Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #97

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Honestly I have never heard one ounce of skepticism out of that family.

Do you have link from msm or an interview?

Oh agreed! I haven’t heard any skepticism either. That post may have been phrased oddly as I was still editing, what I meant is that since the original sketch has now been dismissed, might they now question the accuracy of this new sketch. Hope this makes sense.

In other words, will they think, “well if they had it wrong before, what’s to say they don’t have it wrong this time?” Just a thought. My point exactly though in agreement with you is @ab01 that they haaaaave been so hopeful and optimistic about it.

I guess in a nutshell I’m just wondering if they trust this new sketch.
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Oh agreed! I haven’t heard any skepticism either. That post may have been phrased oddly, what I meant is that since the original sketch has now been dismissed, might they now question the accuracy of this new sketch. Hope this makes sense.

In other words, will they think, “well if they had it wrong before, what’s to say they do t have it wrong this time?” Just a thought. My point exactly though @ab01 was that they haaaaave been so hopeful and optimistic about it.

I guess in a nutshell I’m just wondering if they trust this new sketch.

Ahhh gotcha, I’m not sure we will ever know unless this case goes unsolved for yrs and yrs JMO

And they speak out of frustration , but we aren’t even sure who to be frustrated with? A witness that lied? A witness that was remembering incorrectly?

Stay tuned moo
It's my hope that someone in BG's life puts all of the little things together-the sketch, the way he walked on the bridge, the voice clip, and (maybe most importantly) his behavior after the crime.

(Italics inserted by me)
WS-ers, the more I think about this (and especially the many posts discussing DNA possibilities: Does LE have it? What have they learned from it? When will we find out?, etc., etc.), the more something I read maybe 10 or more years ago pops to the front of my mind. Not about DNA, per se, but about..."voice fingerprints". (I know, sounds a bit off-the-wall, right? But this concept first began to be discussed -- perhaps by some audio engineers at first, then later by the FBI -- over 10 years ago.) So I went digging around a bit, though had a tough time finding much (short of a few super-techy things that most of us may not understand). Here are a few tidbits -- hopefully someone else in the WS community can tell us more about it (the present-day accuracy levels, etc.). By the way, 10-15 years ago (when voice "fingerprints" were initially hypothesized), what we now know of as "voice actuation" (used by certain large corporations for security purposes) was in its infancy... There was no "Alexa" back then who would "memorize" a person's speech patterns/audio waves, etc. Everyone's heard of "Alexa". (I mention this regarding present-day applications.)

So many of us have listened, multiple times, to the "Down the hill...guys" audio clip. While I understand that the audio is fuzzy quality, I wonder...what are the possibilities that pinning down BG's "voice fingerprint" would bring LE even closer to BG's actual identity? Would love to hear from others on this topic.

Here are a few articles (I'd love to read even *more* up-to-date research about this technology and applications to forensic research, as well as more of the details regarding how voice audio that has been captured during a crime is used to narrow down a POI):

Voice 'Fingerprints' Change Crime-Solving (note: this story is from 2008 -- not exactly recent, but at least it's a start). Here's a quick part of it:

Running an audio clip of someone's voice through the system, called FASR, prompts bright squiggly lines to rise and fall. Each voice is quite distinct. While the pattern isn't as definitive as DNA, the FBI says, FASR gets pretty close.

Here's one other article (more on biometrics than specifically about "voice fingerprints"):

Top Five Biometrics: Face, Fingerprint, Iris, Palm and Voice

Here's a short part of this second article:

Forensic applications commonly perform a speaker identification process initially to create a list of best matches. Then a series of verification processes are done to determine a conclusive match. In these systems, the emphasis is on the vocal features that produce speech and not on the sound or pronunciation of speech.
From the research I’ve read (albeit from 2009), the suspect is not a “pillar of the community”. He likely does not have many friends at all in his own age group. He likely has problems dating and with women in general. He is likely unemployed or works sporadically in a field such as construction. These indicators point to someone who is likely in the lower socioeconomic bracket. Quite frankly, this is a person who does not feel as though they “have their together” in life.

Again, he preyed on these girls for the feeling of power. Why? Because he likely does not feel powerful in any facet of his life otherwise.

