Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #94

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1. BG had this pre-calculated IMO even if he didn’t know “who” the victim(s) might be in advance; I’ll never believe someone not already familiar with the location/terrain pulled this off. He had to have known where he was leading them to and what the surroundings would be.

2. As others have said, I don’t believe BG has physical disabilities; any noticeable gait issues I attribute to the stuff he may have been concealing and the condition of the bridge itself.

3. The victims were made more powerless simply by the condition of the bridge (can’t imagine trying to run away on it, and jumping off at that point would be equally challenging); and of course I do believe BG used a weapon to control them.

4. Something I haven’t seen mentioned much: if this bridge was such a popular spot in Delphi, had there ever been other suspicious encounters documented/reported? Really hard to believe BG never stalked the area in advance.

So many questions... hoping for answers to come to light soon!
I’m very curious where he was hiding, if that was his car at the abandoned warehouse. If it was there from 12-5 on 2/13, he had to have been hiding. Well, I guess I need to look at the timeline again because I really can’t recall what time the girls were supposed to be picked up.
I have never thought he has any mobility issues. Ever been walking, picked your foot up, and decided you didn't want it where it was naturally heading? It looks just like a mid step correction to me.

Then add "down the hill" with 2 girls, through brush, across a creek, commit 2 murders, and vanish through a rough and wooded terrain.
I’m also curious how new the car information is. I think had they known then it would have linked him to the car. Who’s giving this information? I wonder if he has called the tip line?
Hi all.
I haven't posted in a long time but something about this case has been bugging me.
What does it mean to "hide in plain sight?" IMO it means not to hide at all. Someone who is hiding in plain site doesn't need to "hide" in normal terms because no one knows they are there. Someone who blends in, like a chameleon. In this case I think it is or could be IMO someone they see (they being Delphi citizens) every day but pay no attention to. Could be a teacher, a janitor, a law enforcement officer, a coach, etc. It is only after someone gets caught that people say "OMG, he was right there, all along!" Someone like that.
Yes I think you are right, hide in plain sight just means to blend in and be inconspicuous, and doing so without much effort.
I think I must have posted it already, at least I remember seeing it.

So-called “steppage gait”

NeuroLogic Examination Videos and Descriptions: Gait > Abnormal

Remember that we expected a distinctive gait fault to lead to Missy Beaver's cold-blooded killer but are still awaiting arrest in that case as well:

TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #44

Note please that Ms. Beaver's Thread #44 is closed -- due to non-case discussion.
I don't see any gait issues. I see a man who is methodically placing his feet on each board on the bridge. I've walked on a bridge like that and you watch what you are doing. Ironically, he knew with the girls on the other side they were trapped. They were not going to run across the bridge to get away.
My $0.02 I don't think BG has any type of mobility issue. I think he's fit as a fiddle. He'd have to be to brazenly take those girls off the bridge, through the creek, up the other side, do whatever he did, and high-tail it out of there unseen.
With the release of the video sequence, it cements what was already understood that BG was walking close to the opposite edge of the bridge from where (I assume it was Libby) was positioned whilst she was making the recording. BG then appears to change trajectory almost mid step, as if crossing diagonally towards LG & AW, which was also apparent even when the public only had the 3 stills to go by.

Someone posted a thread or two back in regards to bridge etiquette. That etiquette being (if I'm not mistaken) that one should wait for the bridge to be clear of other walkers in its entirety before crossing. In any case, it's easy to assume an alternative etiquette where if people found themselves passing by on such a bridge, you could expect the parties to stick to the opposing edges in the same manner as opposing traffic lanes on a road , i.e. on the right-hand side in USA.

IMO it seems as if BG is walking on the opposite edge as if complying to such etiquette, then suddenly making a bee line towards the girls. In those initial frames at least, BG appears as if he could just be any old guy minding his own business, taking a leisurely stroll. Who knows what motivated Libby to record BG leading up to this. What other behaviour may have been observed or whether it was a gut feeling.

Apologies if this has already been discussed in every which way. I wish I had the time to catch up on every thread from start to end!
With the release of the video sequence, it cements what was already understood that BG was walking close to the opposite edge of the bridge from where (I assume it was Libby) was positioned whilst she was making the recording. BG then appears to change trajectory almost mid step, as if crossing diagonally towards LG & AW, which was also apparent even when the public only had the 3 stills to go by.

