Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, and Liberty (Libby) German, 14/The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #87

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I am looking for the news video in Delphi in 2017 where a guy was walking by the town tracks in the background with a red cup in his hand. Can't find it in the media thread. I don't remember the channel but it was shortly after they found the girls. I just want to look at it again.
That guy has been side by side compared (not here, but other places), his Facebook posts analyzed for a while now (they are disturbing) BUT investigators have said if we have the guy, you will know it. Amazing how MSM is running with it, though. What a scary guy, for sure, but BG?

Sometimes where there is smoke, there is fire. This just doesn’t feel right to me. Hope I am wrong.

Oh, there's a fire all right.

Definitely watch the horizon for further action.
Do you know something we don't? Should we hope for more information in the morning? Has the media been tipped?

This is obviously an important development in this investigation. Some may garner closure from this, other's will surely find 15 pages full of questions from it.
As always, when events are afoot, it's good to get on with it rather than waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Are his posts meant to taunt?

I previously anticipated BG not being a big SM guy, however that was based on nothing but opinion and speculation. Thinking about this further, taunting would be right up a predator like this’ alley and again imo this is all over his SM (I mean the arrogance alone of being a child molester and having children’s MP posters, posting “Wantsd Posters”...ARS who killed Jessica R was huge on taunting LE, and once again, this was something our Late Great @Foxfire and I talked about, taunting. I’ve pulled many of his quotes throughout these threads (“there’s a reason for the seasons”, etc)—-let me see what I can find from Foxfire on taunting.

(From May 2014 in another case:
This is very off topic:

“@Canaille, I realize your comment was not directed at me but thought I would add my two cents concerning the intelligence of the killers/perps.. Imo, the killer/s may not be intelligent. He/they may simply be lucky, or have honed their skills over years or even decades, imo.. Imo, due to the obvious indicators in this horrific crime, the perp/s are psychopath. I have learned through research that psychopaths, especially sadistic, malignant psychopathic sexual predators should never be underestimated..

Time and time again, they will fool even the most experienced homicide investigators, whether from small town Sheriffs departments or criminal profilers from the FBI BAU, Quantico, VA. With each unsuspecting innocent victim devoured, they will only escalate and become more brazen and elusive, until apprehended..

Indicators of an intelligent/organized psychopath/s imo;

Perp/s managed to eliminate the critical 'first 48 hours' of the investigation...

Perp/s utilized the window of opportunity of Derby Party/Cinco De Mayo to prevent detection..

Perp/s have evaded detection for 3+ weeks now..

Perp/s are obviously forensically & investigative aware, and likely monitoring, imo.

Perp/s have evaded the tremendous resources of the BAU2 and 40 FBI Special Agents, PCSO investigators, GA DNR, etc..for over three weeks..

Perp/s utilized multiple LE jurisdictions in the crime..

Perp/s utilized multiple crime scene locations...

Perp/s utilized multiple modes of transportation, imo..

Perp/s utilized deflecting, calculating, manipulative, and taunting behavior, imo.

* etc...”
GA - GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

(We miss ya buddy, love you!

Note to google “Foxfire” and “taunting” some more...I know he has commented on this quite a bit.))
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Delphi: Officials say Internet rumors can hurt investigation
Posted: 9:05 PM, Jan 20, 2019 Updated: 7:17 PM, Jan 20, 2019
By: Katie Cox , Rafael Sánchez

“DELPHI -- Recent articles and arrests have sparked a number of rumors as we get close to the two year mark for the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German in Delphi, but investigators say spreading misinformation can actually have a negative effect on the investigation.“


“Although Indiana State Police say they know the people they call “internet detectives” mean well, their speculations and rumors on social media can do more to hinder the investigation, than to help it.”
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“One rumor floating around in recent days has been the appearance of “new evidence” in the murder investigation.

Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby says he wants to stress to the public that there has not been any new evidence in the case. He says investigators are and will continue looking at the evidence they do have in new ways to make sure there isn’t something they’ve missed.

