IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #163

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BTW, You are still one of my favorite posters.
May I explain what I meant by "He is being held accountable?"

My statement was going more towards the fact that the deterioration of his mental faculties is due to the fact that he has been arrested and now he will have to deal with the consequences.

Does he look awful?
The photo shown from his attorneys was shocking.
But the cause of the weight loss, his demeanor, etc. Could be that the guilt he is carrying is eating him alive.


Or possibly an untreated illness, physical or behavioral? There are many health conditions that can present with dramatic weight loss—some very serious. Just a thought, and a full evaluation is warranted, IMO.
What the heck. I did not think that meetings with attorneys being recorded was allowed. That seems wrong from the get go.

That's a MAJOR problem!! I can not believe that they would jeopardize the whole case by doing this. The rapid weight loss is and mental condition screams misconduct here. He is definitely being treated way differently than others who have been accused of a similar crime.

Usually this happens after someone kills for the 1st time. RA looked almost overweight at the time of his arrest and behaved as usually did after he allegedly killed 2 children.
He is coherent enough to recognize his wife and mother. He told them that he loves them.
He sometimes skips meals.
He has admitted several times to being the killer.
The guy is depressed because he has been caught and no longer has his freedom.
He is scared of what waits for him after trial.
Evidence is going to expose the level of depravity he gas taken.
He isn't being treated horribly.
He is being held accountable.


To point 1: So what? This proves nothing.

2. He sometimes skips meals?

Again, so what? Maybe the food is awful. Maybe his mental condition is causing severe stomach complications? We don't know why he may be skipping meals. It could be a lot of reasons.

3: He admitted several times to being the killer.

All we know is he made statements that MAY implicate him. We don't know what he exactly said or to whom. We don't know if he made those statements under duress. We don't know if his mental condition made him delusional into thinking this way.

4: The guy is depressed because he's been caught.

Or maybe he's depressed becasue he's been falsely accused and has found himself in a situation where he feels completely lost and hopeless.

5: He is scared of what waits for him after trial.

Wouldn't you be if you were in his shoes? That's a perfectly natural reaction.

6: Evidence is going to expose the level of depravity he gas taken.

There is no way of knowing that at this point. We know very little of the so called evidence they have against him and he has every right to dispute it. Until then we just don't know.

7: He isn't being treated horribly.

That is of course an opinion. He is being kept in isolation away from other prisoners and is heavily shackled anytime he is taken out of his cell. His own attorney's say he is being treated like a dog. He looks fragile and broken and barely coherent. He has trouble keeping his balance. He looks far different from when he was 1st brought in and that is definitely a problem. The state of Indiana has a duty to insure his health both mentally and psychically. Right now it looks like neither is being done.

8: He is being held accountable.

No he's not. He's being held until he can be put on trial. He is innocent until he is proved guilty. Then he will either be held accountable for his actions or he will be released. We can not put the horse before the cart here. He is entitled to the presumption of innocence by law. He IS being treated like a criminal here and that is not right and is unconstitutional and will cause problems later on whatever the verdict.

Finally we just don't know. What I see right now is a man who has been treated differently and who is in poor health. He is NOT a criminal....yet. Ans since he is not, he deserves to be treated like every other person who is awaiting trial. I've seen a lot of trials and I can't remember any person with such an extreme change in their appearance while awaiting trial.
There are hundreds of equally depraved defendants awaiting trial and punishment all over this country. Should we house all of them as if they are already convicted prison inmates, serving time in solitary? Or just RA?

MOO Your list doesn't justify the exceptional and very unusual conditions and location where RA is being housed, which could be causing his decline and absolutely affects his attorney's access to their client. It seems you don't think that this can impact the trial and possible future legal challenges. I believe RA is guilty but I want a fair trial and a solid conviction whether he pleads out or a jury finds him guilty. I don't know if he is being treated "horribly" or not, that is subjective, but that's not the measure of whether he is getting equivalent treatment as defendants awaiting trial.

Okay. I actually agree with pretty much everything you say here!

It's my understanding that the conditions and place he is being housed in are for his protection.
Leazenby said that he doesn't want to house him in Carroll County because it's unsafe and he can't protect him.

Yes, his attorneys made some pretty shocking claims about his treatment, but if they are true, wouldn't the judge move him? He has been moved before.

