Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #115

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P.S. I saw a pic elsewhere of the young guy I think looks just like the NBG sketch showing me that he WAS in attendance at the 4/22 presser. And at least one of his parents I can see was there, as well.

Yes, but are you sure the LE knows? At first they wanted it to be DN so much, they were chasing out-of-state pedophiles.

When people say that someone steered LE the wrong way, sorry, I don’t buy it. The LE chose to believe, if they did so. It is their job to vet witnesses. They lost two years.

Then suddenly, they realized they missed something. And made 180 degrees turn. Well, I am not sure anymore. Maybe they are right, and maybe wrong again.
Yes, I do believe there was a big misdirection in this case, and it lasted over 2 years. I think there would have had to be for LE to pursue the wrong potential killer for so long. The PC was, to me at least, a public admittance of this. The ISP saying, not a direct quote here, that they were on to something early on also leads me to believe this. My opinion is the problem is with any DNA they might have. I think they have it but so far no match. Maybe you or someone else can answer this question for me. I taught school for over 30 years. One part of my curriculum was juvenile justice of the state on which I live. In my state, the prosecution part of LE makes the decision whether to move a case to adult court. However, if the accused is a juvenile at the time of the crime, the accused has to first appear in juvenile court to have the case formally moved to superior court. Is this how transfer of cases happens in Indiana?
I also don't think the audio was edited. But I don't believe they garbled any background noise.

When I listen through headphones, what I hear is deep running water, as in the creek, very nearby, and that noise follows right through his "down the hill," so I don't think it's been manipulated in any way. The other noises sound like walking through leaves. I've actually walked to the audio clip and those possible stepping sounds seems to match a natural pace.

I've always wondered if the audio was captured nearer the water than up by the bridge where so many people suggest he said it. JMO
When we were kids my brother and I would try to communicate underwater through the bathtub drains (with one in the upstairs bathtub and one in the downstairs tub) yelling short words loudly underwater toward the drain to see if the other could understand what we were saying.

??? Do you think the garbled part is anything like someone yelling with their head underwater ???

To me it always sounded like 3 words yelled, such as "put that down!" or "let me go!".
He is young. His hair looks yellow-brown, the same color as this thing on his face. I wonder if he did pit a nylon stocking on his hars, to limit DNA shedding. As well as covered lower part of his face with the similar material. Either the same stuff is covering his nose, so it looks bulbous, or he simply wears some nasal mask. I think it is someone local, but disguised to the extreme.

Not gonna lie, at first I thought "what a wild theory" but then I thought, damn, you might be on to something with the nylon. His face is so blurry, yet we see his pants moving and the outline of a gun in his jacket. Damn. You could be totally right.
Imo he’s over 30.

Whatever the case we are all waiting anxiously for an arrest, nothing has changed nor will it ever change until this monster is BEHIND BARS.

Has John Walsh gotten involved here yet?


Yeah now I’m doubting myself.

Who knows. Nobody knows.

It’s become a big mystery unfortunately hasn’t it?


Who's John Walsh?
When we were kids my brother and I would try to communicate underwater through the bathtub drains (with one in the upstairs bathtub and one in the downstairs tub) yelling short words loudly underwater toward the drain to see if the other could understand what we were saying.

??? Do you think the garbled part is anything like someone yelling with their head underwater ???

To me it always sounded like 3 words yelled, such as "put that down!" or "let me go!".
We didn't need expensive toys to amuse ourselves in the old days. :)

However, good point, but if it is in order (and it may not be) then the water would have come after the DTH bit. I think it is more like a threat that has been removed by LE, like "Guys, ( I have a gun so f'ing move it and get your f'ing butts) down the hill"
Who's John Walsh?
His son Adam was abducted & murdered :( Adam was taken while in a store looking at toys IIRC while his mom was waiting in line I think? Adam was decapitated...John Walsh has been an advocate for murdered children’s families ever since. MOO
ETA: Murder of Adam Walsh - Wikipedia
When we were kids my brother and I would try to communicate underwater through the bathtub drains (with one in the upstairs bathtub and one in the downstairs tub) yelling short words loudly underwater toward the drain to see if the other could understand what we were saying.

??? Do you think the garbled part is anything like someone yelling with their head underwater ???

To me it always sounded like 3 words yelled, such as "put that down!" or "let me go!".
That's hilarious :p:D The bathtub thingy! Silly things we do as children :)

When my son pocket dials me and he's on a rooftop servicing something, that's what it sounds like, especially if it's windy.
Everything below is JMO, speculation and thoughts...

In the absence of LE releasing further info since April 22nd, I know that many of us have been watching as many YouTube videos that we can get our hands on to get as much info about this case as possible.

Although many of these videos have been a valuable resource for us with respect to timelines, witness sightings, debunking rumors, etc. they are not a from the 'horses mouth' source of info that can only come from L.E.

I am also keeping in mind that the reason while LE has been so tight-lipped on DNA and witness sightings is to preserve their case.

