Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #130

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I know it’s been mentioned but there are really good discussions/inputs that are different on earlier threads.
It made me sad while reading them how hopeful most people were (including me) knowing an arrest still hasn’t happened yet.

Thread after the 2nd presser starts at the end of thread 89

I thought a few posts on this page were informative
Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #98

Interesting thoughts on 2nd presser:
Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #90
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I bet people in that town are suspecting every male they see.

I think the town (including LE) struggled with this at first and some still do. They don't accept that its someone from their town or immediate area. Its that small rural town "exceptionalism" that says "we're good people who don't do that. We're better than those other people outside our town who came in and did this."

They've probably come around since then,but from the interviews in the HLN special, you can tell that many thought for a long time that it was an outsider.

They also resisted outside expert opinion and advice on a few things, which they now regret. They're moving forward, though.
I've thought about this last point a couple of times. Maybe he has other victims that haven't been found because no one really knows where they were last seen and murdered not far from where he encountered them.

LE finding the bodies so fast, was a huge advantage in this case. Time is not on evidence's side. So many times when a body is outside, and left for days or even weeks, evidence is destroyed. Even COD, can be masked. Animals take stuff, mess with the crime scene, not to be gross but they also get at the body and take off with, well parts of the body. Decomposition will destroy DNA. Kiss it goodbye if decom soaks it into something you think may have had evidence of DNA on it. The elements, sun, rain, the wind, all mess your crime scene. So them being found so fast was truly an huge advantage to LE.
A whole lot of weight has been placed on the accuracy of the sketches (too much IMO). Imagine if a witness had went public and eventually there is an arrest but the sketch the witness assisted in creating looked nothing like him other than he was caucasian with two eyes, a nose and mouth - imagine the public rage that would be directed toward this person for leading the public astray and impeding an arrest from occurring sooner. All those FB members searching, searching for look-alike images, what a waste.

Not to mention that eyewitness reports are notoriously unreliable, in general, and it's doubly so when it comes to faces (something that takes the brain a great deal of work to dissect and, therefore, recall correctly).
Why Science Tells Us Not to Rely on Eyewitness Accounts:

Like others have pointed out, no real information has been released in this case for about two years. Many are understandably still outraged and bothered by it, but I feel like you do: way too much time has been wasted on trying to figure out tiny details for which we simply don't have the required information.

For those of us who obviously don't know BG/YG personally, how accurate the police sketch is, makes very little difference.
I really hope the FBI is monitoring every IP address in that town to see who is frequently checking up on this case. You know the perp must be. I bet most of the innocent people who live there only check about it every once in while bc it’s probably too sad and depressing to think about. It’s easier to read about a case when you’re far removed from it. But the perp... that’s another story. My guess is he checks daily for any new news, rumors, the works.

LOL, well I hope they aren't checking here, or we all be in a world of trouble LOL JK. But I wouldn't be surprised to find he reads here or other forums to just get information or read about himself....
Not to mention that eyewitness reports are notoriously unreliable, in general, and it's doubly so when it comes to faces (something that takes the brain a great deal of work to dissect and, therefore, recall correctly).
Why Science Tells Us Not to Rely on Eyewitness Accounts:

Like others have pointed out, no real information has been released in this case for about two years. Many are understandably still outraged and bothered by it, but I feel like you do: way too much time has been wasted on trying to figure out tiny details for which we simply don't have the required information.

For those of us who obviously don't know BG/YG personally, how accurate the police sketch is, makes very little difference.

Spot on! That is why I said, look at the video, that you know is real, and listen to the voice, it is real and something to hold onto. People didn't get interviewed right away as to what or who they saw that day. Even if a day went by, which I would say it was longer, could you tell me who parked next to you when you last food shopped, or in a check out line? Not me. I forget why I went in there in the first place some days. JK
I agree, however many males are now balded into their 30s too. On the 2nd sketch, I have not seen anything to indicate the person saw him without a hat. Having said's something I find curious too: The LE have really kept a tight lid on the witnesses who've claimed to have seen him on the trail that day. I think if the family knows who the witnesses are they are also keeping extremely quiet on that aspect. Not sure if its to deeply protect those identities from the killer or what. Normally you would see the 'witnesses' appearing on various news reports.

The topic of witnesses and why we don't know who they are was addressed on a HLN "extra" with the reporters of the Down the Hill podcast. It was linked and summarized a few pages back. But basically, the reporters say that 1. There is an element of fear among the witnesses because the killer has not yet been caught, and 2. One of the main witnesses is teenage (which is a very good reason not to parade this person publicly IMO). According to the reporters, the teenage witness, a female, spoke a few words to the suspect and he spoke a few words back to her. She was able to quickly go in a different direction and avoided harm.
Lots of great posts recently! I love it!

I have previously stated that I think if a prosecuting attorney would give the press conferences we may have a clearer picture. No offense to LE but a lawyer talking at least in this instance lol would be more clear and concise to the rest of us who are consistently left wondering wtf! The more we research and reiterate the more befuddled this becomes. Anything less cryptic would be helpful and this is part of what doesn’t make sense to me. IMO

Believe it or not, current prosecuting attorney McClelland gave one in 2019 and no one here ever talks about it. We've shredded every word Carter ever said looking for hidden meaning but have not discussed this press conference in two years. Leazenby, Carter, Riley, FBI agent Youmara, and McClelland were all there but McClelland does most of the talking:
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Believe it or not, current prosecuting attorney McClelland gave one in 2019 and no one here ever talks about it. We've shredded every word Carter ever said looking for hidden meaning but have not discussed this press conference in two years. Leazenby, Carter, Riley, FBI agent Youmara, and McClelland were all there but McClelland does most of the talking:
If there was anything in there to shred, I missed it. I couldn't hear the questions but the answers were mostly 'sorry, we can't discuss that'.