I just can't help but believe that very little of what was put out by his attorneys was truthful.

You know I've liked your messages for years, and almost always agree with you, but I have to add my own opinion. He MAY NOT BE "HELD ACCOUNTABLE" until his guilt is established at trial. And until then, he ought to be held in the same circumstances, with reasonably decent treatment, the same treatment and conditions that you or I would be held in, if we were arrested by mistake for something. THIS IS A CORNERSTONE OF AMERICAN LAW.

I would certainly agree with this in general.
However, in this specific case Judge Gull today has decided RA will stay where he is. This after leaving him there for weeks after the “emergency motion” was filed by his attorneys.

“The trial was set for January 8 through the 26. The judge also decided Allen will be staying in Westville Correctional Facility.”

I feel certain the judge has a ton of more information than we do about this, and she decided he was fine where he was. It would appear that his living conditions don’t quite match what the defense has been describing.
Our only information as the public, came from the defense’s motion, with it’s dramatic and apocalyptic language and over the top comparisons to POWs. Which I might add, I believe, they used Alex Murdaugh’s attorneys’ tactic here, skirting the gag order with a motion to make sure they control the narrative of what the public is hearing and seeing.
I want RA treated well, but prison is not the Ritz Carlton even under ideal circumstances. If he needs some support to handle it emotionally, OK.
Judge Gull read it all, heard it all, listened to everybody’s testimony today and heard all the arguments. She decided RA will remain where he is.
That’s also how American law works.
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Or possibly an untreated illness, physical or behavioral? There are many health conditions that can present with dramatic weight loss—some very serious. Just a thought, and a full evaluation is warranted, IMO.

I agree. But I also am eagerly awaiting the release of documents next week.
I think we will find out that he is healthier than we are being led to believe.

More at link-just brought over more info. about housing conditions.

John Galipeau testified to Allen’s conditions at the Westville Correctional Facility.

He explained that while it was evident that Allen had lost weight, he had been eating, showering and utilizing recreation time at the prison.

Allen is housed in A-pod, according to Galipeau, which is the same cell he has been in since the day he arrived at the facility. That cell was described as being 12’ by 8.5’ and is in the segregated, maximum-security section of the prison.

Because of his location, Allen has been on watch since the day he arrived and due to his additional ‘suicide watch’ status, he has 24-hour surveillance video (without audio), according to Galipeau. He is also on companion watch, which means that someone – either an inmate or a guard – stands outside of his cell 24 hours per day.

Allen is allowed three showers per week and three sets of clothing. He also has access to commissary, where he has bought clothing, socks and shoes, Galipeau told the judge. He also has a tablet, which accesses music, movies and phone calls and he is afforded 1 hour of recreation time, five times per week.

Galipeau says there have been no known threats to Allen or the facility since he arrived back in November and that the reports, he has received from Allen’s medical providers on staff has been in the healthy ranges the entire time he has been housed with them.

He testified that Allen started exhibiting “strange behavior” the day after he was given legal work, although he did not go into detail on the behavior or what that work was.

Gull issued a temporary restraining order for the DOC while Allen’s attorneys are meeting with him. She plans to take the arguments under advisement and will make a ruling on whether or not he will be moved out of Westville at a later date.


Richard Allen Court Appearance 61523
BREAKING: in court today Richard Allen appears to have made incriminating statements connecting him to the murders of Libby German and Abby Williams. Prosecutor said he made an admission. Defense team says these admissions can't be trusted due to Allen's mental state. More coming

"Richard Allen appears to have made incriminating statements connecting him to the murders of Libby German and Abby Williams."

I take back any previous defense I may have made of Allen. He is toast.
More at link-just brought over more info. about housing conditions.

John Galipeau testified to Allen’s conditions at the Westville Correctional Facility.

He explained that while it was evident that Allen had lost weight, he had been eating, showering and utilizing recreation time at the prison.

Allen is housed in A-pod, according to Galipeau, which is the same cell he has been in since the day he arrived at the facility. That cell was described as being 12’ by 8.5’ and is in the segregated, maximum-security section of the prison.

Because of his location, Allen has been on watch since the day he arrived and due to his additional ‘suicide watch’ status, he has 24-hour surveillance video (without audio), according to Galipeau. He is also on companion watch, which means that someone – either an inmate or a guard – stands outside of his cell 24 hours per day.

