Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #127

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.... unfortunately probably with a nice, impressive look from head to toe, smart, successful (outside his evil escapades), with friends and a female partner - won't say: never, but hardly to identify as a "walking perversion, an anomaly, a reject of nature, a freak".
Probably he has a lot of acquaintances, also in higher-up places, who aren't in the least interested in this man being unmasked as a possibly killer. I don't say, they know and are covering the crime/s. Maybe, they don't know (only suspecting him now and then?) and they fGs don't want to know in their own lifetime.
I believe, that's one of the problems here with the Abby/Libby case, and the video and sketch #2 didn't help, unfortunately. IMO all together.
In 2019 I hoped, it would make sense and perhaps would be conducive a bit, using sketch #2 as an avatar. It seems, I could have used just another pic. :(
I agree-- the release of Sketch2 could be anyone and does absolutely nothing with the release of Sketch1
but according to Carter--it could be a mixture of both???
I, for one, am not buying it
I agree with your post. I feel someone has to recognize that peculiar walk/gait. I have a gut instinct he knew the area well, I wonder if 'any' activities happen at all are in the woods, like do people/possibly homeless/someone in tent in any area of woods at all? In NJ we have this... I also have lived in neighborhood that had a pretty lot of transient type people, renting low income in and around my neighborhood. I wonder about this...
there is a lot that goes on at that bridge, JMO
Sometimes i wonder if BG would be caught if one of the girls had gotten away. Would she have been able to help identify him?

we have speculated that maybe one of the girls could’ve gotten away but chose to stay with her friend. I wonder if he had concerns about One of them getting away and getting help. Maybe he was in such an altered mental state that he did not think about that.
I would say had one of the girls escaped it may have been a more positive outcome. LE would have been immediately on the scene & as BG would have been expecting such, he may not have killed the other girl or had time to cover his tracks. Other than that his identify would have still remained a mystery.

And as I have already stated, many people are under the impression that BG has never been identified by the public. I know of more than one person who has given the same name.

LE know the identity but need more people to come forward, perhaps with knowledge of his background or other attacks within the community.
I know I'd love to hear at least some details about why BOTH sketches were not released in Feb 2017. They were both drawn in the days following the murders based on persons seen by witnesses in the area. So, why did LE opt to prioritize one over the other at the beginning of the investigation? Why not release both and, if either of the men portrayed in those sketches was there but innocent, he might have come forward? WHY the complete turnaround to dismiss the first sketch and to focus the investigation instead on the person portrayed in the second sketch released over two years after it was drawn?

Did LE find the man portrayed in the first sketch released and he had some kind of solid alibi?

Did LE find the man portrayed in the first sketch and he was working there that day with the man portrayed in the second sketch, but it was under coercion or he had no idea the other guy was going to so far as to commit murders?

Was the man portrayed in the first sketch working with LE beginning in April 2019, when the second sketch was released?

Did the witness from whose memory the first sketch was drawn retract her claims to have seen the man portrayed in the first sketch on the trails that day? And if so, why?

ETA: To ask for the people of the community of Delphi and nearby communities to look closely at those in their families, neighborhoods, community, work or school or vendor associations and to turn in a tip about them if they sound like, walk like, have a posture like, or resemble the sketches or the shot from LG's video or the video itself without SOME reasonable explanation about why they were at one time looking for a face that looks like that portrayed in Sketch One, but now are looking for a face that looks like that portrayed in Sketch Two seems a very lot to ask. Under those circumstances, tips about more distant associations would seem more likely than tips about close associations. And perhaps if LE revealed WHY the switch, that explanation itself may point to someone. (Such as if he bullied someone else who had a compromised reputation to participate.)
Well, when they released the 2nd sketch, they said it could be a "combination" of the 2
so there you go. They don't have a clue, IMO
Here is a link to the ISP page That shows bg walking on the bridge.
ISP: Delphi Homicide Investigation

It looks to me like he steps forward with his left foot and then his right foot comes in and he kind of touches one ankle to the other before stepping forward on the right foot.
Am I explaining that clearly?
I have seen posters speculate that he is turning to walk toward one of the girls but could it be some weird OCD thing with as walk? If so, that would be something a person who knew him would definitely recognize regardless of whatever disguise or extra clothes he could be wearing.
I wondered what was meant when they asked the public to watch his mannerisms. I didn’t see any mannerisms in the very short clip they gave us. And I have thought that anything about his walk can be explained away by the condition of the bridge. But, I watched this clip last night and noticed it looks more like a deliberate sort of clicking his ankles together before he takes a step.
The spaces between the bridge boards are awful and the condition of them are rotted.
I can see why BG had his head down while trying to walk across.
on the flip side, with how he walks across bridge, tells me, he has done it before.
There was no way I was walking across it after I saw the condition of it.
Even then they didn’t really ask the public for help, if that means helping them with investigative ideas. They wanted a tip from somebody who is able to identify the suspect.
Correct--they asked for tips from anyone who recognized his mannerisms.
LE did not ask for public's help other than that "LAST PIECE OF THE PUZZLE"
whatever that may be.
From January 2020
ISP Road Show about the Delphi case.

