IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #17

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Not open for further replies.'re not a killer......... so..............

I have believed from the very beginning this was a crime of opportunity. I have read many articles which say sexual predators act when the opportunity arises. They may be always looking for prey to attack but the timing may not be right. Here, tragically, he saw the perfect opportunity when he saw two young teen females alone with no one else around. Some do cruise park areas or wooded areas but then some cruise busy streets searching for a potential victim who is alone and there again, tragically many have found their prey.

A lot of sexual predators kidnap children or even adults in broad daylight right off a busy residential street with the full intentions of raping them..then quickly murder them and discard their bodies afterwards and no one saw or heard a thing. Here, BG, had even a better chance of going undetected.

He doesn't have to be brilliant either to pull something like this off or go through great planning. Most all sexual predators are opportunists. Its always in their mind what they will do as they search for victims should the opportunity be there. There are around 35% of murder cases that go unsolved. Its common sense to believe not all of the offenders were Mensa material. In fact some of those who weren't caught for years or decades and then finally caught turned out many times to be people with low to average IQs.

If he is out of state then I don't believe they will ever find this man unless someone in other states is closely watching the news about this case and has seen the billboards. Even then if he lives with a wife or a girlfriend it could be years before they ever report him to LE. I have seen several unsolved murder cases that were unsolved for years and decades. And the only way they got solved is many years later the suspect and who they had a relationship with at the time finally parted ways and then they will come forward to the police and tell what they have known all of those years. Some have said they were too afraid to report them thinking they would be killed also. So we may be looking at the same circumstances in this case.

He would have to be a hermit living in a cave for no one at all to not recognize him. Now I wonder if he travels for his work such as a salesman or works for contractors who do certain kind of jobs in many different maybe laying cable lines or erecting cell towers, or surveyors, etc.

Whoever said he didn't have to kill them is correct. He didn't have to kill them. They are dead because he wanted them dead. That way there are no living witnesses left behind to tell anyone about what happened to them. Many strangers have killed others they never even knew. We see it happening more and more even in home invasions now that have resulted in all of the people being murdered who were inside the home/s.

It seems more and more it matters not if the offender never knew the victims and strangers are doing some of the most gruesome overkill type of homicides against victims they have never known. Its actually very frightening how easily someone can kill someone they have never laid eyes on until they became their victim/s.

LE can get warrants for the snapchat logs in murder cases. They go poof on the phones/computers, but do no totally disappear from company records for 30 days or so, I believe.

this is correct. users of snapchat can only view snap stories for up to 24h, but law enforcement can request and view any metadata (what users saw the girls posts that day, and at what time, and what device were they using, etc.)

they should know a list of exactly who viewed her snap story that day and be able to determine if they can't ID anyone (you have to add the person as a friend who is viewing it, so it should be somewhat limited to 50-150ish people)
b. Logs of Previous Snaps, Stories, and ChatsSnapchat retains logs for the last 31 days of Snaps sent andreceived, for 24 hours of posted Stories, and for any unopenedChats or those saved by a sender or recipient. The logs contain8meta-data about the Snaps, Stories, and Chats, but not thecontent.Process required for logs of previous Snaps, Stories, and Chats:This information is available pursuant to a court order under 18U.S.C. § 2703(d) or a federal or state search warrant.
Yes, if you look closely at 13:14 you can see the crime scene tape shimmering there in the upper left hand corner.

"13:14"? *shudder*. Sorry, that just caught my eye, although I know it is just coinkydink.
I don't believe a boat or kayak either. The water in the creek is too low, I saw a pic of LE walking in the water and it was below the knees, perhaps ankle deep in some areas. Perhaps 2 foot deep at good times in certain locations but I don't think consistently. Also putting a boat or kayak in/out of the water isn't easy for one person and does leave imprints as it is drug unto a shoreline. Then getting it to a vehicle is another not easy chore. It's not like this is a river and you can just go far down the river for a getaway. It's a creek. Shallow, rocky, sandy. MOO

Can't believe somebody in a small boat or kayak wouldnt have stuck out like a sore thumb, being out on a creek in early February. Seems highly unlikely to me, I live in Ohio and I'm not sure I have ever seen somebody boating in the middle of the winter........My opinion no boat involved
Check out the video I made last night if you want a basic visual rundown of what we really know so far (it's not much). If I left anything out please let me know. Will keep making updated versions as we get more info.


Well done.
Check out the video I made last night if you want a basic visual rundown of what we really know so far (it's not much). If I left anything out please let me know. Will keep making updated versions as we get more info.

Im sorry. I couldn't listen. That computerized voice....

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Is there any road work going on near Delphi? Even as far as 45 minutes out?

I ask because when I go back to visit relatives in Illinois paving, roadwork, and electricians are always staying at the towns only motel. The town has 5,000 population and their local Comfort Inn is constantly booked. Blocks of rooms are reserved for guys doing road work, paving, etc. I never see them actually working nearby so it's possible they drive further out to do their contracted work.

Hopefully local hotels and motels have checked their cameras.
I have believed from the very beginning this was a crime of opportunity. I have read many articles which say sexual predators act when the opportunity arises. They may be always looking for prey to attack but the timing may not be right. Here, tragically, he saw the perfect opportunity when he saw two young teen females alone with no one else around. Some do cruise park areas or wooded areas but then some cruise busy streets searching for a potential victim who is alone and there again, tragically many have found their prey...

