far too many of them to be confident that I'm correct about one now. :)
I'm in general agreement, Trebor; I think we can be reasonably certain it wasn't his first crime. *IF* RA is guilty, *IF*, I'd be fairly certain he has had other incidents of crime in his history--probably not murder, on the odds, but probably other instances of hurtful or inappropriate behaviors, likely involving adolescent girls.
Still, despite all of the publicity and they nationwide coverage of this crime and RA's arrest, there has been nothing so far as I know about unsavory or criminal incidents concerning him, and I warrant thee would be people or victims coming forward by now with their stories of abuse. Makes one wonder if that is because there is nothing there. But perhaps you are right. We will have to wait and see, IMO
It probably doesn't have much bearing on the case, but I don't think RA saw the woman who saw him on the bridge platform. He didn't tell the CO he saw her back in 2017, even though he did admit to seeing the three girls by Freedom Bridge. In fact, he didn't even admit to going out on the high bridge to the CO then. He said he walked to it, then back, and didn't see anyone else but the three girls.

If he talked to the CO to try to cover for himself, because he'd been seen or whatever, then why would he not tell them he'd seen the woman by the bridge, if he had? Surely he would assume she had seen him, too.

In Oct. 2022, during his second interview, he did say he had gone out on the bridge platform to look at fish, so I think LE likely told him a witness had seen him there, which is why he finally admitted to it. JMO.
Now that would sure be an interesting police interview transcript to read, wouldn’t it? Not saying we should be allowed to — I’m sure it’s better if it’s not leaked.
I'm in general agreement, Trebor; I think we can be reasonably certain it wasn't his first crime. *IF* RA is guilty, *IF*, I'd be fairly certain he has had other incidents of crime in his history--probably not murder, on the odds, but probably other instances of hurtful or inappropriate behaviors, likely involving adolescent girls.

I also thought Justice's summary opinion was well reasoned and logical, overall, and generally agreed with it.

I think Justice sounds right in that IMOthe guilty person had probably been waiting for a good opportunity; work day for most, off day for kids, nice enough day to encourage outside activities; I find it very easy to believe the murderer had been to the park watching and evaluating "customers" on many previous occasions. On this particular day, I easily can believe, he checked the south side carefully, then took up a place or places, watching and waiting. And then L&A came strolling by and went over the bridge; BG knew they were now in a place from which it would be difficult for them to be heard and from which they could not easily escape him. And he decided to act--possibly something he'd been fantasizing about for a long time--despite having two targets to have to control..

To me personally, this "hunter waiting for opportunity" scene sounds more likely than the idea that BG had been stalking one or both of the girls on some personal level, for whatever reason. Though I don't rule that out, either. I've had a lot of opinions on who/what/why/when/where/breed of jacket puppy over the years, and I've changed my mind on far too many of them to be confident that I'm correct about one now. :)
What I’m not seeing in recent posts about how it might have all come about us any mention of KAK. I know he has a separate thread, but it’s interesting to see him fade from the conversation. I think think it would be so bizarre if he turns out not to be involved. What do you think, Ken (or is it Kent, sorry)?
What I’m not seeing in recent posts about how it might have all come about us any mention of KAK. I know he has a separate thread, but it’s interesting to see him fade from the conversation. I think think it would be so bizarre if he turns out not to be involved. What do you think, Ken (or is it Kent, sorry)?
You didn't ask me, so I hope @AC4RD doesn't mind my two cents... :)

KAK is definitely still in my mind, but many people are opposed to him being discussed here. I respect that KAK has not been named a suspect in Delphi, and many people have made valid arguments for RA acting alone, so I've tucked KAK away, for now, but only for the sake of the thread.

I, too, will be surprised if he isn't involved on some level. Coincidences happen, yes. LE and the prosecutor saying others are involved might not be as important as I think it is, sure. With the gag order in place, if LE or NMcL have backtracked on their beliefs, we wouldn't know it at this point, so I wait with an open mind.

No doubt, I am willing to move past KAK (or others) if it's shown in court that RA acted alone. I've been wrong about a lot of things. But I won't dismiss what NMcL said to the judge, because IF anyone else is involved in these murders, the girls and their families deserve to have that person(s) held accountable, as well. I feel very strongly about this, foolish or not.
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Also he has a daughter the same age. I know Delphi is a small place. His daughter could well have been traumatised by what happened to the girls. It must be terrible to realise it’s her father. How could she have been safe with him. Could she have known all along? Am I allowed to say that?
What I’m not seeing in recent posts about how it might have all come about us any mention of KAK. I know he has a separate thread, but it’s interesting to see him fade from the conversation. I think think it would be so bizarre if he turns out not to be involved. What do you think, Ken (or is it Kent, sorry)?
I'm not sure why it would be bizarre. It was clear early on that he was playing games with the police and likely making things up for attention or to try to create some kind of advantage for himself. I'd very surprised if he was involved in any way.
I think that his father is a psychopath who perpetrated many crimes against his stepchildren, but it may be too late to prosecute him for any of those crimes. It now appears that he wasn't involved in this particular crime.

