IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #12

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If anyone needs a break from the case (don't we all, at some point?), searching autocorrect bloopers can give you some hearty laughs.

I'm STILL getting grin-mileage from Giacalone AND Jackalone (but that's just me!) :D

NOW back to the case...
This case is moving so fast here I've not been able to keep up. (Not that it is any faster than some others, it's more due to what is going on with me outside Websleuths - Life Happens.)

I've listened to the audio several times on more than media source and I can't really pick out an accent. The voice just seems neutral to me. LE indicated that they have more and this is all they are giving the public because they believe this is enough.

I don't know if I would recognize that voice without more, but maybe with the photos and the audio someone in that area can recognize it. With over thousands of tips called, maybe LE has it already but just hasn't been able to follow up.

I wonder why Libby got a video of this guy? (Or were others captured on video as well, but then why would LE focus on this one?) I'm wondering if they encountered him going the other way toward the parking lot as they were going out. They said 'hi' and got a strange response or maybe just his demeanor in general. Then they encountered him again as they turned around to go back or they later noticed he was behind them following? I don't see this being something planned. I'm wondering if this guy had something going on in his life - break up with a girl friend, family issue, work issue - and he took offense to some otherwise innocent remark or giggling. Such a act may have been between the girls and nothing to do with him. And he snapped. I believe when they find this guy their going to find he has had domestic issues in the past.

Just a thought. After the Sherri Papini case I really saw that things can be way off from what seem in the beginning.
Yeah...that one is weird!
I am with you.

I think he left the bodies so that they would be found out in the open. He was going for shock value to the people who found them and he was denigrating his victims all the more by leaving them exposed.

(By "exposed" I mean out in the open, not buried or hidden. We don't know what if any clothing they were wearing.)

I also think he is watching the coverage, and the WHOLE PROCESS from planning, to luring, to killing, to watching it all unfold is what this perp is about. It's not just the short amount of time harming the girls at motivates him and satisfies him - it's all of it.

jmopinion at the moment

I tend to agree that the perp is flaunting this crime.

I am astounded that the victim could have gotten this video and tend not to believe that the perp was aware that was happening.

He will be found IMO but will it be soon enough? The electronic billboard campaign is remarkable. LE either has no DNA (hard to believe IMO), has DNA with no match, or has a match but the perp is at large.

Location of bodies is incorrect. -Nin

'Could be. How much "off" is the location.. do ya' think, NIN?

ETA: Are we able to see the "cemetery" outline in GH's video? *I'm gonna go take another look-see
If it's RL. He's listed as "former member"

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Someone here told him his posts were creepy - maybe he got insulted...
he was fairly (and unnecessarilly) graphic...
Someone here told him his posts were creepy - maybe he got insulted...
he was fairly (and unnecessarilly) graphic...

He was taking all of his "readings" off one person's Facebook page and crafting stories from details from it. It was 100% bizarre.
RL's posts were reported by many due to their overly descriptive and graphic nature. I'm assuming the mods removed them, because they were indeed weird. I think it's best to leave it at that.

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Someone here told him his posts were creepy - maybe he got insulted...
he was fairly (and unnecessarilly) graphic...

I remember this! And I do believe that is the last post I saw from that poster as well! I just couldn't get over how detailed and yes, graphic, the poster was. I had a strange feeling about that one from the start which is why I remember the join date!
He looks like he rides a motorcycle.

I see nothing that suggests that except the bandana, but the way he is wearing it is all wrong. How cold was it there on the day the girls were murdered though? He is really bundled up though. That thought could explain why he has so much clothes on but the hoodie would be flying all around and he has a hat. He was prepared for the cold. Maybe in case he had to flee through woods. I wonder what was in fanny pack. He was hunting. He was hunting a different kind of prey. Two little girls.

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I have to agree. You would think with all the technology/internet/SM we have now that people would be much more informed, but it seems to be just the opposite. Or maybe there has been such an increase in the evil and crimes committed we've just become desensitized. Sad world we live in!

Not everyone wants to scour the planet for murderous violence. I don't think people in general, are uncaring or self absorbed.

Maybe they are just enjoying happiness.

Surely people have a right to choose not to read bad news everyday of their lives?

Bad things happen all the time. Some people would rather not saturate their lives in violent news.

It's not a sad world we live in, unless we make it one. Terrible thing happen, but really wonderful things happen too.

