Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #112

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Very often small Nuances is all we have to go on, which in turn causes speculation and discussion.Agreement and disagreement so message is be careful of small Nuances. Before they turn from personal opinion in to fact always quote IMHO or any other derivative. I for one appreciate you being here.

I actually think he means local as in City /town of Delphi or surrounding area. Flora. Lafayette etc and probably 25 miles circumference of Delphi Just a personal opinion.


Thank you MingyMoo. Very good to know.
I agree that the comments made seem to suggest someone very close to the area. For some reason in conversations around here, Lafayette is not even mentioned. May mean something, may not. Many Delphi residents work in Lafayette, so to me that seems odd.

One opinion is that this person is prominent. Which would explain alot. Has that theory been discussed here?
For what its worth (probably about nothing), here is my "profile" on the guy.. .the way he looks and the way he talks and maybe what happened.

The way this guy dressed just looks to me like any 30-40 year old guy who is a farm laborer or a construction day laborer that makes very little money. He's had these pants for 30 years...these are straight legged before it became cool again. Just enough money to get by (you can tell by his clothes and his general look). He may live in a small farm house that he either inherited from a parent or uncle or maybe rents an small apartment on the back of a house of some woman that sectioned off to charge rent to help make ends meet.

He is very much a loner. He loves guns and knives but can't afford many of them. Maybe the sort of person who also reads gun and knife magazines and maybe even True Detective magazine....but he has not committed a major crime before. He blends in. Never hardly speaks. But works mostly in a barn shoveling out manure.

He's wandering on the trail and the girls giggle when they walk by each other and he mistakenly thinks they are laughing at him. He soars into a rage to teach them a lesson. Waits to see that the coast is clear in both directions and then goes back to scare them.

He has a weapon concealed in his jacket pocket. He is so angry (maybe he hates girls from back in school when they wouldn't talk to him) and now he goes to teach them a lesson for laughing at him now. It gets out of hand and before he realized it he has actually forced them to go down beside the bridge. He sees the terror in their eyes and then he realizes that he has done something that will get him in trouble. and they can identify him. he is screwed.

He then kills them and leaves the area quickly. He has read enough crime magazines to know not to change the way he looks and to come up with an alibi.

Anyway, sorry for the post that is 99% speculation... but I cannot imagine why anyone in their right mind would attack girls like this out on a trail and I am looking at the guy's photo and trying to imagine how these murders could possibly have happened from this guy.

Very interesting ideas. And ideas are all we really have given the lack of details given to the public. Can I play devil's advocate for a moment for fun?

If you are out for a day of hiking you don't wear your best clothes. And while he may rent a place, there is a surprisingly small amount of rentals in Delphi. Flora has a larger concentration of them.

Can I ask why you think a man would be enraged while trail walking by two girls merely laughing? Just curious. By no means dismissing you.

I can say you need to add pure evil to your profile of him. Truly evil.
I think the town of Delphi should encourage everyone to do the DNA kit thing and allow it to be Gedmatched. They should have 23andme or some group like that set up a booth in front of the court house and offer free test kits...

Just trying to think out of the box folks!!!!

Good idea, except knowing how suspicious some of the residents would be, I wonder how many would participate. I am guessing those who have engaged in criminal conduct, or who have family members who have outstanding warrants, or those who are just plain distrustful of LE would not show up.
Good idea, except knowing how suspicious some of the residents would be, I wonder how many would participate. I am guessing those who have engaged in criminal conduct, or who have family members who have outstanding warrants, or those who are just plain distrustful of LE would not show up.
But some may be so sure they're relatives are some completely innocent that they would take the test but they could be completely wrong!!! Or some my be curious if cousin so and so or Uncle so and so could be BG but scared to say so. This would be a sure fire way of finding out......
But some may be so sure they're relatives are some completely innocent that they would take the test but they could be completely wrong!!! Or some my be curious if cousin so and so or Uncle so and so could be BG but scared to say so. This would be a sure fire way of finding out......
Right, I think it is a good idea!
Thank you MingyMoo. Very good to know.
I agree that the comments made seem to suggest someone very close to the area. For some reason in conversations around here, Lafayette is not even mentioned. May mean something, may not. Many Delphi residents work in Lafayette, so to me that seems odd.

One opinion is that this person is prominent. Which would explain alot. Has that theory been discussed here?

