Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #144

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Question for you based on your experience: Do you believe it's possible that some of the things that LE said in that interview are false? That is, they exaggerated or made up some claims to try to draw KAK out?

I can’t see what is true and what is false I don’t have the Case information for me however if you read the transcript you will see that he is acknowledging or denying things they say and selectively forgetful about certain things as well

as far as I’ve read and I have not completed the whole transcript I have not seen anywhere what would indicate they were using deception to get him to trip up, they were just reciting the facts and he was either confirming denying or claiming forgetfulness or ignorance about certain things

however a lot of it doesn’t add up on his part
Of all the things KAK says and doesn’t say in the interview, there’s one thing that sticks with me. Page 131, lines 20-21 “two little girls getting killed in a town that’s right by me. And that persons out here somewhere.”
It’s his use of the word HERE, instead of there. When I read “here” in that statement I believe it’s his admission to being the killer, or being in the company of killer. JMO
If it is true that LE can distinguish that at leaset 2 different persons have been communicating from the AS account, then I would guess that LE has an idea whether it was KK or the other user, who were the last to communicate with the girls.
Same account, same location is how I read it.

From page 156 of the transcript:

"Regardless of what you say, there are two different authors...Right? They're not the same person. They're not both you. They're both your devices but...the phrasing's different. It changes. It's not the same person.....So we have multiple account log ins, with SnapChat. We have two different people using Kik Messenger, talking to people from your residence..."

It's important to note that the Kik messages are the ones that contain the "daddy" stuff - and those, too, are linked not just to his devices but his actual residence.


Thank you so much! I tried to muddle through the lengthy transcript, but I wasn't able up decipher much. There are so many interruptions back and forth.
And if he was living in Peru* maybe he just walked over and connected to their WiFi or used the library’s to avoid being traceable.

*Edit: at that time. We know JBC lived in Peru but I would need to check the timeline again on if at that time.

He was living in Kokomo at the time but his immediate family still live in Peru, which is about a 25-30min drive north of Kokomo
I think multiple people had his log in details as being the kind of person he is means he would of kept some bad company.

When I look at the sketches he isn’t a fit at all and they took those sketches form witnesses. So how could they of got them so wrong if it is him?

When I look at the sketches he isn’t a fit at all and they took those sketches form witnesses. So how could they of got them so wrong if it is him?

Eyewitness Testimony and Memory Biases | Noba

Eyewitnesses are often wrong. You've certainly heard of the social-psych experiment in which someone bursts into a classroom, has a brief argument with the instructor, and shoots him (with a fake gun.) The class describes the attacker, and the descriptions are all over the pace: "It was a cowboy, 7 feet tall, African-American, with a pet penguin on a leash!" Next person: "It was an old fat woman in a Santa costume, holding a machine gun!" Next person: "Three midgets standing on each others' shoulders, and they all shot at the same time with 6.5mm Manlicher-Carcano rifles from the Texas Schoolbook Depository!" Eyewitness evidence is VERY prone to errors, it seems.
Let's remember what KK was involved in and admitted to: engaging known underage girls to obtain pornographic material for personal use and/or distribution. That is a crime, he is not just some dorky, overweight guy hiding behind a computer trying to be an innocent internet friend here.

At the very least he is guilty of child *advertiser censored* and at worst..........??? It's no coincidence that he spoke to Libby the night before she and Abby were murdered and lied to LE when questioned about the circumstances. If you read the entire transcript, it's very telling IMO.

ETA: Here are actual charges: KK is charged in Miami County with 30 counts, including possession of child *advertiser censored*, child exploitation, child solicitation and synthetic identity deception. He was arrested in August 2020.
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Let's remember what KK was involved in and admitted to: engaging known underage girls to obtain pornographic material for personal use and/or distribution. That is a crime, he is not just some dorky, overweight guy hiding behind a computer trying to be an innocent internet friend here.

At the very least he is guilty of child *advertiser censored* and at worst..........??? It's no coincidence that he spoke to Libby the night before she and Abby were murdered and lied to LE when questioned about the circumstances. If you read the entire transcript, it's very telling IMO.


Nope that’s true but putting him on that bridge which wasn’t a easy walk with his weight and size I don’t see it. He also hasn’t been arrested or charged with this despite the cops knowing he was in contact with them the night before.
Nope that’s true but putting him on that bridge which wasn’t a easy walk with his weight and size I don’t see it. He also hasn’t been arrested or charged with this despite the cops knowing he was in contact with them the night before.
Not yet anyway.