I disagree, I think he had this planned out to an almost obsessive degree. Replaying the fantasy over and over. Waiting, stalking & pouncing when the time was right. I think he may have even came up with a mental script of sorts on what to say and do.. "Go down the hill... Cross the creek..." do this do that. Like a director/leading actor in his own sick movie. The area they ended up is very unusual, especially if they did in fact cross the creek. How did he know that would be such a well isolated area and exactly how to access it? The area is perfect because on the north side it's surrounded by hills and the south side is blocked by a creek. I don't think you go into such an area just by accident, you have to be comfortable enough with the area to not risk encountering other hikers, houses, etc.. If this was his first time in this area, he's a professional and at least quickly scouted the area to find the location but I really doubt that.

Any way you look at it, I think you'd have to be very confident in your surroundings to take those girls to that specific location.
Question. So if we have determined that the girls were at the southwest portion of the bridge when the picture was taken, doesn't that mean BG is at the NE part of the bridge? I have a hard time believing he waltzed in on that end. Thoughts?

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I believe the girls were crossing the bridge going SE, apparently BG was following them in the same direction farther up the bridge which will place him NW of the girls..
IndependentFeed: I'm sorry but I can't quote you for some reason.

I'm thinking it's possible that the car is familiar; it's not his.
I also think he and another person did abduct them.

In my mind, the timeline of the woman who said she didn't see anything out of place on the bridge, the time stamp of Abby's pic and the time of the BG just don't add up to them going off the north end of the bridge.
Im sorry. I couldn't listen. That computerized voice....

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Yeah, sorry ... made it last night when people were sleeping nearby :/ if you turn the sound off you can get nearly as much info out of whats being shown I think.
Yeah, sorry ... made it last night when people were sleeping nearby :/ if you turn the sound off you can get nearly as much info out of whats being shown I think.
Great work. You are in tune.

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Question. So if we have determined that the girls were at the southwest portion of the bridge when the picture was taken, doesn't that mean BG is at the NE part of the bridge? I have a hard time believing he waltzed in on that end. Thoughts?

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#1nana, and there lies our dilemma.

We know that the girls entered from the northwest end. They were dropped off there according to the news reports.

We know that they were about midway when Libby snapped those two pics - one of Abby, the other of the bridge.

We know that they were one the southeast end of the bridge when Libby filmed BG - all the foliage and the sun lines up and I do not think that can be discarded.

Which direction did BG come from? That is the 200,000 dollar question. Did he enter the bridge from the north like the girls, but farther behind, catch up and then pounce?

Did he enter from the southeast end, walk past the girls and circle around (causing Libby to be alarmed enough to start filming, just in case)?

The news reports, as I said on an earlier thread, walked the path according to LE - that had the girls exiting or being exited on the northwest end, the same way they came on, then to the right, and "down the hill." Hard to imagine being forced all that way without the danger of being seen.

You went to the area and brought back all those great photos and I was prepared to think that, yes, they had to have been marched across OR tried to escape towards a populated area.

However,there still was no doubt in my mind, because all the lining up of the foliage and the sun, that the girls encountered him at the very southeast end. So, then it makes total sense that they were either accosted there and marched off about ten feet of bridge to the southeast and "down the Hill" OR that they tried to make a run for it towards that house at the end of that road.

BG is heading towards the southeast exit and approaching the girls (theoretically) from the north. So, for me, logically, he either came from the same direction as the girls entered the bridge or he came from the southern end and is circling back in those photos. I can see how it would be logical for him to lay in wait, hidden, to see if they came all the way across or just ventured out a bit and turned around. Once they got that far across, sadly, they were trapped.

But then, oh God, the water, really???? IDK.
If that is a corner of Abby"s jacket .why would LE allow it in the picture when they could have cropped it out?

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Is it this one? looks like a tree


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If that's the case then why 6000 billboards in 46 states, or the suggestion that he may have hitchhiked out of town? That is a some what small town yet no one recognizes him. Jmo
You think he hitchhiked? Someone would remember picking up a hitch hiker. And truthfully, none of us know anything....It is all speculation. I just know that area of Delphi well, and it would be extremely difficult to do what he did if your not familiar with that area. It's hard to find that area when you know where your going, that's how desolate it is.

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LE must have a very good reason for thinking he hitchhiked, not drove there, as it is a most unusual thing for them to have specified.
I've looked at his pic many times....and without a face to see or even part of a could anyone know who this man could be. How would you know from clothes...he has a hoody up over his hair and face. Lots of people have hoodies and jeans. Unless you live with him and know his clothes and know he is kind of strange...and then they may not want to suspect him. I could pass this man right on the street and never know it is how are all the billboards going to help? Just wondering.
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the Websleuths community, If you want to know why the TOA is so strict around here just go and check out some of the wild stuff that goes on in SM groups. It will literally make your head spin and make you come running back here for comfort. SM groups are a dark, dark winding road of wild theories of speculation and accusations. Cheers to the Mods and veteran Sleuthers that make this a top notch and reputable place to be!
Check out the video I made last night if you want a basic visual rundown of what we really know so far (it's not much). If I left anything out please let me know. Will keep making updated versions as we get more info.


This is excellent, thank you so much! Clear and concise, spelling out the two possible paths. Can you add it to the media/maps/timeline thread, if not done already?

I don't think they crossed the creek, but if they did could it have been an attempt by BG to stop any search dogs from following his tracks (at least temporarily) if he intended to exit via the cemetery? Probably not, eh? Just a thought that came while watching your excellent mini docu. (And nice voice btw, haha!)
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