Is this theory one that is taken seriously by the community? Does the idea of the killer being a prominent figure not imply a coverup of some sorts? I've been curious about this, and seen the idea floated, but it hasn't been something I've personally waded too deep into because of the possible negative implications on LE and the community.
Forgive me if I've taken your words the wrong way, however.
Thank you momma_k. It really helps to hear from a local . Your posts have been very informative and helpful regarding questions surrounding this horrible crime .

Question : it was said by KG or someone in the family that Libby was asking the entire week to go to the bridge and not just that particular day.
As you mentioned regarding teenagers, I too feel something was drawing the girls to the bridge area and not just one warm day.
I have read that the trails are a big teen hangout and a magnet for other unscrupulous behavior.
Is this true?
Also , do most locals including yourself think BG acted alone ?
Thank you again !
For what its worth (probably about nothing), here is my "profile" on the guy.. .the way he looks and the way he talks and maybe what happened.

The way this guy dressed just looks to me like any 30-40 year old guy who is a farm laborer or a construction day laborer that makes very little money. He's had these pants for 30 years...these are straight legged before it became cool again. Just enough money to get by (you can tell by his clothes and his general look). He may live in a small farm house that he either inherited from a parent or uncle or maybe rents an small apartment on the back of a house of some woman that sectioned off to charge rent to help make ends meet.

He is very much a loner. He loves guns and knives but can't afford many of them. Maybe the sort of person who also reads gun and knife magazines and maybe even True Detective magazine....but he has not committed a major crime before. He blends in. Never hardly speaks. But works mostly in a barn shoveling out manure.

He's wandering on the trail and the girls giggle when they walk by each other and he mistakenly thinks they are laughing at him. He soars into a rage to teach them a lesson. Waits to see that the coast is clear in both directions and then goes back to scare them.

He has a weapon concealed in his jacket pocket. He is so angry (maybe he hates girls from back in school when they wouldn't talk to him) and now he goes to teach them a lesson for laughing at him now. It gets out of hand and before he realized it he has actually forced them to go down beside the bridge. He sees the terror in their eyes and then he realizes that he has done something that will get him in trouble. and they can identify him. he is screwed.

He then kills them and leaves the area quickly. He has read enough crime magazines to know not to change the way he looks and to come up with an alibi.

Anyway, sorry for the post that is 99% speculation... but I cannot imagine why anyone in their right mind would attack girls like this out on a trail and I am looking at the guy's photo and trying to imagine how these murders could possibly have happened from this guy.
Good profile Justice. I also think we have to consider someone who is online a lot. Maybe someone who has fake social media accounts and likes to pretend they are someone else for escapism. I think it's entirely possible these girls may have been lured there in some way by someone like that.
I personally get the willies over the idea of giving up a DNA sample.
I wouldn't do it and it's not for fear of criminal activity but how health insurance carriers could use this info. It's all too new and we just don't know enough about it yet. I would love to know my ancestry but not willing to do that just yet.
I'm not quoting the specific post that I want to but the general thread... this is my first post -- go easy!
I was researching this today as I was curious as to if the lack (so far) of a DNA match collected from the alleged sample left by the suspect would mean he didn't have a criminal history. Stumbled upon an article that explained Indiana would begin sampling DNA from all felony arrests as of January 1st, 2018, whereas previously only felony convictions warranted this. I'm not from the US, let alone Indiana (I wish!), so other members will be better able to explain what this means in terms of significance (state charges vs federal?).
I just thought the timing of these proposed changes was interesting relative to the case, but that's just me reading into things, I'm sure.

New Indiana law requires DNA samples be collected following all felony arrests

If the only thing they have to go on is touch DNA then there is a huge web to untangle. DNA is not the be all and end all of everything. It is now a small part of a huge jigsaw puzzles every where. Touch DNA being the greatest mystery. That is why I think DNA is taking a while

I personally get the willies over the idea of giving up a DNA sample.
I know, me too. My sister said she'd pay for it but I said no thanks. So she got my Dad and my niece to do it haha. I just didn't want strangers having my DNA stored somewhere. Now if I commit a crime and they take it, well that's on me.
Hi momma K, I agree that the bridge was set up as a secret meeting place. It is just too hidden for anyone but someone who knows the area well. Also, the girls were led to a spot not visible from the bridge or trail. He knows the area well. Do you think BG came forward as being there the day of the murders but came forward as a witness? Is it possible BG went to law enforcement because he knew he was recognized and wanted to be a witness rather than a suspect?
Very interesting ideas. And ideas are all we really have given the lack of details given to the public. Can I play devil's advocate for a moment for fun?

