Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #94

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Hello Sleuthers,

Long time reader, but finally made a username so I could be a part of the discussion! The Hannah Graham case brought me here, and I have followed this case from the beginning. My work has kept me from staying up on the threads for the past few days but just wanted to throw out my thoughts.

With the latest press conference my hope is renewed that they will catch the person that did this and I believe it will be sooner rather than later.

Regarding LE asking for info about a vehicle that was parked at the old social services building-

I believe LE knows more about the vehicle than they made it appear. The color, type and I would think the make. However I do not understand why they did not release it. There is something they know that is critical to the vehicle in relation to the case IMO. If it was a case of someone in the town saying “well I remember a white truck being there that day” and they wanted to rule out if it was even relevant to the case, I think they would have given a general description (white truck, red Chevy, etc) and then said please call if that was you. It will be interesting to see how the vehicle plays into this once the killer is found. I think the new sketch is related as well. SOMETHING has taken place that caused them to release this info and go in a “new direction”. I would think it would have to be a witness who recently came forward or maybe even a family member/friend of the killer who knows what happened. I think LE needs the killer to make a mistake so they can arrest him and have an air tight case for trial. I do not believe that this is a cold case (anymore) and that they are hot on the trail.

Yes. Everything you said I am in agreement with. The car is probably very much connected to the new sketch. I agree that they already know everything about the car. They need corroboration, and are hoping someone comes forward as an eye witness or as an independent person who can identify make and model to add to the case.MOO
I don’t disagree at all, because who could know other than those who provided possible edits to the audio, the investigators and the killer?

I tend to think there was some verbiage from BG or the girls in between, so was scrambled because it was NOT relevant in understanding the voice the investigators want the public to focus. It could have been only noise and pause between the only words we have heard from BG, but it makes, at least some sense, the voice capture has been edited- hate to say it, but redacted. ;)
IronOrchid, Welcome.:):)
If possibly an accomplice is on the audio as you suggest, then LE would also be checking out friends of the suspect.
This could be a reason to suggest BG has support, not being a loner.

Thanks, and off topic but uhhh... I keep seeing "Moo" here. I think it means "My Own Opinion," but before I make an *advertiser censored* of myself, I'd like confirmation that I read it right....
5. things jump out to me -
1. raised shoulders and hands supporting weight at his hips. he is not strong - he uses his upper traps to carry the weight his hands are supporting.
2. head down and forward - making himself or his neck look shorter?
3. lifting knees higher than needed with extra intention - as if he has to work harder to get the legs to move normally.
4. bony frame, obscured by a bunch of crap. (narrow hips, visible in a few frames, obscured by "fanny pack").
5. long arms - to have shoulders elevated, and hands at hip level, to have the amount of bend in his elbows he would need to have lengthy limbs.

again, his head seems to almost bob - forward, down, to the left, back to neutral - like he's having a hard time maintaining the disguise posture.

Yes. The PC mentioned to focus on his mannerisms AS he walks, and stated it is not his normal walk because of the bridge. So Mannerisms, not the walk, seems like a clue to his identity.

Now the million dollar question ....

So .... what are the mannerisms to focus on?
Hello Sleuthers,

Long time reader, but finally made a username so I could be a part of the discussion! The Hannah Graham case brought me here, and I have followed this case from the beginning. My work has kept me from staying up on the threads for the past few days but just wanted to throw out my thoughts.

With the latest press conference my hope is renewed that they will catch the person that did this and I believe it will be sooner rather than later.

Regarding LE asking for info about a vehicle that was parked at the old social services building-

I believe LE knows more about the vehicle than they made it appear. The color, type and I would think the make. However I do not understand why they did not release it. There is something they know that is critical to the vehicle in relation to the case IMO. If it was a case of someone in the town saying “well I remember a white truck being there that day” and they wanted to rule out if it was even relevant to the case, I think they would have given a general description (white truck, red Chevy, etc) and then said please call if that was you. It will be interesting to see how the vehicle plays into this once the killer is found. I think the new sketch is related as well. SOMETHING has taken place that caused them to release this info and go in a “new direction”. I would think it would have to be a witness who recently came forward or maybe even a family member/friend of the killer who knows what happened. I think LE needs the killer to make a mistake so they can arrest him and have an air tight case for trial. I do not believe that this is a cold case (anymore) and that they are hot on the trail.

Welcome CharminCharli with your first post.:):)
The new sketch was made a few days after the murder, and only now released.
Perhaps someone has spoken to LE, which initiated the initial sketch to be important.
I don't think a 13 year old is too smart for the FBI. They have her devices. If she had secret social media they would have found it.
Respectfully snipped for focus, and respectfully have an opposing POV.