I found the information provided by ISP DC starting at time code: 8:38, in the above linked video, helpful.

IMO, all that is left is naming the person involved who was identified as in the area and depicted on the bridge.

Sketch one was not replaced by sketch two. It became secondary. That was stated in the most current 2019 news conference.
Or could be a "combination " of the two
Yes, none of us here are mind readers, unfortunately, and the flow of the conversation was definitely moving back and forth between both crimes. IMO LE in a lot of unsolved cases, including Delphi, will be careful to say "person or persons" - even if they really think one person is involved - just because until a case is tried and settled you don't want to commit to one perpetrator just on the off chance someone else was involved, even peripherally.

My interpretation remains that when Carter said "either individual" he was referring to the perpetrators of both the Flora and Delphi crimes, not just of Delphi. But, it's JMO. I would probably think complete differently if they weren't just discussing Flora, the fact that both of the crimes happened in such a short span, and the fact that they are evidently missing "just one piece of the puzzle" to solve either crime.

I don't think the two crimes are connected.
DBM--sorry @Sillybilly I did not see your post before I posted
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I agree that we will most likely learn that BG was not a criminal mastermind. Probably he’s not particularly intelligent or exceptional in anyway. He probably did not have this as planned out as we might think but just got lucky.
I can believe that if he’s local that others have definitely identified him. If that is the case I just can’t understand how they cannot charge him with anything unless they don’t have DNA or his DNA can be explained away easily.

Kelsi said something in an interview that I never understood. I don’t remember her words exactly. It was her response to someone asking if she was afraid for her safety with her sisters killer on the loose. What you said in your post reminded me of this. That the community it’s not in danger. Early on in 2017 they said the community wasn’t in danger. I want to believe what they said was true it is just hard to imagine this scenario unless the killer or killers died or went to jail shortly after the murders.

Just curious, can you think of another example when LE has informed people in any community they’re in danger because a murder was discovered the following day, the killer unidentified? The only examples I can think of involve active shooting/criminal incidents and so LE instructs people in the area to stay indoors or away from a specific area until the situation is resolved in order to keep innocent people safe.

I know the comment about danger gets mentioned a lot as if it’s meaningful, not only this case but others as well - but I just can’t imagine LE informing a community it’s in danger when there’s no identifiable or imminent threat occurring at that point in time.
Me speculating, too...

He had the day off from work, in fact may have been on unemployment due to being a seasonal worker.

I've thought this for some time, re: BG's occupations and why he would have been there when it was a regular work day for most people in this region of the country. I'd also thought "shift worker", and I know for sure that various large-scale factories were canvassed by LE in the weeks after the murders, locals here have talked about it since I moved to central IN in recent weeks. However even though various true crime cases have involved off-duty shift workers over the years, I don't picture a shift worker from an off-shift hanging out at the MHB to stalk people, they usually stalk and attack closer to home or work. After their shift has ended. At least in the cases I've researched in recent years.

I'm picturing a seasonal worker or someone with time on their hands during their work schedule, which obviously leaves the possibilities wide-open.

Or someone who worked within the school district who knew school was off that day. JMO

Wasn't this President's Day or Lincoln's Birthday?

My office is in a county courthouse. I work both those days, and Veteran's Day, while technically the Courthouse is closed & most County employees are off.

This could account for BG's scheduling freedom.

jmho ymmv lrr
Feb 20th, 2017 was Presidents day that year.
But great thought !!!
While I believe certain occupations such construction of tall buildings tend to have persons with less fear of heights, I don't believe looking at those professions will lead us to this killer. Such a person crossing the bridge could just as well be a CPA as someone who cleans windows on multi-story buildings while standing on a scaffold. (Purely an example here as any CPA would definitely be smack in the middle of tax season with the corporate tax return deadline a month away at that point in time.) Not long after the murders a lady made a video of herself and her significant other (BF? Husband? I don't remember) walking across the bridge and then walking down the hill on the other side. Just recently a YouTube producer, Tyler Draper, made a video of himself crossing the bridge on his first trip to Delphi and his past occupation was physical education teacher in an elementary school.