If you are out for a day of hiking you don't wear your best clothes. And while he may rent a place, there is a surprisingly small amount of rentals in Delphi. Flora has a larger concentration of them.

Can I ask why you think a man would be enraged while trail walking by two girls merely laughing? Just curious. By no means dismissing you.

I can say you need to add pure evil to your profile of him. Truly evil.

Good questions.

Being embarrassed like that can happen to all of us. If you are insecure and can't handle people laughing at you, you fall apart.

I'll give you an example of myself when I was laughed at: I took my bicycle on vacation about 2 years ago. I was in my (tightly fitting) cycling jersey and to be honest, I weigh about 6'1" and a whopping 280 lbs... so I am NOT the typical skinny Tour de France looking cyclist. So, I had to stop for a red light. I was in the turn only lane in the left lane and these two young women pull up in a car next to me. I paid little attention but when I looked to my right at them, they were laughing uncontrollable and one was actually pulling back her arm after she had apparently pointed at me. It was about 10 seconds of very awkward embarrassment on both of our parts.

I'm sure they thought I was the fattest looking cyclist they had ever seen and what race could I possibly be in and that I was going to squash that poor bicycle. I was embarrassed for a little bit.. but I realized I am enjoying myself and don't care diddly about what other people think (to an extent). But then again, I am (pretty sure) that I am not an insecure psychopath.

I also think that is the tendency if someone suddenly starts laughing when you walk by, that may have set the guy off since there was nobody else around. He would not be grounded in the knowledge that teenage girls laugh at absolutely everything.

For some reason, I just don't think this abduction/murder was really planned much. But I certainly could be 100% wrong.
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One opinion is that this person is prominent. Which would explain alot. Has that theory been discussed here?

Absolutely! Some examples I have seen *discreetly* discussed include someone in political office, a prominent sports figure, a well-known pastor, a member of LE, and a tv news reporter. I think people latch on to someone in a prominent position b/c, to them, it helps explain why LE is so quiet and not wanting to rattle the perp too much too soon, and also because it adds a bit of excitement and mystery to the whole whodunnit.
JMO, MOO ...
If the only thing they have to go on is touch DNA then there is a huge web to untangle. DNA is not the be all and end all of everything. It is now a small part of a huge jigsaw puzzles every where. Touch DNA being the greatest mystery. That is why I think DNA is taking a while


That was definitely poor wording on my part - I didn't mean to imply that a lack of a match necessitates that the suspect and/or source of alleged DNA profile doesn't have a criminal history, only that no prior history could be of many reasons why no match has come back.

And you're right - if it truly is only trace/touch DNA, it has mainly been used to rule out suspects rather than to paint a picture of the perp.
Momma K, I would really be interested about any thought on the parked vehicle at the abandoned CPS building. Thanks for taking time explaining things from a "local" perspective. I am not far from Delphi although I have never been there. I did get my sweet puppy, Bubba, from someone in Flora so I have a fondness for that town.

Absolutely! Some examples I have seen *discreetly* discussed include someone in political office, a prominent sports figure, a well-known pastor, a member of LE, and a tv news reporter. I think people latch on to someone in a prominent position b/c, to them, it helps explain why LE is so quiet and not wanting to rattle the perp too much too soon, and also because it adds a bit of excitement and mystery to the whole whodunnit.
JMO, MOO ...
Discreet should remain discreet, as far as I know. It has nothing to do with excitement and mystery, but maybe with shocking and disappointing observations, which pile up to a mountain over the time of 2 years. One would like to know, how many Delphians have the same suspect and aren't telling anyone, not even the tip-line.
Thank you MingyMoo. Very good to know.
I agree that the comments made seem to suggest someone very close to the area. For some reason in conversations around here, Lafayette is not even mentioned. May mean something, may not. Many Delphi residents work in Lafayette, so to me that seems odd.

One opinion is that this person is prominent. Which would explain alot. Has that theory been discussed here?
Not discussed probably thought of. We cant discuss possibilities here without facts or MSM links. Trish quite rightly runs a tight ship

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