At the press conference I assumed every single word was carefully scripted by the FBI. I just can’t believe the odd mention of “the shack” was a random addition by an emotional LEO. There is a tweet by Kelsi German on 6/7/18 that also mentions “The Shack”. Is the suspect following social media after the murders? Did he “like” that tweet?
Ted Bundy started well in college, went into politics, I think he was a fundraiser for one of the parties, and then quit this job. He indeed must have been charming and charismatic, but what I don't see around him would be a single male friend.

There are female friends, Ann Rule among them, girlfriends, coworkers, but not a single guy with whom you.. you know, do guys' stuff. Fish, hike, go to sports events.

And this is sort of suspicious by itself. Did the male peer community reject him, or were his interests so far away from them?

Probably guys saw through his bs. Where if women found him attractive could charm them easier.
Found it! From A&E website:

And armchair detectives are even taking their interest in the case a step further by creating YouTube reenactments of the crime.

“[The videos] help us know that people don’t know [the true details], because the facts haven’t been released,” Holeman says. “People watch the news and think they are picking up on things, but it’s false. Nothing out there is accurate, which only leads to more false tips.”
Thank you for finding that!

I think they sometimes forget what they said in previous interviews. Here's another Holeman interview in which he said:
"Whoever did this is probably the only person who knows some details of this case. A lot of people think they know and there's are a lot of people in the area, there is a lot of information out there that is known but sometimes it's embellished or over-exaggerated and we just talked to the family the other day to try and squash some rumors. But the public needs to know that whoever did this, they are the only ones that know, one or two people...however many, we don't know, but if it's one person, he's the only person who knows this ... he's the only one that knows the details...(talks a bit about protecting the integrity of the investigation and going to trial) and people guess and sometimes they get close. When they do that, it jeopardizes our investigation and we really frown upon that. We realize everybody wants to help, I mean even within our own community here, there's people out there doing their own investigative work. We appreciate that but sometimes it kind of impedes our investigation so keep calling in tips or leads... let us do our job."

I thought you lived in Delphi for some wild reason. Then I went oh. Mountains. My powers of deduction lol.

I have family there and we visit regularly. I've spent my life traveling back and forth, but I've never lived there. Growing up "vacation" never meant going anywhere like the beach or big city-it always meant piling up in the car and going to stay with Aunt Ruby or Jane. :) Lots of kids=headaches for the adults. We got kicked out of the house a lot and therefore spent a good deal of time in the park. It's surreal to see it in the news. I'd literally never heard anyone outside of friends or family mention Delphi before this crime.
MassGuy, off the top of your head, and I am asking seriously and not in a challenging way (I will clearly state if I am being challenging lol), is can you (or anyone else) name an example of a perp who would be similar to what you’re thinking about being dumb and just lucky and able to evade for so long? I’m sure there are tons of examples but I was trying to think about this the other day and was not recalling any specific examples off the top of my head. Tia.

What about Ashley Freeman and Lauria Bible? None of those people involved were criminal masterminds and at least 2 dozen people knew who did it and never talked. They were just dumb and lucky to go 2 decades without getting caught.

However, this crime did not occur in the deep south.

BG does not have a southern accent, either.
He's not from the South.

These murders took place in Indiana. The Midwest.
What is relevant here is how "guys" is used colloquially in the Midwest as the plural of "you."
It's used this way irrespective of gender.

In the Midwest, which is where the murders occurred, "guys" is absolutely a gender neutral term.
There is no question whatsoever about this.

JMMO (Just My Midwestern Opinion).
I read Not A Belle as agreeing with you. Am I confused?
I have started paying attention to peoples chins. A lot of men have a longer chin I don’t think we can attribute this to a genetic problem. I think he just has a longer chain.

Agree. Invisible complicated medical problems can't be diagnosed via blurry video or from a sketch provided by a subjective witness. Some people just have features that are naturally larger than others. And we won't even know how accurate the representation of said features are until BG is caught.
I think they are.

IMO this isn't the first time this person has done this either.

ETA: I also think that two people are involved.
I agree. There might be two perps. I also feel its not the first time for them as well. It could be two people and of course they would cover for each other. The witnesses that seen these two could be that they weren't supposed to be there. They ditched work. Did someone mention that there is a chicken processing businesses? Could it have been a lunch break or something? IDL Anyone else wonder this same thing?
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