I do tend to believe this killer had been on that trail and bridge sometime in his past. Not because he was comfortable walking over the bridge, though. But rather because he was aware of the existence of the trail and the area off-trail walking toward the creek from the other end. IOW, he was familiar with that area in general and not just the bridge.

I am not a 3-dimensional person, but with a phone and Google maps, probably even I could navigate myself around Delphi.

Hence, when LE says he is familiar with Delphi, it might mean one of two things:

A) they know how the girls went down the hill or crossed the creek, and somewhere along the route, there are shortcuts. Because this is exactly what Google maps won't know.

B) or else, someone recognized the person, or what they have of the DNA, matches someone to a T. In other words, they know. They are afraid it is not enough to secure a conviction, but, they 99.9% know.
Sometimes i wonder if BG would be caught if one of the girls had gotten away. Would she have been able to help identify him?

we have speculated that maybe one of the girls could’ve gotten away but chose to stay with her friend. I wonder if he had concerns about One of them getting away and getting help. Maybe he was in such an altered mental state that he did not think about that.

I doubt he was in an altered mental state. He "cleaned after himself" well, it seems. (Made a scene but left nothing that would point at him, otherwise he'd be caught already).

I think that he had no plan of letting a witness go away. If the witness was Abby. If he was targeting Abby, then Libby was more of a protector, and was killed to remove her from his beeline to Abby.

I don't think he cares, one or two. I think he plans. But it doesn't mean he's not normal, or looks cold when he plans. During contemplation phase, he is probably like we all are. Anxious, for example, like lots of guys are, you know? He may be an involved father, he might be going to therapy with his wife, and regularly renewing wows. He is probably somewhat irritable.

His external layer is not necessarily ordinary, but is very common. It is the inner core that is so scary.

I made a mental exercise, after which things became more clear to me.

In short, I don't think BG is a roofer, unless he is a habitual serial killer.

If he is not a SK, this is not a crime of passion. It is a cool, calculated murder, of a very good planner.
A case like this is over "rural law enforcement's" head, which is why the state cops are involved. Indiana is the 1th largest state by population, and Indianapolis is the 17th largest city in the US by population, right between San Francisco and Seattle.

(BBM and snipped by me). Luckily, not, or we'd be toast, lol. Not even by the density of its population. But you probably mistakenly erased 7, because it is nr 17.

State Population: United States 2019 | Statista.
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I am not a 3-dimensional person, but with a phone and Google maps, probably even I could navigate myself around Delphi.

Hence, when LE says he is familiar with Delphi, it might mean one of two things:

A) they know how the girls went down the hill or crossed the creek, and somewhere along the route, there are shortcuts. Because this is exactly what Google maps won't know.

B) or else, someone recognized the person, or what they have of the DNA, matches someone to a T. In other words, they know. They are afraid it is not enough to secure a conviction, but, they 99.9% know.
I'm tending to B), IMO.

Would Abby/Libby have known shortcuts, because they were local?
Would Abby/Libby have known shortcuts and he followed the girls, when they tried to escape?
Well, when they released the 2nd sketch, they said it could be a "combination" of the 2
so there you go. They don't have a clue, IMO

My interpretation:
If there are two of them, who are responsible, they are related to one another and have remarkable similarities.
If there is only one perp, he looks very much like the sketch #2.
I think, they HAVE a clue.
(BBM and snipped by me). Luckily, not, or we'd be toast, lol. Not even by the density of its population. But you probably mistakenly erased 7, because it is nr 17.

State Population: United States 2019 | Statista.
LOL You're right; I must have accidentally missed or deleted the 7. I meant to type 17th for both Indiana and Indianapolis.

I can't fix it now; Websleuths has this ridiculous restriction that posts can only be edited for one hour.
I am not a 3-dimensional person, but with a phone and Google maps, probably even I could navigate myself around Delphi.

Hence, when LE says he is familiar with Delphi, it might mean one of two things:

A) they know how the girls went down the hill or crossed the creek, and somewhere along the route, there are shortcuts. Because this is exactly what Google maps won't know.

B) or else, someone recognized the person, or what they have of the DNA, matches someone to a T. In other words, they know. They are afraid it is not enough to secure a conviction, but, they 99.9% know.
If B, I would think they might arrest him for something else, while conducting further studies. They wouldn’t let him roam free.

amateur opinion and speculation
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