KK is a perfect example of how a child raised by a psychopath will turn out. When you read about how he and his father went looking for prostitutes together in Nevada, that should tell you that there was never any chance that he would grow up to be normal.
Also he has a daughter the same age. I know Delphi is a small place. His daughter could well have been traumatised by what happened to the girls. It must be terrible to realise it’s her father. How could she have been safe with him. Could she have known all along? Am I allowed to say that?
The thought may have never crossed her mind. Hundreds of locals were named and shown on social media in side-by-side photos. AFAIK, RA never came up. He may not have told her, or anyone other than the CO, that he was on the bridge that day.
This is a really simple point and I’m sure you’ve all talked about it but I still want to say how incredible it is that no one was able to say that’s Richard Allen on the bridge. If that was your husband/ boyfriend/ relative, and you lived in Delphi, how on Earth do you not say that’s him. Or at the very least- that could be him. Same clothes/voice/ stature. I don’t want to blame police or locals because I don’t know enough about what they were dealing with and I’ve no idea what Delphi is like but I do find it staggering that no one apprehended this man before. Those poor girls. And they did so much to try to identify him too. It’s baffling to me that he went unnoticed.

Lessons need to be learned. Surely you interview everyone around. How many people live in the vicinity? How many are males? How many in the age range? How many look like the man who was actually filmed?! Don’t let anyone just carry on their business. Apprehend and question hundreds - thousands if needs be. Get some specialist interviewers in. Like The Behaviour Panel guys. These girls deserved for him to be caught immediately.
It was always going to be someone living extremely close by. Everyone needed to be brought in for questioning. I wouldn’t ask about alibis. I’d look at whether the person in front of me could be the bridge guy. Then get digging. I know there was suspicion about this K guy. But he was not the man on film. So don’t get distracted. Something went terribly wrong with this investigation.
Apprehend and question hundreds - thousands if needs be.
Do you live in the U.S.? It would be illegal for law enforcement to do that here. No one can be arrested with out probable cause, and no one has to answer questions asked by police. In fact, no one with a functioning brain would talk to police, in my opinion. I would not answer police questions under any circumstances even if I were completely innocent.
And furthermore- excuse the multiple posts I’m just raging at the injustice of it all- furthermore why hold on to more evidence- a few more frames of the video could have helped. More of the audio. It’s all very well wanting to maintain secrecy and having a strategy but YEARS passed by. Actual years. Get more evidence out there and get him caught. Pointless holding it close to the chest if you’re allowing a child murderer to remain free. The girls filmed him. They tried to save themselves. It’s absolutely shocking and tragic.
I would bet RA had tried to move away over the years. Maybe his family were not keen. But he could have remained undetected quite easily it seems.
Do you live in the U.S.? It would be illegal for law enforcement to do that here. No one can be arrested with out probable cause, and no one has to answer questions asked by police. In fact, no one with a functioning brain would talk to police, in my opinion. I would not answer police questions under any circumstances even if I were completely innocent.
No im in the U.K. But really you wouldn’t talk to the police if they were looking for a child murderer? Surely they could ask every man to voluntarily come in for questioning? Maybe I’m naive then.
It was always going to be someone living extremely close by. Everyone needed to be brought in for questioning. I wouldn’t ask about alibis. I’d look at whether the person in front of me could be the bridge guy. Then get digging. I know there was suspicion about this K guy. But he was not the man on film. So don’t get distracted. Something went terribly wrong with this investigation.
I hear ya, it was a frustrating 5.5 years waiting for an arrest. Part of the problem was the sheer number of tips, and that the BG photo looked like so many people, including Sheriff Leazenby, Mike Patty, Ron Logan. The picture was helpful, but not enough to truly distinguish.

By March 2017 they had already interviewed over 300 people and cleared over 200 that resembled BG.

As we now know, it turned out they had already talked to RA.

I hear ya, it was a frustrating 5.5 years waiting for an arrest. Part of the problem was the sheer number of tips, and that the BG photo looked like so many people, including Sheriff Leazenby, Mike Patty, Ron Logan. The picture was helpful, but not enough to truly distinguish.

By March 2017 they had already interviewed over 300 people and cleared over 200 that resembled BG.

As we now know, it turned out they had already talked to RA.

But 300 is not a lot. I don’t know, I just feel if you knew this person then you’d see the video was of him. Release a bit more and get him identified.
Even the down the hill audio could have been slightly longer- as it is now he’s caught. Now it’s guys down the hill. Those extra seconds could have helped.
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