IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #169

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Yes, but that doesn't mean RA knows that part was filmed.

In fact, maybe that was early LE strategy. Get tips but also leave room for anonymous BG to come forward. To admit to being, say, on the front end of the bridge.

Any way, you look at it -- sure, midwest, lots of men look and dress like BG but only one confessed to being there.

I wonder if he ever saw the lady witness who turned back. Maybe no.

The juveniles never saw A and L, correct?

It would've have been then and surely now to RA's advantage at trial (crafted alibi) to get himself off the bridge and out of Dodge as early as possible. Right behind the juveniles. Only he didn't leave then. Lady witness saw him.

What are the odds of RA happening to hike the MHB that day at that time on that bridge but wasn't BG and never crossed the girls' path nor crossed the path of his doppelganger?

Forget odds, the chances of that -- if there's a number less than zero --

In the Franks memorandum the D mentions the witness to a man on the bridge but describes him as being young and with poofy dark hair, not a match to RA by any stretch. If D is being honest in that document about that, it seems a kink in things. AJMO
In the Franks memorandum the D mentions the witness to a man on the bridge but describes him as being young and with poofy dark hair, not a match to RA by any stretch. If D is being honest in that document about that, it seems a kink in things. AJMO
I think there was some sleight of hand in that document.

However, if Turning Around Lady is the source of that sketch, she would have seen him from a distance which might've impacted her clarity.

For example, if he was wearing a cap, had a fur collar, a hoodie and she took it instead for hair, that might've impacted her impression. Full head of (what she thought was) hair, easy to associate with youth, younger vs older.

And that might explain LE's seemingly cryptic message about both sketches being the same person/killer.

The defense wants to put as many people (men) on the bridge as they can...

But so far, there's just one.

I think there will be damning evidence in the electronic devices recovered during the SW. Minimal google searches and where RA lurked online, more damning would be evidence of photos/videos uploaded- shared and then deleted.
This lead me to another thought. What if the crime scene was leaked within the 1st 30 hours of the girls going missing? Turned up on the dark web shared or other internet dark spaces. The FBI would be tasked to determine if the photos were from the time of the murders or after and the source. I am sure that would have been a difficult task. Having leaks occur in the interim just makes their job more burdensome.
If the photos/etc were leaked on the DW, there would be zero evidence before or after. Hopefully that is not the case. JMO.
Smart to remember too that we're only seen half of a second of Libby's video. RA doesn't know how much was captured. He knows what happened, but doesn't know when the video stopped and started.

And neither do we.

At a minimum, there's the encounter. There's the command. There's perhaps the appearance of a weapon and a racking. Further capture of either girl, her voice, and struggle, case closed. They got their man.

The only person with a motive to deny seeing them is The Last Person To See Them.

The video is only 43 seconds, I’m still confused as to why they haven’t shown it all since BG presumably walks towards them and we could get a better look at the face. Not showing the entire 43 sec video is suspicious to me. JMO.

Rozzi apparently says that Judge Gull ambushed them in chambers and ordered them to 'voluntarily' withdraw. He's refusing and seeking her disqualification from the case. He's also asking for a continuance of the 10/31 hearing until his motion to disqualify the judge is resolved.
Hmm are you sure of that? Could you quote it please? Why wouldn’t the Oct 13/22 interview have been recorded? The meno has been deleted from my source but I recall only the time pertaining to the CO being disputed. The CO was only involved in the 2017 interview. Specifically it was suggested the CO asked RA if he was on the bridge between 1:30 and 3:30 when the abduction occurred. He answered yes but meant it was about 1:30 when he left.
“In trying to provide Liggett and Mullin a timeline of when he (Richard Allen) was at the trail, Richard stated he arrived at the trail around noon. Later in the interview, RA told Liggett and Mullin he probably left the trail around 1:30pm.

-D memo, p. 109, citation 157 & 158. Citation 157: Exhibit 110 RA tells Liggett and prosecutor investigator Mullins from the prosecutor’s office that he had arrived around noon at the 10:57:40 mark. Citation 158: Exhibit 110 at the 11:53:43 mark.


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In this Barbara MacDonald post, someone claims to have gotten RA's military record. This got completely by me. Footnote from pg 108 of the memorandum.
(Footnote)155 Find attached a transcript of a statement of Richard Allen’s wife, Kathy marked as Exhibit 111. When Kathy was asked what length Richard’s hair would have been in 2017, she Kathie said Richard has “always” had short hair. In
fact, when ask for further description of how her husband has always worn his hair, Kathy said “He (Richard)
shaved it.” explaining that he had always shaved since being in the National Guard.

RA asked for the transcript in August

08/08/2023Praecipe for Transcript Filed
Praecipe for Transcript
Filed By: Allen, Richard M.
File Stamp: 08/08/2023
08/08/2023Administrative Event
Praecipe for Transcript to Allen County D05 Court Reporter and Felony Judicial Assistant.
Are these 2 different transcripts? What does Felony Judicial Assistant mean in this context?

From Wikipedia:

“In law in the United States a praecipe is a document that either (A) commands a defendantto appear and show cause why an act or thing should not be done;[6] or (B) requests the clerk of court to issue a writ and to specify its contents, [though US Clerks are variously limited to handle minor precepts (typical status adjustments) in the name of the Court (i.e., a Clerk cannot issue any forceful or mandamus writ)].[citation needed]. The writ was often issued to amend or change a subsequent order or to correct an error that may have been missed earlier.”

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