I also don't see what his size has to do with being able or not to tip toe across that bridge? We don't know how long it took him to cross it.

Again, my opinion only.
Not yet anyway.

I also don't see what his size has to do with being able or not to tip toe across that bridge? We don't know how long it took him to cross it.

Again, my opinion only.

Tip Toe - I have to laugh he wasn’t 7 stone. He also couldn’t chase after them. I have seen videos and that bridge wouldn’t of been a easy walk for somebody half his size.

Thank you so much! I tried to muddle through the lengthy transcript, but I wasn't able up decipher much. There are so many interruptions back and forth.
It took me a couple of days to read through in small bites, and then I felt I needed to read it again! Instead I listened to the performance reading of the dialogue by The Murder Sheet and that was very helpful. Posted before, two parts on youtube for total time ~3 hours, first part age sensitive login required:

youtube = uXTLXRtXwt0

youtube = ZxLsknCIsD8


IMO KAK is a textbook pedophile/hebephile. As many others have noted he is weak, cowardly, jobless as well as having no skills, no career and no ambition; he is immature and narcissistic, physically passive, a couch-surfing couch potato. Like all narcissistic people, he uses projection to insulate himself by putting his own deviant sexual desires on the back of his victim. IOW he would not have unacceptable pedophile desires because he is "okay" - it's those "little *advertiser censored*" who are responsible for his desires.

re: pdf page 57, lines 7-12:

DC speaking
7: ...image of a ... female seven
8: to twelve years old...
10: Emily Anne responds 'what
11: a little *advertiser censored* L.O.L.'
KAK speaking
12: Yeah that's not me.

LE goes on through line 16 suggesting if not KAK then two people were using multiple devices.

IMO KAK's need and fantasy is that little girls want him because little girls are *advertiser censored*. I don't see KAK as the murderer, I don't see that he has that violence in him unless he simply wanted to dispose of witnesses. Chadwell is another story altogether, he scares me, and I am glad he is locked up for the rest of his life. He possesses the physical aggression and deviant paraphilias to murder two girls.
So on this day, in Delphi, there were some outsiders present, some known, maybe more. Starting with JA who visited relatives, and ending with two pedos, KAK and TK. And two girls were killed, having communicated with someone.
Neither of the three fits to me (yes, I considered even JA, as any outsider who likely was not cleared that day, just allowed to participate in the search; but he has a very different voice). Both K’s have the similar build that doesn’t fit on this bridge.

So I am thinking. We don’t yet know the type of the car LE is looking for. Nor where it was parked. But imagine that the person had some money…could he have a GPS-enabled car? In 2017? Very possible. And if so, can GPS searches for Delphi (the shortest route, the least crowded road) be still found? Even phone searches, maybe? He could have left his phone in the car, but GPS searches are done via satellites? And started at the beginning of the route, not in Delphi? Maybe in Kokomo, maybe in Illinois or Kentucky?
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Maybe KAK or his dad sold the login credentials to JBC. :cool:
I have been considering the same thing that this is how KAK makes some money. He seems to have some success trolling children with his stated goal of getting them to send him images. He very well could have sold the info. on Libby, meeting Libby, to anybody. JMO
In case you missed the podcast, it's now available on youtube -- Kayla's Interview with The Murder Sheet

Thanks for the link. I listened to this interview. MOO this story is false. The friend that was with her at the the park in Fort Wayne where she allegedly met KAK doesn't speak to her any more. She never told anyone all those years age 12-18 about communicating with KAK or the meetup at the park. She did not save the texts, images or devices. All of these points are so very conveniently unprovable. She did not contact LE, The Murder Sheet did.

Question: What did he text or say to you?
Answer: ...things a creeper would say....

She did not affirmatively state "he said this, he texted that." This use of the verb "would" is indicative of a fiction, a fantasy; and it is not a concrete event just a vague aspersion.

MOO too many red flags in this interview.
There's a new show on ID called UnderCover/Underage. It deals with this very subject of predators on the net luring and grooming young girls and boys. It was shocking (and disgusting) to see how these guys operate. It can and does happen to thousands upon thousands of naive adolescents every single day.