Devices and social media accounts can be mutually exclusive. She could have accessed social media (Abby) from any device - even in the library. I'm stickin to this theory. My point being if there wasn't a planned liaison, she might have told him their hiking plans. This just lines up for me. But as I always reinforce...."amateur opinion and speculation only" : )
I don't understand what the point of signing in is, unless they also had to show i.d., because the killer could just sign a different name - any name and any phone #.
But if someone did sign in with a phony name, that would raise a red flag, given that the local population is small. Then they could definitely survey the room of attendees and determine which one it was who did not give a correct name. And that would be great evidence. More so, if he gave his correct name. (They would know most folks, so determining that they gave correct names would be easy.) Just my opinion.
Is the one you're thinking about a photo taken from Cr 300 and it vaguely shows the cabin through the trees? I kept a screen cap of that one but haven't posted it because I don't know where/who it came from. The distance between Cr300 and the cabin is appx. 400'.

Here's a screen cap (hopefully I posted it right) of what has also been depicted as the cabin. This is an older cap because it's easier to recognize as a building; it's still there in GE after the girls were murdered. It can't be seen when the trees are leafed out.

I do believe this is the one I was thinking of that @skibaboo posted,but perhaps it was from an opposite angle. Thank you for posting.

There still is another shed I’m thinking of that was in a video in a passing glance. Nearer to the road and cemetery I think.
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Wow, that is the clearest version I’ve seen yet. LE should release this version to the general public. There is no doubt that people that know this guy would be able to ID him if they watched Grays enhancement.
I agree and thanks for re-posting the link. After reading some comments on there, I don’t feel my theory (state or federal agent/inspector/investigator) is as “out there” as I had originally thought. One of the comments was interesting, speculating on the way he said “guys....down the hill”, that in his everyday job he’s use to directing people. I agree with this comment. I think he sounds very calm and authoritative. IMO
I’m a newbie this year to WS but am curious which POIs have actually posted on the forum? That’s crazy to know! Scary too.

The perp in the Abraham Shakepeare case. Also, most of us are totally convinced that a poster who kept getting banned and appears with a new screen name in a thread about Ally Brueger who was shot while jogging, is the person who killed her: Who failed polygraph in case of murdered nurse?
Thanks, and off topic but uhhh... I keep seeing "Moo" here. I think it means "My Own Opinion," but before I make an *advertiser censored* of myself, I'd like confirmation that I read it right....

Yes, MOO means My Own Opinion so people don’t interpret it is a fact. If it is a fact, a quote from MSM should be supplied.

I should have supplied a MOO on my post, looking at this!
“Hiding in plain sight” has been used in the past to highlight the way our society perceives in their suspects. When we hear about a horrific crime like this we tend to picture someone with an appearance and social status that matches the horror of the crime. So the mugshot that does NOT surprise us is the unclean and unshaven stranger with the dark soulless eyes and dirty clothes. You can see that also in pop culture when movies, for example, tend to leave what the monster looks like to the viewer since they would always imagine something more horrific than what the movie maker could show.

In a case where the profile is pointing to something outside society’s norm of a cold blooded killer it is said that the suspect is “hiding in plain sight”. That can be directed both towards physical appearance (youthful features, clean cut, polite and soft spoken) and social status (rich, in a position of standing, etc).

Hope that helps.

Great explanation. Very helpful!
5. things jump out to me -
1. raised shoulders and hands supporting weight at his hips. he is not strong - he uses his upper traps to carry the weight his hands are supporting.
2. head down and forward - making himself or his neck look shorter?
3. lifting knees higher than needed with extra intention - as if he has to work harder to get the legs to move normally.
4. bony frame, obscured by a bunch of crap. (narrow hips, visible in a few frames, obscured by "fanny pack").
5. long arms - to have shoulders elevated, and hands at hip level, to have the amount of bend in his elbows he would need to have lengthy limbs.

again, his head seems to almost bob - forward, down, to the left, back to neutral - like he's having a hard time maintaining the disguise posture.

I think you might be reading a a bit too much into this, with all due respect. To me, he just looks like a slightly overweight fellow with bad posture. Albeit one who is looking towards the sun, oddly enough...
Respectfully snipped for focus, and respectfully have an opposing POV.

Devices and social media accounts can be mutually exclusive. She could have accessed social media (Abby) from any device - even in the library. I'm stickin to this theory. My point being if there wasn't a planned liaison, she might have told him their hiking plans. This just lines up for me. But as I always reinforce...."amateur opinion and speculation only" : )

Or she could've just told him her hiking plans in person. That's possible. And had no idea he's a crazy creep that was going to try to stalk her.

But then we get back to they didn't recognize the guy. They referred to him as a creepy guy, apparently. And I think if at some point they did recognize him that would be on
the recording- "Mr. So and so! Why are you doing this?"
It was just painful to see everything from that initial day. Did not mean to be annoying. There was a lot of interesting info in there. Page nine and ten were hard.

Yes... it reminds me back when I had a pencil and notepad pausing, writing, pausing. All that happens in the basement stays in the basement (and within parenthesis).

ETA and OT: Where are Skipaboo and Her?
It was just painful to see everything from that initial day. Did not mean to be annoying. There was a lot of interesting info in there. Page nine and ten were hard.

I'm talking about everyone responding to you saying Holy hell and how finally they're getting it but no one is giving a link to where to start. You simply referred to the thread as a whole, I believe.
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