I am having trouble validating that a person calling into a YouTuber would be in possession of such valuable information about DNA found at the crime scene that they would feel it is okay to release it.

In an important case like this, I don't think that L.E. discusses any crime scene details with close family or friends, or leaks out info, no matter whom they are speaking with. It just doesn't seem like a standard practice, especially since most of the key players involved and in who are in possession of such info in this case are so dedicated to seeing this case solved and the killer arrested and brought to justice.

In addition, should this person have an 'insider resource', they would be better off containing the information they are given in order to obtain additional information if they are that interested in the case, and not be disclosing it to the general public so that their identity can be discovered and possible repercussions can take place.

I am taking much of this info about 'touch DNA on the shoulder' with a very fine grain of salt. I am not losing hope that LE will have something solid to connect the killer to this crime.

On a different note, this was shared in another group and I found it helpful and interesting with respect to CODIS and DNA Submissions.

His clothes, shoes/boots and his weapon are somewhere waiting to be found, and there is evidence of this crime on all of those things.

He went home that day and sat on his couch, used his bathroom and slept in his bed. Traces of those girls are where he lives, whether he realizes it or not.

The evidence is there. L.E. will find it.

Again, JMO

I agree and I do not know why this person is even sharing this info or how reliable it is. Because he calls into an allowed source does not make him a reputable source. I put this information in the same category as the public comments on a MSM article, which normally we are not allowed to discuss, generally because it is unreliable. I hope LE have spoken to him and GH.
There was a lawyer (a DA, I believe) who retired and then went back to work sometime just before the 4/22/19 presser. Is that lawyer still working? I recall some people speculating that he returned to work because this case was close to being solved and that there had been an arrest of someone for a different crime just prior to the presser.
Yes he is I believe (Ives). He came back to work primarily to cover for an assistant prosecutor being off sick and there was speculation, because it was around the same times as the murder and arrests in my signature case.
Dear @155etta,

Great point!

Do you think that the possibility of someone misleading the investigation at that time may have caused this not to be solved quickly?

The April press conference seemed to infer something like an intentional misleading of the case, in my opinion.

Yes. And if it's true, they have to know now who mislead them. MOO
Any thoughts on how LE might know the killer stayed for 20 min after the murders? Would there be a way forensically to tell?
assuming that caller isn’t just full of it.
Maybe the caller is a witness and saw BG, knows a witness who saw BG, knows who BG is, knows someone who knows who BG is, knows someone in LE who has blabbed or is speculating like we are..
The other thing could be the TOD was different, if that could be determined down to that small timeframe. They may also have the recording continuing to record while he is still at the crime scene cleaning up or changing his clothes etc.

I often wonder if he found the phone and smashed it or took it with him and tossed it near BBR. AJMO.
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^^^ All of this!

I also hear DC saying in my mind on TV that one day he will share what the "Shack" reference was about. I am confident he knows who it was, they just have a hard time putting the evidence and the perp in the same location at the same time.
Have you or anybody else on here actually read the book the Shack? If so, did anything in particular strike you as similar to this case?
Any thoughts on how LE might know the killer stayed for 20 min after the murders? Would there be a way forensically to tell?
assuming that caller isn’t just full of it.
Maybe by the amount of clean-up at the scene? Maybe killer was spotted walking out of the trails? Maybe Libby's phone played a part in the timeframe, if it was deactivated in a way that someone had to do it and that time period was when DG was searching? So the killer had to be still there.
Have you or anybody else on here actually read the book the Shack? If so, did anything in particular strike you as similar to this case?

I have. I also watched the movie but I don't know the particulars anymore. One thing that the author showed in the book was how Mack, the girl's dad leads his friend who is LE I think to the place he saw in his comatose dream, where the perpetrator hid his daughter. That wasn't in the movie IIRC.
The girl in The Shack was found in a cave, face up, covered by a dirty sheet. That's pretty much all in the movie too. I think I'd have to watch it again and then read the book again to give you more details though.

The girl was abducted in the woods too. It wasn't specifically said, I think, but I was led to believe that she was sexually assaulted.
Yes, and it may have been BG himself! DG: "We may have interviewed you, or someone close to you."

Ding, ding, ding!

JMO -- the suspect (or a good friend or an immediate family member of his) intentionally misled LE. Agreeing with other posters re: the 4/22/19 PC -- that LE was a.) directly speaking to the killer, and also b.) indirectly acknowledging that LE had been given information by someone with a deceptive mindset, and that LE had taken it as reality, unfortunately.

Also agreeing with @Mike Britton's earlier post here: that Mom should "come forward"! But...will she? (What do WS moms think? Would you turn in one of your own offspring, if you knew that they were responsible for such a crime? Would the quarter of a million $$$ be enough to convince you? Or... "not so much"? At what point does a parent -- especially a mom -- skip "family loyalty" in order to "teach a lesson" regarding justice? Ever?)
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