Sheriff Leazenby says all of the evidence from their investigation has been analyzed in the Indiana State Police labs as they continue to work with the FBI and Indiana State Police. He says there is no "new" evidence, but their investigators will continue to look for new ways to review the evidence that they already have.“

Delphi: Officials say Internet rumors can hurt investigation
-more at link

(My question here, “Sheriff Leazenby, can you please comment on the recent article by RO claiming a direct quote from you that new evidence was sent to Quantico before Christmas time? I’d like to please never quote this sleazy source again if you can confirm their story to be BS as they’re now making comments in Jayme Closs’ case which goes against what LE has said there as well.”)
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This is obviously an important development in this investigation. Some may garner closure from this, other's will surely find 15 pages full of questions from it.
As always, when events are afoot, it's good to get on with it rather than waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I am simply stymied by what you mean by horizon.

I had assumed Parabon had been consulted and that’s why his eyes were known to not be blue, because of DNA. It may have been eye witness evidence, though, and mistaken. Doesn’t the newest guy of interest have blue eyes?

It’s all so strange.
I am looking for the news video in Delphi in 2017 where a guy was walking by the town tracks in the background with a red cup in his hand. Can't find it in the media thread. I don't remember the channel but it was shortly after they found the girls. I just want to look at it again.

I recall that as well, and he did not look to me at all like BG, or this new guy. I thought, previously, he was ruled out.
Man's mugshot draws comparisons to sketch of Indiana teens' suspected killer
January 20, 2019

“After receiving multiple calls, Capt. Dave Bursten of the Indiana State Police assured the public the task force dedicated to finding the teens' case investigates every tip.

“I can promise you this: When an arrest is made of a suspect identified ... as the alleged perpetrator of the Delphi Murders, rest assured, we will let everyone know," Bursten said in a statement.”
Accused child molester investigated in 2017 murders of Indiana teens: report
January 20, 2019

“Nearly two years after their tragic deaths, the murders of Abby and Libby are still raw in the Delphi community, comprised of just 2,877 people and located in the farmlands about an hour from Indiana.”


“Capt. Dave Bursten, the chief public information officer for the Indiana State Police, assured the public that all tips submitted about the murders are investigated, whether they are publicized or not. He added that members of the multi-investigative team can't comment on specific actions taken in an ongoing case.

“We know it’s hard for the public and media to resist posting side-by-side comparisons on social media of people who are alleged to have committed heinous crimes and also resemble the sketch of the Delphi murder suspect," Bursten said.

The only positive result from these actions is it keeps this open investigation in the mind of the public," he continued. "What we really appreciate is when the public submits their tip information to either the tip email address of or calls the tip line at (844) 459-5786 to pass along their information.”“
This guy looks like he might be quite heavy...which was really not noted in original info on BG. And to me he has a look of someone who has been heavy awhile, not just recently, but jmo. Is his weight listed somewhere?
This guy looks like he might be quite heavy...which was really not noted in original info on BG. And to me he has a look of someone who has been heavy awhile, not just recently, but jmo. Is his weight listed somewhere?

I haven’t seen his weight mentioned anywhere, although after almost two years, life happens.

I have always thought BG was hunting that day, but for girls. The only reason I brought up that hunting stand was because I never felt we had a good understanding of it, and I get why others might connect that to the newest suspect.

There may be another (unidentifiable) guy who had an interest in hunting and I was just wondering about clues from that hunting stand. Any help or remembrance about that stand may be a clue. Probably not, but thinking.
Interesting article about serial killers, whether or not connected to this sicko

They get caught, she said, by sloppiness. They are better than the average criminal at avoiding detection until “they make a stupid mistake and then they’re caught.”

“They may do something so ridiculously silly that you wonder what in the world were they thinking,” she said. “They don’t think.”
Experts: Luck, normalcy aid serial killers in avoiding detection

Experts, the FBI say, agree that serial killers at some point become so convinced they are invincible that they make mistakes.
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