Its up to us, LE, the make this case widely known and convey the urgency to lift it to reach people who don't often focus their attention on "bad news". ( which is not a sign of being a terrible, horrible, selfish person!). IMO
It's very possible I may have mixed this up with another case, but I swear on all that is holy I read in an article that they were found without their pants on. Please take that as my crazy mind for now, because I have gone over every article I had saved and can not find that statement again. It may have been redacted quickly or it may have been me mixing cases. I follow so many and it's happened to me before. Does anyone else recall reading that very early on in this case? I thought maybe someone else had caught that and then it was gone and was thinking like I am, maybe I am crazy and mixing cases...??? I remember the statement being said along with how the girls were found they were lead to believe it was a homicide. Ugh, for the life of me it's driving me crazy. I honestly hope that isn't the case. Why else would their pants be off unless some final form of humiliation? Or I suppose it's possible he made them take them off in the hopes of them not running away because they had no pants on? Just another control technique? I don't want to focus too much on this because I can't back up what I swear I had read in the beginning of all of this. I just wanted to know if anyone else had seen that little blurb before it was disappeared?


I have never seen any such statement but I didn't start watching news carefully until this case was about a week old, FWIW.
Theories on why no one has called in "the" tip to identify this guy?

I really wish LE would push the "save the next victim" idea. Someone who wants to avoid the turmoil of turning in a family member or acquaintance might be motivated by the idea of preventing another murder.

Speaking of Missy Bevers, I am wondering how long before LE has to issue a public plea for people to stop reporting everyone and his dog (or mannequin) as a suspect. We have already seen the harassment of the people at the first warrant. Now, we have people encouraging others to report a random dude from the Internet who simply may have decided that the site wasn't for him. This is what I meant about Internet "sleuths" actually getting in the way of LE and destroying the lives of innocent people. Everyone here better hope no one ever takes a shine to them as a suspect...

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I see your point. I've commented before that I cringed when LE spoke at the press conference about calling in any tip and not overthinking it's validity (not the exact words). They thanked the media and asked for the public's help. Initially it seemed more locally focused but now that it has expanded across the nation and they have not clarified what constitutes a tip, I'm not surprised in the response. I also understand not wanting to deter anyone because that just might be the one they are looking for.

Considering they are working around the clock with numerous LE agencies, I'm sure most of what has been reported from internet sleuths are things they have already seen (fb profiles in the area, rso lists, etc). With a national push, most people turn to social media and internet sleuthing if they do not personally know anyone resembling the suspect. I also hope I never resemble anyone that commits a heinous crime.

The tip that they need is going to likely come from a very close relative, spouse, or friend that is not yet willing to believe this person could do something like that. Or, maybe they have already got that tip. Hopefully.

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Like other cases I take the locals lead on the demographics etc.

This case, said respectfully you can't hear my tone, you all aren't doing your sweet little town any favors. You are making every guy in their 40s sound like a bumbling idiot. IMO.

I wish you could read tone- I don't think anyone intends for it to come across that way. But I agree if you aren't from there it's a different type of guy that I would describe as mid forties. My husband is 45 and in no way trendy, but if compared to this guy with a photo there are drastic differences. We consider ourselves pretty down to earth, outdoorsy etc.

This is why I love the local perspective so much- we travel a lot in the US and out, but if I am ever anywhere near Delphi (within 5-6 hours) I will be for sure visiting this bridge- just a beautiful place to get photos (if you like that kind and I do).

I mean this post with the utmost sincerity- I don't think anyone in this town is a bumbling idiot.

Edited to say- and if I'm ever there I'm going to need a huge dose of courage to walk that bridge!

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I'm not saying you are right or wrong... Just saying a number of folks here would be under suspicion for various crimes based on join date. Google Abby and Libby's name and WS pops up. People join. It might be that simple.

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OMG. Just TRY to read some of the information posted by the guy on the internet (the one with the Colorado killer name). It's insane.
No this is not a hoodie in this mugshot its a jacket similar if not a Carhartt
work jacket. Many farmers, hunters, and just plain ole regular people wear them. I used to wear one at my last job, it was a knock
off but it was provided for me. here is a pic.....

Would BG wear a jacket over a jacket? that just doesn't make sense to me. I see a sweatshirt hoodie under a jacket tho.

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I have never seen any such statement but I didn't start watching news carefully until this case was about a week old, FWIW.

I don't recall anything other than LE stating after they were found that it was a double homicide. There has been no mention of what the girls were wearing or how their bodies were - just that it was a double homicide case.

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