Allen is allowed three showers per week and three sets of clothing. He also has access to commissary, where he has bought clothing, socks and shoes, Galipeau told the judge. He also has a tablet, which accesses music, movies and phone calls and he is afforded 1 hour of recreation time, five times per week.

Galipeau says there have been no known threats to Allen or the facility since he arrived back in November and that the reports, he has received from Allen’s medical providers on staff has been in the healthy ranges the entire time he has been housed with them.

He testified that Allen started exhibiting “strange behavior” the day after he was given legal work, although he did not go into detail on the behavior or what that work was.

Gull issued a temporary restraining order for the DOC while Allen’s attorneys are meeting with him. She plans to take the arguments under advisement and will make a ruling on whether or not he will be moved out of Westville at a later date.


Richard Allen Court Appearance 61523
Thank you for putting this up!
I wanted to use it in relation to my post, but of course couldn't find it .

He is eating. He exercises. He has showers and clean clothes.

He watches movies and has a tablet, etc etc.

He has a companion.

He listens to music.

Court has wrapped up for the day let me brief you a bit.

Galipeau says he has no current concerns about Allen’s safety in the Westville facility.

The warden states that Allen has been on suicide watch in the recent months. He is on 24 hour surveillance via camera and a companion (an officer, or a fellow inmate).

He says Allen also has access to a tablet where he can download music, movies, and make phone calls. He cannot text.

Galipeau states he is being held in a-pod. And a 12 x 8 1/2’ cell with 24 hour surveillance. He gets to shower three times a week, gets three sets of clothing a week, access to commissary, rec time one hour five times a week. He can change his clothing whenever he wants.

The next witness to the stand was the Westville Warden, John Galipeau. He spoke to the type of facility Allen is being housed at.

The Sheriff says there have been no immediate threats made to Allen. He also said, “as long as I can get it arranged to get the transport done safely I don’t have a problem with that.” When asked if he would be okay with Allen moving to a different facility.

He also expressed concerns about transporting Allen. Saying they simply don’t have enough manpower.

Liggett said they only have five full time deputies and a jail commander. He said he also would be concerned with Allen’s safety since the crime he is accused of involves children.

Sheriff Liggett spoke to the size of the Carroll county jail. Saying that if their jail would be considered for Allen to move to, they would not be able to house him. He said “our jail is extremely small.”

Let’s talk about the states witnesses in today’s hearing, the first to the stand was Carroll County Sheriff, Tony Liggett.

She did approve a temporary restraining order against the DOC during attorney meetings with Allen.

The judge says she will take all of the testimony from today and release a ruling in the coming days.

More at link-just brought over more info. about housing conditions.

John Galipeau testified to Allen’s conditions at the Westville Correctional Facility.

He explained that while it was evident that Allen had lost weight, he had been eating, showering and utilizing recreation time at the prison.

Allen is housed in A-pod, according to Galipeau, which is the same cell he has been in since the day he arrived at the facility. That cell was described as being 12’ by 8.5’ and is in the segregated, maximum-security section of the prison.

Because of his location, Allen has been on watch since the day he arrived and due to his additional ‘suicide watch’ status, he has 24-hour surveillance video (without audio), according to Galipeau. He is also on companion watch, which means that someone – either an inmate or a guard – stands outside of his cell 24 hours per day.

Allen is allowed three showers per week and three sets of clothing. He also has access to commissary, where he has bought clothing, socks and shoes, Galipeau told the judge. He also has a tablet, which accesses music, movies and phone calls and he is afforded 1 hour of recreation time, five times per week.

Galipeau says there have been no known threats to Allen or the facility since he arrived back in November and that the reports, he has received from Allen’s medical providers on staff has been in the healthy ranges the entire time he has been housed with them.

He testified that Allen started exhibiting “strange behavior” the day after he was given legal work, although he did not go into detail on the behavior or what that work was.

Gull issued a temporary restraining order for the DOC while Allen’s attorneys are meeting with him. She plans to take the arguments under advisement and will make a ruling on whether or not he will be moved out of Westville at a later date.