IDK if this is what happened here, although it does seem to point in this direction. Regardless, Abby and Libby were INNOCENT young girls and some sick *advertiser censored* person(s) brutally murdered them; they need to pay.

It's been far too long for justice for Abby and Libby and answers for their loving families.

YES!!! I cannot stop thinking of them during that show. For anyone who has a hard time watching that stuff, just watch episode 6. It is the one that put a lot of things together for me, regarding how Libby possibly got roped in.

The transcript mentions money sent to Libby. This episode both opened my eyes and broke my heart for how this could have gone down.

KAK says he says the same thing to many many girls. Just to get what he wants. That also seemed very obvious in this show.

I couldn't help but to have the girls on my mind while watching. I am also very glad the internet wasn't a thing when I was that age. I think the vast majority of little girls could get caught up in a hot dude (even though he was fake) telling them they love them or whatever. Over and over in that show these grown men told these young girls all the "right" things.
YES!!! I cannot stop thinking of them during that show. For anyone who has a hard time watching that stuff, just watch episode 6. It is the one that put a lot of things together for me, regarding how Libby possibly got roped in.

The transcript mentions money sent to Libby. This episode both opened my eyes and broke my heart for how this could have gone down.

KAK says he says the same thing to many many girls. Just to get what he wants. That also seemed very obvious in this show.

I couldn't help but to have the girls on my mind while watching. I am also very glad the internet wasn't a thing when I was that age. I think the vast majority of little girls could get caught up in a hot dude (even though he was fake) telling them they love them or whatever. Over and over in that show these grown men told these young girls all the "right" things.
ITA, I couldn't imagine having a daughter this age or being one with all of the things they are exposed to online.

Scary stuff realizing that people actually troll online for innocent, vulnerable victims 24/7.
Personal Thoughts Nothing More

I personally do not think either KAK or TK murdered Libby & Abby.

I personally think they are evil nasty people and need to be off the streets. It’s just a personal thought based on nothing more than gut instinct, however I do think they know what likely happened and who and why.

I tend to be in agreement with those that think these people are very small fish in a big sea and now they are being used as the bait to reel the bigger fish in.

Irrelevant of what KAK does now. With the charges he has against him and by his own admission he is likely to be in prison for a long time and doesn’t even deny some of his weirdly perverse actions.

As I pondered on the factory re-set of his phone I think of my own actions when I lost, mislaid my work phone. I simply factory reset my phone from my laptop. No I never did find the phone but whoever did, Did not have my or my contacts details

Now this brings me to something that should be talked about. KAK appears not to be the sharpest tool in the box he builds in Canva on his mobile. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that but it does show a certain amount of naivety.

What happens if he is not digitally security aware and at some point in time has asked a mate for help setting up something somewhere that required passwords whether it be to a Wfi Router or an online profile It was saved by the mate. Suddenly there are three people who have access not only to the WiFi Signal but possibly social media accounts as well.

It is very clear to me once again Personal Opinion Only. That the transcripts were available for a short period of time, Once downloaded access to them was removed or vanished. I think they were published briefly and purposely alongside, knowingly and then made public.

I think the whole thing is orchestrated to keep the likes of the Delphi Social Media community talking about the case and then you have to ask why? In my mind that is quite simple. The perpetrator of Libby & Abby’s murder is amongst us THE ONLINE COMMUNITY hiding in plain sight, seeking information.

That is my own personal opinion as for the Klines they appear to be small Fish in a huge sea.

May today be the Day and the Big Fish is finally caught and eventually leads to those/they /them S/He murders of Libby & Abby
Not yet anyway.

I also don't see what his size has to do with being able or not to tip toe across that bridge? We don't know how long it took him to cross it.

Again, my opinion only.
We don't know that he even crossed the bridge. Did he have a partner? Did he come in through the cemetery, pass the girls near the end of the bridge and turn around behind them? The cemetery is about 600 feet from the crime scene (and half mile give or take from the south end of the bridge) = a little over a mile is not that much
Tip Toe - I have to laugh he wasn’t 7 stone. He also couldn’t chase after them. I have seen videos and that bridge wouldn’t of been a easy walk for somebody half his size.

How do we know he crossed the bridge? Just because he's nicknamed "Bridge Guy" ? It was also called "Snapchat murders" and we weren't allowed to discuss that for almost 5 years.
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