Someone posted a thread or two back in regards to bridge etiquette. That etiquette being (if I'm not mistaken) that one should wait for the bridge to be clear of other walkers in its entirety before crossing. In any case, it's easy to assume an alternative etiquette where if people found themselves passing by on such a bridge, you could expect the parties to stick to the opposing edges in the same manner as opposing traffic lanes on a road , i.e. on the right-hand side in USA.

IMO it seems as if BG is walking on the opposite edge as if complying to such etiquette, then suddenly making a bee line towards the girls. In those initial frames at least, BG appears as if he could just be any old guy minding his own business, taking a leisurely stroll. Who knows what motivated Libby to record BG leading up to this. What other behaviour may have been observed or whether it was a gut feeling.

Apologies if this has already been discussed in every which way. I wish I had the time to catch up on every thread from start to end!
It does seem to me that last step he heads straight to his left towards the girls. Just the thought of that is terrifying. Those poor girls :(
1. BG had this pre-calculated IMO even if he didn’t know “who” the victim(s) might be in advance; I’ll never believe someone not already familiar with the location/terrain pulled this off. He had to have known where he was leading them to and what the surroundings would be.

2. As others have said, I don’t believe BG has physical disabilities; any noticeable gait issues I attribute to the stuff he may have been concealing and the condition of the bridge itself.

3. The victims were made more powerless simply by the condition of the bridge (can’t imagine trying to run away on it, and jumping off at that point would be equally challenging); and of course I do believe BG used a weapon to control them.

4. Something I haven’t seen mentioned much: if this bridge was such a popular spot in Delphi, had there ever been other suspicious encounters documented/reported? Really hard to believe BG never stalked the area in advance.

So many questions... hoping for answers to come to light soon!
After watching Gray Hughes’ video walking the path Abby & Libby took and where they ended up I have no doubt this guy was VERY familiar with the area. He knew to avoid the farms and where the creek would be shallow enough to cross.
I think part of the hiding in plain sight was partly due to the other sketch and I don't think it will be as easy now that the new (old) sketch has been released.

Have you ever met someone and their voice was surprising? Their voice just didn't match their appearance? I remember a time when I had the news playing in the background while I was working in another room. I could hear a former top government official talking. He sounded big, strong, bold, intelligent, someone who would be respected by all. Then I passed through the room and there was this little dweeby looking guy with that voice coming from his mouth. I was so surprised that the next time he was on TV I had my husband watch because he doesn't look how he sounds.

Anyhow this sketch of a younger BG IMO doesn't match the older voice on the audio and that could be the very thing that tips someone off to his identity. He's the guy who sounds so much older than he looks.
It does seem to me that last step he heads straight to his left towards the girls. Just the thought of that is terrifying. Those poor girls :(

Maybe at that point he witnessed her filming him and was trying to get her to stop?

But you would assume if he knew she was filming he would have taken her phone off her (I'm not actually sure if LE recovered the phone or just got data from the cloud or something so apologies if I'm way off with this I have seen conflicting reports about whether the phone was recovered)
Maybe at that point he witnessed her filming him and was trying to get her to stop?

But you would assume if he knew she was filming he would have taken her phone off her (I'm not actually sure if LE recovered the phone or just got data from the cloud or something so apologies if I'm way off with this I have seen conflicting reports about whether the phone was recovered)

LE has verified they have the physical phone. There are multiple links in the threads to support this as fact.
I can't believe there has not been an arrest yet in this case! I still think they know exactly who he is, which just confuses and frustrates me so much!

If they do know the name of the sketch person and just don't have enough evidence to arrest, can't they ask him to submit a DNA sample? They must have quite a bit on him to put that sketch out there - wouldn't that be enough for a search warrant, fingerprints, DNA, questioning, lie detector, etc?
Moo, but I think that if I were the witness that provided the younger looking sketch, that is now the person of interest, I would have been very vocal about it early on.
Moo, but I think that if I were the witness that provided the younger looking sketch, that is now the person of interest, I would have been very vocal about it early on.
I can see what you’re saying, but unless I’d seen him actually commit the murders, I would probably have assumed that the police released the other sketch because they had information I didn’t. MOO of course.
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