They did briefly mention Flora and that it was still a very active investigation.
They should, but remember DC said he must have confided in someone? If this someone is his partner, he can get the news from the person. Another way, you know how today you can subscribe to your local news, for free? Then all newspapers, such as the one with TL’s article, or all pressers, will be automatically coming to him. He doesn’t need to monitor our forum because we don’t know more than LE says, and in our guesses, he is not interested. JMO.
Yes, he doesn't have to monitor this forum. But I wouldn't doubt he does as a guest, that way he wouldn't have to register. I don't doubt it is difficult to determine who is viewing as a guest, if it can even be done at all.
They should, but remember DC said he must have confided in someone? If this someone is his partner, he can get the news from the person. Another way, you know how today you can subscribe to your local news, for free? Then all newspapers, such as the one with TL’s article, or all pressers, will be automatically coming to him. He doesn’t need to monitor our forum because we don’t know more than LE says, and in our guesses, he is not interested. JMO.
Maybe, what DC said, means: your accomplice is knowing as much as you; you are not the only one, who knows, and you have to pay attention all the time! (NOT meaning, BG confided in someone.) IMO
If there was anything in there to shred, I missed it. I couldn't hear the questions but the answers were mostly 'sorry, we can't discuss that'.

They did briefly mention Flora and that it was still a very active investigation.

For every other press conference, posters have questioned and discussed at length things like who stood on the dais, where the speaker looked in the room, and different officials' demeanor. So I just find it funny that this press conference is totally forgotten. I do agree that it doesn't add much to the conversation but it's what was asked for - the prosecuting attorney leading a press conference.
Every detail of this case has been looked at and dissected
in these threads. JMO, but, I don't think we've missed a detail or clue that might lead us to BG. Unless LE gives more info, BG comes forward, or gets caught by LE, or someone comes forward either to LE or behind the scenes we don't have enough to solve this.

With that being said, I'm glad this thread is still open and we are able to keep this case alive.
Believe it or not, current prosecuting attorney McClelland gave one in 2019 and no one here ever talks about it. We've shredded every word Carter ever said looking for hidden meaning but have not discussed this press conference in two years. Leazenby, Carter, Riley, FBI agent Youmara, and McClelland were all there but McClelland does most of the talking:

If I remember correctly, I thought this press conference was a complete waste of time. McClelland appeared uninterested. He answered nothing which is par for the course and instructed us all on what a “good” tip would be. It was borderline insulting in my opinion. I think that’s why we don’t talk about it.
If I remember correctly, I thought this press conference was a complete waste of time. McClelland appeared uninterested. He answered nothing which is par for the course and instructed us all on what a “good” tip would be. It was borderline insulting in my opinion. I think that’s why we don’t talk about it.
I always thought that they were sleep walking through that entire Feb 2019 PC. It was as if they felt obligated to have a conference but really didn't know what to add or say. If that is true, it may be the reason we've not had a 2020 or 2021 PC. I don't really believe we learned much, if anything, in the HLN 2 hour program. But without a PC by LE, I'm glad HLN did that program. It keeps the case in the public's eye.
For every other press conference, posters have questioned and discussed at length things like who stood on the dais, where the speaker looked in the room, and different officials' demeanor. So I just find it funny that this press conference is totally forgotten. I do agree that it doesn't add much to the conversation but it's what was asked for - the prosecuting attorney leading a press conference.
I thought Carter was really twitchy.. fiddling with his nose, rolling his shoulders and neck. Maybe stress was getting to him. The FBI agent was sure short and to the point. It seemed like an introduction to the new attorney type of conference. Not a memorable one.
I'm not in any way insinuating anything but does anyone know if the LE / folks working the case will have had DNA / fingerprints taken to eliminate them from the enquiry ?
Cops generally are good folks, but you do occasionally get a bad one, and sometimes a REALLY BAD ONE.

Hearing the statements at pressers such as "hiding in plain sight" and "could be in this room have always bothered me tbh. The chances are it's probably bollocks but you just never know.......
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Yes, he doesn't have to monitor this forum. But I wouldn't doubt he does as a guest, that way he wouldn't have to register. I don't doubt it is difficult to determine who is viewing as a guest, if it can even be done at all.
Like BG was probably interviewed by LE after the crime, so we probably have talked to him unknowingly or in a hesitant way. It's a creepy feeling from time to time. :(
I keep forgetting that the video of BG was taken what, 60 feet away? (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) So the picture we see is zoomed in and very pixelated. I have to keep reminding myself of that when I think I'm sure of what I see regarding BG.

You’re right. The video and the photos give the impression Libby was standing right in front of BG, holding the cellphone in front of her face while videoing him. But as you say the distance was about 60 feet so what we see has been substantially enlarged.

As LE have the entire video, they know the before and after. But I recall an early Dr Phil show featuring the family and BP said she believed Libby held the cellphone in her hand down beside her, surreptitiously making a sort of sweeping motion which managed to capture a brief glimpse of him. If so, the original video taken during movement was even more blurry than if the camera had been held steady.
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