Richard Allen Court Appearance 61523
The prison diet seems to be working wonders for him Moo.
well he also said he was there at the bridge when he met with a deputy at a grocery store , so he's been confessing
the whole time..I bet we will learn he has joked about it and been obsessed with the case. mOO
I've seen a lot of trials and I can't remember any person with such an extreme change in their appearance while awaiting trial.

In my opinion the extreme change in his appearance is the result of him realizing with horror that the comfortable life he once lived is over and in its place is a dreary life behind bars for the rest of his life, or even sitting on death row waiting for the day he will be executed by the State of Indiana for what he did to Libby and Abby. I bet he is asking himself WHY and wishing he could take it all back. Too late.
Why am I here?

I need to know why. It’s what drives me. I really feel the need to understand.

In another life, I think I would have worked really hard to be a profiler.

I need to know why.

I know he did it.
IDK about Indiana but in New Mexico jails and prisons they have tablets, most prisons do now, they have to have money in their account to get music, movies, phone calls, very similar to commissary, if not tied into their commissary account. It is NOT free to the best of my knowledge. This means someone is putting money in RA's commissary account.

2017 Tablets for Indiana inmates might be free, but there's a catch.

2017 article Free tablets for inmates? Indiana officials recommend bid for prison computer tablets

2022 How Corporations Turned Prison Tablets Into a Predatory Scheme - Dissent Magazine

A main argument in the cross examination of Galipeau from the defense was that the facility doesn’t currently hold any pre-trial detainees. Everyone in the maximum security part of the facility has been charged with a crime.

During closing remarks the defense says he understands all the “safety concerns” from the other facilities, when it comes to housing Allen.

Rozzi says it is unfair to compare Allen to other inmates “down the hall” because he hasn’t been charged with a crime. They have.

He says he has “ no time to focus on the important things in this case.”

When talking about the Westville facility, Rozzi said “I think they’re tired of me and I don’t blame them. But I have a job to do.”

McLeland said Allen “confessed five or six times.” Saying “He [Allen] made multiple confessions to multiple people.”

Rozzi acknowledged the confessions, saying Allen had made "incriminating statements" while at Westville Correctional Facility.

Rozzi also claimed those statements should not be trusted because of Allen’s mental state. “Confessions, non-confessions, incriminating statements, non-incriminating statements, we’ll deal with that. The jury will hear all of that.”

Judge Gull told Allen’s defense that it sounded like they just wanted him moved to be convience to them. She stated that the attorneys knew he was in Westville, when they were appointed the case and agreed.

The state said they didn’t have any huge concern where Allen was placed, their main request is that they want him held on no bond.

What the judge did today.
She did approve a temporary restraining order against the DOC during attorney meetings with Allen.

What the actually you know what?? No worries here, constitutional rights won't impact a trial.

He is eating. He exercises. He has showers and clean clothes.

He watches movies and has a tablet, etc etc.

He has a companion.

He listens to music.
He has a companion? It's called companion watch, an inmate, when a guard is not available, sits outside his cell and makes sure he doesn't commit suicide. By this definition, the guard is also his "companion". His most basic needs are being met AND he gets to download music and movies. This doesn't change the facts of his weight loss and access to attorneys and possible decline, and being held in prison instead of a county jail. All the depraved people awaiting trial in county jails should be in prison or just RA?
For a more comprehensive, detailed look at Allen in court today check out the link below!

Jun 15, 2023 and last updated 1 hour ago

DELPHI — Richard Allen has made "admissions of guilt" to more than one person about his involvement in the deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams, according to Carroll County Prosecutor Nicolas McCleland.

"He made multiple confessions to multiple people," McCleland said during Allen's hearing on Thursday.

Allen's attorney acknowledged the confessions, saying Allen had made "incriminating statements" while at Westville Correctional Facility. He also claimed those statements should not be trusted because of his client's mental state.
Trial Date set for #RichardAllen, January 8-26, 2024. It is my understanding that RA is the only pretrial defendent being incarcerated at maximum security Westville. I can't really express how wrong and unusual this is. He is not CONVICTED, therefore, he should not be in a maximum security prison. He should be in a jail, like other defendants awaiting trial. And no, it's not for his safety. Hogwash. Jails house much less dangerous criminals and they have solitary arrangements (Note: #BryanKohberger's situation) He must be treated fairly or the just adjudication of this matter could be at risk. I hope Judge Gull moves him post-haste.

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